Moonlight Moves You

Chapter 69: Yue Lao


She is my first love!

Zuo Yueyao just threw down these words and left without caring. The nurse exploded on the spot. After checking the ward, there was a lot of bombardment in the group.

"I'm still wondering why Doctor Zuo took the initiative to ask to be on duty today."

"It seems like there are other intentions."

"Tell me quickly, what does Dr. Zuo's first love look like? Is she pretty?"

The nurse thought about it carefully, and then sent the message seriously: "She is pretty, with a great figure, but she doesn't seem to like to smile much."

"Hey, beautiful women are all cold."

"I have to go to work early tomorrow. I really want to be like Dr. Zuo's first love. Do you think we can rekindle our past relationship?"

"Doctor Zuo said it was her first love, so that can't be the case."

"Who knows?"

Girls are never behind others when it comes to gossip, especially when it comes to gossip about their doctor Zuo, they are even more active.

As for Su Xian, he didn't know what had happened until the next morning, when the nurses came to check on him and saw one face after another.

There were even people peeking at the door of the ward, which made Su Xian look confused. This situation continued until noon. She couldn't help it and sent a message to Zuo Yueyao.

"Why do I feel like the nurses today are a little weird?"

Zuo Yueyao replied quickly, but with only one symbol: "?"

Su Xian: I feel like I’m being watched. Could it be because of what happened last night

Zuo Yueyao: What happened last night

Su Xian: Just pretend I didn’t ask.

Zuo Yueyao: Maybe I told them that you are my first love.

Oh, what an understatement!

Su Xian: How could you tell them this!

Zuo Yueyao: Seeking truth from facts, why not? Isn't it

Su Xian put her phone away in annoyance. If Xiao Yunshu hadn’t been there, she would have really wanted to vent her anger. Zuo Yueyao, oh Zuo Yueyao, revenge, right

Before she finished feeling upset, Chen Biyu called and Su Xian quickly ran outside to answer the call.

"Honey, there is something I think I should tell you."

Su Xian lowered his voice: "Hurry up and tell me, I'm busy."

"Then you go ahead and do your work. I won't say anything more."

Su Xian cursed: "You damn woman! Are you sincere? Believe it or not, I will block you!"

"Believe it!" Chen Biyu laughed and said, "You little vixen, you only know how to threaten me."

"Say it."

"It's your family. Call my family and ask about your situation."

Su Xian thought about it and realized that "the one from your family" should be referring to Zuo Yueyao. He probably wouldn't be able to hear any serious words from Chen Biyu.

"What did he ask?"

"Just asking if you have a boyfriend or something."

Su Xian's heart tightened: "Then what?"

"Then my husband told him that he hadn't, and that he had been single until now, and that he had wanted to introduce you to someone before, but you had always refused."

Su Xian sighed: "Our president is really honest."

Chen Biyu heard something strange: "Is there something wrong?"

"No." Su Xian wanted to cry but had no tears.

Just last night, what did she say? She said her boyfriend treated her very well, didn't she

"When did he call you?"

Su Xian still wanted to hope for the best, but Chen Biyu gave her a wake-up call, "It was many days ago, just two days after we first met."

Su Xia felt like a clown, and a lying clown at that.

"Why do I feel like Zuo Yueyao is still obsessed with you? Otherwise, why would she come to ask if you are single? Are you two going to have a romance again? I tell you, even if there is a romance, you should be more restrained. You should let her know that our little vixen is not that easy to pursue. It's her fault for not cherishing her back then."

Su Xian kindly reminded: "Back then, I was the one who dumped her."

"I almost forgot." Chen Biyu laughed on the other end of the phone: "Don't mention it, you little vixen dumped his male idol back then, you really brought honor to us women, male idol. But I'm still very curious, what do you think, haha."

Su Xian didn't need to look to know how happy the dead woman on the other end of the phone was. Everyone thought she was the one who dumped Zuo Yueyao, but...

Anyway, in fact, she was the one who dumped him.


After hanging up the phone, Su Xian inwardly asked Zuo Yueyao countless questions. It seemed that this man, knowing that she was lying, still asked her deliberately without making a sound! He flirted with her over and over again! It was like playing with a monkey! It was simply shameless! Despicable!

When Zuo Yueyao came to check on the ward in the evening, because of this past relationship, other people looked at her with strong gossip interest. And Su Xian looked at Zuo Yueyao differently, with more anger and gnashing of teeth! Zuo Yueyao was calm and natural, and the instigator was like nothing had happened. After a simple inquiry, he walked out with a righteous look on his face.

Su Xian performed several shadowless kicks behind him, then turned around and looked at Xiao Yunshu, covering her mouth and giggling.

Su Xian was extremely embarrassed for being a 28-year-old woman doing such childish actions and being laughed at by a little kid.

Two days later, Huang Kaifeng rushed back to the hospital. Seeing Xiao Yunshu looking happy as if nothing had happened, he felt relieved. He felt a little relieved.

Xiao Yunshu leaned over Huang Kaifeng and told him what had happened in the hospital in the past two days. She spoke in a very concise manner, especially about Doctor Zuo, whom she mentioned again and again.

Huang Kaifeng became very interested in this "handsome doctor uncle".

So in the afternoon, Huang Kaifeng met Xiao Yunshu's handsome doctor uncle.

When Huang Kaifeng saw Zuo Yueyao, he exclaimed sincerely: "My daughter, you are right, he is really handsome." Su Xian was stunned on the side, they were indeed father and daughter.

"My daughter is here thanks to you for taking care of her. Thank you very much."

"It's my duty." Zuo Yueyao symbolically shook hands with Huang Kaifeng, took his hand back and put it back in his pocket. Su Xian cursed inwardly, what a gentleman he is on the surface, but a despicable and shameless person behind the scenes. Is it fun to watch others make a fool of themselves!

"I still have to thank you. Thank you for your hard work, Dr. Zuo." Huang Kaifeng seemed to be in a good mood.

Su Xian rolled his eyes again. He is a doctor. It is his duty to cure diseases and save lives. You should thank me, okay? I have always been the one taking care of you here!

Huang Kaifeng didn't take her cold stare seriously, nor did he worry that the other party would give him a bad face. He started to study Zuo Yueyao and almost asked about his birth date.

Su Xian was well aware of Huang Kaifeng's weak execution ability and had no ability to stop him, so he had to let him "do whatever he wanted."

"How old is Dr. Zuo this year?"


"Yeah, that's the same size as our Manager Su."

Zuo Yueyao glanced at Su Xian, and Su Xian pretended to avert his gaze.

“Is Doctor Zuo a local?”


"Ah, that's the same with our Manager Su, she's not from here either. So is Dr. Zuo married?"

"not yet."

"Doctor Zuo, do you have someone you like?"

"Mr. Huang." Su Xian signaled with his eyes: Brother, please stop it. You are ruining the atmosphere.

Huang Kaifeng raised his eyebrows in response, which meant: Don't interrupt, go away.

Su Xian stood by the window, wishing she was deaf and couldn't hear the conversation between the two people. Unfortunately, she still heard Zuo Yueyao's words "once upon a time".

Huh? Shouldn't it be "yes"

Huang Kaifeng became even more excited: "Does Doctor Zuo live alone or with friends?"

"I'm staying at a friend's house."

"Doctor Zuo, do you mean you haven't found a house yet?"

Huang Kaifeng always grasps the key points well.


"What a coincidence." Su Xian was dragged over by Huang Kaifeng: "Our Manager Su just bought a house a while ago, with two bedrooms and a living room. She lives alone. If Doctor Zuo doesn't mind sharing the rent, she can rent the other room to you."

Su Xian couldn't hold it in any longer. It seemed that she didn't even have the right to make the decision in this house. "I think..."

"I do not mind."


You don’t mind, but I do mind, okay!

Wait? Why doesn't he mind? Is it really okay for a single man and a single woman to live together? And he has a crush on someone, so why does he want to live with her? Is this revenge again

Su Xian really couldn't understand.

"Well, that room is unoccupied, but there's no bed. I bought a bed last time, and I was going to use the other room as a study. It would be a shame to let Dr. Zuo live there, Mr. Huang, don't you think?"

"No, no, there's nothing to be wronged about. Young people are out there making their own livings, and it's good enough to have a place to live. What's there to be wronged about? Besides, living with a beauty like our Manager Su is something many people would beg for."

She shouldn't have said that! Is Huang Kaifeng someone she can easily change

"It's just a bed. It's simple. When Doctor Zuo gets off work, you can go with him to buy one. There's a mall near where you live. There are plenty of beds there. You two can pick the one that suits you."

Su Xian was completely speechless.

What do you mean by "you two look at each other and pick a suitable one"? From then on, Su Xian began to realize that Huang Kaifeng was playing the matchmaker.

"Doctor Zuo? Are you free after get off work? If you are free, would you like to go and see the house first?"


Su Xian was very happy, thinking that Zuo Yueyao meant that he would not share the house with her, but it was too early for her to be happy.

"Manager Su's residence must be good."

"Okay, okay. Then I'll trouble you to accompany Manager Su to buy a bed later."


Su Xian cursed in his heart, who is accompanying whom? Who is the owner of the house? Who has the final say

In fact, she is the head of the household, but she has no say.

Huang Kaifeng saw that Su Xian didn't agree with his arrangement, so he walked to Xiao Yunshu and held his daughter's hand: "My daughter, Dad is incompetent. You finally met a handsome doctor uncle. I thought that if we have any health problems in the future, we can consult him anytime and anywhere. But your Aunt Su doesn't agree. She doesn't agree to let the handsome doctor uncle live in her house. She seems to hate the handsome doctor uncle. My daughter, what should Dad do?"

Su Xian's head was buzzing. Huang Kaifeng really did everything he could!

When Xiao Yunshu heard this, her face looked very aggrieved: "Aunt Su, why do you hate the handsome doctor uncle? Didn't you also say that the doctor uncle is very handsome? And you also said that you like the handsome doctor uncle very much."

Su Xian saw Zuo Yueyao looking at her with a half-smile in his eyes. Wow, she really wished there was a crack in the wall so she could crawl into it.

Is this the original words

Absolutely not.

God is my witness, she remembers the content of that conversation clearly.

Xiao Yunshu: Aunt Su, I think the doctor is really handsome.

Su Xian was reading a report in the work group and answered casually: Yeah.

Xiao Yunshu: I like doctor uncle very much.

Su Xian: Yeah.

Xiao Yunshu: Do you like it too