Moonlight Moves You

Chapter 74: kiss Me


"Boss Zhang, my assistant is new here and has little experience. He has disturbed you again and again. As his leader, I am to blame. It is my honor that Boss Zhang is willing to meet me today. Can you please drink three cups as a punishment to show your sincerity?"

A white shirt under a black suit is the most professional attire, but the long and slender legs wrapped under the black suit pants are eye-catching. There are many women working in sales, but it is rare to find such an intellectual and beautiful woman.

The man was over fifty, but he looked very well maintained. He watched the beautiful woman drink three glasses of white wine, and immediately felt happy. He personally refilled her glass: "If it weren't for your CEO Huang coming to say hello in person, I would definitely not want to come out for this meal. It's unbelievable that such a big company like yours could make such a low-level mistake."

"Yes, we have done a thorough review, and we hope that you, Mr. Zhang, can be magnanimous and let..."

"This is not a question of quantity. This is a question of serious delays in our production. Do you know how much we produce in a day? Just because of your small mistake, our company has suffered huge losses!"


Su Xian cursed fiercely in his heart. He discovered the problem immediately after the goods were shipped, stopped it immediately, and solved it as quickly as possible. If it weren't for this old man deliberately dragging it out, the matter would have been solved long ago.

As soon as he farted, Su Xian knew what food he had stolen!

The claim of huge losses is false, it is just an opportunity to lower prices.

Su Xian winked at Xiao Ke. It was not in vain that he had been following her for a year. Xiao Ke hurriedly left the table, closing the door when he left. He glanced at Su Xian and at the same time saw the lecherous look that the fat man gave Su Xian.

Xiao Ke was very angry and wanted to hit someone, but he couldn't. It was already very troublesome to make an appointment with this plague god, and he couldn't let Manager Su's hard work go to waste.

"I know that you love to drink tea, so I brought some good tea here. If you don't mind, I will drink tea with you next time and learn business management skills from you. I heard that you started from scratch and have achieved your current position. I really admire you. Please give me some advice and give me some pointers."

Su Xian was almost moved by the flattery. Following Huang Kaifeng over the years, his talking skills became more and more impressive. In Huang Kaifeng's words, flattery is cost-free and economical. If you learn it well, it is a skill.

A fat hand patted the back of Su Xian's hand. The smooth and delicate touch made the hand reluctant to leave for a long time. Su Xian just glanced at it lightly and kept smiling calmly.

"I remember that you weren't responsible for the cooperation with our company."

It's not her responsibility, she's just here to clean up the mess.

"Xiao Su, you have reached the position of manager at such a young age. You seem to be very capable. Are you interested in joining our company? I just happen to be in need of an assistant."

That expression, there's something behind those words. Can Su Xian not hear it

"How can a small character like me be your assistant, Mr. Zhang? I can only run errands." He naturally pulled his hand back from the grease: "To be honest, Mr. Zhang, when I was down and out, it was your company that took me in. Even if you don't repay a favor with a thousand dollars, you can't be ungrateful, right, Mr. Zhang?"

Su Xian's words made the other party burst into laughter. He patted Su Xian's shoulder and said, "Okay, okay, not bad. No wonder your company asked you to come here. You are really good at talking."

Su Xian tilted her head slightly, still not avoiding the hand that intentionally touched her earlobe. This kind of secret attempt to take advantage of someone is not new, but Su Xian still felt a shudder in her heart.

For the sake of RMB, she endured it!

Su Xian didn't know how much he had drunk, he just gulped down the red and white drinks. Mr. Zhang's alcohol tolerance was amazing. Su Xian saw that his vision was starting to blur, but he was still chatting about random things with a calm face.

Fortunately, he didn't touch her again.

When the door of the box opened, Xiaoke was already squatting outside the door, unable to stand up. Seeing Su Xian being supported by Mr. Zhang, he hurried over to take him over. Su Xian used Xiaoke's strength to try to keep himself steady.

"Boy, learn from your manager Su. That's what sincerity is."

Xiao Ke nodded sincerely, but he was extremely unhappy in his heart. He was not unhappy with these words, but with the way Mr. Zhang looked at Manager Su.

"This matter! I will go back and think about it carefully, and then give you an answer."

Xiao Ke and Su Xian both gave him a "Pah!" in their hearts.

Outside the club, Xiaoke saw a very handsome man leaning against the door of a black car, smoking a cigarette.

He just took a quick look, but the man walked towards them. When he got closer, he lowered his head slightly to look at the person in his hand, and without saying a word, he wanted to take the person over.

Xiaoke held on to Su Xian tightly, he was afraid that one should not judge a person by his appearance.

Su Xian recognized the person and said with a smile, "You are here."

"Doctor Zuo!"

Zuo Yueyao took a look and felt that he looked familiar.

"Don't you recognize me?" Xiao Ke saw this big customer's attitude change 180 degrees towards a man who was almost two generations younger than him: "You helped with my father's surgery, have you forgotten?"

Zuo Yueyao then remembered that it was the patient's family member who had given him a red envelope last time.

"Mr. Zhang?"

"Yes, yes." Zhang smiled and said, "Doctor Zuo is a rare talent. My old man praised you highly and even said he would introduce my niece to you."

"I didn't expect to see you here. Are you and Manager Su?"


"So Doctor Zuo is Manager Su's cousin. Well, why didn't you tell me earlier, Manager Su? If you had known, why would you have been so polite? It's just a matter of one sentence. So, Manager Su, you can have someone bring the goods back tomorrow and we'll just let this matter go."

Xiao Ke was so shocked that his jaw almost dropped. After struggling for so long, it was solved so easily? How could this person have such a great ability? Looking at Manager Su in his arms, he squinted his eyes and smiled like a fool.

"You go back first."

Xiao Ke refused to leave.

"Go back, go back." Su Xian pushed him and said, "We are all acquaintances, how can you eat me up?"

Xiao Ke walked away hesitantly. Su Xian tapped Zuo Yueyao's chest and said, "Who is your cousin? Why? Are you afraid that people will misunderstand our relationship and delay your relationship with that niece?"

A drunk woman has a kind of temptation and charm that is irresistible.

Suddenly she leaned close to his lips and sniffed hard: "Are you smoking again? Are you?"

Without waiting for the other party's answer, he began to touch all over, reaching into Zuo Yueyao's coat and touching everywhere, muttering as he touched: "Let me see where it's hidden."

Zuo Yueyao did not stop her and let her do whatever she wanted. Finally, under the curious gaze of passers-by, he consciously took out the cigarette from his coat pocket and said, "Here."

Su Xian snatched the cigarette, threw it to the ground, and stepped on it several times: "You are a bad boy! Why are you smoking? You are just like my old man, a chain smoker!"

Zuo Yueyao held the remaining lighter in his hand, wondering whether he should throw it on the ground as well so that she could step on it as much as she wanted at once.

She was drunk, so drunk that she let herself go, but she was also somewhat sober and knew that smoking was not good. He picked up the cigarette that was stepped on and thrown into the trash can beside him, then stuffed the staggering person into the car and fastened her seat belt. She laughed, and her breath was full of the smell of alcohol.

As soon as he sat down in the driver's seat, Su Xian complained: "Why didn't you tell me you knew each other earlier? I had to drink so much cat urine. God knows how bad it tastes!"

"If it tastes bad, you don't have to drink it." This was the first time he saw her drunk. She looked three parts lazy and seven parts charming. Her fair face was stained with a blush, and her red lips were soft and elastic, making people want to kiss her.

After not seeing her for many years, she really changed, becoming the "little vixen" that Chen Biyu used to laugh and scold.

"Tsk, they are my bread and butter. Where do you think my car, house, and money came from? They are all provided by these bread and butter parents. They are all coaxed by them. Ten percent of the bill is all money." Probably only when drunk will they take the initiative to pull it from him: "Money, that's a good thing, Zuo Yueyao, do you like money?"

This question was asked to the wrong person. For Zuo Yueyao, money was something he had never had to consider since he was born, and it was never part of his plans.

But it is the biggest focus of this woman.

"Why are you here?"

Not bad, you can ask this question.

Zuo Yueyao opened the car window a little to let the alcohol smell out, but he was afraid she would catch a cold, so he didn't dare to open it too wide: "Your CEO Huang was worried about you, so he asked me to pick you up."

"This Huang Kaifeng!" Su Xian complained, "Don't think I don't know what he wants to do. He has nothing to do all day long, and he likes to match me up with this person and that person!"

"He introduced you to many people?"

"Yeah." Su Xian counted on his fingers: "There are about five, six, seven or eight of them, some civil servants, engineers, teachers, and one who is a doctor like you. I forgot what disease he treats, but he looks pretty handsome."

"Are you as handsome as me?" he asked seductively.

Su Xian tried hard to recall: "No, I haven't found anyone more handsome than you so far."

Zuo Yueyao was quite satisfied with her answer: "Go home."

As soon as she entered the door, Su Xian staggered towards the sofa, and fell headfirst as soon as she touched the sofa. Her head felt heavy and she just wanted to sleep, but she couldn't sleep. Something seemed to be pulling at her brain nerves. She rubbed her eyes and looked around, and confirmed that the person who was pulling at her nerves was the man in front of her!

She pointed at Zuo Yueyao and said, "Men and women should not touch each other, you can leave now!"

Zuo Yueyao squatted down in front of the sofa and looked down at her: "I helped you, shouldn't I thank you?"

"How do I thank you?"

"It depends on your sincerity."

"Sincerity again." Su Xian turned away angrily: "I hate sincerity the most!"

Zuo Yueyao turned her body over and called softly, "Girl."

This sound was like a bewitching sound. Su Xian suddenly put her hands on Zuo Yueyao's neck and pulled him close to her. She smiled sweetly and asked softly, "How sincere do you want to be? How about giving yourself to me?"

The memories that remain in her mind are so clear, including the physical intimacy she had with her. Now, she really has the potential to be a vixen!

"Are you sure?" With gentlemanly restraint, he still wanted to find the most definite answer.

"Sure." She hugged his neck tighter.