Moonlight Variations

Chapter 44


ten minutes later.

Hiukawa sat on the sofa with his arms folded, and looked at the little girl with a face full of water and a messy face expressionlessly, with a scorching gaze sweeping over his face, feeling guilty and shy, Hesitant to speak... It seems that the owner of the line of sight doesn't know that such a stupid appearance will make the atmosphere even more embarrassing.

Hikawa raised his eyebrows,

At this time, she was wearing a loose T-shirt and a pair of short jeans, and the water from her hair was still dripping... dripping onto his leather sofa.

He rolled up the bath towel in his arms and threw it at her face. The man's tone was not so amiable: "Can you wipe the water, it will drip down!"

Chu Li hurriedly took the bath towel, put it on his head, and glanced at him cautiously while wiping his hair... Before asking him "what's the glance", she cleared her throat first: "Teacher, why are you back?"

"This is my house, I still want to ask you why the water pipe in my house is broken?"

"Probably because I knew you were coming back, so it broke down."

Hiukawa looked at Chuli blankly.

"...It may also be because I patted it lightly." Chu Li lowered his head.

The man showed a mocking expression of "I knew it": "Which tropical rainforest are you King Kong who ran into the city, pretending to be a monkey with no power to restrain the chicken, even if you come to harm my family... you want to film the plane and go to the Pentagon. , how can you bully ordinary people here?"

"..." Refusing to answer Hiukawa's seemingly sincere question, Chuli kept wiping his hair, asking as if he didn't hear him. "Teacher, you told me this morning, and you won't be back until seven or eight days away."

"Is that why you're running around the world in banana underwear and panties, and turning my bathroom into a water curtain?"

Hiukawa was expressionless, watching the person sitting across from the sofa suddenly paused, her fair face turned red, and she pulled off the bath towel to cover her face with a "Oh", almost suffocating A voice came from behind the towel: "Did you see it?!"

The man sat firm as a mountain with his arms folded, and sneered: "I'm not blind."

Why don't you just smother yourself to death

It's not thanks to you that I came back early, and Jiang Yucheng, that bastard, was there to add bricks and tiles... There was also a class reunion, who was a classmate with you after a few years of difference!

The more he thought about it, the more angry he became, so he bent down and stretched out his hand to grab the towel that was covering the face of the person sitting opposite: "Do you know how to be polite? When you talk to others, you should look at him—what's the matter with covering your face? I'm not far away." I came back from the plane thousands of miles away. Before I sat on the sofa at home, I saw the bathroom turned into a water curtain hole. After I went in, I saw a nearly naked woman standing in the bathroom like a water ghost. The phone roared…”

The bath towel was torn off with a "swish", and Hiukawa stared at Chu Li: "It's as scary as it is."

First ceremony: "..."

The flush on Chu Li's face has not yet faded, and he blinked blankly: "Scary? When a normal man sees a girl's body, this is the first reaction? Scary?"

The man raised his chin, his face said: What can you do to me? Otherwise, I will marry you through the door

The two stared at each other for a while, stared at Chu Li for a while, and accidentally remembered the "Flower Branch Award" that sparked the controversy in the morning... The man's brown pupils dimmed, and suddenly he showed a trace of exhaustion. The luggage was pushed in front of Chu Li: "Everything in it has to be washed, put it in the washing machine for me, and don't move the rest of the things. I went back to my room and went to sleep: when someone called, they said I was not here, and I don't know where I went. , especially my dad and Jiang Yucheng..."

Chu Li caught the suitcase with both hands, and watched eagerly as the man sitting opposite stood up—she froze for a moment, pushed away the suitcase in front of her, and followed Hiukawa like a little tail: "What happened? You haven't said why you came back suddenly? Did you quarrel with your family or with Teacher Jiang Yucheng? By the way, it seems that Teacher Xia greeted Mr. Zhou Guxuan for the Huazhi Award in the afternoon. Don't be angry , Mr. Xia is different from someone like me who uses the author as a weapon and chases fame and fortune. He is really doing it for you... "

The man walking in front stopped suddenly.

Chu Li couldn't stop and hit his back with a "poof" all over his face, covering the tip of his nose and frowning, he knelt down on the spot and burst into tears, at the same time she heard a man's voice on the top of her head: "Ga Punctuation marks, because of what you just said, you will need to pay ten thousand and eight hundred a month in rent... "

Chu Li squatted on the ground covering his nose, and his voice rang out: "I can't even afford 1,800, you sold me out."

"Then shut up obediently, there's no reason to talk so much." The man lowered his eyes and glanced at her feet, which had forgotten to wear slippers because she was in a hurry to follow. As if you can cook, "Let you wear shoes at home, wild girl."

Throwing away this understatement, and after finishing speaking, he was about to turn around and leave. At this time, someone grabbed the hem of his clothes from behind, and the man turned around: "?"

Chu Li: "Will you take a shower before going to bed?"

Hiukawa: "Use the Water Curtain Cave?"

First ceremony: "..."

The corner of the clothes he was holding was ruthlessly pulled back. The man left after saying "I have a bathroom in my room". The door of the room has been firmly tapped on her face.

The rest of Chu Li and Er Gouzi stood at the door in a daze, Chu Li lowered his head to look at the big dog who had been staring at the dog since he entered the room, and blinked: "To tell you the truth, according to My witty toes guessed that your master is not in a good mood."

Er Gouzi tilted his head: "Oh."

Chuli stood outside the door for a while, then turned around and ran barefoot, sat on the sofa hugging his knees, thought about it, and then rushed into the bathroom to take out his mobile phone. The phone vibrated, and I received a text message from [Actor Teacher]: You put on my shoes! ! ! !

First ceremony: "..."

Open Q.

[The sailor invited by the monkey: Mr. Jiang Yucheng, can you ask us what happened to our veteran Hirokawa? He came home suddenly just now, looking very bad.]

[Jiang Yucheng: It seems that he had an argument with his family in the afternoon, and I asked him to attend the class reunion, but he didn't go and lost his temper.]

[Jiang Yucheng: How do you know he's home?]

First ceremony: "..."

Yes how do I know

Matt is mentally handicapped.

[The sailor invited by the monkey: Seeing Q chatting, he is only a few kilometers away from me.]

[Jiang Yucheng: Oh, like this:)]

Hikawa just came back.

However, in Chu Li's view, he might as well just die silently in C City.

Ever since the sudden fall from the sky that night, Chu Li did not expect that the brief conversation between himself and Hirukawa would become their last conversation during this period of time—the man has been shutting himself in the room since then, seeing no visitors, no one, Refusing to chat, day and night, I don't know what kind of homeboy Dafa to practice, eating, drinking, and sleeping in all the rooms to solve the problem...

Every morning when I knock on the door at the first ceremony, I open a crack inside and stretch out my hand to take the breakfast;

When Chu Li came back in the evening, the tableware had already been placed outside the door. Chu Li took them away, then cooked, brought the food to the door and knocked on the door and called "Teacher Zhou Chuan", and the door opened again. When the door opens a gap, the dark room will randomly flow out of different background BGM such as video games, computer games, otaku harem animation lines...

Of course the man didn't have a code word.

He hasn't updated for seven days in a row, and there are corpses everywhere on the Internet. Fans and black fans from the beginning doubted to scolded to panic and finally wailed: Da, you don't update, it's okay to say something anyway, don't you die! ! ! !

— Not to mention being a fan, if it wasn't for the regular feeding actions every day, even Chu Li, who was under the same roof as him, would almost suspect that his body was cold...

But in fact, this is not a problem. After all, the two of them have nothing to talk about except work, but the problem facing Chu Li now is: Not only did Zhou Chuan not code words to update and serialize on Weibo, he said he would give Chu Li Li wrote the "Reader-Author Interaction Month" foreword project, which has not yet been handed in.

It was now near the end of August.

The most embarrassing thing is that not only is the depressed Hiukawa cheating on her, but even the ghost who had been mistaken for a good person with Chu Li all the time, suddenly turned into a gang of cheating editors——

A Gui said: My computer's hard drive is broken, and my laptop has been returned to the factory for repairs. I don't know if those beginnings are still there.

Then this practice lasts for about half a month.

Jiang Yucheng said: It will be fine soon, it will be fine soon.

Then this "immediately" also "immediately" for more than half a month—

Manuscript? nonexistent.

On August 23, the weather gradually became hotter.

At work this day, everyone in the editorial department was immersed in their work, and Lao Miao, who was sitting next to Chu Li, suddenly clapped happily: "Okay, now I have handed in the beginning of the foreword project every year—ah, these people, they all told them There is no rush to hand in the foreword project for November, and it is positive enough to hand it in now!"

First ceremony: "..."

Chu Li felt a shudder down his spine, and had a vague premonition that someone was coming to find trouble.

as predicted.

Lao Miao clasped his hands together and looked festive, "Awesome!" He turned his office chair and turned to Chu Li: "Oh, by the way, Chu Li, it's the end of August, and the three beginnings on your side are coming too—— In the future, I will directly proofread and hand it over to me, hehehehehehe, I am super looking forward to the beginning of the three big ones!"

"..." Chu Li squeezed out a little smile from his constipated face, "Of course I handed it in, and I'm proofreading it for them. The writing is really good, as expected of the teachers!"

While talking, while waiting for Lao Miao to turn back, he said [I beg you to submit the manuscript, if you don't submit the manuscript, you will find a corpse of the editor at your door tomorrow! ! ! ! !]Copy it to the three great gods...

Great god A, ghost, replied in seconds: [I got my computer back, but the hard drive crashed... I will write a new one for you, and give me three days of light! Before the day after tomorrow!]

First ceremony:...

Master B returned five minutes ago, with a word count screenshot attached: [Don't look for short-sightedness, live strong, look, I've written 500 words!]

Chu Li: My smart toes told me that this teacher opened the word one second after receiving my death announcement and began to code what he promised more than ten days ago.

As for the great god C... There is no news, it seems that there is no such person.

In return, Chu Li was going to go home tonight and smashed his door.

At six o'clock in the afternoon, get off work.

Side by side with Ah Xiang, while discussing the proofing process of the cover of "Luohe Divine Book", while walking towards the gate of the park, Chu Li was racking his brains to think about whether the cover should be transparent or hollowed out. Xiang asked casually from the side: "By the way, what did the three teachers write at the beginning of the September issue? I'm still waiting to make a cover slogan to match their content..."

Chu Li: "...they haven't delivered the manuscript yet."

Ah Xiang was taken aback: "Huh?"

Chu Li: "These uncles haven't delivered the manuscript yet!!! Ah, can you believe it! Usually people drag up the manuscript like a dog and do a lot of tricks. There are all kinds of inappropriate people—what computer is broken? I forgot. Dad scolded me. So happy!!!”

Chu Li: "I seem to have brought three Fu Jian Yibo! Three!!!!"

Ah Xiang: "..."