Moonlight Moves You

Chapter 3: illusion


Nanjing University, located on the banks of the Yangtze River, is brilliant and elegant. It is the result of Su Xian’s hard work and also the place where her dream began.

Today is the day when Nanjing University welcomes new students. Every time at this time, the campus seems especially lively. Compared with this liveliness, a handsome guy with his eyes closed in the boys' dormitory seems especially quiet, as if the hustle and bustle of the world has nothing to do with him.

As bright as a jade tree in front of the wind, this is the reputation that this handsome guy from the medical department enjoys in Nanjing University. But he is not just a good-looking guy, he also has an IQ that is so high that you can't believe it even if you see it with your own eyes. There are always some people who are born to be at the top of the pyramid. God chases after them and rewards them with food. They are the protagonists everywhere. Ren Shang, who always thinks he is very good, is often defeated by this handsome guy and seems not very smart.

Ren Shang got bored of playing games, so he turned off the computer and turned to the handsome guy on the recliner and said, "Do you want to go downstairs and see what's going on?"

Her long eyelashes trembled before she opened her eyes. Her clear eyes seemed to be able to see through people's hearts. Zuo Yueyao casually uttered "hmm".

Knowing that he didn't like to join in the fun, he was just asking tentatively, but he didn't expect the answer to be so straightforward. Ren Shang grinned and moved closer to Zuo Yueyao: "Let's go take a look at the junior sisters, maybe we can fall in love at first sight." The other party's indifference did not affect his self-entertainment at all, and he said with a little regret: "You said there is really such a thing as love at first sight? Why don't I believe it?"

Straight legs calmly stepped past him. Ren Shang was not sure if he heard Zuo Yueyao reply: "Maybe."

The position is excellent for observation, and one glance can make one forget all the freshmen who are coming in one after another. Ren Shang saw Zuo Yueyao looking at a certain place calmly, so he followed his gaze. As the president of the Appearance Association, he did not find any stunningly beautiful women.

"What are you looking at? So serious." Ren Shang couldn't help but ask.

"Nothing." Zuo Yueyao suddenly turned around and left, saying, "The weather is a bit hot today."

Ren Shang was confused. Seeing that the man was almost gone, he quickly chased after him: "Are you going back now? You won't come back to see him again?"

"finish watching."

After repeatedly looking back to no avail, Ren Shang was filled with questions: Did you finish reading it so quickly? What did you read

Su Xian had imagined what the famous Nanjing University would look like, but when she saw it today, she felt that her imagination was really narrow. After stepping into the gate of Nanjing University, even her breathing became much easier. Although she was sweating all over, she was in a very good mood.

A girl with a ponytail was walking in front of him. She looked a little frail. She was probably in a hurry and stumbled and almost fell. Su Xian's heart skipped a beat. When he found that she had stood firm again, he breathed a sigh of relief. Finally, he couldn't help but asked, "Do you need help?"

The girl's face flushed, probably because of the hot weather and fatigue, and she was panting: "No, no, it's almost there."

Su Xian didn't say anything else and was ready to say goodbye, but the girl suddenly grabbed her and said, "My name is Lu Xiran, from the Broadcasting Department, what about you?"

"Su Xian, from the Law Department."

"Law Department, you're so awesome." The sunlight shines through the dense leaves, casting spots of light on the girl's innocent face.

"Same to you." Su Xian replied politely.

"I can't do that." The girl seemed a little shy. "In order to get into this university, I studied very late every day. During the period before the exam, I had a headache every day. My parents were very nervous."

How could Su Xian not know the hardships involved

She never thought that she was a gifted person, so she always adhered to the spirit of the early bird catches the worm. During the three years of high school, she had put the eight words "study hard and make progress every day" into practice to perfection.

She comforted him symbolically: "You must be good enough to be admitted here. You are already very good."

The girl seemed to agree with this statement and smiled brightly. They met by chance and Su Xian didn't plan to chat too much. She just wanted to find her dormitory as soon as possible, tidy herself up and lie down for half a day.

"Let's exchange contact information so we can hang out together in the future. I live in Room 304, Building 2."

Su Xian was stunned for a moment, then he suddenly smiled at the girl's expectant gaze: "I'll give it to you when I get back to the dormitory."

"What?" The girl didn't quite understand.

She carried the heavy package on her shoulders, not caring at all how unladylike this action was: "Building 2, 304, me too."

She didn't look back at the girl, but the footsteps behind her told her that the girl was trying her best to keep up with her. This was the first person she met since she came to Nanjing University, a girl who made her feel not only not annoying but also somewhat cute.

There are four beds in the dormitory, and Su Xian and Lu Xiran's beds happen to be upper and lower bunks. Lu Xiran is afraid of heights, so Su Xian took the initiative to give her the lower bunk. Lu Xiran hugged Su Xian and jumped around as if she had received some special favor. This familiar feeling slightly filled the loneliness of coming to school alone.

Until the evening, the four beds had not been filled. During this time, another girl came in. Her name was Yao Jing, and she was a journalism major. My first impression of her could be described in four words: expressionless.

Yao Jing's attitude towards them was not friendly, and could only be described as perfunctory at best. She just said hello when she came in, made the bed and went out. As for the owner of the last bed, he never came in.

Lu Xiran felt strange and tilted her head to wonder what kind of girl it would be.

Su Xian had no interest in this. He looked at his phone and it was almost time for dinner. There were a lot of people in the cafeteria at dinner time. The two of them lined up in an orderly manner. During this time, Su Xian would occasionally observe the surrounding environment.

Suddenly, her eyes stopped at one place, and the word "impossible" instantly emerged in her mind.

The back of that person seems familiar.

That straight back and that white T-shirt. Two years ago, that boy also had such an upright back and that dazzlingly white shirt. I felt a sense of familiarity, but the most likely possibility was that it was an illusion.

Su Xian's back was touched gently, and Lu Xiran's soft voice came: "Su Xian, Su Xian? It's time to move forward." Space was vacated in front, and those who reacted quickly filled the empty space. When they looked back, the figure had disappeared.

"What were you daydreaming about? Do you also find it incredible? I tell you, I still feel like I'm dreaming. I actually got admitted to the Nanjing University that I had always dreamed of."

Lu Xiran said to herself, "My mom said that I finally brought honor to the family. She wanted to send me here, but she was too busy. Their boss wouldn't let me take leave, and my dad didn't have time either, so I had to come here alone. I had to change trains several times along the way. If it weren't for the help of kind people, I don't know what to do with all these luggage."

"Su Xian? Are you listening to me?"

Su Xian nodded seriously: "Yes."

She felt that her first impression of Lu Xiran was biased, thinking that such a girl didn't like to interact with people, and was even less likely to be a chatterbox, but in fact.

"I don't know why. Normally I don't dare to talk to strangers, but when I see you, I feel close to you and want to tell you everything."

Perhaps there is a destined fate between people. I couldn't help but look back at the original place, and it was still empty.

"Your parents didn't come to see you off either?"

Su Xian clenched the tray in his hand: "My mother is gone."

It turns out that time can really smooth out all the sharp edges. Many years later, when she mentioned her mother again, she no longer had the urge to cry. Everything began to become calmer. A boy in her memory once told her: The road is long and wide. Don't always look back. Only by working hard and keeping going can you see the beautiful scenery.

He once said, See you at Nanda.