Moonlight Moves You

Chapter 75: reject


She kissed him without hesitation.

My skills are still so unfamiliar, it's like being chewed by a dog!

Zuo Yueyao was very happy, feeling that everything was the same as before, without any change.

If a normal man remains indifferent to such a woman's embrace and tenderness, then there must be something seriously wrong with him! Zuo Yueyao suppressed his impulse and said, "Girl, you took the initiative."

All I heard was her impatient complaint: "You're so noisy, so slow."

As they soared into the air, Su Xian hugged Zuo Yueyao's neck and laughed so hard that her body shook with laughter.

The bedroom door was mercilessly closed by someone's foot, blocking the inappropriate scenes for children.

Su Xian woke up with a splitting headache and received a message on his mobile phone. It was from Huang Kaifeng: I have asked for leave for you. You don’t need to come to work in the morning. Have a good sleep.

Su Xian ignored him and wanted to go back to sleep. Huang Kaifeng sent another message: Did you consume too much energy last night? Remember to replenish your energy.

Su Xian woke up with a start. She felt a person next to her hand, but she didn't even look at him. The incomplete and intermittent images in her mind kept reminding her of what it meant to have sex while drunk.

She was drunk, but she wasn't completely drunk. Was it because she couldn't let go? Or was it because this man was so damn charming that she was salivating over him and took advantage of him while he was drunk

There was nothing covering her body, she was completely naked, her whole body was in great pain, and there were several pink marks on her chest and neck, one could imagine how intense the romance that night was.

Unexpectedly, this man who looked gentle and considerate was so tireless that night. He became more and more courageous as the battle went on, making her feel like her whole body was falling apart. Su Xian really wanted to slap him on the cheek to wake him up from his dream.

But he was sleeping so deeply and peacefully that she couldn't bear to do it.

The clothes were thrown all over the floor without mercy. Su Xian was too lazy to pick them up and crawled back into the quilt. Regret and satisfaction entangled her at the same time, making her not know how to deal with the relationship between them.

She still craved the smell of his body, craved his lips, and still loved to hear him call her "girl".

But this man was not the blessing she could enjoy.

Now that things have come to this, there is no point in regretting. Su Xian, thinking that they are all adults, really wants to take advantage of those soft lips again. Like a cat stealing fish, she stealthily moved her lips forward.

Zuo Yueyao suddenly opened his eyes. Su Xian didn't know whether to close or not pout. She really wanted to smother herself with the quilt.

"not enough?"

He woke up, looking radiant, his voice was low and a little hoarse, gentle and magnetic, very pleasant to hear.

"Enough, you should go to work." Su Xian's head slowly hid in the quilt.

"Why, you're just going to kick me out like that? Girl, I worked so hard to serve you all night."

Su Xian's face instantly turned red. "There is cash in the wallet, you can take it all. Ah! It hurts."

Zuo Yueyao actually bit her earlobe and refused to let go: "I was wrong. I won't say any more."

He then let go, and Su Xian rubbed his painful ear: "You were born in the year of the dog."

He imprisoned her and looked down at her: "If you say some nonsense again, I don't mind being a dog."

Su Xian took the initiative to cover his mouth to show his sincerity.

Zuo Yueyao pulled her hand away and looked at her seriously: "Are you satisfied with my performance?"

Depend on!

Should she answer satisfied or dissatisfied

It was true that she enjoyed it, but could she tell him this? No! Absolutely not!

Perhaps he had expected that she would not answer, so he changed the question: "Would you like to consider taking back what you said about breaking up?"

Su Xian was stunned.

This question came too suddenly.

This series of accidents messed up her mind. Her heart was beating so hard that she could feel her hands trembling slightly. How could he ask her such a question without any grudge

The word "good" is always on your lips and can be said at any time and anywhere.


"Don't tell me that we are all adults or something like that. Just answer my questions honestly."

Su Xian was speechless and felt like a huge rock was pressing on her heart. She could tell from Zuo Yueyao's serious face and eyes that were staring at her for an answer that he was not joking.

Her eyes drifted away for a long time before she answered him: "Not considering it."

"If there is a first betrayal, there will be a second one. Zuo Yueyao, are you a masochist? Do you still want a woman like me who is overly emotional and unfaithful to love?"

"Yes, I still want it."

He started to get angry, and bit her neck hard. She didn't cry out in pain because her heart hurt much more.

"Just treat me as a bitch! Just treat me as..."

Su Xian felt as if a piece of her heart had been cut out. She had never thought that Zuo Yueyao would say such self-deprecating words. She covered his mouth with her hand and said, "Don't say it. Please, don't say it!"

No matter what happens, he will always be the Zuo Yueyao in her heart, excellent and perfect. She can't bear to hear such words coming out of his mouth, as it is equivalent to someone slapping her hard in the face.

"I'll ask you again, do you want to be with me?"

"don't want."

The answer without hesitation and the ruthless rejection made the man leave her body. He sat on the edge of the bed with his back to her, without saying a word.

It happened very suddenly, and he asked the question very suddenly, but Su Xian's answer would never change.

The room was so quiet that the only sound was the ticking of the alarm clock. Su Xian even had to breathe carefully. She didn't know what Zuo Yueyao was thinking at this moment. She could only guess from his profile that he must be very angry, extremely angry.

He was even a little decadent.

This is not how he should be. He should be high and mighty. Even if he is arrogant, he will not attract abuse from others because he has enough capital. However, he is humble and never takes advantage of his talent.

Such a person was sad because of her and condescended to do so. She felt like a sinner.

Su Xian's hand stretched in the air, but ultimately did not touch him.

"I don't want to have any entanglement with the past. You have your life, and I have my circle. I shouldn't be in your life, and you won't be in my circle. You won't approve of the path I'm taking, but it's the one I have to take. Maybe it will be my way of life for the rest of my life. In your eyes, people like us will never be associated with you."

Looking at his back and barely holding up her body, Su Xian wanted to hug the man in front of her, but she didn't dare. She was afraid that she would sink into it and could no longer extricate herself.

"What kind of person are you?"

He turned around, his black pupils were as bright as starlight, but covered with a layer of sadness.

"I spend all day at dinner parties and drinking parties. I can never get angry at other people's rejections or disapproval. I no longer live for freedom, but am bound by life. I can't do what I want to do, nor can I say what I want to say. Sometimes I have to go on a business trip for half a month or a month just to complete a contract. No one will clean up the dust at home."

With a half-desolate and half-self-deprecating smile, Su Xian forced a smile: "But if I could go back to the beginning and choose again, I would probably still choose this path."

In the end, he couldn't harden his heart, so he held Su Xian in his arms and stroked her long, inky hair: "If you don't like it, you can quit."

"Quit? You're going to support me?"

"I will support you." Although he was on the verge of exploding, he still concealed his anger and comforted her softly.

Su Xian's heart was in a knot. She took a deep breath and exhaled slowly to ease her anxious mood.

"I'm hard to take care of." She leaned in his arms, absorbing this brief warmth: "Do you have time to accompany me often? Can you guarantee that when you are with me, you will not leave me alone because of a call from the hospital? Can you accompany me wherever I want to go and do whatever I want to do?"


She knew clearly that these seemingly simple requests were something he could not promise.

"Also, I can't be a good daughter-in-law who can handle both housework and cooking. You know, I'm lazy by nature, clumsy, and forgetful from time to time. Even dogs would hate the food I cook. I'm willful, unreasonable, and disobedient."

Zuo Yueyao couldn't help but laugh, and the overflowing smile seemed as if the anger just now had never appeared.

"You know yourself pretty well."

Su Xian was still sad, "I'm telling the truth! Zuo Yueyao! Be serious!"

He pulled the quilt over her and wrapped it around her: "Okay, I'll be serious. You continue talking and I'm listening."

"No more talking." Su Xian didn't know what to say after being interrupted. His emotions changed so quickly. What kind of higher animal was this man? In this situation, he could actually laugh out loud! Suddenly realizing that he was still naked, he wanted to roll away with the quilt, but was pulled back by Zuo Yueyao.

"Girl." It was like looking at a child who was making trouble for no reason: "You like me, but you don't want to be with me. What are you thinking?"

"I don't like you." Su Xian denied it flatly.

"Don't be so stubborn, your body is much more honest than your mouth."

One night of passion, entanglement to the death, never refusing, the love was so deep that the brain was out of control, shouting out: Yueyao, I miss you so much.

How could she deny it? She didn't have the face to deny it.

If she had known earlier that she should have changed Yueyao to another man's name, would the ending be different? No matter how she refused, this man just wouldn't listen. What should she do

"If you don't believe me, I can prove it again."

The sudden lips blocked her rejection. In a short period of time, both of their bodies changed. The burning sensation and heavy breathing all indicated what was going to happen next.

She wanted to push him away, but her arms seemed to have been acupunctured and she had lost the power to resist. The little strength she had left was just enough to cling to his neck and let him do whatever he wanted.

The result of the negotiations was another round of lovemaking.

It's daybreak, how shameless!

Su Xian bit Zuo Yueyao's shoulder hard to vent his dissatisfaction, but he didn't care. What he cared about was how to pry her mouth open and say: Zuo Yueyao, let's make peace.

She didn't say.

He didn't wait.