Moonlight Moves You

Chapter 49: fair


For Su Xian, eating a hot and tasty meal is already a very happy thing, not to mention having someone he likes by his side, which is icing on the cake.

So she didn't care where to eat. Zuo Yueyao said that having a girlfriend like her saved money and was easy to support.

They finally chose a noodle restaurant to eat.

Maybe due to regional differences, Su Xian likes pasta while Zuo Yueyao is keen on rice. But since they have been together, Zuo Yueyao has gradually developed an interest in pasta. It is not known whether this interest is temporary or permanent. Anyway, for the little Libra who tends to favor her interests and hobbies, Su Xian feels that happiness comes incredibly easily.

This store is doing really good business. There are almost no empty seats in the store. They choose to sit outside the store. It is a good choice to eat outdoors in the fresh air.

As soon as they sat down, an old woman came in with a basket full of wreaths made of fresh flowers. The old woman had wrinkles all over her face and walked unsteadily. Su Xian pointed at the wreaths and said to Zuo Yueyao, "I want one. Please buy one for me."

Zuo Yueyao said nothing and bought the whole basket of wreaths. It was obvious that the old woman was very happy. She no longer walked unsteadily as before, but walked with a wrinkled smile and started to walk with a breeze.

Zuo Yueyao put the basket on the seat inside: "This wreath looks beautiful now, but it won't be long before the flowers wilt. Buying flowers is fake, and wanting to help is real. Being kind is a good thing, but kindness that is divorced from reason can easily lead to results that run counter to oneself, for example."

Zuo Yueyao said calmly: "The price of this wreath is higher than others, but it sells faster than others. Do you know why?"

Su Xian said nothing and listened quietly. She might not be able to hear what others said sometimes, but she heard every word of Zuo Yueyao without missing a word.

"Because she took advantage of your kindness."

Zuo Yueyao didn't mean to blame him, but Su Xian heard it and it touched her heart. She flattened her lips and said, "Why didn't you say so earlier and buy them all?"

"Because I want to fulfill your kindness." Zuo Yueyao sighed slightly: "Silly girl, you are going to be a lawyer in the future."

Yes, she also aspires to become a famous lawyer.

Su Xian really likes this way of getting along with her boyfriend as well as her brother. She has learned a lot from Zuo Yueyao and has been exposed to many things that she would not be exposed to in daily life. Zuo Yueyao is like a teacher who brings her to a new realm.

How lucky I am!

They talked a lot later. Most of the time, Zuo Yueyao was the one talking and she was listening. As she listened, Su Xian's eyes were fixed on a certain place. She didn't hear anything Zuo Yueyao said.

Through the floor-to-ceiling glass window, Su Xian saw a familiar yet somewhat unfamiliar person. She thought it was a misunderstanding caused by her myopia, but when that person's face looked out frequently, she was sure that she was not mistaken.

That person was Yao Jing.

Yao Jing came to the noodle shop to eat noodles, just like they came to the noodle shop to eat noodles. This was not a strange thing. But about five minutes later, a middle-aged man with a big belly came over from the other side, walked to her side, and his fat hands stroked Yao Jing's back a few times. The ambiguous action was like an old hooligan teasing a young girl who had just reached adulthood.

It was the first time that Su Xian saw a man's face so clearly and so disgustingly. She and Lu Xiran had talked about all kinds of interesting gossips, but never to this level, like some dirty levels. In their subconscious, these things could not exist.

So Su Xian told himself that maybe Yao Jing was just coming to have dinner with an elder.

But when the "elder" turned around, all the good ideas were shattered.

"Jiang Zhonghe."

She had only heard the man's full name once, but it was in her mind at this moment like copy and paste.

Zuo Yueyao heard her whisper, turned around and followed her gaze, looked for a while, then turned back to ask Su Xian: "Do you know him?"

"Yao Jing and Xiao Jiang's father."

"Who is Yao Jing?"

Su Xian retracted his gaze. He was not surprised that Zuo Yueyao didn't know Yao Jing, because she had never mentioned this person in front of him. Except for Lu Xiran, he probably didn't recognize the other female classmates she knew.

"My roommate."

Zuo Yueyao pointed to the seat next to him and said, "Come and sit here."

Su Xian sat over with her back to them, so that neither of them could see each other. She thought about what Xiao Jiang had said, the gossip that Lu Xiran had told her, and many other things. She still felt that such an incredible thing could not possibly happen to her.

Even if Yao Jing wanted to get out of poverty and become rich, she would not do it in this way. Getting admitted to Nanjing University is a supreme honor for everyone. Su Xian believes that Yao Jing would not destroy her efforts so easily.

"Why are they together?"

This sentence sounded like a question to Zuo Yueyao, but Su Xian was actually asking himself.

Zuo Yueyao pressed the bell and called the waiter to pay the bill. After paying the bill, he pulled Su Xian away. She wanted to go back to confirm, but Zuo Yueyao didn't let her. After leaving the store, Su Xian said, "I don't think Yao Jing is that kind of person."

As an adult, I don't need to explain what it is like.

Zuo Yueyao told her very seriously: "No matter what kind of person she is, it has nothing to do with you. Everyone has their own choices. No matter whether the choice is right or wrong, they will eventually pay for their actions."

"Don't ask, and don't interfere. Do you understand?"

Su Xian gradually regained consciousness and said, "I understand." He was a little dissatisfied, "You are obviously younger than me, why are you being so earnest like my brother? It's really unfair."

"Want fairness?" Zuo Yueyao smiled.

"Yeah." Su Xian nodded seriously.

He spread his hands: "Then you can take advantage of it?"

Su Xian tickled her armpits. Zuo Yueyao quickly hugged her, lowered his head, and said softly, "I prefer other ways."

She didn't have time to think and was taken advantage of for a long time.

Look at this person, his mind is so clear that he can distinguish jokes from serious matters at any time and anywhere. When getting along with such people, you must always remind yourself not to lower their standards.

After returning to the dormitory, Su Xian did not tell Lu Xiran about this incident, but when she taught Xiao Jiang the next time, she asked Xiao Jiang intentionally or unintentionally: "What does your math tutor look like?"

Xiao Jiang described it as if he was writing an essay.

After the description, Su Xian sighed deeply and helplessly, and touched the back of Xiao Jiang's head: "Study hard."

Xiao Jiang was very surprised at her abnormal state, which was inconsistent with her usually optimistic and cheerful personality. However, Su Xian always taught him from the perspective of an elder, which made Xiao Jiang almost believe that she was an elder.

How dare Su Xian tell Xiao Jiang that his math tutor is her roommate and your father

All of this made sense. How was she going to explain it to the child

Eventually she kept all these things inside her heart. At the age of sixteen, she was innocent, romantic, cute and adorable, and she shouldn't have to face all these messy things.

This incident became Su Xian's secret, a secret that he never revealed to anyone except Zuo Yueyao.

She kept this secret until her junior year. Even though Yao Jing stayed out more and more at night and dressed more and more fashionably, Su Xian pretended to be blind and did not allow Lu Xiran to speculate or discuss anything anymore.

Yao Jing became a transparent person in the eyes of both of them.

Their lives were monotonous and nothing had changed. Su Xian had achieved great success in both love and study. Even though Zuo Yueyao spent less and less time with her, she was still very content.

The only person who changed was Lu Xiran.

Su Xian noticed that Lu Xiran began to smile foolishly at the phone.

With the intuition of a junior sister, she felt that Lu Xiran was in a relationship, and had been in this relationship for quite a long time. Lu Xiran didn't say anything, and Su Xian didn't ask. She was waiting for someone to confess.

But in the end, she didn't get Lu Xiran's confession, but her leaving without saying goodbye. Su Xian never expected that during the weekend, Lu Xiran would set foot on the train station heading north. When she learned the news, this famous girl was waiting in the waiting hall to get on the train.

Lu Xiran said that she was going to give her boyfriend a surprise.

This surprise scared Su Xian to death, and what was even more shocking was that Lu Xiran’s boyfriend was Qin Chu.

Qin Chu, a person whose name Su Xian had almost forgotten, a person with whom she had only had a meal, and the brother of Ren Shang, when did they actually have this kind of relationship

Lu Xiran was having a great time chatting about other people's gossip, but she was very tight-lipped about her own affairs. Su Xian was very angry that she didn't say a word about her own affairs.

The three of them rushed to the train station together. Seeing Lu Xiran carrying a girl's bag and constantly checking the time, looking like a wife waiting for her husband to leave, Su Xian walked up to her with gritted teeth and asked Lu Xiran why she told her only when they were ready to leave.

Lu Xiran smiled like a fool: "I just want to tell you after we officially establish the relationship."

This means that the two of them haven't even officially established a relationship, but this innocent little girl is ready to send warmth from afar? Su Xian didn't know if this was right, or if it was the so-called romance, but he always felt that something was wrong.

There are no such rules and regulations in the relationship between her and Zuo Yueyao. From the time they first met until now, everything has been as calm as a cup of boiled water with sugar. She has always liked drinking boiled water, even without sugar, she likes it.

So she was quite surprised at Lu Xiran's behavior.

Lu Xiran is a petite, cute and a little silly girl. She is really a big shot that will make a big splash if she doesn't make any noise.

Ren Shang had a weird expression, even a little disdainful. He poked Lu Xiran's forehead without any mercy. If Su Xian hadn't helped her, the girl would have fallen to the ground. "Well, let's go together. I haven't seen you for a long time."