Moonlight Variations

Chapter 18


Chu Li stuffed the photocopy of the proofreading, which was as heavy as a brick, into the canvas bag that he carried with him. After everyone left, he bent down and took out Hiukawa's umbrella from under his feet... the last one to go, turn off the lights, lock the door, young The short-haired girl walked briskly, as if she was going on a date.

The canvas bag weighed heavily on his shoulders, and the umbrella in his hand hit his knees from time to time. Chu Li suddenly felt that he did not know when his life was filled with a strange guy: his books, his Umbrella, the troubles caused by his willfulness...


Fortunately, I didn't miss him.

When walking out of the company, it started to rain again - Chu Li couldn't remember when was the last sunny day, but the cold drizzle hit her face, Chu Li slapped a little a sneeze.

Before and after Qingming, the weather changes suddenly, so beware of catching a cold.

Chu Li took out his mobile phone, happened to see Mr. L asking her what she was doing, and replied, "I just got off work, I went to deliver an umbrella to my ancestors", at this time the phone vibrated suddenly - Chu Li was so startled that I almost fell asleep. Throwing the phone out, looking at it, the caller ID: [Mr. Actor].

First ceremony: "..."

Before and after the Qingming Festival, if you have nothing to do, don't mention your ancestors.

Chu Li opened the black umbrella in his hand, and leaped forward into the rain curtain. "Baji" shoes splashed some water in the stagnant water. He swiped open the phone screen and said "Hello" to the phone. Tranquility: "Teacher Hikawa."

The tone of "what's the matter" is too strong.

There was silence on the other side of the phone, as if he wasn't used to talking to people on the phone or simply felt that it was miraculous that a young woman's voice rang from his phone... Hirakawa didn't speak, and Rei began to feel uneasy about this guy for no reason. When he was about to fix something again, Hiukawa finally said: [I have a cold.]

First salute black question mark face.

Since the person over there really had a very nasal voice, Chu Li paused and began to greet politely: "Ah? I have a cold. Teacher, you have a cold again?"

Zhou Chuan's voice was like a pool of stagnant water: [I left the umbrella to Lao Miao that day, and I got caught in the rain myself.]

Chu Li: "... Oh, Lao Miao is really bad."

Hiukawa: [Shut up. Are you coming to deliver an umbrella now? Bring me a cold medicine on the way, and then find a porridge shop to buy a porridge for me and Ergou each, one of which must have meat, otherwise Ergou will make trouble... The owner of the porridge shop that can be called by the APP is not going home today to sweep the grave business.]

Chu Li: "..." So you used me as an errand app for food delivery? Before I joined the industry, no one told me that being an editor also required running errands for others!

At this time, Chu Li may have been silent for too long. Facing the dead silence on the phone, Hiukawa quietly said: [You can refuse if you don’t want to. Anyway, I just borrowed someone else’s umbrella. I got caught in the rain and caught a cold. … If you do good deeds, you should be punished, there is nothing wrong with it.]

"..." The man's tone was resentful, the hairs all over Chu Li's body stood on end, "Don't, don't, I am willing, I am willing, don't you just buy some medicine and two bowls of porridge—"

[One of the bowls must have meat.]

"Yes, yes, there must be meat! Otherwise, Ergou will be unhappy, right? I know... Teacher, take a good rest and drink more hot water."

[... You really buy it for me? After all, when you said 'try a fart' and 'listen to your nonsense' to me today, your tone was not so cute.]

"… … …teacher."

Hiukawa: [What are you doing?]

Chu Li took a deep breath and emphasized again: "Drink more hot water."

If you feel boring, put two pieces of arsenic to taste.

Don't treat yourself badly.

Chu Li grasped the phone tightly, and jumped onto the bus platform in two or three steps—it was the evening rush hour after work, and the bus was full of people. A bus that looked like a stuffed can was driving slowly. The bus that Li was going to get on, she stood on tiptoe and looked at the bus that was slowly stopping in front of her, the front and back opened, and two people fell from the front door and the back door respectively, and the four started to stick their butts cursingly. Trying to squeeze back into the car...

First ceremony: "..."

Chu Li put the phone to his ear again: "Teacher Hiukawa, I can really buy you what you want, but you may have to wait, I have to take the bus to the subway station, and the bus station is overcrowded now..."

Hikawa seemed surprised: [Bus? You don't have a car?]

Chu Li took a deep breath: "Teacher, my monthly salary is 2,500 RMB, not US dollars."

The other side of the phone fell into a meaningful silence again, and then the man said "Oh" in a tone of "I'm sorry", before hanging up the phone, he said seriously, "Both medicine and porridge will be reimbursed for you. Buy one yourself too." Then he hung up the phone, Chu Li stared at the darkened phone screen for a long time—

Buy yourself a copy of what


Or medicine

Suxiao Jiuxin Pill? I really need to play with you, Mr. Actor, in a while.

at last.

Because Chu Li was afraid that his body would be cold when she arrived at Hiukawa’s house, so she made up her mind to take a taxi to the subway station. The subway station was also crowded, but it would not be so crowded that when she opened the door, she would not only be unable to get on, but would also randomly fall down. The degree of missing a few passengers, so after about an hour, Chu Li walked out of the subway station smoothly—

I bought cold medicine at the pharmacy, but the porridge shops around were closed.

Fortunately, there is a supermarket, from which Chuli bought a small bag of rice, a little minced meat, and a handful of vegetables. When he walked out of the supermarket, the sun had completely set, and as night fell, Chuli carried the bag from the supermarket, Holding the black umbrella, he walked quickly to Hiukawa's house among the crowd coming and going home after work.

This time it was probably because the yard was wet, so the only one who came to open the door was Hirakawa and no two dogs. Chu Li followed the man in the superman pajamas and entered the house, only to see the dog lying on the sofa stand up. He raised his head with his ears, jumped off the sofa, walked up to Chu Li wagging his tail, stood up, and put his two big paws on her shoulders—

Chu Li put down the canvas bag, and reached out to pat Ergou's head: "All the porridge shops on the street are I bought rice, minced meat, and vegetables."

"Did you tell it that it understood?" A deep, hoarse voice with a strong nasal voice sounded not far behind.

Chu Li rubbed the dog's ears for a while: "Teacher, I'm talking to you."

"Then why don't you look at me?" He asked confidently.

"..." Chu Li turned around speechlessly, slightly raised his head and looked into those brown eyes, "You take the medicine first, the medicine is in a canvas bag, and I will borrow your pot and kitchen for use, and it will be ready soon."

Hiukawa didn't speak, just stared intently at Chuli leaning the wet umbrella against the door of the entrance...

It wasn't until Chu Li asked him where the kitchen was that he pointed as if he had come to his senses, and Chu Li walked towards the kitchen, only to find that the kitchen was spotless - oil, salt, sauce and vinegar were all there, but they were unopened, the most amazing It's not this, the most amazing thing is that Li finally found a pot that can be used to cook porridge from the cupboard, and when she opened the lid, she found that the trademark inside hadn't been torn off...

First ceremony: "..."

... ... ... This actor is cultivating immortals at home every day

At this time, Zhou Chuan and Ergou followed her behind to the kitchen door at some point. The man had probably taken his cold medicine and leaned against the kitchen door with his arms folded, while the big dog obediently squatted beside him. Well... One person and one dog just stared silently and intently at the people who were busy in the kitchen, watching her tear the label - wash the rice - tear open the salt bag - look for the seasoning jar everywhere - find it and pour the salt in...


Ergou's wagging tail became the liveliest presence in the whole house.

At the beginning, Chu Li wanted to say that when this person didn't speak, he really had a taste of "gentle and moist like jade Gongzichuan": as time went by, the air became more and more solidified, and Chu Li felt more and more that the four gazes behind him Can set her on fire; finally, when washing the minced meat, Chuli couldn't stand it any longer, and turned to look at Hiukawa: "Teacher, what are you looking at?"

Hiukawa's eyes flickered, his face was a little stiff, but he soon relaxed again, and he said calmly: "I saw your proofreading manuscript when I was taking the medicine just now, and there is still a quarter of it to be finished... Isn't it due tomorrow morning?"

Chu Li: "Work overtime tonight."

Hiukawa: "Thank you."

Chuli: "It's okay."


Hiukawa: "The monthly salary is only 2500 yuan, and there is no overtime pay. Why didn't you burn down the Yuanyue Club?"

Chu Li: "Probably because I'm afraid of going to jail."

Hiukawa: "Oh."


Hirakawa: "Why do you want to be an editor?"

Chu Li: "What? Ah, why do you want to be an editor? When I was in college, I thought that if I could publish a book for my favorite author and help him reach the pinnacle of his career, it would be a very interesting thing."

Hiukawa: "Who is your favorite author?"

Hiukawa changed his foot support, from leaning against the left door frame to leaning against the right door frame: "Me?"

First ceremony: "..."


Chu Li fished out the cleaned dishes and threw them on a brand new cutting board. He took out a shiny kitchen knife from the knife holder and rinsed it with water... Probably the kitchen knife in his hand gave her infinite courage. Turning around: "Teacher, what do you want to say?"

"It's nothing," Hiukawa said expressionlessly, "It's just that it suddenly seems that this is the first time that we are face to face or even peacefully coexisting in a way that doesn't need to be so hostile."

Chu Li said "Oh", and casually asked the question that made her intestines regret for the next ten minutes: "So?"

"I feel a little embarrassed, so I want to find something to talk about."


Chu Li gave a meal to the kitchen knife that was being wiped.

"Look, it's just like now."




"By the way, do you have a boyfriend? Online dating also counts."


Chuli cut the vegetables into two neatly with a click, and turned around with the kitchen knife in hand: "Teacher, I'm in a hurry to cook for you, and I'm in a hurry to go home after cooking, what are you doing in a hurry to proofread your manuscript so that you don't have to hand it in tomorrow? I can't even get the monthly salary of two thousand and five, so now can you please be quiet for a while and stop the awkward chat so that I can finish this meal properly and then we will go back to our respective homes and get well-"

Hiukawa: "So?"

Chu Li waved the kitchen knife: "Get out!"

The man leaning against the door paused, staring at the little girl standing in the kitchen who was a head shorter than him and with a neck, waving a kitchen knife to drive him away with a broken face... I don't know why the corners of his lips curled up. For the first time, he didn't say anything, obediently turned around and wanted to leave—after taking two steps and then retreating—he grabbed the big dog's ears that were still squatting on the spot and reluctantly dragged it away.

… Then.

The world is clean.

Chu Li took a deep breath, turned around and continued cutting vegetables.

What she didn't know was that the man who left didn't stop his weird behavior. He quickly returned to the computer, opened his Q account expressionlessly, and found a man he hadn't harassed for several days. The guy named [Jiang Yucheng] continued to wave his ten fingers and type expressionlessly—

[Hikawa: You may not believe it.]

[Jiang Yucheng: Why are you here again? ... What the hell?]

[Hikawa: At this very moment in my house there is a young girl standing in my kitchen wearing my slippers and waving my kitchen knife, cooking for me and my dog.]

[Jiang Yucheng:? ? ? ? What the hell? ?]

[Jiang Yucheng: Is there someone who does not take poison as the main purpose to cook for you?]

[Hikawa: Yes.]

[Jiang Yucheng: It's haunted.]

[Hikawa: It's haunted, I feel "life", it's actually a verb.]

[Jiang Yucheng: ... You grew up drinking northwest wind for the past 27 years?]

[Hikawa: The meal cooked by the servant does not count.]

[Hi Chuan: The meal cooked by the young girl, count.]

[Hikawa: Wonderful.]

[Jiang Yucheng: ... "Open Mouth and Take Medicine Emoji Pack"]