Moonlight Moves You

Chapter 92: Evil fate


"You say." Zuo Yueyao still stared at the patient, and his tone was as calm as that to other patients' families.

"My father's attending physician seems to be Dr. Ni." In fact, she felt a little uneasy. It was really strange. Why did she always feel insecure in front of Zuo Yueyao

"I have looked at your father's condition and past surgical cases. I think I am better at this operation. If you are dissatisfied with me, you can apply to the hospital and switch back to Dr. Ni."

Su Xian felt that she would not gain anything if she continued to talk. She could see that Zuo Yueyao did not intend to treat her as an acquaintance at all. It was not a matter of currying favor with her. She just regarded it as a formality. Su Xian said, "Then I'll trouble Doctor Zuo."

It's great that they can see everything clearly!

"Here I am a doctor, and I feel like as an adult, having too many thoughts is not a good thing."

This tone, which was almost like a lecture, not only did not make Su Xian feel unhappy, but she felt ashamed. Yes, in the hospital, they were doctors, and saving lives and healing the wounded every day was both a responsibility and a habit. Why should she stick to this selfish thought? It would only make her seem too narrow-minded.

"Do you have anything else to do? If not, go back to the ward. I'm very busy."

Was she ordered to leave? Oh, why was her little heart still a little uncomfortable? Su Xian turned around and walked away. Halfway through, she looked back at him desperately, but he didn't even give her a farewell look. The distance was so great that she could run a marathon. She almost ran back and asked him: Zuo Yueyao, don't you recognize me

Su Xian secretly told himself that it didn’t matter, he was his father’s attending physician, no matter what his attitude was, he had to endure what he should endure and let go of what he should let go of!

In the evening, Wen He came to see them and brought food. Except for some light dishes, the rest were her favorites. Su Xian was helpless about this man who did everything very well: "I'll just eat something casually, no need to go through so much trouble."

Wen He disagreed with this casual attitude: "If you don't take good care of your body, how can you have the energy to take care of your uncle? Eat quickly, it's still hot."

Su Changlin glanced at his daughter. He was a man of compassion. Seeing Su Xian taking good care of him and accompanying him at night, he lost most of his tough talk. He passed the fish in his bowl to her and said something very precious: "Eat well, or you will fall down before me."

This sounded like a very homely conversation between father and daughter, but for Su Xian, it was an unexpected surprise. It was a rare opportunity to hear good words from Su Changlin.

Wen He took a pair of chopsticks and picked out the fish bones from the fish meat: "Be careful with the bones."

For a moment, she felt happy to be cared for by two men at the same time, but when she looked up, she saw Zuo Yueyao standing at the door with his hands in his pockets, and her feeling of happiness came to an abrupt end.

For the first time, Su Xian felt that it would be better for Zuo Yueyao not to come back to the hospital suddenly. He was like a fishbone on fish meat, appearing from time to time and pricking her. After so long, she even felt annoyed by him.

As per a hunch, Zuo Yueyao did not just appear at the door, but he knocked on the open door in a very serious manner. Everyone looked at him. Su Xian didn't know whether his father recognized Zuo Yueyao or not, but he noticed that Wen He's face changed the moment he saw Zuo Yueyao.

If she were Wen He, she would be very bothered. The strange feeling soon disappeared, and Wen He stood up and called out, "Doctor Zuo."

"Hello." Zuo Yueyao acted as if he had never seen Wen He before, so unfamiliar.

Su Changlin really didn't recognize Zuo Yueyao, and only thought he was his attending physician. After being scolded that day, his attitude today was so good that even the food in his mouth didn't taste good. He narrowed his eyes at Zuo Yueyao and said, "I'll trouble you, Doctor Zuo, for my surgery."

"It's my pleasure. You're welcome." Zuo Yueyao replied politely.

Su Xian thought, if she told the old man that the Dr. Zuo in front of her was the biological son of the woman she had tortured for a long time, she wondered if she would still be able to smile so brightly. According to her father's logic, if he remembered that this Dr. Zuo was the Zuo Yueyao from ten years ago, he would definitely think that Zuo Yueyao would take revenge on her and then resolutely demanded to change doctors.

So I'd better pray that the old man never remembers it.

"The surgery is scheduled to start at 10 am the day after tomorrow. A nurse will come to inform you of the precautions before the surgery. All precautions must be strictly followed so that the surgery can proceed smoothly."

"Of course, of course." Su Changlin behaved more obediently than ever before, so obedient that even Su Xian felt ashamed for him.

After just a few brief words, Zuo Yueyao left. Facing his appearance, Su Xian felt inexplicably guilty because the behavior between her and Wen He was too ambiguous. But now she began to laugh at herself. Did her guilty conscience make her seem to overestimate herself

The day before the operation, a crowd of people gathered in front of Su Changlin's bed. As someone who had never been treated like this before, facing the onlookers of a group of upper-class people, he actually behaved a little restrained. He even had trouble speaking his catchphrases, and tried his best to sound polite in his words.

For this reason, Su Xian wanted to laugh, but when he thought about tomorrow's surgery, he couldn't help but feel a little worried.

Unable to bear everyone's enthusiasm, Su Changlin suggested going out for a walk, and Su Xian did not stop him. It was obvious during the past few days in the hospital that his old father had indeed become much more restrained. Watching him walking out with his hands behind his back, Su Xian felt deeply that it was great to be alive.

Chen Biyu stood up with the help of her husband's arm. Her bulging belly made it very inconvenient for her to move. After months of complaining, she slowly accepted the change in her figure under the comfort and love of President Li. She moved to Su Xian's side and poked her on the shoulder: "Isn't it embarrassing? An ex-boyfriend, a current boyfriend, and a former rival. They are almost playing mahjong together."

A former love rival made Su Xian want to laugh. "In North City, where else can I go if not here? It's because the old man has a heart disease, and they have to be in this department."

"It's fate, but I don't know if it's a bad fate." Chen Biyu turned around and asked Huang Kaifeng: "Which one do you think it is?"

It was not surprising that Huang Kaifeng and Chen Biyu could play together. Under Chen Biyu's leadership, Huang Kaifeng became younger and younger. He shook his head and replied, "It can't be said, it can't be said. It can only be understood. It can only be understood."

Lu Xiran's focus was more practical: "Will tomorrow's surgery be troublesome? Will it take a long time? Is Senior Brother Zuo the lead surgeon? If so, I'd be relieved. No matter what, Senior Brother Zuo's medical skills are still very impressive."

There was nothing but respect in their conversation. If Ren Shang were still alive, he would probably be jealous.

Su Xian couldn't answer Lu Xiran's question because she hadn't discussed the surgery in detail with Zuo Yueyao. She thought it was time to ask so that she could feel more at ease.

Just as he was thinking about it, Zuo Yueyao came in. Huang Kaifeng set an example and waved his hand to greet him: "Hello, Doctor Zuo."

There was a nurse following behind him. Su Xian remembered that it seemed to be the little nurse with a round face. She was very cute. She smiled at Su Xian, and Su Xian also smiled and nodded at her. Since they moved in, it was not known whether it was because the impression of their first love was too deep, or because they had the support of two big men behind them, not only did they save a lot of trouble, but the nurses and doctors were also very kind to them.

Of course, this amiable attitude definitely does not include Dr. Ni. Ever since the attending physician was replaced, this already cold-faced doctor became even colder whenever he met Dr. Ni.

It's really shameless to take advantage of this.

Zuo Yueyao stood in front of the bed and handed over a piece of paper: "This is the consent form for surgery. Please sign it if you have no problem reading it."

Su Xian took it and signed her name without thinking. The operation had to be done, and it made no difference whether she watched it or not. She had her own selfish motives. As long as Zuo Yueyao performed the operation himself, she firmly believed that there would be no problems.

After signing, he returned the paper to him. Zuo Yueyao didn't take it and asked, "Don't you need your boyfriend to look at it again?"

Zuo Yueyao always spoke in an unconventional way. Su Xian didn't expect him to ask this question, especially in front of everyone. His face suddenly turned red, and he bit out three words: "No need."

"Brother Zuo, can we all come over tomorrow?"

Only Lu Xiran never changed the way she addressed Zuo Yueyao, which made Zuo Yueyao's tone when talking to her seem a little softer, not like he was talking to a stranger: "Okay, just keep quiet outside the operating room."

"Don't worry, senior brother. We won't quarrel." It sounded just like the feeling of submission that the junior sister had towards the senior brother.

"If it's ok, I'll leave first. Please try to close the door while you chat, so as not to be too self-absorbed and disturb other patients' rest."

Only Lu Xiran nodded his head like pounding garlic.

As soon as Zuo Yueyao left, Chen Biyu snorted, "Don't ask, it's a bad fate, 100% a bad fate. Look at his behavior, it's as if he doesn't know us. Even if you two are done, you won't treat us as strangers, right? What? Are you planning to erase the friendship between you two classmates?"

"After all, it was me who hurt her." Su Xian felt a little reluctant.

"Forget it, a stranger is a stranger. It's better than an enemy. Our father's life is still in his hands. Let's not bother with him."

Li Yitian put his arm around Chen Biyu's shoulders: "You, idiot."

"I'm stupid because of you. Haven't you heard that a woman who is pregnant will become stupid for three years? It's all your fault!" Chen Biyu, who didn't get the point, immediately pointed the finger at Li Yitian, frightening Li Yitian so much that he quickly surrendered: "Okay, okay, it's my fault, it's my fault, don't get angry, now there are so many people around, please forgive me, you can beat me or scold me when you go back, okay?"

Chen Biyu laughed and scolded: "You bastard, you only know how to coax me!"

Su Xian didn't care about the couple's flirting. He chased after them impulsively. When he was about to catch up with the familiar figure, he stopped and shouted in a voice that he thought only he could hear: "Zuo Yueyao."

The person in front stopped moving and slowly turned around: "What's the matter?"

She slowly approached, but stopped a few steps away. She was so close that her brain seemed to shut down and she almost forgot what she wanted to say.

"follow me."

In a place where life and death are at stake, everyone feels heavier at different levels of emotion. His cold expression makes the heaviness even deeper. Su Xian suddenly wanted to make him smile. Thinking of his smile in the past, he always felt that it was the most wonderful thing in the world.