Moonlight Moves You

Chapter 86: lay down


Wen He turned around and touched her forehead: "You had a little fever just now, do you feel better now?"

She propped herself up and sat up, leaning against the head of the bed: "I went to see Zuo Yueyao." She didn't want to hide it from Wen He. This was the minimum respect for him.

Wen He didn't seem to be surprised at all. He just smiled calmly and said, "You said you would give it a try, but you didn't tell me when to start. Before you start, you can meet anyone without telling me."

His calmness was beyond her expectations, so she deliberately brought up another topic that would make him uncomfortable: "What if I meet him again after this starts?"

Perhaps he didn't expect her to ask this. Wen He was stunned for a moment before saying, "Then I might be jealous. Of course, if we just get along as friends, it's not impossible."

Su Xian felt a little better, and smiled helplessly: "How generous must it be for two people who were once sincere to each other to be friends? I am a petty person, even if you are willing, I am not willing."

"Fool." He cursed softly, but it made Wen He smile shyly.

Zuo Yueyao lay on a strange bed with his eyes closed. He could clearly hear the noises around him but was unwilling to open his eyes. Only when the conversation between He Xinwan and her mother faded away did he slowly open his eyes, look at the strange room, take out a cigarette from his pocket, light it, and slowly smoke it.

He drank a lot of wine, more than ever before. He felt as if something was struggling out from the deepest part of his heart and then slowly slipping away. He wanted to catch it, but he couldn't.

Everyone thought he was drunk, but in fact, he was sober the whole time. He just wanted to listen to what the woman would say and do.

But the result disappointed him greatly.

The woman who had obsessed him for so long just gave him up to someone else. He was taken home by He Xinwan and lay on her soft bed. The bedding exuded a faint fragrance, but it made him feel cold and nauseous.

His life has always been decided by himself, but was his original persistence and decision right or wrong

He Xinwan returned to the room and saw the man leaning against the bed and smoking. She walked to the bed and opened the window a little: "Auntie asked me to take good care of you. You can sleep here tonight. There are many rooms anyway. I can sleep in the guest room."

"Thank you." He really didn't have the energy to toss and turn, and he also wanted to have a good sleep. Maybe when he woke up tomorrow, everything that happened today would become unimportant.

"Yueyao." He Xinwan stood beside him, speaking softly with a mixture of heartache and confusion: "Can you really not let her go? You've seen that she doesn't really want to be with you, so why are you still so insistent?"

The cigarette was soon finished and Zuo Yueyao took out another one.

He Xinwan sighed deeply: "I can't judge whether it's right or wrong in a relationship, but you should be sober now. Relationships are about staying together, not just your persistence. How long are you going to do this? I heard that you were absent from the academic exchange meeting held by the hospital a few days ago, Yueyao, this is really unlike you. You knew that the guy surnamed Ni had always been dissatisfied with you, so why did you give him this opportunity for academic exchange? What are you unhappy about? Can't you wait until the exchange meeting is over?"

He remained silent, his furrowed brows filled with worry and sadness.

For the first time, He Xinwan witnessed how destructive love is. She thought that what she insisted on was love, but only now did she realize that what she insisted on was just her wishful thinking. Zuo Yueyao's relationship with her will always be limited to that of friends, and his feelings for Su Xian are true love.

"Auntie wants to bring us together." He told the truth, and suddenly lost the desire to persist. "I know that my colleagues in the hospital will compare me with her in private, saying that I am more suitable to be your girlfriend. When I heard this, I was actually very happy, but I know better than anyone that in your heart, I am far inferior to her."

"I'm sorry." What else could he say to her besides this

"I should apologize to you." He Xinwan smiled bitterly: "For the trouble I have caused you." As if grasping the last straw, as if with a fluke mentality: "Yueyao, today I only want to ask you seriously, is there really no possibility between us?"


He answered without hesitation. The last straw that saved my life was instantly broken, and my heart sank to the bottom. "Why? I don't think I'm any worse than her."

"You are no worse than her, and even better than her in many aspects, but this is not the condition I would like." Finally realizing that the continuous smoking in the boudoir was inappropriate, he pinched out the cigarette butt with his fingers, not feeling the burning caused by the high temperature at all: "I always thought I liked her, because I liked her simplicity and cuteness, her understanding and tolerance, and her unyielding efforts. After meeting her again, she changed, becoming more complicated, more indifferent, and sometimes even willful and overbearing, but I found that I still like her. It turns out that what I like is her as a person. No matter what she becomes, I still like her."

This sudden explanation, which was equivalent to a confession, made He Xinwan both envious and a little sad.

"You're right." After a moment of silence, Zuo Yueyao slowly spoke again: "She doesn't seem to want to be with me."

He Xinwan was surprised to find that the smile on the corner of his mouth was so desperate and lonely. If she had not seen it with her own eyes, how could she believe that Zuo Yueyao would do this for Su Xian

Even though she was unwilling in her heart, she slowly let it go in her sobriety. He Xinwan sat down and looked him in the eye: "When we were in college, every time I saw you two walking together hand in hand, I hated you. I hated why you didn't choose me, and why she could get your heart so easily. Because of hatred, I even did whatever it took."

"Don't mention the past anymore." Zuo Yueyao interrupted her. His dark eyes were filled with infinite wisdom, but he was troubled by emotions. "People always make mistakes, and so do I. If I had thought about it more seriously, I might have come up with a better way to solve it. I wouldn't have let a girl leave Nanjing University with guilt and shame. I saw that girl was so sad because of this."

With a helpless smile: "I actually feel that I am wrong."

I shouldn't have made her sad.

He knew? He actually knew that she was the one who did it.

In order to save her face, he never mentioned it. Should she be touched or more ashamed

I have to admit that he and Su Xian do have some things in common.

Like two people who have put aside their past grudges, the grudges in their hearts have dissipated. If they are destined not to be together in this life, then being friends with him is actually not bad. She still acknowledges his excellence and brilliance, as well as his unparalleled looks and loyalty in her heart.

"There's something I think you should know."

Before this, He Xinwan didn't want to say it, but now, she felt that she should say it. Since a forced melon is not sweet, then helping others can be regarded as a way to make up for her own mistakes.

Zuo Yueyao rubbed his temple. The effects of alcohol and his worries made his brain hurt badly. "Yeah."

"When you broke up, it seemed like she didn't have any unfaithful partner." At first, she was just curious about what kind of person Zuo Yueyao would abandon, so she looked into the matter. After her inquiries, she found out that the so-called third party did not exist at all. However, she had given up at that time and did not expose the matter.

"I know."

He knows everything. He Xinwan suddenly laughed: "I thought people who fall in love tend to ignore many things, but I forgot that you are Zuo Yueyao."

"Since you know, why do you still..."

"She made up those lies and made those unreasonable demands just to break up with me. We were both young at that time, and I couldn't think of any other reason for her to ruthlessly abandon everything we had experienced in those years, except for falling in love with someone else. After I knew that she hadn't fallen in love with someone else, I started to wonder why she broke up with me. Perhaps it was because of my youthful impetuosity that I thought breaking up was just a very common thing, so I just broke up. I just didn't expect it."

I didn't expect that I would still miss the same person for so many years after breaking up.

"The professor later introduced me to someone whose personality was somewhat similar to that girl. I also tried to get along with her, but every time she wanted to hold my hand, I would avoid her. I knew I hadn't let go. In fact, I was also waiting for myself to let go. But when I saw her again, I knew it would be even harder for me to let go. From the beginning to the end, all I wanted was her."

"Isn't it a bit too much for you to say this in front of me?" Just because she didn't want to see him so sad, He Xinwan pretended to be angry and made a joke.

Realizing that he had talked a lot today, Zuo Yueyao tried hard to hide his emotions. Facing each other, years of emotional knots were untied and they smiled knowingly.

"So what are you going to do?" Just out of concern between friends.

"Since she doesn't want me, then I won't insist."

It really sounded like a resentful husband who was abandoned. He Xinwan couldn't help laughing: "Are you willing to do that?"

"Is there a quota for going out next month?" He seemed to have the impression that this was the case, but he had not been thinking about it recently, so he was not sure about the truth of this matter.

He Xinwan didn't know whether to laugh or cry: "Didn't you give me this spot?"

"Can you give me this spot again?" He knew it was not right, but it was time for him to go out and see the world.

"Of course." He Xinwan agreed without hesitation: "But you have to think about it carefully. This trip will take at least three months, and at most half a year."

"no problem."

Su Xian was really sick, and very sick. She had a continuous high fever, and her consciousness became blurred at the end. Wen He offered to take her to the hospital several times, but she refused. There was nothing he could do, so he had to find a doctor he knew, and went to the pharmacy to buy medicine according to his instructions. He stayed by her side and took care of her day and night, and only then did Su Xian's health slowly improve.

When I woke up, there were a bunch of people around the bed. In addition to Wen He, there were Chen Biyu, Lu Xiran, Huang Kaifeng and Xiao Yunshu.

His body was still very weak, but their presence made Su Xian feel unprecedented warmth.

Xiao Yunshu was lying on Su Xian's bed with her butt sticking out. When she saw her wake up, she rubbed her forehead against hers: "Aunt Su, when I had a fever before, Daddy rubbed me like this, and it got better after rubbing. I'll rub you too."

Su Xian pulled Xiao Yunshu away: "Stay away from Auntie, you will be infected."

Huang Kaifeng said, "I'm afraid she might get infected and you won't get better soon. I haven't seen you in the company these few days and I'm worried. I'm afraid you might commit suicide by yourself at home."

Chen Biyu continued, "You didn't even call us when something so serious happened. Do you think we are useless? If something happens to you, we won't even be able to see you for the last time. Wouldn't we regret it for the rest of our lives?"