Moonlight Moves You

Chapter 61: Seven years


Seven years, how long is it

Su Xian can no longer remember how many 365 days she has spent busy. The girl who was full of enthusiasm back then is now approaching her thirties. She has walked out of the school gate and came to this place called Beicheng. All her hard work and dedication has brought her today's achievements. At the age of 28, which is not old but has long passed the age of young love, she has become the youngest sales manager in the company.


For a person who graduated from the law department of Nanjing University, the reason he chose to work in sales is ultimately because of money.

The materialistic and extravagant world is most evident in the North City, where the economy is developed and gold is everywhere. It all depends on whether you have the brain to explore it.

Occasionally I go to see the cherry blossoms in the north city. They are indeed beautiful. I just regret that I didn’t fulfill my promise. I promised the little girl named Laiyun that I would take her to see the cherry blossoms after graduation.

Because of the end of that relationship, Su Xian fled from South City. In order to avoid the embarrassment of meeting, she chose to start another starting point of her life in North City. When she thought of the promise she had not yet fulfilled, she returned to the welfare home in South City to see if she had any luck.

But the director of the welfare home told her that Laiyun had been adopted. As for who the adopter was, she was not in a position to reveal it. She only told Su Xian that the family that adopted Laiyun had very good conditions in all aspects and could provide Laiyun with good treatment conditions.

For this reason, Su Xian felt better.

Regrets will always exist, either this or that.

She clearly remembered the pen she had thrown away. When she went back to look for it, she couldn't find it. She also heard rumors that Zuo Yueyao and He Xinwan had both gone abroad.

When Su Xian heard this rumor, he felt very sad.

But now when she thinks about it again, her heart is no longer moved, only blessings. Seven years is enough for a person to mature mentally, enough for rationality to completely overcome sensibility, and enough for her to understand that there is no such thing as pie in the sky in this world.

"What are you daydreaming about?" Someone knocked on the table, bringing Su Xian back to his senses.

The visitor was a man in a blue suit, nearly forty years old, but still very elegant.

Huang Kaifeng, Su Xian's direct superior and the company's vice president of sales, is 38 years old, 10 years older than Su Xian. However, he has never been willing to admit that he is middle-aged and still regards himself as a passionate young man. It turns out that he has a fair-skinned and beautiful wife and a smart and lovely daughter. He can be said to be very successful. It's a pity that his sister-in-law is also unwilling to accept her old age and is eager to make some moves. After she got together with a foreigner, she left her husband and daughter and ran away abroad.

People who have never met Huang Kaifeng, after hearing this bloody plot, will definitely think of the story of Wu Dalang and Miss Pan. But in fact, Huang Kaifeng is 185 cm tall. Although he is not a handsome boy, he is also a good-looking person, has strong working ability, is an upright person, and most importantly, he also graduated from Nanjing University.

He is also a top student in the Computer Science Department of Nanjing University.

Su Xian still can't figure out what his sister-in-law is thinking. Is she really blind

The friendship between them as classmates shortened the distance between them. Huang Kaifeng was not only her superior but also her friend, one of the few friends she had here.

Huang Kaifeng was very caring towards her.

"Why hasn't Mr. Huang gone home yet?" Knowing the recent gossip, Su Xian deliberately raised his voice.

Huang Kaifeng leaned back on the sofa, swung his long legs on the coffee table, and began to sigh: "I want to go back too, my daughter is still waiting for me to go back and play with her, so I don't dare to go back."

Su Xian smiled and said, "You can avoid the first day, but you can't avoid the fifteenth."

Ever since Huang Kaifeng's divorce, his family's two elders have been planning to find him a good wife and mother. This should have been a good thing, but the two elders were too proactive. They arranged blind dates again and again, but the people who came were more outrageous each time. The most recent one even had a guy who had just graduated from college not long ago. Huang Kaifeng was so scared that he didn't even dare to take a sip and ran away on the spot.

The two elders really have resources at hand and have no worries about finding a daughter-in-law for their son, but Huang Kaifeng is completely afraid of blind dates.

"If it wasn't for the Chinese Valentine's Day today and I promised my daughter that I would go back to spend it with her, I would have gone on a business trip tonight. At least I could have some peace and quiet for a few days."

Su Xian also likes Huang Kaifeng's daughter Huang Yunshu very much. She is just six years old, but she is like a little adult, eloquent, lively and cute. Whenever she comes to the company, she can get along well with her colleagues. Among all people, she is very dependent on Aunt Su.

"And you, it's time to find a boyfriend. You're almost thirty." Huang Kaifeng began to give earnest advice like an elder.

He has said this no less than ten times.

"Twenty-eight." Su Xian corrected his mistake indifferently.

"If you don't seize the tail end of your youth, I wonder how you'll ever get married." Huang Kaifeng was actually really worried about Su Xian.

This girl is so absorbed in work and making money that I have never seen her show any interest in anything else.

"You look good, with a good figure and a pretty face. In our company, you are considered the most beautiful girl. You have also made a name for yourself in North City. For someone like you, it's not easy to find a boyfriend. Why are you still single?"

The ear-length short hair has been replaced by long black, slightly curly hair. The girl who was childish, impulsive, and as thin as if she was malnourished has now grown into a mature and charming woman. Except for the two sisters who she often meets, I am afraid that no one in Nanjing University believes that the current Su Xian can be associated with charm.

She no longer needs to envy other people's figures, and no longer needs to compare herself with anyone, because what others have, she, Su Xian, also has.

In seven years, she got everything she wanted. Her father no longer bossed her around, her house was no longer a rickety, damp hut, she no longer had to save a few dollars on bus fare, and she no longer had to hide in a corner and cry secretly because of helplessness and confusion like when she first entered society.

Su Xian is already very satisfied, so as for the matter of romance, you could say she is stubborn or pure-hearted, but she has no plans in this regard so far.

"Ah." Huang Kaifeng was fine just now, but suddenly he sighed: "I don't know whether it was right or wrong to pull you into this industry."

"I still remember when you first came to North City, you were a poor little thing, penniless and often bullied. I really couldn't stand it, so I asked you to follow me. Now think about it, if you hadn't followed me, you might be a big lawyer now."

Su Xian complained: "Why are you repeating the same old things again? If I hadn't followed you, what if I had starved to death on the street? What if I had never recovered? There are no right or wrong answers. Am I not living a good life now? Besides, if you hadn't changed your career, you might have been a famous engineer."

"My dear Brother Huang, please stop saying ifs. There are so many ifs. It is you who has changed my life. I can't thank you enough."

When she first arrived in North City, she was full of ambitions, but reality slapped her in the face. Because she had no experience, she finally found a job as an assistant in a law firm. The salary was pitifully low, and after paying rent and daily expenses, she was basically strapped for money at the end of the month.

The key problem is that the old employees often treat her like a cow, never getting any good things done to them, but always taking the blame.

Until one time the blame was so big that she could no longer bear it, and she was fired during her internship. Su Xian walked on the street in a daze, thinking about next month's rent and her bleak future, with a confused look on her face.

What’s even worse is that I received a call from home saying that my father was hospitalized for a heart disease and needed a stent.

Su Xian didn't know what the stent looked like, but at that moment she suddenly understood what it meant to make matters worse. This stent was between her ideal and reality. She was at a loss and faced great difficulties.

She walked for a long time and was hungry and tired, so she sat down on a bench.

There was a man in a suit on the bench, flipping through some documents and eating a hamburger.

Su Xian looked at him for a while, then asked him hesitantly, "Can I have the remaining burger?"

The middle-aged man turned around and looked at her with a friendly smile: "Okay, I still have Coke, do you want some?"

Su Xian nodded, eating a hamburger while tears fell from his eyes.

The man who gave her the hamburger and Coke was Huang Kaifeng.

What Su Xian would never have thought was that she just ordered a hamburger to fill her stomach temporarily, but Huang Kaifeng gave her a bigger bowl of rice.

He told Su Xian at the time: "It's a good thing to have dreams, but reality tells us that dreams must be based on being able to fill your stomach and take on the responsibilities you should take on." He looked at her like his own sister: "I just happen to be in need of an assistant, why don't you work with me first? When there is a suitable opportunity, you can go out."

Su Xian agreed without hesitation.

She has been doing this for seven years. Today, seven years later, her ideal has become vague, but when she is free, she will still go to the aid center to provide free legal aid services, which can be regarded as the only remaining redemption for her ideal.

Different professions have different worlds. Su Xian went from being a small assistant who knew nothing about the industry to being promoted to "Manager Su", while Huang Kaifeng was promoted to vice president.

He is in a position second only to the emperor, but he still takes good care of Su Xian.

Su Xian knew that people in the company had talked about her behind her back, saying that she and Huang Kaifeng had an improper relationship, which was why she was able to succeed in getting promoted. To this, the two of them unanimously responded that it was pure bullshit.

After all, she is someone who has struggled through criticism before, so she doesn't care about these little storms at all. What's more, the current rise in her business is entirely due to her business ability. Her group has been the sales champion for several consecutive years. Just based on this, no one dares to say anything behind her back.

Huang Kaifeng can wake up smiling even in his dreams because he has Su Xian, his treasure.

He didn't expect that a girl he picked up halfway could actually become the next generation. Fortunately, he was not washed up on the beach. This girl is efficient and quick-witted, bold and careful, but she is very kind and never makes enemies with anyone. She will never do anything to stab others behind their backs. She regards him as her mentor and treats him reasonably and moderately.

Such a lovely girl has grown into such a beautiful girl. Although Huang Kaifeng only treats her as his own sister, it does not mean that other people do not have improper thoughts about her. Among all the men who have come into contact with her, there are few who are not attracted to her.

She does have the potential to attract people.

But this girl always handles it well, and her reputation for being clean and self-disciplined is well-deserved. Not only can she coax the clients around, but she can also get away with it unscathed. She can be regarded as a role model in the industry.