Moonlight Variations

Chapter 108


Chu Li thinks that in this world, people like her are worthless enough to be limp when someone they like takes the initiative to hold hands... She lowered her head and stared fixedly at her hand being held , I am afraid that I will be so nervous that my palms sweat and then I will be rejected—

What a shame.

Hiukawa walked in front, wearing a black sweater and jeans, he was not inferior to any Korean drama actor after finishing his hairstyle. He was tall and straight, with an indifferent face, and his eyes were fixed and straight ahead. Walking through the red carpet at the ceremony, no one would say anything...

How many little girls on the street are looking back—

Hey, don't look at it.

It's mine, I can't take it away.

I have earned it through untold hardships, and I will not let go of it so easily and take advantage of others...

"Teacher, if you go to book signings like this, I am confident that it will not be a problem to sell 50,000 to 60,000 sets of books on the spot." Chu Li quickened his pace and followed behind the man, the corners of his lips raised unconsciously, "Why don't you want to sign books? what?"

"I hate crowded places the most, and I hate smiling and pretending to greet hundreds of strangers."

"... But that's the image you've created to the outside world."

"It's just a character set that can be fucked by just typing a word on Weibo," Hiukawa lazily glanced at the little girl who was struggling to keep up with her relatively short legs, "In real life I keep smiling at strangers for two hours, and I choose death."

First ceremony: "..."

What a "gentle and moist as jade Gongzichuan".

The character set... was so successful that she almost believed it.

Chu Li: "Teacher Jiang Yucheng always threatens you to expose your true face by posting Jiugongge on Weibo. I used to think that he was threatening you and would not actually do that, but at this moment I suddenly felt that he really did. It’s understandable…”

Hikawa raised his eyebrows.

Chu Li: "It's doing justice for the heavens."

Hiukawa glanced at her, then raised the hands they held together, and shook them in front of her eyes, as if it was a hammer that was harder than a hammer: "Isn't that why you like me?"

"..." Chu Li thought carefully about the meaning of his words, and then asked, "Who are you calling a pervert?"

Hiukawa snorted and turned his head away.

At this time, the two came to the entrance of the cinema. In March 2014, the most worth-seeing domestic film released nationwide was "Fireworks in the Day". Hiukawa read the film reviews on the Internet, and people expressed that this film is no matter the plot arrangement , tension and atmosphere are all created very well, and the heroine Gui Lunmei is also his favorite. He is looking forward to going to the cinema to support a wave of box office...

I was about to check the most recent suitable times, but when I turned my head, I found that the little girl I brought was standing in front of the movie poster of "Farewell to the Magpie" and couldn't move away—

That's right, it is the adaptation of the novel of the same name by the international writer and director Mr. Houston Hellman who drove him down from the golden stack of Jiuhua Bookstore.

Hiukawa: "..."

After the novel of "Farewell to the Magpie" became a huge hit, the movie "Farewell to the Magpie" has also caught up with the release of this year's Lunar New Year. The whole movie is produced by AIR, the world's largest film production company, with a superb screenwriter The team, the superb shooting techniques, and the excellent special effects that don't take the production budget as money...

It can be said that AIR is the ultimate dream of every filmmaker, and it is also the highest palace that every writer can step into when taking his works to the world.

Mr. Herman, the original author of "Farewell to the Magpie" is a Turk, and he is good at shooting works with strong national characteristics. This time "Farewell to the Magpie" can be regarded as a return to the original nationality, so his works are also full of exotic literary narratives The technique, exquisite and shocking pictures, and the plot content full of hints and interesting... For a time, the box office was extremely popular as if it broke the rules, and there were constant discussions on the content of its movie script on the Internet. So far, there have been more than ten different industries Professionals, with completely different opinions on the film —

Like a kaleidoscope.

It's like "Hamlet" in the movie industry.

Hiukawa: "... What do you mean when you stand in front of the poster of "Farewell to the Magpie" and you look obsessed? Do you want to break up with me?"

Chu Li raised his head, with a puzzled expression on his face: "Aren't we here to see this?"

Hiukawa made no statement: "I'm here to see Gui Lunmei."

Chu Li: "... Don't be like this, "Farewell to the Scared Magpie" is very popular. I held back and didn't go to see it with my brother during the Chinese New Year, so that I can save it to watch with you when I come back."

"I don't," Hiukawa took a step back, with a face of resistance, "You asked me to contribute to the box office of the movie with the same name that drove me off the gold stack!"

Chu Li raised his forehead: "Aren't you also a fan of Herman..."

Zhou Chuan regained his paralyzed face and said, "Until he drove the "Luohe Divine Book" from the golden stack of Jiuhua Bookstore, I was."

Hiukawa: "Right now, colleagues are probably enemies."

"It's very shameless to call myself and Herman a 'peer'. Posting on Weibo is worth a hundred and eighty thousand dollars..." Chu Li stretched out his hand, grabbed Zhou Chuan and went to the ticket office. He tugged, "Let's go, let's just watch this, don't think I don't know, you've secretly watched the trailer of "Farewell to the Magpie" at home a dozen times."

"That's because you didn't realize that I watched Gui Lunmei more than 20 times..."

"Teacher! Can you be a little bit promising!"

"What is promising? Trying to be an original screenwriter for Herman's novel script one day? Adapt the novel into a movie for AIR to shoot?"

"That seems to be too much, and should be classified under the category of 'delusional'."

"It's because I have pampered you too much recently, so you have become more and more presumptuous."

In Hiukawa's dissatisfied thoughts, Chu Li had already taken out her wallet with a smile and asked the conductor for two tickets. When she was choosing a seat, she was squeezed aside by her little male companion before the conductor. "I know if he wasn't so handsome, you wouldn't keep him for the New Year and Valentine's Day by the way." In the eyes, the young man who was clamoring not to look at him a second ago chose the golden position in the middle of the front row .

Facing Chu Li's questioning eyes, he cleared his voice, and said confidently: "It's good to see, movie tickets are not money, are they?"

"Teacher, you are so duplicity, what should you do if AIR company comes to buy your essays and movies in the future, and you open your mouth for 10 million yuan, and you blurt out 'I'm begging for food'?"

"They won't have a chance to bring up the matter of giving me money," Hiukawa stuffed the change for buying popcorn into Chuli's hand, drove her away like a primary school student, and at the same time said ruthlessly in a calm voice , "They are willing to shoot my article, and before it opens its mouth, I will offer to post it ten million yuan."


The most recent movie started about five minutes later. Chuli bought a bucket of popcorn with the pocket money from Hiukawa, and followed him into the theater with his arms in his arms... This is the second time they watched together The movie, but this time without Jiang Yucheng.

Chu Lilai deliberately read some movie reviews before, but when I watched the movie, I still felt that the plot of the movie was rather obscure. When he began to dance in circles as if challenging the limits of the human body, Hatsuri's hand was dishonestly reaching out to Hiukawa...

The hand hesitated.

Then he carefully pried open his arm hanging on the side of his body, stuffed it through the gap between his body and the arm, and turned into a posture of half-embracing his arm—

Looking up at Hiukawa, the man's eyes are still staring at the movie screen...

Look very seriously.

Chu Li lowered his head, and under the dim light of the movie theater, he yawned a little, and the hand holding Hiukawa's arm quietly tightened his sweater...

At this moment, the man who was staring at the big screen without turning his head suddenly raised his other hand, stretched it over and pressed her head down calmly, allowing her to hug his arm and rest her head on his shoulder The posture is stable and stable.

In the darkness, Chu Li slightly widened his eyes.

The man's hand patted her head and then took it away, as if to say, go to sleep when you are sleepy, even though it is a movie you want to watch.

"... Teacher." Chu Li lowered his voice.

The man raised his hand and put his index finger on his lips.

The corners of the lips are slightly raised.

In the darkness, only the lights on the screen flickering in front of him, Chu Li felt that the corners of his lips seemed to be possessed by a demon. She grasped his sleeves tightly, rubbed her head, and kissed the rising lips carefully like a dragonfly touching water. radian.

Then, as if he had taken some huge advantage, he was so happy that he retracted his head.

Thirty minutes later.

Chu Li leaned on Hiukawa's shoulder and squinted for a while, and when he opened his eyes, the movie had evolved from "half understanding" to "what the hell", Hiukawa actually watched it with great interest... Chu Li rubbed his head against his shoulder and made a soft rustling sound, then raised his head to look at him in this posture: "Teacher, do you really understand what the movie is talking about?"

"... Can an uneducated person keep his mouth shut?"


Chu Li lowered his head, turned the light on the phone to the darkest, opened it and looked at WeChat, and saw the messages from A Xiang and Yu Yao at a glance—

[Flying Elephant: Lao Miao really left.]

[Yu Yao: The bastard made himself go, ready to take over.]

Chu Li's heart skipped a beat, he squeezed his phone tightly, and looked at the group chat. Before (+99) unread messages, there was a message that Lao Miao had quit the group chat... Sitting in the movie theater, Chu Li was still a little dazed: After fighting for a year and a half, originally he just wanted to use Yu Yao's hand to suppress Lao Miao's arrogance, but he didn't expect that he could not bear the slightest grievance. After two or three times, he resigned and left.

Chu Li cheered and set off firecrackers in his heart, looked up at Zhou Chuan and finally restrained himself from harassing him—

Holding back until the end of the movie, the subtitles played, and the lights in the venue turned on, Chu Li couldn't wait to grab Riu Chuan and say, "Old Miao... really resigned!"


Hiukawa yawned, took off his glasses and rubbed his sore eyes, and looked down to see such a happy face—

For the first time, I discovered that when a person is extremely happy, his face can really shine.

Such a small thing makes her happy like this

Looking at her bright black eyes, Hiukawa's mood is complicated at this moment, thinking of the dissatisfaction when he wanted to ask her to resign in the car for a moment before, and now, he is a little glad that he didn't speak at that time .

Ah, forget it.

… whatever.

Anyway, with me here, what can happen.

The man thought about it, so his eyes became softer. He raised his hand and used his fingers to smooth her short hair that was a little frizzy on his body, and said a low "huh": "Go home?"

Feeling his fingertips running through his hair, Chu Li blinked, his smile slightly restrained: "...that, Teacher Hiukawa—"


"..." Chu Li paused, "It's nothing, let's go home."

- As a result of the day's date, I held hands and secretly kissed the corner of his lips, but in the end I didn't have the courage to ask: Mr. Hikawa, then, are you my boyfriend

… I really want to hear you admit it once.

Not out of my inquiry, but the kind you voluntarily admit.

Just once.

The next day, Chuli returned to Yuanyue Club, and the first email he received when he opened his mailbox was a notice from the club that Lao Miao had entered the handover period of resignation. Based on his performance in the past year, it was only natural that Chuli was promoted to "Moonlight" Deputy editor of the magazine!

How much of this is because the company's senior management felt guilty about taking the blame for the "Little God" case before the first ceremony, so they agreed so readily, it is unknown.

Chu Li only knew that she had watched a movie, and when she came back, she was directly promoted and raised her salary. By the way, her biggest thorn in the side also left—this means that in the editorial department of "Moonlight" magazine, the marketing department lost their placement. The spies who came in...

After Lao Miao entered the resignation handover period, the whole person was silent like a corpse. He handed over the coser column he was working on as an inheritance to Xiaoniao. Xiaoniao was naturally grateful for this, and Chu Li just watched coldly: After all She doesn't even want these things given to her.

People always have some pride.

Although the secular world makes us often bow down for five buckets of rice.

But even the ants struggling at the bottom will inevitably have occasional moments when they need to straighten their backs.

After Lao Miao decided to leave, Chu Li temporarily let go of her dissatisfaction with Yuanyue Club. Now that the revision of "Moonlight" magazine is just around the corner, and "The Lost Amusement Park" is starting to prepare for online pre-sale, her heart is devoted to these two On this damn thing, I don’t have the mind to think about those who have and don’t—

And at this time, Jiang Yucheng's decline in popularity over the years was indeed revealed.

At that time, Zhou Chuan's "Luohe Divine Book" Weibo pre-sale and lottery repost reached 110,000;

Suo Heng's "Little God" is probably in the early 10,000s;

And Jiang Yucheng's pre-sale Weibo was released for two or three days, and the reposts were only 20,000 or 30,000. According to the feedback from various Internet marketers, in comparison, "The Lost Amusement Park" no matter from From the perspective of the number of consultations, the baby collection is far behind the "Luohe Divine Book"...

Not to mention the astronomical pre-sale volume like "Luohe Shenshu", I am afraid it will be difficult to make 30,000 to 50,000 pre-sales through the Internet... Such a sales volume wants Yuanyue Club to offer the same amount as "Luohe Shenshu". Book of the River God

It may be difficult to have the same first printing number.

"... How to sell it?"

Chu Li racked his brains, deliberated, and tried hard to figure out what other solutions to "The Lost Amusement Park" besides the online pre-sale... In the end, he would have a headache to revise the "Moonlight" magazine one day When how to become a blockbuster, a flash of inspiration finally flashed in his mind, and Hirokawa's understatement that day sounded——


At that time, Chu Li sat up from the chair in the shape of a dead salted fish—

Yes, Made, signing a sale! ! ! !

Think about how Mr. Herman's "Farewell to the Magpie" was signed for the national premiere, how crowded the New Shield booth was! ! ! !

In conjunction with "The Disappearing Amusement Park" and "Moonlight" magazine's first issue after the revision of the May issue, let Jiang Yucheng hold a signing sale at the largest book fair in G City on May Labor Day!

As far as she knows, Jiang Yucheng, like Hiukawa, has never signed a contract before, nor has he shown his face in public.

Now let's go directly to a impressive autograph sale!

This movement is big enough!

New fans, old fans, and passer-by fans, should they come to buy a book and line up in line with "see what you look like"

"...Why didn't I think of it earlier."

Chu Li patted his forehead. After he had an idea, he was not in a hurry to make a proposal. Instead, he opened Q to find Jiang Yucheng... It was already three o'clock in the afternoon, and Jiang Yucheng's avatar was indeed lit up.

Take a deep breath—

This is a negotiation.

Other publishing houses are not fools either. Jiang Yucheng never held a signing sale when he was in full bloom in the early years, which means that he himself resisted this matter just as instinctively as Hiukawa.

She had to convince him—

Chu Li was frustrated.

[The sailors invited by the monkey: Teacher, I may have to discuss with you about the sales plan of the book "The Lost Amusement Park"...]

[Jiang Yucheng: I see, the forwarding doesn't seem to be very effective, it makes you worry:)]

The frustration rushed to his face through the screen, a little choking his nose.

Chu Li put his hand on the keyboard and paused for a while—

[Saijun invited by the monkey: Teacher, we can’t use Hiukawa as a horizontal comparison for everything, and it was the first online pre-sale of an original book at that time, and there were not a few people who watched the fresh forwarding. How many people did it just to join in the fun Come on, right...]

[Jiang Yucheng: Hahaha!]

[Jiang Yucheng: I know it all, you don’t need to comfort me about this, I know about the decline in popularity these years, hundreds of thousands of premieres are probably the limit, and Xindun only gives me this amount.]

[The sailor invited by the monkey: ... 300,000 is also possible.]

[Jiang Yucheng:?]

[The sailor invited by the monkey: Teacher, in order to sell and return to the top, people always have to make some sacrifices, right?]

[Saijun invited by Monkey: Over the years, the teacher has been silent for too long, and as a result, he is almost forgotten by some fans... We have to find a way to call back the love in their hearts! ! !]

[The sailors invited by the monkey: let the name "Jiang Yucheng" become a topical traffic leader again, and come back to people's sight—announce to everyone with the loudest voice: The king is back, and I'm publishing a book again! ! !

[Sailors invited by monkeys: There is an international book fair in G City on Labor Day in May. A signing at the venue?]

Chu Li plucked up the courage to send out a large string of words, staring at the screen, the whole person was so nervous that he could fidget—

It seems like a century has passed.

Only then did Jiang Yucheng's profile picture light up—

[Jiang Yucheng: Huh?]

[Jiang Yucheng: Ah, by the way, I forgot to ask you, how are you and Hiukawa, have you confirmed your relationship?]

First ceremony: "..."

With thousands of troops, she entered the enemy camp.

The other party can't avoid the attack, grab her vital points, and fight back.