Moonlight Variations

Chapter 126


Zhou Chuan and Chu Li wandered around City C for a few days. They should eat and drink. These days, Zhou Guxuan never mentioned the matter of Zhou Chuan being a ghostwriter. No one knew what he was thinking. It's not very clear either—but after the confrontation that night, he didn't bother to continue to entangle with Zhou Guxuan on this matter, and he thought he was going to accompany Chu Li on vacation when he came back.

Hiukawa's Weibo fell into silence after the "Hungry Wolf Declaration" played there, but this does not mean that those gangsters will let him go—

On Sunday afternoon, a new "black spot" broke out on the Internet. Someone went to check the opening volume of "Luohe Shenshu" (*the total sales volume of Jiuhua bookstores in the country). So far, the total is only about 120,000. The book sales channel is mainly in charge, and the old Hua Bookstore only sells this amount. In other words, the sales volume of "Luohe Divine Book" is more than a star and a half short of the "first printing sales of one million" that was boasted at the beginning!

People on the Internet were shocked again: Wow, you are so shameless, bragging about your sales!

"It looks like someone in the industry is trying to mess with you," Chu Li lay on Hiukawa's back, hugging his neck, while Hiukawa was lying on the bed, playing with his phone, the two of them stacked each other happily, Chuan Li's face was pressed against Hiukawa's, "How do ordinary people know what to look up, and he obviously knows that the sales of general physical books will definitely have bragging elements that can form black spots before checking this thing-this is very important for the industry. It is very common that almost every author will advertise a wave of sales by default, but readers do not know."

"Who?" Hikawa asked.

"Those who are not happy with you for winning the prize," Chu Li touched his face, "those who hate you."

"That's too much." Hiukawa sneered, "Let's see what he can say tonight, I guess there will be some follow-up..."

But the facts proved that Hiukawa was indeed a crow's mouth.

In the evening, there was a wave of unrest and another wave, and the follow-up appeared—this time it was an audio interview, and both the interviewer and the interviewee used voice changers with funny effects...

[Interviewer A: Hey, boss, long time no see, tell me about the famous writer Zhou Chuan's bloody storm on the Internet this time?]

[Interviewee B: I've heard about this too... I don't know if the ghostwriter is a ghostwriter or not. After all, there is no real hammer, right? But that sales volume, cluck cluck cluck...]

[Interviewer A: Is it true that you are bragging or lying?]

[Interviewee B: Yes, the first printing of "Luohe Shenshu" is only about 300,000. I don't know the exact number. I also heard from my friends. It is not as loud as Yuanyue Society... Now the physical book market The overall decline, you don't know how miserable this industry is now, how can there be a book with a sales volume of more than one million, it is impossible.]

[Interviewer A: What are you implying?]

[Interviewee B: Hahahahaha, I didn’t say anything!]

[Interviewer A: Back then, "Luohe Divine Book" was ranked number one in sales in a certain place, in a certain place, didn't it?]

[Interviewee B: You can buy that list.]

[Interviewee B: What's more, it is the number one sales volume in 24 hours. Think about it, if you only sell one book that day, and other books have been sold for a long time, and you only sell seven or eight books a day, then you How could it not be the number one, even if you only sold 20 copies, you are still the number one—this kind of place where you can’t see sales is the best way to cheat.]

[Interviewer A: But the pre-sale volume of a certain treasure is very strong.]

[Interviewee B: That estimate is true. A large part of the purchasing power is concentrated on a certain treasure, so other e-commerce companies should also be allocated some purchasing power... In short, the first printing of "Luohe Shenshu" is more than 300,000 yuan Left and right, no more.]

[Interviewer A: What is the point of bragging about sales?]

[Interviewee B: It creates the illusion that the book is very popular, attracts readers who follow suit and buys it, and the most important point is to attract copyright dealers—your book is popular, game, movie and TV series IP developers come to you to buy, then Can a transparent thing have the same price as a hot one, right? It can't be the same, the promotion of "Luohe Divine Book", the copyright of games, movies and TV series, without four or five million yuan, Richuan might not bother to talk to you...]

[Interviewer A: Isn’t this a lie?]

[Interviewee B: Market effect, is this a lie?]

[Interviewee B: Is this a black spot? I think it’s okay. Compared with ghostwriting, this kind of thing is not surprising...]

[Interviewer A: We just want to know from various aspects whether Mr. he a person who likes to cheat.]

[Interviewee B: Well, well, it makes sense.]

[Interviewer A: Thank you for accepting the interview.]

[Interviewee B: It’s okay, it’s okay, I’m also paying attention to this matter, and I’m idle too.]

The interview is over.

Chu Li and the person holding the phone looked at each other, Chu Li hesitated to speak, Hiukawa said, "Wait."

As he said that, the man lowered his head and pressed the button on the phone, and used the software to call up the background music of "Detective Conan". Then he stretched out his hand and made a "please" gesture to Chu Li: "Please start your performance."

Chu Li: "In all walks of life, those who like to call the author 'teacher' the most must be people in the publishing industry. The interviewer just now almost called you 'Teacher Hikawa'; and the person interviewed, He knew so much about your book that he said it was more than 300,000 yuan. Although he deliberately blurred the exact number, he did not hesitate to use the number "thirty" to show that he was very sure of the authenticity of this matter; Then, he mentioned about the IP copyright developer, seemingly inadvertently mentioning the powerful relationship, but actually reminding those developers not to use such a high price to get the copyright from you, which shows that he is very clear about this matter to you Where is the point of greatest damage..."

Hiukawa: "So?"

Chu Li: "During the process of hacking you, the interviewee also took a few hacks by the way before bragging about "The Lost Amusement Park", which sold more than one million copies in its first print. After all, this is the only recent bestseller—the truth is One, this interviewee is not just trying to blackmail you, he seems to be aiming at Yuanyue Club, or maybe it's my intention to come... "

Hiukawa: "Conclusion?"

Chu Li: "There is only one truth: this interviewee still uses a hairy voice changer, why don't we just end it - I am Lao Miao, a former editor who has just been kicked out from Yuanyue Club, and the above is all The truth, please believe me!"

Hiukawa: "..."

Chu Li: "These dogs, if they are dead, they still want to spread corpse poison to disgust you... Whenever there is a chance for revenge, they will step on it."

Chu Li frowned, and stretched out his hand to call the phone in Zhou Chuan's hand: "It's over, the BGM is off, don't worry about it, you still have the mood to make trouble at this time."

Hirukawa turned off the BGM of "Detective Conan" with a smile, and glanced at WeChat on his mobile phone. Sure enough, it exploded because of that interview video—a new wave of "bargaining", "low-price ball cooperation", "Your thing is not worth it" So much money, big, our cooperation needs to be reconsidered." The storm appeared again...

It seems to be another rhythm of losing millions in one night.

Hiukawa directly turned off the phone, lowered his eyes, and after thinking for a while: "What's for dinner tonight?"

Chu Li propped his face with one hand, and said listlessly, "Whatever."

Hiukawa: "Eat hot pot, how can you not eat hot pot when you come to City C."

Chu Li didn't speak, the man reached out and pinched the tip of her nose: "Say something."

Chu Li: "I just want to explode."

Hiukawa's smile remained unchanged: "I didn't explode, why, I started worrying about my bank card shrinking before I got married, you are very prepared for a rainy day, my friend."

Chu Li raised his eyelids and glared at Hiukawa, seeing his playful smile seemed to be nothing serious, he let go of his frown, and was dragged out by him to go to dinner...

The "sales fraud" incident that broke out on Sunday was a "storm of confidence crisis" for Hiukawa.

The passer-by readers who were kept in the dark, easily followed the guidance of the two people in the interview audio, equated "sales fraud" and "ghostwriting", and completely put Hirukawa into "false". chair, crucified...

On the way, it’s not that no one stood up and said that bragging about sales is a very common thing in the physical book industry, and every author will do it—but there are only a few people who work in the physical book industry, including Hiukawa’s fans, There are only a handful of people who are willing to stand up and speak for him. Compared with those who are easily defined by public opinion, they are drowned in the crowd every minute...

As the main propagandist for bragging about sales, Yuanyue Society was also scolded bloody, and it was even more difficult to stand up and speak for Hiukawa at this time.

Hiukawa also remained silent, and after returning from City C to City G, he simply didn't leave the gate and didn't take another step—

Weibo updates serial articles as usual, but reposts and comments are less visible to the naked eye. It seems that someone is really taking off fans, and occasionally I will receive comments: Did you write the updated stuff yourself? read on;

The copyright negotiation of "Luohe Divine Book" has also come to a standstill. According to the usual situation where all the copyrights are sold out two months before and after the completion of writing a book, it has been almost half a year now, and all the copyrights are still in hand. There are only two choices: sell it cheaply, or rot in your hands...

Hiukawa didn't say anything on the surface, but he knew in his heart that he had ushered in a trough in his career.

To say that he could treat all the blacks as a farce before, and nothing can affect his actual damage—

Well now there is.

What is the most important thing for an author

is the reader.

An author can be questioned, slandered, or accept that his creative inspiration is exhausted and needs to start again to break through the bottleneck, but for the author, what is the most unbearable thing——

Probably a question from readers.

The matter of writing an article is actually simply telling the story you want to tell to those who want to hear it. Some people come up with bad words and say "bad article", "not good-looking" and "boring". For the author, you can laugh it off However, what the author can't stand is probably that the real readers turn away.

Although it is just such a simple relationship between writing and reading, I still care about it. After a familiar reader leaves a comment like "I am very disappointed in you" and turns away, maybe this reader even thinks that the author will not see him. comment of-

But the author will see it.

Even a day of depression or reflection awaits the author.

When there are more and more comments like this.

More and more readers are leaving.

The number of people affected by gossip is growing—

Substantial damage has occurred.

To the point where it is impossible to sit idly by.

But what can be done, sadly, nothing can be done—

When a person is destined to be a person who is criticized by everyone, it seems that everything he says is wrong: Some people even ask you, if you didn't do it, why do you have to justify so much

In the final analysis, people are wondering whether "Oriental Charm Records" is his first work. If so, why is a person born with a mature writing style and writing skills

All the slander on the Internet can be quelled only after handing over the real "first work" manuscripts that have been shelved—

Unfortunately, this thing is precisely the untouchable knot in Hiu Chuan's writing path.

Because of this book, he vowed not to write about romance anymore, and all subsequent works are male protagonists;

Because of this book, he and his father were at odds, and the work in hand was never seen by his father again, and even when it was not so popular at the beginning, he refused to take Gu Xuan's face and asked him to write a recommendation or something of;

He even refused to use the understatement of "Daily Guxuan Recommendation" in the propaganda of Yuanyue Society, and no one cares about the truth or falsehood...

So in the end, Hirokawa chose to remain silent.

Four days passed in a blink of an eye.

For many people who eat melons, this incident is almost forgotten by them. They turned around and devoted themselves to their own life, work, and study.

However, the questioning and slandering messages they had posted on Zhou Chuan's Weibo remained.

It became the smoky smoke in Hirakawa’s room, and the beer cans piled up like a hill in front of the room... Every day when Chuli came home from work, he would carry a bag of cans to the garbage station in the community to throw them away. Day after day, until one day, the garbage collector who waits for soda cans can't stand it anymore: "Little girl, why do you have so many wine bottles every day in your house? Don't tell me someone is drinking too much? You have to persuade him, he has been drinking too much for a long time. What's the point, my oldest son just got drunk and got sick—"

Under the sunlight, Chu Li's heart throbbed violently while carrying the garbage bag.

It was as if someone reached into her chest, tightened her heart, and then squeezed and twisted it desperately.

The most hateful thing is that she doesn't know what she can do at this time, from the initial persuasion to the later silence... Chu Li dragged his numb steps back home, and the door was always closed.

This reminded Chu Li of a long time ago, when they were not together, Hiukawa shut himself in the room because of a bad mood, and played "Lost River" and "Qinghai-Tibet Plateau"... At that time, he was at most mourning, not near death.

Chu Li came to that door, stood still, flexed his fingers, and knocked on the door.


"Hikawa, you open the door."

"Hikawa, can you come out and have a word with me?"


With a click, the door was finally opened when the voice of the person outside the door gradually became choked with sobs... The person inside had bloodshot eyes and an unshaven beard. The man froze for a moment, then laughed: "Why are you crying again?"

With a sigh in his voice, he reached out and wiped her tears with his fingertips full of tobacco smell.

"Don't cry, what a big deal." The man's voice was very calm, "I haven't had much trouble these days, but I just can't figure out some things and try harder—it's strange to think about it. After so many years of serious writing, the accumulated Fans who keep saying that they like me, because there is no evidence, they easily turn black, complaining everywhere that they have fallen in love with an author who is not worthy of liking for so many years... "

Chu Li looked up at the man blankly, watched his lips open and close, and suddenly became frightened——

"So, I've thought about it, it doesn't seem to be interesting, or should I not write it at all?"

The scariest thing was still said by him like this.

As for what she thought at the time, Chu Li found that the so-called "darkness before her eyes" was really not just talking, she held her breath in her chest and couldn't lift it up or swallow it, so blocked that she almost forgot how to breathe normally—

Tears stopped flowing.

She stared blankly at Hiukawa.

"Hi, Hiukawa, I know, you don't want to be personally responsible for editing, you don't want anyone to be responsible for your writing career planning, you don't trust anyone..." Chu Li's mind was almost empty, "But just once, just this time, you Trust me once, okay?"

She reached out and carefully grabbed the man's hand.

Cold fingertips.

A large drop of clear liquid fell on the back of his hand—

"Anyway, it can't be worse, just give me that draft, let me try... let's try." Chu Li lowered his head, weeping, "I will do it even if I work hard, all resources. All Even if I can't be an editor after this time, I am willing."

The air fell silent.

Drops of water slid down the back of the man's hand and dripped to the ground.

The little girl standing in front of him cried until her feet went limp, she fell to the ground, her hand was still firmly holding his index finger, as if she was holding on to the last straw...

Hiukawa never thought that his understatement would have such a big influence on another person...

It was as if the sky had fallen.

Such a strong fear and anxiety of landslides and landslides.