Moonlight Variations

Chapter 127


Human emotions are a very subtle thing—like Hiukawa, who always figured it out one second and thought it was nothing;

I can't tell when my emotions reached the verge of breaking down.

Thinking back carefully, it seems that the last second I could even smile and tell the people who came to care, "I'm fine"; the next second, I suddenly thought of those readers who left, how they felt when they turned and left, and what they said What did you do again, when such negative emotions poured in...

The emotions accumulated for so many days exploded.

In fact, there are quite a few readers encouraging him on Weibo or sending emails to Yuanyue Society. They believe that Hiukawa is not the author that outsiders say—this kind of encouragement is very useful, maybe for a second, Hiukawa felt that he had been redeemed and had the motivation to stand up again...

But among the twenty pieces of encouragement, there is one piece of sarcasm mixed in, which can wipe out all the power brought by the encouragement—

He didn't want that either.

But there is no way not to care.


And at this moment, Hiukawa looked at Chu Li who was sitting at his feet bowing his head and crying, he thought to himself, she must also be very tired, living in the low pressure at home every day—according to the usual, he should hug her up, Pat her on the back, then smiled and reassured her that she's fine, don't cry, everything will pass.

But the ten fingers struggled to move, but found that he didn't even have the strength to flex his fingers... He could only reluctantly, with almost imperceptible strength, return the soft hand holding his index finger, and he said: " Feel sorry."

"What are you apologizing for!"

"… I do not know either."

I'm sorry that I didn't stand up and support you after the sky fell like the hero in the novel should have...

I did—

Not a guy who can write romance novels.

Zhou Chuan placed Chuli on the sofa at home. Er Gouzi understood the crying of the mistress who strolled around him every day, and also understood the mourning of the male master who fed him every day. He whimpered and stopped raising his tail. Instead, he fell between his legs, turned around, lowered his head with his ears down, and returned to his kennel, curled up.

And Hiukawa sat on the sofa, quietly waiting for Chuli to cry enough—

Seeing the people around her sobbing and crying, she was unwilling to let go of his hand: she was really scared out of her wits by his impulsive next sentence "I won't write anymore"...

Hiukawa sighed, raised his hand to touch her head, always felt that he should not be like this—just walked out of the room and saw her crying for his own affairs—at that moment, his negative emotions reached an unprecedented peak: he realized that he I don't want this to hurt or hurt anyone around me.

Follow Jiang Yucheng, or Chu Li, who is called the "second generation of Wen" who lies on his gun.

As a result, she did worse things impulsively and said things she shouldn't have said, which made her cry even more sadly...

Is there any way to make up for it

... Right now, it seems that there is.

She mentioned about those incomplete manuscripts again, and now Hiukawa is also a little hesitant, but there is a voice in his mind, saying: Promise her, give her the original manuscript, even if she is not your girlfriend, put aside feelings Things, you should have recognized her ability as an editor.

responsible editor.

personal responsibility.

Not □□, there is no need to resist so much—

What's more, it's like after Suo Heng passed away, he never complained about what Lao Miao did wrong or what he did badly... because a dying person is still afraid of some filthy way, then It is too ridiculous.

After all, they have nothing to lose.

On this day, Hiukawa walked out of his room, walked into the study, and locked himself in the study for a whole night.

The next day, when Chu Li got up from the sofa with eyes swollen like peaches, he saw that it was time for work—the living room was empty, and the door of Hirukawa’s room was open, and there was no one in it. .

Chu Li came to the door of the study room, tiptoedly pushed open the door, and saw the man sleeping soundly on the desk at a glance—beside his hand, there was a large stack of neatly written manuscripts...

Chu Li walked in and looked through it, and found that these manuscripts were arranged in order as much as possible. The handwriting and yellowed paper showed the age of these things. Occasionally, a chemical Draft formulas or math calculations—probably because this guy suddenly had no draft paper at hand when he was in class, so he grabbed it and used it...

Then every two or three lines, continue to write the unfinished content in front of you as if nothing had happened.

... At that time, "creation" should be a simple and pure thing for Hiukawa, right

Chu Li put down the manuscript paper, and was about to turn around and go back to the living room to get a blanket for the man to wrap around, but just after she turned around and was about to leave the study, there was movement behind her... Chu Li turned around and looked at her slowly crawling up from the table The man who got up smiled at him and said hoarsely, "Woke you up?"

Hiukawa rubbed the center of his eyebrows: "It's okay."

There was a moment of silence.

Then the two called each other's name in unison—

After being taken aback for a moment, he looked at each other and smiled, and Zhou Chuan said flatly, "You talk first."

"Hikawa, I really look forward to the day when you can hand over that stack of manuscripts to me, but I hope that at that time, the person who takes over these manuscripts in your eyes is not your girlfriend, but your editor in charge. ..." Chu Li hesitated for a while, and said slowly, "I don't want to use the relationship between the two of us to force you to do anything you don't want to do. Right now, let's publish this real first personal work of you to the public. It is the most effective solution, but after thinking about it, you do have your concerns... "

She took a deep breath: "If you think it over, give it to me, in the name of the editor, I swear I will do my best to do it well, just like I will do my best to do every book that passes through my hands." : Package it properly and use it as the best medium to allow the author and readers to have a face-to-face dialogue.”


The man behind the desk was silent for a moment.

"I also happened to want to talk about this," Hiukawa lowered his eyes, put his hands on the stack of drafts unconsciously, sliding his slender fingers slightly on the paper, and said lightly, "I want you to give me more time , let me think about it for a while."

Chu Li nodded: "Then I went to work?"

Hiukawa: "Go."

Chu Li took a few steps outside, then stopped again, turned her head, and looked at Hiukawa—when her eyes met the man's, she held the door frame, and scratched the door frame with her fingertips, leaving a small nail mark. He hesitated: "... then today, will there be an update?"

Her gaze was full of caution.

and fear.

As if forcing herself to raise her head to face everything that happened in the nightmare, she swallowed a mouthful of saliva, thinking in her heart that if Hirokawa repeated the despairing words from yesterday, she might , might be... well, she didn't know what she might be doing either.

——It is "writing" that makes "Hikawa".

— is an integral part of him.

— Watching his fingertips jumping on the keyboard, typing out interesting stories one after another, that focused side face has long been a familiar picture for Chu Li...

—she can't lose.

— He can't lose either.

While Chu Li was staring nervously, she stared at the man without blinking, until he nodded with a bitter smile on his face and said "Yeah". She let go of the door frame, trotted all the way and blew in front of him like a gust of wind, and kissed him on the lips...

Hiukawa, [Or don’t write it at all] This sentence, just treat it as a secret between the two of us, and I will help you put it back into Pandora’s magic box... You promise me, never, never again Do not open it.

Next, on Wednesday, Hirakawa was silent.

On Thursday, Hiukawa remained silent.

On Friday, Hiukawa remained silent until Chuli wanted to remind him: Do you have any manuscripts you want to show me

Then it's Saturday.

When the working party is on break, when elementary school students are on vacation, Chu Li has a headache and thinks that the whole thing has not made any progress, and prepares to spend the worst weekend in history with his head down. On Saturday morning, Chu Li habitually turns on the TV after finishing breakfast , Then I was taken aback, and found that her future father-in-law was on TV.

First ceremony: "..."

Day Guxuan appeared on a talk show with a high ratings and a wide audience that almost every household would watch for breakfast...he was talking about Zhou Chuan.

[A long time ago, as early as the first and second grades of high school, Hiukawa once showed me the book he wrote—note that I used "write" here, which means writing each word on composition paper and draft paper That kind... At that time I told him, Hiukawa, if you want to write a book, I support it, but you are still young, if you want to write a book, you should write some serious things, these things are good for you.]

[Why do I say this—because when you are writing something serious, for example, when you write a historical novel of the Tang Dynasty, you will want to check the information. As a writer, you definitely hope that your articles are comprehensive. Then In the process of checking things, you will come into contact with a lot of knowledge that you cannot learn in class. This knowledge will be accumulated as knowledge, and it will be there for a lifetime and will be useful for a lifetime.]

[This is the attitude I think young people should have towards writing—not to write this thing at the beginning, but to be popular, to be a genius writer, to write for money... these things, you can touch them when you grow up. Not too late, when you enter the industry, you should face writing with a pure and joyful attitude.]

"Teacher Zhou Guxuan mentioned Mr. Zhou Chuan's early writing to us here, so let's go back to today's topic: Teacher, did you really give professional guidance to "Oriental Charm Records" back then?" host With a smile, he handed the microphone to Gu Xuan.

[I was answering this question just now. I didn’t agree with what he wrote at that time, and I didn’t think it was a rush for him to become popular as a writer... So I won’t do this kind of thing that backfires. ] Zhou Guxuan said, [I know that people on the Internet now think that his first published work is too mature, but it is actually not his first work. Before that, he had hundreds of thousands of words text writing experience...]

The camera shot of the show turned to the audience, and everyone was a little shocked and commotiond.

This person: "We have never heard of this matter."

Zhou Guxuan was expressionless: [Because of that work, our father and son had a big quarrel. Zhou Chuan tore up some manuscripts and burned some in front of me. I don't know where the rest of the manuscripts went. , if you are interested, you can ask him to see—]

The audience at the show was noisy, buzzing and discussing everywhere.

Day Guxuan: [As for the authenticity of this incident, it’s very easy to prove it. Just ask his classmates in high school. There should be many people who have seen that ghost thing... I heard that it was very popular in his school. Popular, everyone circulated.]

Day Guxuan: [I don’t know why some people spread rumors about my creation for my son—do you have any evidence? Whether it's witnesses or physical don't have any.

But I have.

I have evidence, those classmates who watched him write the manuscript back then; I also have physical evidence, of course you have to ask for the physical evidence, although I don’t think he will give it to you, because the manuscript has been mentioned a little over the years It’s like he’s going to get rabies…]

Day Guxuan: [Here I also want to remind some people that the world is not as beautiful as it seems on the surface, and it is not as dark as you imagined... The door of the Writers Association is always open, and capable young authors are welcome to join, you guys If you think about it, just make your works. The work itself is the only stepping stone to enter the Writers Association.]

The interview of the program came to the end, and the time of the interview was shown, probably last Wednesday, the day before Chu Li and Hiukawa both flew back to Hiukawa’s home—

It's just that the show was scheduled to be aired here... He said, "It doesn't matter, let the people on the Internet scold you to death", but in fact, he had already taken action before his son asked for it.

"… what."

Chu Li was a little confused and took out his mobile phone to look online. The amazing thing is that almost immediately, there was a response to this matter on the Internet——

Some voiced out a long time ago that "Ri Chuan had other works in "Oriental Charm Records" a few years ago, I have seen them", "I am a classmate of Riu Chuan High School, I don't know what you are hacking, "Oriental Charm" Wenlu" I saw what he wrote when he was in self-study, and the difference between the manuscript and the published manuscript is just a typo", "You must not know how beautiful the romance novel written by Hiukawa back then, how many of our girls were fans, of course the main The reason is also because Weibos like "he looks handsome" were dug up... These Weibos were posted a few days ago, but they were drowned in the crusade at the time.

And at this time, the show that has come to an end, there is actually an easter egg at the end—

In response to the follow-up that appeared a few days after the recording of the program, the program team had another phone interview with Zhou Guxuan about boasting about Rikawa's sales volume!

Day Guxuan still acts like a very old driver—

[Everyone is playing this game now, you can go and check the number of books in recent years one by one, you will find that the numbers will always be different from the "bestsellers" in your memory... If the whole people brag, I'm sorry Calling a person hypocritical, right? If you don’t brag, others will brag, can you bear to sell yourself for 300,000, but in the end, you lose face by selling 30,000 and bragging about yourself for 350,000?]

[Copyright dealers who feel that they have been wronged and paid a high price don’t need to be angry. In the final analysis, what you bought is still a bestseller—what you bought for five million is a book that boasted that it sold one million and actually sold three hundred thousand, then you Spend one million, and you can only buy a book that boasts sales of 300,000 and actually sells 30,000... There is no difference, it’s just a statement, don’t care about how much the book publisher is boasting, it will only sell books if it sells so much. It does not affect the fact that it is a bestseller—can you understand me when I say this—Of course I think this phenomenon is not worth advocating, and the entire book publishing circle should harmoniously eliminate this kind of exaggeration.]

Although I always feel that something is not right, it is well-founded and convincing.

Chu Li found that Zhou Chuan always had a lot of drama and was very oily when he was normal.

... It looks like his dad.

Mr. Guxuan Zhou is just an old man in a serious skin. Everyone in the interview scene, including the host, was taken aback by what he said... That expression of conviction cannot be produced by the effect of the show .


Chuli put down the remote control.

Standing up, walking to the door of Zhou Chuan, hearing the silence inside, Chu Li stretched out his hand and knocked on the door: "Ji Chuan? Wake up, come out and have a look... Teacher Zhou Guxuan was cleaning you up on the TV just now, This whitewashing, the carved plaques are whitewashing, it’s been washed to CCTV, it’s a bit powerful!"