Moonlight Variations

Chapter 49


Before leaving get off work, Chu Li was stopped by Yu Yao—I felt a little bit in my heart at the time, for fear that she would ask about the submission status of the second issue of "Reader-Author Interaction Month"... It was an embarrassing scene to think about.

Chu Li responded, and stretched his neck to take a look. Fortunately, Lao Miao had already walked away with his FENDI bag on catwalks... Chu Li returned to the editorial department in a hurry, like a thief By the way, he closed the door, and sat down in front of Yu Yao with a look of death.

"Boss, what's the matter?"

"Why are you so nervous?" Yu Yao said with a smile, "I just came to ask if Zhou Chuan is still unwilling to submit "Luohe Divine Book" for the Huazhi Award? Two months have passed, and the registration and selection deadline is coming soon The date is…”


It turned out to be for this matter.

At this time, Chu Li didn't know whether she should breathe a sigh of relief, she shook her head and said, "Mr. Zhou Chuan was very resistant and determined not to participate in this selection... I also tried to persuade him, but Mr. Xia still shocked everyone." Saying "Heroes are sad for beauty", even though I am not a beauty, let me do my best—”

Yao started laughing before Chu Li said: "Mr. Xia is like this. This year's Dragon Boat Festival, I told him Teacher Happy Dragon Boat Festival. Do you know what he replied to me?" Happy Dragon Boat Festival", should say "Dragon Boat Festival Ankang"...

First ceremony: "..."

Yu Yao wiped away the tears from laughter: "The "Happy Zongzi Festival" I have said for more than 30 years has been subverted like this..."

What else can Chuli say? I could only laugh awkwardly: "The teacher is indeed a rigorous and objective person."

The atmosphere of the chat was good, and Yu Yao did not open his mouth to say anything like forcing Chuli to deal with the disruptive atmosphere of Zhouchuan... After the two chatted about Mr. Xia's gossip, Yu Yao stood up, carried his bag and Chuli together son go out.

Chu Li walked in front, thinking that she seemed to have escaped a catastrophe... However, what should come will always come. When she relaxed a little for no more than ten seconds, and was about to step out of the threshold with one foot and prepare to rush out, unfortunately He heard Yu Yao's voice behind him, seemingly inadvertently—

"By the way, how is the call for papers for today's November issue? In the one-week call for papers, Hiukawa and the others only have dozens of papers. Suo Heng and the others shouldn't have many, right?"


Yu Yao's question came out of nowhere. When Li was trying to organize his words to see how to express the embarrassing situation tactfully, Yu Yao came up, walked side by side with Chu Li, and asked, "How many contributions to Suo Heng?" , how much is it?"

The voice sounds casual.

Although the first ceremony is actually not.


Yet the honest answer she could give was "zero."

Chu Li stretched her head over the corridor railing and glanced downstairs. The atmosphere was so embarrassing that people didn't know how to speak, she felt that jumping down now seemed to be the only best choice.

"It's true that there are not many, and the quality is not good. Judging from the few articles submitted so far, in terms of writing and storytelling methods, it should be impossible to publish in magazines..." Chu Li said implicitly, "Today is Friday , I think we can wait until after the weekend to see."

Yu Yao glanced at Chu Li, then nodded thoughtfully—

She didn't ask Chu Li again, how many people contributed to Suo Heng; just like Chu Li didn't ask Yu Yao, what is the relationship between her and Suo Heng? Miao would definitely ask Yu Yao in the tone of "That's Suo Heng, is it really okay for you to do this?"

Fortunately, at this moment, Chu Li felt her mobile phone vibrate, and the screen of the mobile phone lit up to show that she had a new Q message pushed in at this moment... Chu Li quickly put on a face of "I have something to do" and lowered her head to look at it. cell phone-

[Hikawa: When will you come back?]

[Hikawa: What's for dinner?]

[Hikawa: I'm hungry.]

[Hikawa: Come back quickly, I'm going to starve to death.]

[Hi Chuan: Don't add your broken class, and don't pay overtime pay. I'm so hungry that I want to open a can of Er Gouzi to eat, isn't it more serious?]

[The sailors invited by the monkey: ... ]

[Hi Chuan: I said so much and you just answered me with six little dots? What about basic social etiquette?]

[The sailors invited by the monkey: . . . . . .]

[The sailor invited by the monkey: Here you go, the big one, take it.]


Yu Yao heard the laughter from the people around him, and turned her head to see the corners of her lips curled into a smile and the corners of her eyes upturned—Chu Li always looked like she was in full combat mode when she was in the editorial department, and she smiled like a real girl It's really rare... Yu Yao couldn't help but also laughed: "Who are you talking to, so happy?"

Chu Li was taken aback when he heard the words, the phone subconsciously turned towards him, and put away the phone as if nothing had happened: "It's okay, I'm just a boring person."

At this time, the two arrived at the gate of the park where the Yuanyue Society is located, said goodbye peacefully, and wished each other a happy weekend.

after an hour.

When Chu Li came home, Chu Li was washing rice and preparing to cook. The man who was sitting in the study and was messing with something ran out after him. He leaned against the door frame of the kitchen and watched her wash the rice. A sentence popped out: "You didn't work overtime tonight."

Chu Li poured out the first wave of rice washing water, and said "hmm" without looking up.

Hiukawa opened his mouth silently: "Aren't there not many people who contributed?"

Chu Li raised his head this time, and looked expressionlessly at the man who was leaning against the door, who was not knowing what he was laughing at: "Are you bored or not, knowing that the popularity of those three authors can't compare with yours, you What's your name with them..."

"Hey," Chu Li said, his whole face froze, "you won't be thinking about this all day long—"

"Who did you wrong? I wrote a manuscript at home for a whole day today." The smile on Hiukawa's face disappeared immediately, and he kicked the trash can. If you are a human being, you can print out these more than 10,000 words and eat them in front of me as an apology.

The trash can was kicked and shook, and Chu Li drew out the kitchen knife.

Hiukawa bent down to hold the trash can, staring at Chuli warily.

The first ceremony began to cut vegetables with a "click click".

Hiukawa straightened up, walked behind Hatsuri and stood firm—the shadow cast by the man's tall figure enveloped the person standing in front of the chopping board. According to the routine of the girl manga, at this time, the male protagonist should hug the female protagonist's waist from behind, Then he bent down a little and put his chin on her shoulder to act coquettishly or something...

However, the reality is that the male protagonist raised his hand, and poked the female protagonist who was chopping vegetables on the shoulder in disgust, as if one finger was too much: "So, how many submissions are there?"

There was a sound of chopping vegetables, and Chuli raised the kitchen knife with a "huh" and turned around—Hikawa's complexion changed and he took three steps back, Chuli put down the kitchen knife and said lightly: "This can't be done except for the author himself. Tell someone else."

Hiukawa: "I also count as 'others'?"

Chu Li: "And they are still 'others' with 'ulterior motives'."

Hiukawa: "Aren't you my editor? Why don't you turn to me?"

"It's just your editor in charge of the book "Luohe Divine Book", "Chu Li corrected, "Who kept saying 'I don't need to be in charge' last night? My aunt was dancing in the square to testify, and now I want to gossip again. Are you in charge?"

Probably because he was really shameless, the expression on Hiukawa's face didn't look awkward at all—he came over and took the kitchen knife from Hatsue Ri's hand, threw it on the cutting board, and at the same time leaned down and put one hand on the cooking table, Trapping that little girl who is half a head shorter than me between my chest and the cooking table...

When the distance between the two of them was very close, he didn't stop bending over. When Li's back was too backward to dodge any more, he finally stopped. Finger cross-section distance—

It was so close that Chu Li could smell the faint smell of mint tobacco in his breath.

"I said I don't need to be an editor, so you don't know how to fight for me?" The man's pupils darkened slightly, and his voice was deep and magnetic, "Do you know how many editors and writers in this industry are in this industry? wedding hall?"


"I write well, I'm rich, I live in a big house, and I should be the type of girl like you." The man raised his chin, "You live with me every day, can you not be tempted?"


Teacher, I have seen you staring at the chicken coop in the morning, pouting your buttocks and burying your face in Er Gouzi's stomach in order to get out of bed in the morning;

Teacher, I have seen you yawning and reaching into your pajama pants to scratch your buttocks;

Teacher, I once stood in the toilet and stood outside the toilet and yelled at you in order to grab the toilet with you before going to work during the day;

Teacher, I also think that you are rich, handsome, and well-written, but if the above three points are enough to make me feel thrilled just by counting them casually, then you should worry about your "Luohe Divine Book" In the end, it fell into the hands of a person with a brain hole...

Chu Li blinked, and lowered his voice: "I also want to try to be your editor in charge. How about "Luohe Shenshu" being judged for the 'Flower Branch Award'? As long as you say 'yes', I will fight hard from now on." Life, but also strive to be your personal editor... "



The breath of too much invasion by the man in front of him suddenly evacuated, Hiukawa straightened up suddenly, with no ambiguity at all, and his face was firm: "I don't."

Chu Li also turned around with a determined face, and grabbed the kitchen knife thrown in by Zhou Chuan from the vegetable sink again, his heartbeat was as steady as Mount Tai, and continued to chop vegetables: "The negotiation broke down, you go."

"Why is it so difficult to ask you gossip—our [Thirty Rules for Tenants] has Article 31: The tenant must listen to what the landlord says; the tenant must answer the gossip asked by the landlord!"

"Go ahead, see if I care about you," Chu Li stood on tiptoe, opened the cupboard above her head and wanted to take down the soup pot inside, but she couldn't reach it with her fingertips stretched... At this moment, she seemed to remember something He suddenly withdrew his hand and turned his head, looking at the man standing behind him with his hands in his pockets who didn't want to come to help at all, he was stunned and stomped his feet, "Come and help me get it! What are you still looking at there! "

Hikawa was stunned.

Ten seconds later, Reluctantly came over: "You are so righteous even though you are short, did I make you short? Why are you yelling at me..."

"My old lady is 1.65 meters tall, why is she short? You are too tall! This cabinet is also installed too high! How can there be a cabinet that is so high, is there something wrong?"

Hiukawa came over, held Chuli's head with his big hand and pressed down to make her shut up, and at the same time stretched out his long arms to take off the soup pot that Chuli couldn't reach, and put it into her arms: "The master who installed the cabinet And I don’t know that in a few years this house will live in a yelling dwarf... Here, take it, take it, wait a minute—”

The man raised the pot again to a height beyond Chuli's reach: "Tell me, can you count Suo Heng's submissions on one hand?"

First ceremony: "..."

First ceremony: "..."

The lid on the lifted soup pot slipped down and hit the man's head, the man subconsciously threw the pot to rub his head with a "hey", Chu Li firmly caught the soup pot and the glass lid that was about to fall on the ground, He stepped on him nimbly and fiercely, and said viciously: "Get out, don't make trouble here, or you won't be able to eat until the dog walk time at 9:20!"

"... You see you are fierce, so I only care about what's wrong with my colleagues? I look very dark."

"Are you so concerned? You are dark. You are quite self-aware—what's wrong with Suo Heng's low number of submissions? If there are so few, can you still write a follow-up for her?!"

"You asked Mr. Zhou Chuan to write a follow-up for Suo Heng as a shooter! If you are brave enough to post this on the Internet, you can see if you will be sent bombs to your address by human flesh!"

"I live in Hiukawa Daddy's house. I'm afraid of bombs, and how long has it been since you updated Daddy?! If there is a bomb sent here, it's hard to tell whether the recipient is you or me?!"

In the kitchen, when the author teacher and his editor-in-charge were arguing about unnutritious topics, Ergou, who had already been used to everything, came in with his empty rice bowl in his mouth, stood up, and held the empty rice bowl with his paws on the cooking table. Throw the rice bowl into its dedicated sink, then jump down, turn around and leave without looking back—

The empty rice bowl smashed into the sink and made a loud noise, as if it was a loud accusation of domestic violence that can break out at any time and place, anytime and anywhere.

Chu Li pointed to the back of Er Gou leaving, and said nothing; Hiukawa glared at her, and the moment he saw Er Gou's empty dog bowl, he realized that besides the morning, he had nothing to eat today and he was so hungry His chest was pressed against his back, so he stopped talking nonsense and turned around to leave the kitchen...

The man kicked his slippers to the sofa, lay down on the sofa, stretched his legs and took out his phone—

So a few seconds later.

In the kitchen, Chu Li, who had finally finished cutting the vegetables and started to cook, suddenly felt the phone vibrate on her chest. She held the spatula in one hand and took out the phone in the other, and glanced at—

[Mr. L who disappeared: Daughter-in-law, how is your work doing recently? Busy? I read the November issue of your "Moonlight" magazine. The "interaction between readers and authors" is so interesting!]

[Mr. L who disappeared: I heard that today is the first open day for submissions. Do you think I can be selected if I submit? There won't be a lot of competition, right?]

[Mr. L who disappeared: Hurry up and reveal the internal information to your husband. Anyway, I am not in the circle. Where can I talk about it?]

First ceremony: "... ... ..."

What kind of evil is going on today, one or two gossip about her

[Saijun invited by Monkey: Which author do you want to vote for?]

[The disappearing Mr. L: Suo Heng, I also liked her when she was quite popular before! Hey hey hey!]

[The disappearing Mr. L: Of course I just admire her talent.]

[Mr. L who disappeared: If you like that, I only like you (^_^)]

[The sailor invited by the monkey: ... Why are you talking so much today?]

[The sailor invited by the monkey: Are you off work?]

At the moment of sending, Chu Li didn't know that on the sofa in the next living room across the wall, a man with a mobile phone turned over because of this: Why are there so many flirtatious words? Of course it's because of a guilty conscience.

The man was typing at a speed of 3,000 per hour, and at the same time, in the kitchen next door on the same wall, the words on the mobile phone in the hands of the little girl who was busy cooking were also leaking out line by line——

[Mr. L who disappeared: Hmm. After get off work, on the way back by car.]

[The sailor invited by the monkey: How can you free up your hands to type for me while driving?]

The man on the sofa holding the mobile phone in one hand paused for a moment, raised his head slightly and glanced at the kitchen, and saw that there was no movement in it, so he couldn't tell if he asked loudly on purpose: "Aren't you cooking! Why is there no movement!"

"Wait for the pot to heat up—it's up to you! Lying down and waiting to eat is so much nonsense!" There was an immediate response from the kitchen.

The corner of the man's lips curled up, and he smashed his head back onto the pillow of the sofa—

[Mr. L who disappeared: Red light!]

[Mr. L who disappeared: You are the biggest (^_^)]

[The sailor invited by the monkey: ... rolling.]

[Saijun invited by the monkey: If you want to submit an article to Suo Heng, please submit it quickly. I can’t say the specific number of submissions. Anyway, I’m very anxious now. It’s not about the quantity, but the quality... Hey, I want to wait for a weekend to read Look, otherwise you might really have to look around for someone to help you write it.]

[The sailor invited by the monkey: Anyway, with your writing skills, as long as you submit a manuscript, you will definitely be able to win.]

Hiukawa: "..."

This banana man, why is his mouth so strict

Mr. L can't handle her.

[Saijun invited by the monkey: Let’s not talk about it, I’m going to cook for that trash in my living room who can only play around with his legs crossed.]

[Mr. L who disappeared: Are you living with someone? Shared rent? Male or female?]

There was no response for a long time after the message was sent. The man sat up from the sofa, thought for a while, put on his slippers and walked to the kitchen. He happened to see Chu Li busy bending over to adjust the heat, and her mobile phone was placed beside the vegetable sink.

Hiukawa: "Are you playing on your phone in silence just now?"

Chu Li: "So what, your kindergarten teacher is in charge."

Hiukawa: "I'm almost starving to death and you're still playing with your phone here."

Chu Li: "Isn't this alive and kicking and accusing me here, how does he look like a dying person?"

Hiukawa walked into the kitchen, took the frying pan handed over by Chu Li, threw it into the sink and brushed it with boiling water perfunctorily, and asked casually, "Are you chatting with your boyfriend?"

Chu Li raised his eyes, took his gaze away from the induction cooker, and looked at Hiukawa calmly—she didn't have time to say anything, at this moment, the man standing not far away had already laughed like an old goblin: "Look You are still shy, it seems that your boyfriend is very good at talking about love?"

Chuli: "???"

Hiukawa: "Very good at flirting, Lover."

First ceremony: "..."

After that day, Chu Li spent a weekend that I don't know how to describe.

Aside from the annoyance of having a fool at home like a surveillance spy staring at her anytime, anywhere waiting to steal gossip information, every two hours, she is like a candidate or a student waiting to check her college entrance examination scores. Like a gambling dog waiting to open a welfare lottery, he carefully opened the submission mailbox—

As a result, every time I came here with fear and hope, and every time I returned disappointed.

The weekend submission situation is still not optimistic.

Niannian and Hippo are smart, they wrote the beginning of the cute article, Niannian wrote about the hero's dog died, and the dog came back in human form to repay his favor; They all belong to the stalks that readers of any age group are more likely to pick up, so the number of contributors reached five submissions and three submissions by the end of the weekend...

Not to mention the quality for now.

After all, there are more headaches than this.

That was the beginning of Suo Heng—I don’t know what Lao Miao thought, so she wrote a sci-fi beginning with a very large structure, such as federation and empire, the beginning of the war, the fall of the star and so on...

The writing is better than every year and there are hippopotamuses, but how does this make readers continue

So by the end of the week, there was still not a single contributor.

Chu Li is about to suffer from a headache. It seems that half of the seven submission days have passed, and there is still the most promising weekend in the middle, and the number of submissions is still "zero". So on Sunday night, I checked again after dinner. After checking the submission box once, Chu Li finally couldn't sit still anymore, and posted @老肖in the WeChat group of "Moonlight" editorial department—

[The sailors invited by the monkey: @喵喵 the weekend is over, the submission situation is very bad, every year is 5, hippopotamus is 3, Suoheng is 0, what should we do now?]


[Little Bird:...]

[Yu Yao:...]

[Yu Yao: So little?]

[Saijun invited by the monkey: Moreover, the quality of their submissions is not good every year. Can you see if you can silently extend the deadline for the manuscript until it goes to press? There is no need to announce it to the public. Before the submission deadline, there were people submitting to Hiukawa and the others. We passed it directly... But this time we can be less strict. Let's see if there are any manuscripts submitted?]

[Yu Yao: I think it can.]

[Yu Yao: @喵喵 Come out and see if this works, or I can contact a few strict-mouthed authors to help write the follow-up just in case.]

Lao Miao didn't speak for a long time.

Until the dinner was officially over, Chu Li kicked Hiukawa with the plate and urged him to come and wash the dishes with her, when her cell phone on the table vibrated suddenly—

Chu Li and Hiukawa, who were about to conduct a finger-guessing game to decide who would wash the pot tonight, were taken aback for a moment. After looking at each other, they both raised their heads and looked at Chu Li's phone screen in unison, and then saw a sentence popped up in the middle of the screen——

[Meow: What else can I do? The author I bring is not popular.][Meow: How about I inform Suo Heng and the others to cancel the follow-up publication in January, anyway, they are not popular, who blames them for not being popular, and no one cares about the follow-up, haha.]

[Meow Meow: Hiukawa and Jiang Yucheng are enough for this magazine.]

First ceremony: "..."

Hiukawa: "..."

The man raised his hand, pointed at the stack of dishes in Chu Li's hand that might be thrown to the ground to vent his anger at any time, and calmly reminded: "The dishes are stable, they are very expensive, and you have to pay for them if they are broken—the dishes don't understand this motherfucker." How fucked are the cannons, they're innocent."

The author has something to say:

Hiukawa: Is my provocative technique good

First ceremony:...