Moonlight Variations

Chapter 125


It’s just that pleasant conversations will always end in the end, and the last topic inevitably comes to the trivial things that happened to Hirokawa recently—to Chuli’s surprise, it’s impossible for Hirogu Xuan not to know about Hikawa’s recent situation, It is also impossible not to know that his son is in a stage of mental fragility...

It could be seen that even Hiukawa's mother was cautious before talking to him, but Hiu Guxuan still went straight and said what she had to say.

"Although the Huazhi Award was shortlisted, there is no need to be complacent. This work is still a few levels away from winning the award," Zhou Guxuan said lightly, "I know that the media like you now like to praise the author. When promoting It has become the norm to boast of any name, and the sales volume is exaggerated and fake, so they try their best to exaggerate your shortlist and do interviews—in our era, it was all real results. I took the work to the competition , there is no time not to be shortlisted, ah, then why is no one interviewing me?"

Hiukawa grilled the rice without shaking his chopsticks. Hearing this, he raised his head and glanced at his father: "I don't know, maybe the reporter is also afraid of being mad at you? What's wrong with wanting to live a few more years..."

Chu Li kicked Hiukawa under the table.

Judging from Mrs. Zhou's upper body movements, she either kicked Gu Xuan under the table, or reached out and pinched his thigh.

Gu Xuancai ignored him and continued to criticize himself and continue his own education: "Don't go to heaven, thinking that the shortlist of "Luohe Divine Book" is all because of your own strength. Think about it, if Chuli didn't put you in the first place." A knife rests on your neck, forcing you to submit for review, what else can you do today?"

Hiukawa held the bowl without saying a word, and looked down at Chu Li, who was a little nervous.

"She didn't put a knife on my neck, she just cried and wanted to give it away," Hiukawa said in a steady voice, "I didn't want to give it away, and I don't want to give it away, but you also know that women's tears are the most powerful."

The atmosphere eased slightly, Mrs. Zhou laughed, and Chu Li blushed in embarrassment and pulled his sleeves, warning in a low voice, "What are you talking about?"...

"It's cheap and you're a good boy." Zhou Guxuan tapped Zhou Chuan from the air with his chopsticks, "This matter is indeed due to Chuli's great contribution."

"I didn't write the text."

"It's what you wrote. You just caught up with the good times. In the past two years, the literary world has also opened up to accept categories. In any case, this year's Huazhi Award must make a statement-I have also read Xiaocheng's new book, and it is also a first-timer. What Li did was right, it sold pretty well, and the writing was ingenious, didn't it just not catch up with the right time, otherwise I think he would be nominated in the same way."

... It's over.

If it wasn't for the fact that Chu Li really wanted to touch his forehead and rub the center of his brows in front of the elders at this moment, Teacher Zhou Guxuan was really the same as the rumors said, what Zhou Chuan was most annoying to hear, he would have to say something.

... No wonder Hiukawa said every day that Jiang Yucheng was "the kid next door", and it seemed that they really were.

"Jiang Yucheng's book is 50,000 copies less than mine, including the number of signatures. It's selling well. Why didn't you praise me that it sold well? Now I'm just bragging about the sales volume, exaggerating and deceitful, eh , Did he blow the first million seals?"

Hiukawa looked at Chuli.

The corners of Chu Li's lips twitched. If he didn't stand by Zhou Chuan at this time, he was about to lift the table, so Chu Li could only silently say "I'm sorry, teacher" to Jiang Yucheng in his heart, then nodded and said honestly: " ... That's still it, I blew it a little bit."

Hirakawa pointed his nostrils at his father.

Zhou Guxuan snorted: "Don't listen to what I say, did I say something wrong—the current writers are impetuous, preparing before writing something, the first thing they think about is not your passing What to express in the work, but thinking, can I be popular when I write like this... Thinking like this, what good works can I create. "

Hiukawa smiled and said: "Aren't you talking about Xiaocheng next door? Yesterday he pulled me to discuss a wave of popular topics... Catering to the market, catering to exam-oriented education, and catering to outdated thinking is what Xiaocheng next door is good at." project."

Day Gu Xuan: "Who do you say is the old man?!"

Hiukawa: "What are you doing with such a loud voice?"

Day Guxuan: "It's against the sky for you, with this virtue, no wonder so many people scold you on the Internet!"

Hiu Chuan: "They scolded you too, for disrespecting the old and writing for the son."

Day Gu Xuan: "I'll write a fart for you!"

Hiu Chuan put down the bowl: "Yes, hurry up and do an exclusive interview, and just tell those people like this - don't care if they believe it or not, you can probably believe the bitterness and hatred on your face."

Day Guxuan: "Give up, I won't go, let them continue to scold you."

Hiukawa: "It seems like you can scold me to death - if you don't help me, then why did you ask me to come back? The air ticket is free?"

Day Guxuan: "I want to meet Chu Li, who knows why you came back?"

Hiukawa: "..."

From the harmony and friendship at the beginning of the meal, to the dialogue between Zhou Chuan and Zhou Guxuan, father and son, the atmosphere ran wildly from above the equator to the Arctic Circle, and no one else could drag them back.

There was a smell of gunpowder in the air.

In Chu Li's imagination, "It's rare for a strict old father to stand on his son's side and denounce cyber violence with him and resolutely stand up for his son. The son cried bitterly and hugged his father tightly. Although we have always quarreled over the years, you really are my real father." This scene did not appear...

Teacher Guxuan said: Tell them to continue scolding you.

Teacher Hiukawa said: It seems like you can scold me to death.

... Uh, strictly speaking, maybe Mr. Zhou Guxuan's words can also be regarded as stimulating Zhou Chuan's fighting spirit in another way

After dinner, it's half past nine in the evening.

On the way to send Chuli back to the hotel, Zhou Chuan glanced at Chuli who was hesitant to speak... holding the steering wheel with one hand, and patted the little girl in the passenger seat with the other: "Don't comfort me, I'm used to it. "

When Hiukawa said this, Chu Li suddenly felt that he was even more wronged, so after returning to the hotel, Hiukawa followed her into the room without saying a word, and she just turned a blind eye and didn't chase her away...

Close the door and be pressed against the wall behind the door.

The man's kisses fell on her cheeks like raindrops, and finally touched her lips. The tip of his tongue easily opened her teeth and broke in—the man's big hand was attached to her waist, sliding into the hem of the shirt, the cold touch She shivered slightly when she pressed against the warm and delicate skin...

"Day, daytime river..."


"Don't be here..."

"Then go to bed."


That's not what she meant to say—

But think about it, um, tonight can be regarded as witnessing how her baby was wronged, and the sentence "you get out of me" couldn't be said anyway... So she was pressed into the soft bed in silence, and let her big hands hold her. Her waist and lower abdomen were caressing and walking, and her fingertips seemed to touch the small bulging flesh that was squeezed out under her underwear after being pushed up slightly due to pushing...

Arrived at the hotel at 10:00, Hirakawa finally left at around 11:30—

The two are like early adopters who have just touched new things, and every tiny new discovery can make them linger tirelessly for a long time... Although the time and place always feel a bit weird, they still couldn't make it to the end, but it doesn't hinder The entire hotel room was messed up by the two of them...

In the end, Hiukawa got up with red eyes, kissed the red lips of the man in his arms, and said hoarsely, "I'll go to the toilet to solve it."

Then got up and went to the bathroom.

Chu Li was lying on the bed, her chest was heaving, she turned around, the sheets were full of her perfume and the smell of Hiukawa... Her face was flushed red, she looked at the bathroom door that had just been closed, with a mysterious expression She got up, without slippers, and trotted all the way to the door, lying on the door.

The bathroom is just a sliding door.

Pulling the sliding door a little, a crack can be opened. Chuli cat puts his waist through the doorman's ear, listening to the blushing movement from inside, and the man's slightly heavy breathing...

Standing on the soft carpet with curled toes, Chuli's heartbeat accelerated, the blood flow in his body accelerated, and at the same time his legs were soft—

The impulse to open the toilet door recklessly, open his arms, and growl at the man, "Come on, I'm not afraid" almost burned his brain... Staggering away from the toilet door, Chu Li made his way back to the bed and embraced him. Holding the pillow, biting his fingers, he curled up.

at the same time.

Day home.

Mrs. Zhou brought the sweet soup, put it in front of her husband, watched him take a sip of the sweet soup, and finally couldn't help poking his back with her fingers. Complaining: "Why are you talking like that today? I asked you if we had agreed before you went out. Today, you want to say a few words in human language?"

Zhou Guxuan was shaken by the poke, and raised his eyelids: "What are you talking about, you are talking about yourself from the beginning to the end, did I promise you?"

"Oh, you old-fashioned man is still reasonable—I don't know how badly you scolded our son on the Internet. It's fine if you don't comfort him, and you are trying to say that it is not something to be happy about him being shortlisted, so he was in vain. People are jealous, have you been strangled for nothing?"

Gu Xuan took a sip of the sweet soup during the day, and laughed at his wife's words: "He wants to find comfort and come to me?"

Mrs. Zhou was rendered speechless by this rhetorical question.

"He knew what I would say before he came." Zhou Guxuan put down the bowl, "It's impossible to expect me to comfort him, and you don't want to comfort him as if he suffered some crime, and you are used to everything for him— You women don't understand..."

"If you don't understand something, tell me."

"At times like this, the more careful you are, the more burdens you have on him, so you can do what you want—ah, those people on the Internet said that he was written by someone else, so he was really written by someone else Is it true that he, us, and the people around him don't know?"


"It's all nonsense, it's not worth mentioning." Zhou Guxuan said lightly, "This is not enough to defeat Zhou Chuan. It will never be gossip that can hurt a person. As long as his waist is straight, he will always be won't fall."

"... Oh, you old antique," Mrs. Zhou froze for a moment, "you're pretty good at talking."

"That's my son," pinching his nose and sucking the damn sweet soup down his throat, Gu Xuan put down the bowl, "I don't understand, who else understands?...Maybe he is taking advantage of the overflowing sympathy of you women What are you desperately trying to take advantage of, you guys, are you going to count the money for him after being sold by him?"

In the hotel.

Chu Li, who was hugging the pillow, sneezed a little, raised her hand and rubbed the tip of her nose, she kept looking at the half-open door of the bathroom.