Moonlight Moves You

Chapter 99: Too difficult


Zuo Yueyao's eyes were bloodshot. The two of them looked the same, but Zuo Yueyao's eyes were definitely not like someone else, whose bloodshot eyes were from crying.

"Do you think she will cry for me?"

Ren Shang propped up his head and looked down at Zuo Yueyao's face. The postures of the two people looked as ambiguous as possible. He raised his eyebrows and said, "A good man should not let the woman he loves cry."

Zuo Yueyao glanced at him and said, "Go to sleep."

"I think she truly loves you, but I don't know what's wrong with her and why she just doesn't want to be with you."

"my mother."


"When she was in college, my mother funded all her tuition and living expenses. Although I was the one who proposed this, it was my mother who paid for it. After my mother knew that we were together, she talked to her and hoped that she would leave me."

Zuo Yueyao smiled bitterly: "Maybe she loves me, but between gratitude and love, she chose the former. Or maybe she has her own self-esteem and inferiority complex, and feels that being with me is not a good match, so between self-esteem and love, she chose the former."

Ren Shang found it incredible, and after thinking about it for a while, he said, "Our mother is really..."

"Did our mother tell you about this?" Normally, you shouldn't do such things secretly.

"I overheard her talking to my dad about this in the study."

Now that the root cause has been found, all of Su Xian's behavior is not surprising. Seeing Zuo Yueyao's behavior, Ren Shang finally realized it, but soon became puzzled again: "Since you knew, why did you agree to break up with her?"

"What if she doesn't agree?" He gently rubbed his sore wrists, his voice sounding a little weak: "With her temper, can I force her? Unless she thinks it through herself."

Ren Shang finally understood why Zuo Yueyao made his subsequent actions. He couldn't help but sigh, this damn love is indeed a course that requires in-depth study. It is too complicated!

"If she doesn't think it through and ends up getting married, then all your efforts will be in vain." Ren Shang was talking about things that were irrelevant. Anyway, no matter what he said, Zuo Yueyao had never really been angry with him.

"That means she doesn't love me enough. If she doesn't love me, then what's the point of me persisting?" Zuo Yueyao pushed away Ren Shang's questioning face and said, "Then it's like she said, let's part ways in peace."

Parting ways amicably sounds easy, but only those who have experienced it can understand the difficulty and sadness involved.

Ren Shang realized that Zuo Yueyao's calmness and endurance were not comparable to those of ordinary people. That woman was really lucky to be so favored.

Su Xian didn't know how many days she had been there, but she still hadn't seen Zuo Yueyao. Fortunately, her focus was no longer on Zuo Yueyao. She officially participated in the rescue work. Although she spent every day in exhaustion, she didn't regret it at all. Instead, she felt that everything became valuable.

Wen He found her on the third day after she arrived. When he found her, he didn't say a word and directly hugged her in his arms, strangling her so hard that she almost couldn't breathe. Su Xian could understand Wen He's mood at this moment, just like the feeling of regaining something she had lost when she heard the news that Zuo Yueyao was safe and sound. She couldn't bear to push him away and just waited patiently for him to calm down.

After letting her go, Wen He asked Su Xian: "Did you find him?"

Su Xian felt guilty and shook his head: "No, but Yao Jing said she had seen him, so it's okay."

"Yao Jing?" Whether intentionally or unintentionally, Wen He changed the subject: "She's here too?"

"Yes! I'm here too." Yao Jing walked towards them. "Didn't expect that we would meet again?"

Wen He's surprise flashed across his face. He and Yao Jing were not familiar with each other. When they met by chance before, they just chatted casually about Su Xian. Her skin was slightly dark from the wind and sun, but it did not affect her temperament at all. She looked full of confidence and mature charm.

"Hello, Instructor Wen." Yao Jing is much more optimistic now than when she was in college. Thinking back to when they shared a dormitory, she almost thought that she didn't know how to smile. It was only from occasional details that she guessed that this roommate might not be a bad person. For example, on the night when Su Xian had an allergic reaction, the lights in the dormitory were on all night. It wasn't because they forgot to turn off the lights when they left, but someone left them on on purpose. That person was Yao Jing.

No one is absolutely good or bad. Although Yao Jing has made mistakes, she is still kind.

The ambiguity between the two made Yao Jing realize the unexpected development of the matter. Taking advantage of Wen He's absence, Yao Jing dared to speak out.

"How did you get together with him? Where's Zuo Yueyao? Didn't you come here just to find him? I thought you two had already talked about marriage, how could this happen?"

Yao Jing asked several questions in a row, raised her eyes in the direction where Wen He left, and Su Xian answered with silence.

How should I answer this? Is the old explanation that it is not meant to be

"When Zuo Yueyao came to me and asked me to speak out about that incident, to be honest, I hated him for a moment. But after he left, I thought about it for a long time by myself, and finally realized that his approach was right. I should pay for my own mistakes and should not let others bear the consequences of my mistakes. Although speaking out about that incident would damage my reputation, I knew from the beginning that it was immoral to do so. This ending is the retribution I deserve. It has nothing to do with anyone else, and I should not hate anyone."

Talking about the past that has been forgotten for many years, Su Xian still feels ashamed of his past. He pulls Yao Jing's hand and says, "Everyone has a time when they were young and ignorant. It's not just you. I am the same. Let's not talk about the past."

The caring and comforting words earned Yao Jing a heartwarming smile: "What I didn't expect was that after I left Nanjing University and transferred to North City University, Zuo Yueyao actually contacted me and told me to focus on my studies and not to think about anything else. He also said that no matter what kind of difficulties you are in, they can be changed. At that time, he even used you as an example, saying that no matter what happens, you are very optimistic and strong."

"Later, in order to let me finish college peacefully, he helped my mother find a famous doctor who cured her old illness. He also secretly gave my mother a sum of money and asked her not to tell me. But my mother felt that she already owed him a favor, and it would be unjustifiable to take his money, so she told me about it. After I found out, I didn't know what to feel. I felt that although Zuo Yueyao was very rational when dealing with things, his heart might be softer than any of us. Although I knew that he was actually making it up to me, I felt that I was wrong. Why should he compensate me? He didn't do anything wrong."

Su Xian really didn’t know what else about Zuo Yueyao that she didn’t know!

"I'm actually quite embarrassed because my matter made you unhappy. I thought you wouldn't really do anything, but I didn't expect that..."

"It has nothing to do with you." Su Xian found that Yao Jing was now more tender and emotional: "The conflict between him and I existed from the beginning."


Yao Jing wanted to say something, but when Wen He came in, she changed the subject: "You guys chat, I'm going to get busy."

"Be careful." Su Xian warned her from behind.

"Yes." Yao Jing walked straight ahead without looking back, and just raised her arm to signal, "The child's parents have been found. They were slightly injured, but not seriously. The family of three is now reunited."

So, keep going, good things will happen.

Wen He came in with some hot water, wrung out a towel and handed it to Su Xian: "Wipe your face."

He didn't say a word and only cared about whether she was safe or not, just like she cared about whether Zuo Yueyao was safe or not. Su Xian would rather Wen He scolded her a few times than show such silent concern, which made her seem like a villain.

"I want to wait until we're almost done here before going back." Feeling guilty, Su Xian didn't dare to look at Wen He.

"I have this plan as well." Wen He said, "I was on a business trip a few days ago and was so busy that I didn't even have time to watch the news. As soon as I heard about it, I came here. I knew you would come too."

"Although I am not a soldier now, I will still go to the battlefield if needed. This is the battlefield now. I will go back when I am no longer needed."

Su Xian smiled and said, "No wonder Ren Shang can regard you as a friend he can talk to besides Zuo Yueyao."

Su Xian mentioned the name out of habit, and she was annoyed that she spoke too quickly. She glanced at Wen He, who was also looking at her. Su Xian lowered her head, feeling that the atmosphere made her feel suffocated.

Neither of them spoke anymore. There was a crowd of people outside the tent, but it was unusually quiet inside the tent. The silence made the two of them fall into their own world at the same time, thinking about their own things. After a long time, Wen He spoke first.

"I think it would be more comfortable to be your brother than your boyfriend. At least we won't feel awkward talking to each other like we are now. So, I will take you as my sister."

Su Xian pursed her lips, not knowing how to respond to Wen He's words. She was the one who let him down, but he not only did not blame her, but also made excuses for her.

Su Xian, Su Xian, what on earth have you done? How many people do you have to hurt before you will stop? From the beginning to now, what has Wen He done wrong? He did nothing, she couldn't even point out the slightest fault in him, but such a person had to be ruthlessly hurt by her.

"What I mean is, I don't think we're a good match, so let's not try." No one knew what Wen He was feeling. All they could see was that when he said this, his face was calm, as if it wasn't his business. "I've never had a sister in my life. If I change my identity, I can still treat you well openly. Do you think that's okay?"

Su Xian felt that if she were to reply with a "yes", she would be extremely shameless.

"Wen He." She should have said sorry, but it seemed cheap. After thinking for a long time, she felt it necessary to pour out her truest thoughts to him: "It's too hard to forget him. When I heard the news that he was in trouble, I even thought about exchanging my own life for his safety. At that moment, I realized that I loved him very much, loved him more than myself. I want to see him as soon as possible. Even if it's just to see him once, I will be satisfied. I know it's unfair and shameless to do this to you, but I can't help it. I can't control my heart. I..."