Moonlight Moves You

Chapter 5: Old friend


It was just a small basketball game, but there were quite a few people in the venue. Looking around, it was a colorful scene, mostly girls.

Su Xian then thought of the male god that Lu Xiran mentioned again later, and couldn't help but sigh, this is indeed an age where looks matter. The so-called male gods and goddesses are mostly defined by appearance as the first criterion.

Su Xian just wanted to accompany Lu Xiran. Besides, the training during the day was really tiring, so he might as well take this opportunity to watch the live broadcast.

Lu Xiran has never watched a basketball game, so how could she have watched one? Her life was filled with nothing but books. Her myopia was the result of all the time she spent reading.

Fortunately, the degree of myopia is not so severe that he cannot find the road under his feet, which is just what Su Xian, who doesn't like to wear glasses, needs. He has no extra weight on him and can do anything without any effort.

Lu Xiran stretched his head and looked left and right, and said with great regret: "It seems that we are late. The good seats have been taken by others."

Is it late? They are already ten minutes early, okay? Pointing to the two seats on the side: "It's the same there."

In fact, they are different. Besides being farther away, the visual effect is really not that good.

Lu Xiran was also a very contented person. She did whatever Su Xian said. Holding her hand, they went into the crowd. Su Xian once wondered how a simple-minded little lamb like Lu Xiran could grow up in such adversity.

As soon as I sat down, I heard the chattering sound beside me.

"Why hasn't the male god come yet?"

"Why rush? Of course the male god will be the last to appear."

"I think it's not certain whether he will come or not. I heard that if you lose, you will be punished. After all, your male idol is only a sophomore. It's unlikely that he will win against these juniors."

There is actually a smart person who is not influenced by the male god.

Su Xian's ears stood up straight. It was a pleasure to listen to the gossip of the little girl.

"Shut up your crow mouth! I don't believe that my male god will lose."

"That's right! Which side are you standing on?"

"Okay, okay, I was wrong, okay? Hey, if it weren't for the delicious food, I wouldn't have come."

Su Xian was curious and asked Lu Xiran softly, "What are they talking about?"

Lu Xiran covered her mouth and laughed: "I heard that too, I don't know if it's true, but it's said that the losing team tonight will treat everyone in the audience to ice cream, and it's a new type of ice cream."

Su Xian looked at Lu Xiran licking her lips and instantly understood that in this girl's heart, it didn't matter whether he was a male god or not, the new ice cream was her ultimate goal.

"Your mother said that you were born in the year of the pig, and it is absolutely true."

Lu Xiran smiled until his eyes narrowed into slits: "Why wouldn't you be happy when you have food to eat? Food is the most important thing for people."

Everyone's eyes were focused in one direction, and Su Xian also looked over there. A person was walking in from a distance, and Su Xian could only see him roughly.

He is wearing a white sportswear, with a tall and slender figure, standing as independent as a mountain. Although his facial features are not clear, his upright and neat walking posture alone makes him one of the male gods.

If she guessed correctly, this person should be the one who could instantly destroy the fake sisterhood.

"Brother Zuo, we are here!"

This voice must have been shouted with all his might. Su Xian and Lu Xiran were both startled. Then they realized that the man's surname was Zuo.

The surname Zuo. In her 18 years of life, she had only known one person with this surname.

I don’t know why, but lately the scene of the first time I met that person often comes to my mind.

Su Xian understood this strange phenomenon as spiritual yearning. Perhaps that person was too outstanding and pure, or perhaps that person had something she wanted to possess. So for someone who likes selective amnesia, she can't forget him because he is too beautiful.

She remembered that his name was Zuo Yueyao.

The noise was endless and Su Xian began to regret coming here.

The man who was like a spotlight was shining in the center of the field. He walked to another person, and the two exchanged a few words. Then the spotlight moved towards Su Xian's position.

With every step I took, the outline became clearer.

When Su Xian looked up again, she thought there must be something wrong with her mind or vision.

She kept asking herself in her heart, is that walking hormone really Zuo Yueyao

Soon someone gave her the answer she wanted.

"Brother Yueyao, come on!"

Zuo Yueyao is really him!

Just like two years ago, his facial features have not changed much, still revealing the handsomeness with clear edges and corners, thick eyebrows, high nose bridge, and beautiful lips, all of which show nobility and elegance. Putting all this aside, the temperament emanating from him has his own unique ethereal and handsomeness.

It was this person who, like a cool summer breeze, blew through his sixteen-year-old flower season, leaving an indelible impression for a long time. Even Su Xian, who had never cared about romantic relationships, was secretly touched by his heart at the moment they first met.

They just wondered how such an outstanding person could end up in their Heyunling, a poor little mountain village.

Her heartbeat was only a momentary fluctuation and soon returned to normal. Spending those days together made Su Xian understand that her feelings for him were pure admiration and praise.

Because of his excellence.

I never thought that I would meet you again at Nanjing University.

The male god is an old friend.

At this moment, Su Xian's eyes were always fixed on Zuo Yueyao, and only one question kept turning over and over in her mind: Could it be true

The memory replayed itself like a movie, and I realized this could be real.

"I'm dying! My idol smiled at me, what should I do, what should I do?"

The cheers behind him brought Su Xian's soul back. When they met his eyes, he was really smiling, and he was smiling in their direction. It was still that smile that bloomed like a flower, confident and flamboyant, full of indescribable magic.

Su Xian took a deep breath and then exhaled slowly. Her heartbeat gradually returned to normal. After being surprised, she suddenly felt a little sad. Her little inferiority complex began to play tricks on her again.

You were clearly looking forward to meeting her, so why did you want to back out now

"So his name is Zuo Yueyao. His name is as beautiful as he is. No wonder so many people like him." Lu Xiran sighed sincerely: "Eh? Does he have a girlfriend?"

Of course Su Xian didn’t know the answer to this question, but as long as it was related to the male god, there would always be someone who could pick up the conversation in time.

"It seems like there is." The girl next to Lu Xiran took the initiative to answer the question: "It's He. He Xinwan."

Who is He Xinwan

"She was originally in the dance department, but I heard that she got injured while practicing, and her dancing career ended. Then she switched to the medical department. She's very beautiful, and her family is quite wealthy, I heard."

Probably realizing that they couldn't say anything casually, the two little heads leaned together, and Su Xian couldn't help but move closer.

"Her father seems to be a very successful entrepreneur. Several of our scholarships to Nanyang University were funded by her father."

That's a lot of information.

"Did she come today?" Lu Xiran's curiosity was aroused.

"No." The two of them seemed to have become people with similar interests: "I heard that she went abroad for a physical examination and will come to school in a while. Well, her family is rich anyway, so it doesn't matter when she comes. She won't live on campus when she comes, but the school still reserved a bed for her."

Su Xian suddenly thought of the person she had not seen in their dormitory for a long time.

The game has begun.

Su Xian didn't understand the game, but when Zuo Yueyao scored a goal, he would be happy. When the score was behind, he would be nervous and worried like everyone else.

She didn't know whether Zuo Yueyao had seen her. To be exact, she couldn't be sure whether Zuo Yueyao still remembered her.

It was just a few days of chance acquaintance.

Su Xian's heart was filled with complicated feelings. She hoped that he could remember, but she also didn't want him to remember.

In Nanjing University, the place where she started a new life, she was as free as a bird that had rushed out of a cage. She didn't have to listen to her father's sarcasm and accusations, didn't have to feel the pressure of carrying expectations, and didn't have to hold a washbasin to catch the rain dripping from the cracks in the roof during the rainy season.

Here, no one knew about her past. She had never even mentioned it in front of Lu Xiran. But Zuo Yueyao knew about it. He had witnessed every aspect of her life with his own eyes.

Su Xian didn't plan to read on, and she wasn't very interested in the new variety of ice cream. She looked at Lu Xiran who was very immersed in the atmosphere, and she didn't have the heart to interrupt her.

She watched the entire game with mixed emotions.

The result was not what the idol’s fans had hoped for, and he ultimately lost to his senior classmates in the third year.

Amidst the complaints, the people around Zuo Yueyao suddenly announced loudly: "I admit defeat. My Yaoyao will treat everyone present to ice cream today."

Complaints turned into applause, disappointment turned into excitement, and the speed at which the expressions changed was astonishingly fast.

The man who was shouting was as tall as Zuo Yueyao, but he did not look as steady as Zuo Yueyao. Instead, he looked a bit frivolous, and looked like some troublesome young master.

But admission to Nanjing University is not based on money alone; it depends on scores. So although Su Xian's superficial impression of this man is not very good, it does not prevent him from admiring him, because his performance on the court just now was really good.

The ice cream arrived quickly. To be honest, this was Su Xian’s first time eating ice cream. The only cold drink she had eaten in her childhood was popsicles.

At that time, someone would ride a bicycle and carry a wooden box with a thick quilt on it. The quilt would contain popsicles, and then they would come to the village to sell them. Su Xian was greedy and would pester her mother to buy one. Her mother said that girls should not eat too many cold things, but she could not resist Su Xian's coquetry and finally bought one for her.