Moonlight Variations

Chapter 36


The second dog can't talk, and it's its actor master who complains that he's hungry.

Chu Li searched around at Zhou Chuan's house, but only found the leftover rice after she cooked porridge for Zhou Chuan last time, a pitiful little bit, which couldn't even cover the bottom of the rice bucket... Chu Li raised the rice bucket and shook it Shaking, then she tilted her head and poked her head out from the edge of the rice bucket to look at the man standing leaning against the kitchen door watching her rummaging through boxes and boxes: "Teacher, since you know you're hungry and you know you need to buy vegetables, why didn't you buy some rice by the way?" return?"

At this time, the man was watching with relish the appearance of a petite girl holding a rice bucket half a person tall—

This reminded him of King Kong who was taking pictures of airplanes on skyscrapers.

"Because..." Leng Buding was asked, Hiukawa paused for a while and didn't react. After thinking about it, he didn't know how to answer this question, so he said with a paralyzed face, "If you didn't buy it, you didn't buy it. Where did you come from? [Tenant Regulations] Thirty Articles] As mentioned in Article 15, you are not allowed to question the landlord casually."

"I didn't question you personally, I just questioned your IQ."

"The third article of [Thirty Tenant Rules] says that you are not allowed to argue with the landlord—banana man, you are like an Alzheimer's disease and forget after reading it, it is hard for me not to kick you out." Hiukawa said with emotion on his face. Be more serious, "Pay attention, it's not that you don't need to endorse after graduating from high school."

First ceremony: "..."

For 4.2 million.

Chu Li put down the rice bucket in his hand, walked quickly to Hiukawa, reached out and grabbed his sleeve and pulled him out when he disagreed with him — Hirakawa froze for a moment, looking down at his deformed hoodie, tall and As a result, his body leaned forward slightly, meeting the eyes of the person looking up at him...

He asked calmly, "What are you doing?"

"Go to the nearby supermarket to buy rice. Chinese people must eat whole grains so as not to starve to death. If you just give me beef and carrots, I can't even make dog rice." Chu Li looked around, "Is there a food basket?"

Hiukawa didn't even want to ask directly: "What?"

Chu Li: "Food—forget it, you're the only one to blame."

Hiukawa maintained a bent posture: "You know that I don't have you and you ask, who do you want to deliberately ridicule? You don't know what to buy if you don't have anything. If you give money to Taobao, the elephant will be airlifted from Thailand for you..."

Hiukawa: "Also, let me go."

Chu Li let go of the man's sleeves, and the man straightened up slowly, his brown eyeballs rolled in their sockets... He silently watched the little girl run away from him, and picked out from the pile of rags she had brought. He took out his mobile phone and wallet and stuffed it into his pocket; he ran to the entrance again, threw off his slippers and jumped into his shoes, put them in, and then the toe of the shoes stood up and snapped—

A series of actions were done neatly.

Pushing open the door, the weekend sun poured in from outside the house, half of the little girl's body was bathed in the light, her hair was messy and messy, and she looked fluffy...

Holding the doorknob with one hand, she turned around and looked at the motionless man standing behind her strangely: "What are you looking at, aren't you hungry? Hurry up, teacher."

Hiukawa: "..."

Hiukawa turned his head and looked at the big dog who rolled over and sat up on the sofa, and now stood the big dog with piercing ears facing the entrance... Da seemed to feel the gaze of the master, the big dog made an "ow" sound, turned his head, Xingren Eyes that look like masters—

Both were silent.

Ergou, you also feel that the house has suddenly become a little noisy and lively, right

The man stuffed his hands into the pockets of the sweater, and cast his eyes on the little girl who was holding the door and staring at him eagerly: "Here, why rush? The little girl nowadays has no patience at all... no wonder the old lady who helped the old woman cross the road The traditional Chinese virtues have not been preserved, do you think the old lady walks slowly?"

First ceremony: "..."

Who's the granny, are you

This pair of incoherent looks is quite similar.

The supermarket is not far, you can walk there.

Chu Li and Hiukawa went out one after the other, maintaining the distance one after the other. Chu Li walked in front and lowered his head to play with his mobile phone, while Hiukawa walked behind: "Walk to see the road, what kind of mobile phone are you playing with?"

The tone was exactly the same as when Chuli's father was teaching her. Chuli took it for granted, and continued to press and hold on the phone without raising his head: "Teacher, I will make a group for you and Empress Yu, you should restrain yourself a little and pay attention to yourself." attitude... don't let yourself go too much."

"Putting the group again..." Hiukawa continued to maintain an impatient face, "It's a big weekend, why can't you stop working, and Yuanyue Club doesn't pay you overtime pay, you tirelessly are annoying—"

The person who was walking in front and lowered his head to use his mobile phone suddenly stopped, and the man's voice stopped abruptly—Hatsuri turned his head to look at Hiukawa expressionlessly, those black pupils were as calm as water...

The man choked, and suddenly realized that he had accidentally said something too much... He was faintly worried, but at this moment, the little girl who was a head shorter than him also showed a disgusted face: "I Who are they all working for?"

Hiukawa: "..."

for me

... Well, it's for me, you have a reason.

Rolling his eyes, the man stretched out his hand and turned the face that was especially obtrusive when staring at him to the front, and said in a deep voice: "Look ahead, no one will catch you if you fall into the sewer."

Chu Li stubbornly turned his head back and looked at him: "Teacher, why are you so repulsed by the crowd? Do you think that Yu Niangniang will also be like Mingjiu, come up and confess first, so hard to get close to..."

"It's good that you know, it's very tiring to exchange pleasantries."

"I don't think Empress Yu would rush to bother you to greet her. Anyway, she is a big fan with millions of Weibo fans. My charisma is not much worse than yours, so I should be a lot more reserved?"

Hiukawa: "Then what kind do you want her to be?"

Chu Li thought for a while and replied, "I don't know."

She really doesn't know.

All she knew was that the pull group looked at the painter and Hiukawa so close to each other, but it was rather embarrassing to be left aside as the editor-in-charge—even a little bit resistant... In fact, she also asked Ah Xiang if she could not pull the group, but Ah Xiang I think it is very troublesome to send messages between the two ends of the group, and there may be information deviations between the transfers, which will increase everyone's workload...

Because of the last sentence, Chu Li was persuaded by Ah Xiang, so she reluctantly agreed to join another group—just like she once said, she can't affect her work efficiency because of her personal preferences.

Hiukawa took out his mobile phone and agreed to the group invitation, and after he went in, he glanced at her, and found that Yu Niangniang hadn't joined yet, but the taciturn artist before... Seeing Hiukawa join in, Ah Xiang sent a "~" as a greeting, Afterwards, it returned to a pool of stagnant water, habitually silent.

"..." Hiukawa asked, "From editor to artist, are there any normal people in the editorial department of "Moonlight"?"

Chuli: "Don't say that, Axiang people are very good."

Hiukawa: "I can't feel it, just like I can't even feel her existence."

First ceremony: "..."

During the conversation, the two walked into the supermarket. Chu Li took a small trolley and took a portion of oil, salt, soy sauce, vinegar and other things that should be bought. Rice, yogurt, milk, cereal, fruit, everything that could be seen was stuffed into the trolley. Until the entire trolley is filled up—she also knows that the supermarkets near this high-end neighborhood are not cheap, but she knows better that the saved rent is enough for her to buy three carts as she is now.

Chu Li pushed the trolley in the front and enjoyed shopping all the way, while Hiukawa stuffed his hands in the pockets of the sweater and watched her buy and buy, and it was quite comfortable to watch—

He seemed to understand why the male protagonists in the TV series were so happy to buy this and that for the heroine. Seeing the banana man holding up two big boxes of cereal, looking left and right for comparison, he also leaned over and looked down: Although He doesn't eat cereal at all.

One of the cereal boxes in Chuli's hand was in Japanese and the other in Korean. Seeing that she was looking at it seriously, Hiukawa was surprised: "You still know Japanese and Korean?"

Chu Li: "I don't understand."

Hiukawa: "...then what are you looking at so seriously?"

Chu Li: "The price of two boxes of cereal is the same, so I will carefully weigh which one is heavier and more cost-effective."


Hiukawa snatched both boxes expressionlessly and stuffed them into the shopping cart, ignoring Chuli's "Aiai" and telling her to ruthlessly squeeze her away, pushing the cart with one hand and walking quickly to the frozen fresh food—the man was tall and walking Hurry up, Chu Li changed from a quick walk to a trot, and in the end he could only reach out and grab the hem of his clothes...

Probably because the tall, long-legged man pushing a cart and the short-legged duo running behind him were too eye-catching. Chu Li caught sight of several passers-by walking towards them from the corner of his eye while chasing the man. Look over here and sneer kindly...

With a red face, she loosened the hem of the man's clothes: "Slow down, going to the supermarket is not a war, why are you hungry, why are you walking fast with all your strength?"

Hiukawa pushed the cart forward without looking back: "I am walking at a normal walking speed. At your walking speed, do I have to cut off the section below the knee to match you?"


Chu Li waved his fist behind him, and had no choice but to follow quickly... When he arrived at the fresh and quick-frozen chicken breast, he looked at the quick-frozen chicken breast and was about to say that he bought it to be dried in water for Er Gou as a snack, when he suddenly felt The mobile phone in his pocket vibrated, Chu Li took out the mobile phone and looked at it, it turned out that it was Yu Niangniang who finally went to QQ and agreed to her invitation to the group—

[Broken Cocoon: (^_^) Good morning, everyone!]

[Brococoon: Good morning Hiukawa, I am very glad to have this opportunity to cooperate, let us work together to make Damai's new book great!]

[Pococoon: I heard that this time is quite rushed. If it wasn’t for your book, I would definitely not accept it hahaha. Who told me to be your little fan—so we have to move quickly. Send me the key description paragraphs related to the character design, some character movements, and demeanor of "Luohe Divine Book". I will hurry up and make the first draft, and try to finalize the line draft within a week o(*////___//// *)q]

[Brococoon: Ah yes, I have PO practice pictures and fan drafts of various painting styles on my Weibo. If you have a style you particularly like, you can let me know in advance, and then I can get closer to that... If not, I will Just do whatever you want!]

Madam Yu typed very fast, and she spoke a large version in a short while—

Enthusiasm so hard to fault.

Compared with Mingjiu, who is more passive and looks a little ignorant of what a commercial manuscript needs to do, she is not the same as a novice. She will set a series of line draft time, preferred style, specific character design and article style when she comes up. All the things I arranged and asked for on my own initiative are really comprehensive and reassuring that a professional commercial draft artist should have.

And Hikawa...

Chu Li saw the man in front, pushing the overcrowded shopping cart with one hand, and typing on the mobile phone with one hand. After typing for a long time, five words popped out in the group message——

[Hikawa: Okay, thank you for your hard work]

Not a single punctuation mark is given.

After typing, he turned his head and gave Chu Li a mocking look, as if to say: What is agreed is different from Mingjiu, after all, he is a big brother so he will be more reserved

Hiukawa was very indifferent, but Madam Yu obviously didn't care. Seeing Hiukawa's response, she immediately jumped up and was very happy——

[Broken Cocoon: I have liked Da Dawen a long time ago! Da Da, do you know that when I was little transparent, when I first started drawing fan art, there was an imitator who was similar to Da Da’s style of writing to accompany my pictures with short articles—the imitation was quite obvious, in Da Da’s text Aren't they all male protagonists in white clothes? He also knows how to learn...]

[Broken Cocoon: Of course, the writing style is far from the same, hahaha, sometimes the plot is quite ridiculous, I can't stand it after half of it.]

[Brococoon: At that time, my fan forum called him Xiao Zhouchuan, because of this, I always asked the moderators to improve him and support newcomers... At that time, some people always said: Cocoon, cocoon Ah, when will you be able to make a cover for Makoto Hirakawa's book!]

[Broken Cocoon: I never thought that this day would really come! ! !]

[Pococoon: Huh—I said this story just to express that there is no other meaning. You won’t be unhappy when you hear it. Although he always imitates you, you may think that this kind of person is quite annoying? But I think there is no need to worry about this kind of person who can't catch up with you even if he works hard for eight lifetimes! Um!]

The sound of rushing supermarket carts stopped abruptly.

The two before and after looking down at the phone stopped at the same time...

Hiukawa looked down at the words that popped up line by line on the screen of the phone, expressionless;

Chu Li stared at the screen of the mobile phone, and his blood surged instantly, with a bitter and bitter expression on his face, as if he couldn't believe his dog eyes—

... What the hell

My friend, you are brave enough to say it again, who do you think is Hikawa's backup tire? who? !

Whose writing style is much worse than Zhouchuan's, and occasionally the plot is ridiculous, even if you work hard for eight lifetimes, you can't catch up with Zhouchuan

Also, who did you ask the moderator to refine? ha? You speak well, and the moderator said that I am adding precision to someone. Is it not my own pleasure, what does it have to do with you? !

In the process of being your fan, you didn't say more than ten sentences to me, and it was the kind of reply that included the three words "um, ah, oh"!

I know that your mother-in-law likes to walk with fans like a dog, but you should have a bottom line when you walk fans. Mr. L has written you more than a dozen articles seriously. At the beginning, he said "the writing is really good" "I like it so much, I'm so happy", now Mr. L is your foot mat to curry favor with Hiukawa? !

You think you are acting in a Qiong Yao drama! ! ! !

I feel sorry for Mr. L!

Chuli's head hurts, and she quickly took screenshots of the group chat records, and was about to turn her head to Mr. L and other gay friends to complain, staged a wave of collective passerby fans turning black, at this moment, she suddenly heard the person walking in front The man gave a suspicious "hmm"...

Chu Li suddenly raised his head and looked at Zhou Chuan—the latter held up his mobile phone, looking a little dazed: "She chatted with me alone, asking if I was in City G, and if I was free tonight or tomorrow night , everyone can come out to have a meal and discuss the matter of the cover."

Have a meal? What to eat? Arsenic with rice or ashes with rice

First ceremony: "..."

Chu Li: "When I, the editor-in-chief, and the artist are not around, how can you discuss in vain with each artist and author?"

Chu Li: "Eat what to eat, what to go!"

Chu Li: "It's better to write at home if you have this free time! Have you handed in the short story to be published in the September issue?!"

Chu Li: "You invite me home to cook for you, you go out to eat every day, and you live for free for me worth 4.2 million square meters?! You do charity???!"

Hiukawa: "..."

Hiukawa looked puzzled, and looked up and down the little girl whose eyes were flushed with anger: "What's the matter, why are you excited?"

Chu Li let out a "hum", stepped forward in three steps, pushed aside the man standing beside the cart, pushed the cart to the cashier, and quickly typed on his mobile phone while pushing the cart. , seems to be talking to someone...

The man looked at her furious back, completely unaware of what was going on, and thoughtfully looked down at what Niang Niang said in the phone. After a long time, he seemed to understand something... His heart moved, and he switched to the Q interface to log in to the trumpet As expected, I saw a dozen unread messages sent by a familiar monkey profile picture—

[The sailors invited by the monkey: "Screenshot"]

[The sailors invited by the monkey: "Screenshot"]

[Sailors invited by the monkey: Riu Chuan’s new book asked Madam Yu to draw the cover, and I, the editor-in-charge, organized a team, but Madam Yu made such a statement after a disagreement... It made my eyes swell!]

[The sailor invited by the monkey: I wanted to improve your essence at the beginning, but I wanted to increase it! It has nothing to do with her! You see, the person who acted in this play in front of Zhou Chuan, pretended to be a good person, and played against Zhou Chuan? !]

[The sailor invited by the monkey: I even want to change the group name to: Oscar Awards!]

[The sailors invited by the monkeys: please invite the actor and actress to make their debut!]

[Saijun invited by the monkey: No, I can’t make such an analogy. I feel wronged by the actor Hiukawa, who was mean to the editor and the publisher. I haven’t seen anyone mean to his fans... At least he still There is a bottom line of professional ethics!]

[Saijun invited by Monkey: Also, I have never regarded you as Hiukawa’s backup, in my opinion, what you write is comparable to his, at least 50-50!]

[The sailor invited by the monkey: ... No, it seems a bit impersonal to say that the 50-50 is open. After all, Zhou Chuan is the deity and you are the copycat-64 is open! There are always June and Four open! ! ! !]

[The sailor invited by the monkey: Oh, I'm so mad!]

The slender fingertips moved on the screen of the mobile phone, the man remained calm, his brown pupils went from bewildered at first to clear and then full of smiles, when he saw the remarks that "the deity and the copycats should at least be on June 4th", He finally couldn't help laughing—

Looking up at the little girl standing in front of the cashier with frowning eyebrows not far away, looking down to take out her wallet, the only thought in Hiukawa's mind at this moment is: Such a small girl can't jump as high as him, with short arms She has short legs, but there seems to be a small universe in her heart that can explode at any time...

Blind justice.

Blind righteous indignation.

Blind Road sees injustice and roars.

Stretching his long legs, the man walked to the cash register, and the moment Chu Li handed his card to the cashier, he stretched out his long arm from behind her and took her card away—Chu Li and the cashier both used "" What are you doing, brother" looked at Jun Lang's man, who took out another card from his butt pocket: "Use this."

Chu Li: "No, I..."

Hiukawa: "Shut up."

Chu Li watched helplessly as Hiukawa handed in the card, checked out, entered the password, and bagged a lot of messy things... She took the two big bags off the cashier counter: "Even if this is the case, I personally don't agree with you Meet Yu Niangniang! As an editor in charge, I think that spending too much time and communicating with the author will hinder the commercial nature of the manuscript, and thus affect the progress of the work fee. You know how much progress is being made in "Luohe Shenshu" Hurry up, if it affects the progress, it will definitely be dead—"

Chu Li's words fell silent, and the heavy bag of rice in her hand was taken away from behind, and a voice so indifferent that there was no ups and downs came from behind her—

"Sister Xianglin, have you talked enough?"


Chu Li bit her lower lip, puffed up her face, showing a persistent and stubborn expression.

"I'm not going, I'm not going, I'm not going—I'm going to work on the manuscript at home, and I'll eat the meal you cooked, which is worth 4.2 million yuan," the man said helplessly, "Is that okay?"


"Don't go." The man glanced at her, "Put away your puffer face, it looks like Bajie, it's so ugly."