Moonlight Moves You

Chapter 37: Confession


"I did it for someone, but it wasn't you."

Everyone's actions were surprisingly consistent. They stopped eating and drinking and turned their attention.

This is explosive news.

Su Xian glanced at all the women in the club, and his heart suddenly started beating wildly.

"is her."

Su Xian stared blankly at the finger that Zuo Yueyao was pointing at him, and suddenly had the urge to break it. She never liked the feeling of being the center of attention.

Su Xian once suspected that Zuo Yueyao did it on purpose and it was revenge!

Chen Biyu finally woke up from her daze. Although she understood about 80% of it, she still bit the last bit and asked tentatively: "My male god, you don't like her, do you? Damn! It's not true!"

Su Xian was boosted by Chen Biyu's exclamatory tone. She met Chen Biyu's gaze and glared at her fiercely.

But soon, she was defeated again.

Because Zuo Yueyao said: "Don't doubt it, it's true, I like it very much."

Su Xian couldn't remember how many times Chen Biyu said "fuck" later, nor could he remember whether the warm applause from the others was because of Zuo Yueyao's proactive confession, and he didn't remember the series of soul-searching questions that everyone asked Zuo Yueyao in the following process.

What does she remember

She only remembered the words, "I like it very much."

No, no, no, this is not true. It must not be true. They are family, brothers, senior and junior brothers and sisters. Yes, yes, yes.

Su Xian didn't know what was going on. The nerves in his brain were twisted into a tangled mess, and the culprit who had twisted his brain into a tangled mess was chatting and laughing.

Did he really forget what he said and still be able to laugh

Zuo Yueyao's words made Chen Biyu look at Su Xian with anger. She pointed her long nails at Su Xian and said, "What a good cousin you are. You thought you were the first to get the moon because you are close to the water. You used this as an excuse to flirt with your idol. I was so stupid that I asked you to help me send something to Zuo Yueyao. I was wondering why the things couldn't be sent. It turns out that it's not that the idol doesn't want it, but someone deliberately didn't send it. You even said those words to fool me! It's really interesting!"

Su Xian really couldn't understand this logic. She slapped away the hand that was pointing at her, feeling very aggrieved.

She has been pointed at enough today. She is also an innocent victim.

"I really don't understand, Zuo Yueyao, why would he like someone like you? What's so attractive about you from head to toe?"

Chen Biyu glanced at Su Xian's chest for a while: "Tsk, airport!"

Su Xian just thought she was venting and was too lazy to argue with her. Chen Biyu was a person who would never get close to her unless she took advantage of him with her words.

Su Xian still didn't know whether Zuo Yueyao's words could be considered a confession, because from the time he said that until now, he had not taken the initiative to come over and explain to her.

Chen Biyu, who was inserted between them, seemed particularly redundant at this moment.

Su Xian crumpled the paper into a ball and was about to throw it at the back of Zuo Yueyao's head, but after thinking it over, he threw it at his neck instead.

Zuo Yueyao took out a ball of paper from his neck, glanced at Su Xian, and then waved at her: "Come here."

Su Xian gritted his teeth in protest.

Zuo Yueyao said to Chen Biyu again: "How about you give way?"

Chen Biyu obviously disagreed, but due to the president's aggressive gaze, she had to withdraw from between the two of them and sat in the corner with hatred. She looked so pitiful, as if she had suffered a great injustice.

Zuo Yueyao pointed to the empty seat vacated by Chen Biyu, and his words were self-explanatory.

Su Xian remained indifferent.

Finally, Zuo Yueyao took the initiative to come over, and in full view of everyone, he leaned close to her cheek and asked in a low voice: "Did you get scared?"

Su Xian nodded silently.

Zuo Yueyao patted her head and smoothed the short hair around her ears: "You'll get used to it in a while."

What are you talking about!

Su Xian raised his head suddenly. If Zuo Yueyao had not dodged quickly, his high nose would have been in danger.

"I admit that it was wrong for me to say that we didn't know each other and were not familiar with each other. I said that because I was angry. As for the reason for my anger, I have already made it very clear before. If you are still angry, you can continue to ignore me. There is no need to make me famous in this way."

“You are indeed famous.”

The instigator looked calm, which made Su Xian even angrier: "Well, go tell them now that what you said just now was just a joke, and you said it just to punish me."

"I'm not kidding."

"No one would believe that."

"I like you, Su Xian."

"Maybe it was from the moment you picked dates for me, or maybe it was from the moment I saw you again. I'm not sure exactly when I started to like you, but there is one thing I am sure of: I like you, for real."

Su Xian rubbed her short hair until it became static electricity. "They all say I'm not feminine. What do you like about me?"

"It's not up to them to decide whether it's feminine or not. Otherwise." Zuo Yueyao smiled brightly: "Let me have a taste? I'll know after I taste it."

Try it

Zuo Yueyao, oh Zuo Yueyao, you really have been led astray by Ren Shang.

Su Xian could feel her cheeks getting very hot. She moved her butt uncomfortably, reminding herself in her heart not to trust him. But in the end, her heart was no match for her brain, and she blurted out, "How do you taste it?"

Su Xian heard Zuo Yueyao chuckle, and then he touched her pink lips with his slender fingers: "I'll tell you later."

That smile, those thin lips, that movement. Su Xian swallowed hard. It was such a deadly temptation that her restless youth almost got out of control.

This's okay if he doesn't take the initiative, but once he does, who can resist him

So Su Xian had a very hard time resisting.

She tried hard to avoid Zuo Yueyao's hand, tried hard to shake off Zuo Yueyao's hand that was holding her, tried hard to escape.

But it was of no avail.

This man is not only brave and strong, but even more importantly, when he holds my hand, I feel soft, warm and quite comfortable.

Su Xian sighed and said, "Forget it, let it be like this for now. Maybe this is just a dream and everything will be back to normal after tomorrow."

After having a satisfying meal, the rest of the people dispersed on their own accord. The complaining Chen Biyu was also taken away by the president. The tactful people left the space for the two of them to be alone.

Zuo Yueyao buttoned up Su Xian's coat one by one: "Let's go, I'll take you for a walk."

They strolled along the river bank, the street lights lengthening their figures. Su Xian raised his head and glanced at Zuo Yueyao's profile. It was not difficult to see that Zuo Yueyao was indeed different today than usual.

He looked so calm and relaxed, Su Xian could even feel that he was happy.

Zuo Yueyao suddenly stopped and stood in front of Su Xian: "Do you have anything to say to me about my confession?"

She wanted to say it, but she hadn't figured out how to say it.

"It's not complicated, just tell me, are you willing to be my girlfriend?"

I don’t know if it’s because the wind by the river is a little cold, but Su Xian’s lips started to tremble. This damn difficult question.

But one thing is certain, Su Xian found that she could not reject Zuo Yueyao as she rejected Wen He.

Because Zuo Yueyao's position in her heart is always different.

After struggling for a long time, Su Xian asked a question that he felt was very stupid: "Do you feel sorry for me because you think I'm pitiful?"

Zuo Yueyao smiled helplessly: "This is the first time I confessed to someone, but the person I confessed to has been reluctant to give me a reply. Do you think you are more pitiful, or am I more pitiful?"

Lifting her chin, he asked, "Have you considered it?"

Su Xian sneezed loudly, which was very inappropriate. Zuo Yueyao took off his coat and put it on Su Xian: "Let's go back to the dormitory. The river breeze is a bit cold at night."

Just like that, Su Xian was held by Zuo Yueyao's hand and taken back to the dormitory.

After Zuo Yueyao let go of her hand, Su Xian turned around and ran towards the dormitory. Zuo Yueyao called her from behind. She didn't dare to look back, but quietly took two steps back, wanting to hear what he had to say.

"If you don't get the scholarship because of me, will you blame me?"

Su Xian didn't quite understand what this meant, but just said it deliberately: "Yes!"

What Su Xian didn't know was that after she left, Zuo Yueyao stood facing the empty stairwell for a long time. The smile on his face gradually faded, revealing an expression of loss he had never had before.

Su Xian ran to the dormitory with a red face. As soon as he pushed the door open and saw the people in the dormitory, his heart beat faster immediately.

For the first time ever, everyone in the dormitory was there.

Lu Xiran immediately noticed Su Xian's red face, "Xianxian, do you have a fever? Why is your face so red?"

For some reason, Su Xian glanced at He Xinwan and felt very uncomfortable.

"Hey, isn't this Senior Brother Zuo's coat? Xianxian, did you come back with Senior Brother Zuo?"

You are really bringing up something that is not related to the topic.

I left in such a hurry that I forgot to return the coat to the owner.

At night, Su Xian's bed felt like it had nails on it. He tossed and turned but couldn't fall asleep well, with Zuo Yueyao's words filling his mind.

Su Xian, I like you, it’s true.

Su Xian, are you willing to be my girlfriend

Su Xian sighed as she recalled every moment she had with Zuo Yueyao. This pure brother-sister relationship suddenly turned into love between a man and a woman, which made it difficult for her to accept it for a while.

In the middle of the night, Su Xian couldn't sleep, so he sent a text message to Zuo Yueyao to verify: Are you kidding me

Zuo Yueyao replied unexpectedly: I will prove it.

He didn't make it clear what he wanted to prove, and Su Xian was too lazy to ask. It was already late at night when he fell asleep in a daze.