Moonlight Moves You

Chapter 26: Giveaway


At night, Su Xian lay in bed, tossing and turning, unable to sleep. The screen of his cell phone clicked again and again, lighting up again and again, his mind full of thoughts about whether he should send an apology text message to Zuo Yueyao.

After listening to Lu Xiran's words, she felt that she had gone too far in regards to Bai Tian's attitude. Someone came to give her food with good intentions, but she took advantage of him.

Even if Zuo Yueyao didn't tell her that Zhou Ling came to the school to see him, it couldn't be considered Zuo Yueyao's fault. How could she be so unreasonable

In the end, Su Xian did not send out the apology, but he still secretly reminded himself to remember the saying "be grateful for the blessings you have".

Once words are spoken, they cannot be taken back. Yesterday, Su Xian stubbornly refused Zuo Yueyao's offer to teach her how to write a good planning proposal. The next day, when she woke up and her mind was clear again, she began to regret it. But she felt that it would be too shameless to go to him just like that as if she had said nothing.

So Su Xian raised his head and ran to the library to find information.

In the library, some people come to study, while others come to study together. This is a disguised way for couples to express their love. Su Xian searched for a long time in front of the bookshelf but couldn't find the information he wanted. He had to change to a book about level examinations, found a corner, and sat down.

She sighed several times while reading a book until someone sat down next to her.

The seat was empty. Su Xian felt it was awkward to tell others that there was someone here, so she didn't even turn her head and continued reading her book.

Out of the corner of my eye I noticed there was a computer on the table.

This thing is a rare item for Su Xian and he likes it very much, but due to his financial conditions he can only watch others own it.

"Use this to write your proposal."

It’s Zuo Yueyao!

Su Xian felt very happy. He was too embarrassed to come to the man's house on his own initiative, but the man just showed up normally as if nothing had happened and even let bygones be bygones. Su Xian felt ashamed of himself.

"I bought a new computer. I don't need this one anymore. If you don't mind, this one will be yours."

Su Xian looked at the computer carefully. It was as smooth as a new one. He couldn't help wondering, "I definitely don't dislike it. Are you sure it's old?"

After pressing the power button, Zuo Yueyao replied softly: "How do you need me to prove it?"

"No need." Su Xian's little hand reached out quietly and touched the keyboard of the notebook, "But I can only type with two fingers."

"Practice slowly." Zuo Yueyao said, "You will get it naturally after practicing more."

What a rare thing! I was just longing for it, and it suddenly became mine. Is this a pie in the sky



"Why give it to me?"

"I can also give it to others or throw it away." There is a beautiful green wallpaper on the laptop screen. Su Xian always feels familiar with it: "Instead of giving it to others, it is better to give it to you. After all, I am not very familiar with others. If I throw it away, you may think I am a waste."

Su Xian thought this made a lot of sense. A scene flashed through his mind. He pointed at the wallpaper and said, "Isn't this photo the forest behind our village?"

Zuo Yueyao chuckled: "You are quite knowledgeable."

Oh, Su Xian secretly dragged the notebook towards him: "When did you take the photo? How come I don't know? Your photography skills are really good."

Zuo Yueyao changed the subject: "I downloaded some information on how to make a good planning proposal. After reading it, you will know how to do it. If you don't understand anything, you can ask me."

This time Su Xian learned his lesson: "Okay, if you don't understand, I'll ask."

So Su Xian asked: "How do you know I'm in the library?"


Su Xian's lackey praised: "Teacher Zuo, your guess is really accurate. You are worthy of being my idol."

Su Xian looked at the computer, extremely happy. Zuo Yueyao looked at Su Xian calmly. After a moment, he moved his thin lips and said, "Student Su Xian."

"What's wrong, idol?" Su Xian's eyes were fixed on the screen.

"Shouldn't you apologize to me for your attitude last night?"

Su Xian shrank his neck when he heard this. He wanted to apologize, but then he felt that if he apologized like this, it would seem as if he had done nothing wrong, so he decided to make another desperate struggle: "Then I asked you if you were having dinner with your friends, and you said yes. But it's obviously not the case."

Zuo Yueyao was stunned: "How do you know?"

At least he had won back a game, and it was finally his turn to ask her how she knew. Su Xian snorted complacently, "I saw it, but I have to make it clear in advance that I was just passing by and saw it accidentally. I'm not a stalker."

Zuo Yueyao sat next to Su Xian from the beginning. The two of them talked in low voices, occasionally attracting the attention of girls, but Zuo Yueyao didn't care at all. Seeing that he didn't care, Su Xian didn't care either. So, since Zuo Yueyao gave him such a generous gift, she decided to apologize.

Zuo Yueyao spoke before she did: "It's my fault. I shouldn't have lied to you. I promise there won't be a next time."

This guy, it's easy to open a dyeing factory if you give him some color.

"What guarantee do you have?" Su Xian looked like a winner.

Zuo Yueyao probably didn't expect Su Xian to ask this, so he thought about it carefully before answering again: "I will guarantee whatever you want me to guarantee, but it must be reasonable."

"Forget it, no matter what you promise, it's useless! Men's words are lies!"

Zuo Yueyao didn't know whether to laugh or cry: "Who told you this?"

"Ren Shang." Su Xian betrayed Ren Shang completely: "He told me last time."

Zuo Yueyao tapped the computer screen: "Read the information and listen to less nonsense."

Then Zuo Yueyao got up and left. Not long after, he came back and sat down next to Su Xian with a book in his hand. The name of the book was English Level 6 Vocabulary.

Although he felt that what he was going to say next might hurt her self-esteem, Su Xian couldn't help but ask, "Did you pass the Level 4 exam?"

"Well, I had nothing to do, so I took the test."

What a nice coincidence!

Could this be the difference between a poor student and a good student

But Su Xian didn't admit that he was a poor student, so he gritted his teeth and stomped his feet: "I also plan to take the exam."

Zuo Yueyao looked at her and smiled: "Can you handle it?"

"Of course." He was ready to lose the battle: "Do you know how to make a comprehensive plan?"

“We’ll see.”

Su Xian suddenly discovered that Zuo Yueyao had never raised any objection to her plans or arrangements. On the contrary, he had always supported her. This was a spiritual encouragement to Su Xian. She always felt that with Zuo Yueyao's support, she was not alone.

God has been really kind to her.

"Aren't you supposed to be busy with the report with your senior sister? Why don't you go?"

Zuo Yueyao straightened her curious head and said, "I'll accompany you this afternoon." Such a good-looking person is a beautiful scenery. His smile like spring breeze adds another scene to the scenery that makes people unable to look away: "I'll accompany you to read books."

The two of them never spoke again and just quietly did their own things.

It wasn't until Zuo Yueyao's cell phone rang that he took a look and said, "The professor asked me to go to his house. He probably has something to tell me. I can't have dinner with you tonight. You can call your sisters."

"To the professor's house?"

"Well, his house is next to the school."

"Oh, then you should go early and come back early."


Su Xian looked at Zuo Yueyao's back as he left. Seeing that it was getting dark, he carefully closed the notebook, put it into his bag, and went back to the dormitory happily.

As soon as she arrived at the dormitory, amidst Lu Xiran's envy and jealousy, she wiped the unexpected gift carefully again and again, and announced enthusiastically that they would share the good and the bad, and from now on this would be their common property.

Lu Xiran hugged Su Xian and kissed her several times.

To celebrate, the two of them put all the leftover snacks on the table. Lu Xiran also brought out two cans of drinks, and the two of them enjoyed the meal very much.

This should have been a happy thing, but in the middle of the night, Su Xian's whole body began to itch unbearably. She scratched and scratched, but the more she scratched, the more itchy it became. In addition, she felt her throat was uncomfortable and painful as if it was on fire.

After struggling with the symptoms in the dark for a long time, Su Xian could no longer hold on. He climbed out of bed and came to the head of Lu Xiran's bed. He was afraid of scaring her, so he could only gently pat Lu Xiran's cheek and whispered, "Xiran, wake up, Xiran."

Lu Xiran woke up in a daze and looked at Su Xian in the faint moonlight: "What's wrong, Xianxian? Why did you run down here instead of sleeping?"

Su Xian pointed at his throat and said, "It hurts so much." He pulled up his clothes again. No other part of his body could be seen for the time being, but there were red spots on his stomach that were visible to the naked eye.

Lu Xiran reached out and touched it, and was startled: "Xianxian, why do you feel hot? Do you have a fever?"

"No." Su Xian whispered, "It's not a fever, but I don't know what's going on. I'm a little scared."

Everyone has a time when they are afraid of death, and Su Xian is no exception.

Lu Xiran's mind suddenly became clear: "Don't be afraid, I'll accompany you to the infirmary now. There are people on night shift there. Let's go now."

Su Xian had the same idea. Lu Xiran put on his clothes and got out of bed. Feeling uneasy, he wrapped a coat around Su Xian, and the two of them went out.

The communication between them was always kept low, as they were both afraid of disturbing Yao Jing's sleep. But after they left, Yao Jing's eyes opened. No one knew what she was thinking, as she stared at the closed door for a long time.

The coat that Lu Xiran wore was a good idea. It was a bit cold in the middle of the night in October. The two girls walked along the gravel road in the campus in a hurry.

Su Xian felt a little sorry for Lu Xiran: "I'm sorry to disturb your sleep."

Lu Xiran didn't like Su Xian always saying sorry to him: "Xianxian, do we have to be so polite to each other? You and I have the best relationship here, and I treat you like my own family. You are always so polite, which makes me feel that you have never treated me as a family member."

Su Xian quickly hugged her shoulders and coaxed her: "Just think of it as nonsense because I'm not feeling well. I won't say such nonsense again in the future."

Lu Xiran was happy to hear this, but she was still worried: "Why is it so itchy all of a sudden? This is the first time I've encountered this, and I'm not good at taking care of people. Otherwise, Xianxian, let's call Brother Zuo. With him around, I think everything can be solved."