Moonlight Variations

Chapter 113


In a month, I wanted to put my phone away twice because of Hiukawa, which is the top priority for a poor man whose phone is the most valuable thing in his body.

Chu Li's eyes widened. Seeing that he could eat the man in front of him alive, and dragging the "disappeared Mr. L" into the blacklist in front of him, he felt puzzled and wanted to make him bigger. Pulling the black together—but when she raised her head and was stared at by those cold pool-like eyes, her puffy You Qi went down halfway in an instant...

The quarrel was over, and after the excitement, it was impossible to tell who fell silent, at least from that moment on, the surrounding atmosphere seemed to have dropped to freezing point in an instant. Putting away the phone, Chuli threw down the sentence "I won't tell you", and wanted to walk out... But as soon as he took a step, he was picked up by the man like a chicken.

"Where are you going?"

His voice rang above her head.

"You can go anywhere," Chu Li said in a cold tone without even thinking about it, "Anyway, not with liars...Mr. L? What did you say when I asked you if you were Mr. L?"

"I've never denied it head-on."

"Stop playing language games here, I only know that you didn't admit it when I asked you! You should have played enough, I wonder if I owe you a mountain of gold and silver in my previous life. I’ve come to make you cows and horses, and now I have to pay back what should be paid, it’s almost over, it’s over.”

When she said this, her eyes were looking out of the door, and she said in a slow tone how cruel and cruel she must be when she said "it's gone". Seeing her devastated look, Hiukawa's heart tightened as well—feeling It seems that I messed up somewhere, and I can't clean it up by jumping into the Yellow River at this moment.

In desperation, he could only forcibly twist back the face that refused to look at him. He frowned and looked at her: "I said, no one would lose their whole body just for fun..."

Chu Li's eyes fixed, and he also frowned, reached out and pushed Riu Chuan's wrist, but didn't push it away.

Hiukawa's hand was very strong, even when pushed by her, he was as stable as Mount Tai, his brows were always furrowed—seeing her red eyes, he couldn't help but want to raise his hand to touch her, but she turned his head away to avoid it, The hand stopped in mid-air without embarrassment, and finally landed on her soft short hair with the man's sigh...

at this time.

"I said, Chu Li, hello—"

The door of the rest room was pushed open, and Ah Xiang poked his head in——A Xiang had just finished struggling from the booth, and without knowing it, he wanted to come to the lounge to clean up the unopened mineral water. Teacher Yucheng stood outside in a daze, but didn't remind her what happened inside—so she opened the door innocently, and saw the scene in the lounge that made her want to swear...

Freezing his head into the lounge for three seconds, before finishing what he was supposed to say, Ah Xiang retracted his head with a "swish" after recovering.

close the door.

She clutched her chest and sighed to Teacher Jiang Yucheng outside the door: "I am your mother."

No one told her that Chuli and Hiukawa are already in such a relationship that they can touch each other's heads;

And no one told her that Chu Li and Hiukawa already had such a relationship that "if you can't blush when you meet again, you can at least blush your eyes";

Not to mention that no one told her that the reason why Chu Li lost his mind every day for the past month was probably because of Zhou Chuan;

What's more, no one told her that Chu Li suddenly moved to live with her just because of an argument with her boyfriend, and that "boyfriend" was Hiukawa...

When Chu Li was dreaming at night, she would occasionally call her by the name "Day Chuan". She was as innocent as a Xiang, thinking that she was so dedicated to her work that she was urging the author in her dreams.

Ah Xiang was standing outside the living room in shock, when the door was suddenly opened from the inside... She subconsciously took a few steps back, turned her head and saw standing behind the door, Chu Li stared at her with black and white eyeballs, and her voice was a little hoarse when she spoke. :"How did you come?"

A Xiang's legs were a little weak, and he opened his mouth to answer. At this moment, his gaze fell on Chu Li's wrist. At this moment, her wrist was still tightly clasped with another big hand, with slender fingers and distinct knuckles... imagine Seeing the way these big hands pinched his neck and tightened, the phrase "I'll pick you up and go home together" couldn't be said in his throat, Ah Xiang glanced at Jiang who was guarding him like a gatekeeper like asking for help. With sincerity.

Jiang Yucheng's complexion was normal, and his voice was gentle when he spoke, as if he knew what was going on inside: "It's over?"

Chu Li nodded: "There is nothing to say."

Hiukawa standing behind him frowned again.

Ah Xiang quickly interjected: "I'm here to ask you if you want to go back together..."

Chu Li nodded again, and was about to answer, but this time someone preempted her, and the man standing behind her said in a low voice, "She should go home after living outside for a month, you go first, give me Leave an address, I will go to your place to get her things later, I will trouble you this month, thank you."

The tone is polite.

It is also undeniable.

"Why are you here talking to yourself and deciding where I'm going?" asked excitedly and resistingly.

"Because I'm your boyfriend." She replied calmly and firmly.

"I won't go back with you, and I won't talk to liars."

"If you don't tell you that I am Mr. L, you don't admit that I am your man. If you tell you that I am Mr. L, you will become a liar again. Anyway, I am wrong. I admit it—in short, you go back with me first."

"I do not!"

"It's a declarative sentence, there is no negative answer option."

"If you say no, then there will be no, I will live wherever I like—"

"Try it. Renting a house means that if you find it, you can find it? Live in a colleague's house? Let's see who dares to accept you in the whole Yuanyue Club."

Ah Xiang: "..."

Ah Xiang was so frightened that he just wanted to run away with tears in his eyes. If he had known that today, when Chu Li appeared pitifully at the door of her house with his luggage on his back, she would not let her in for a moment. Will throw her down from the twelfth floor together with her and her luggage.

It's scary.

Chu Li's boyfriend who is said to be a dragon who never sees his head but sees his tail is Hiukawa.

It's really scary.

In the end, Chu Li still reluctantly got into the car of Zhou Chuan—after all, the situation at the time was that if the scene had to find someone who was more innocent, frightened and bewildered than Chu Li, it would be poor Xiang, She just took in a seemingly homeless homeless man with luggage, and now she is almost about to incur a murderous disaster.

She signaled Chu Li with her eyes to follow her plague god to get out.

So Chu Li had no choice but to agree to go back with Zhou Chuan.

The book fair was busy until the sun went down. On this day, "The Disappearing Amusement Park" sold 25,000 copies, creating a miracle of sales. "... Chuli got off the signing table, took a drink of water, and then went to work overtime on his own. Jiang Yucheng went back to the hotel near the book fair to rest. When Chuli was busy, Hiukawa leaned against the bookshelf of the Yuanyueshe booth , tilting his head, looking at her.

As long as she was busy, he stood there for as long as possible.

After she finished her work, before she could say anything to anyone else, she raised her head and saw the back of the man turning and leaving in the parking lot... By the time she reached the gate of the book exhibition with her bag, the familiar car had already parked at the gate.

When I got home, the willows were already on the moon.

The house is exactly the same as when she left, even the small cups on the tea table remain the same as the day she left... Uh, it really looks like it hasn't been washed for a month.

Er Gouzi jumped off the sofa, his big furry head arched against her, his ears would spring back elastically when rubbed with his hands... the big dog stood up solemnly and put his big paws on her shoulders, wet Nose sniffs her face.

"The dog knows to miss you, but you don't even know to miss me."

Hiukawa stood behind a person and a dog and spoke, his tone was a bit sour, he didn't think there was anything wrong with being jealous of the dog, as if the next sentence "a dog can rub you and I can't" was about to blurt out.

Chu Li looked at the dog hair falling on the ground, the weather got warmer, Er Gouzi began to shed hair, the ground was not cleaned for a day, there were balls of dog hair and the dander that came down together when scratching... Chu Li bent over and wiped Scratching the ground, looking at the dander and dog hair on his hands, he turned around and raised his hands in front of Hiukawa: "The scum you dropped?"

Hiukawa: "..."

Chu Li lowered his hands and clapped his palms: "There are scum all over the place."

It was rare for Hiukawa not to refute her.

Go upstairs, close the door, and refuse to talk to him - when you go upstairs, you can feel him standing at the bottom of the stairs and looking up at her, that gaze has not moved away from her back until she puts the attic After closing the door, I found that my room was spotless, as if someone had been coming up to clean it for a month...

Chu Li sat on the ground against the back of the door, resting his chin on his bent knees.

There was a slight sound from behind the door. The people standing outside the door must have relaxed their movements as much as possible, but the tall figure still made a "creaking" sound when stepping on the soft wooden floor outside the door... Chu Li buried his chin in the In her knees, she didn't make a sound to chase people away, she knew that Zhou Chuan was standing just outside the door.

She flexed her fingers and knocked lightly on the door.

There were small and broken sounds from outside the door, as if someone was about to stand up and turn around to run away, but the pace stopped again... After a while, the other side of the door became dark, and it seemed that the man also hesitated for a while and sat down directly. above the steps.

Chu Li picked up the phone, thought for a while, and released "Mr. L" who had been blocked before from the blacklist.

[Saijun invited by the monkey: Let me ask you a question, what do you think when I happily tell you bad things about Hikawa and his old man every day?]

Through the door, I heard a "ding dong" sound from the mobile phone in the hand of someone outside.

[Mr. L who disappeared: I didn't think much about it. It doesn't matter if Hiukawa hates you, at least Mr. L likes you.]

[The sailors invited by the monkey: ... ]

[Saijun invited by the monkey: That’s right, Mr. L even wrote me a gun manuscript in a vest. Some readers contributed to me and asked me: Is Mr. L a Hikawa? Mr. L is as hairy as Zhou Chuan, 28 to 80.]

[Mr. L who disappeared: Hmm.]

[Mr. L who disappeared: What did you say.]

Chu Li looked at the phone, "chi chi" chuckled, and there was a trace of bitterness in the smile - he wanted to be angry, but he didn't know where it came from, after all, he had never used Mr. L's identity to get any information from her Seeking a little benefit, on the contrary, as he said, no matter in front of Hiukawa or Mr. L, her complaints and tears are about to converge into a river...

Thinking about it carefully, it seems that he has never directly denied that he is Mr. L.

But still get angry.

After all, it has been kept in the dark for so long.

The face on her knees lifted up, her cheeks bulged into buns, at this time the phone in Chu Li's hand vibrated again, she picked it up to take a look—

[Mr. L who disappeared: Then let me ask you a question, Hiukawa seems to have done a lot of wrong things one after another, making you very angry... Then do you still like him?]

Chu Li narrowed his eyes slightly, and turned his head to look out the window. The moonlight poured into the room, as if a layer of silver frost had been sprinkled on the window sill.

[The sailor invited by the monkey: Is there a moon tonight?]

[Mr. L who disappeared: Yes.]

[The sailor invited by the monkey: Is it round?]

[Mr. L who disappeared: You open the window and have a look. Round and bright.]

[The sailor invited by the monkey: Is it beautiful?]

[Mr. L who disappeared: Well, beautiful.]

[Saijun invited by Monkey: But I'm still angry with you.]

[Mr. L who disappeared: Alright, be angry first, I can bear it.]