Moonlight Variations

Chapter 58


According to the North American Tucao Jun's scoring standard of "7 points for Zhu Yin Wang Zuxian, 8 points for Liu Yifei, and 9 points for the opening of Victoria's Secret with big wings on your back", Chu Li's height should be tall or short, and he should dress properly A little girl with an ordinary rectangular hairstyle, probably at most four to five cents lost in the crowd on the main road, and you have to stare at the level of looking desperately—

After more than 20 years of mediocre life, finally on this day, because she made her grand debut with two authors (inexplicably competing for beauty), she won a 100% return rate for the first time in her life.

… except that everyone’s faces are written in capital letters—

excuse me;

Just her? Why;

How angry, my little brother is blind these days;

Definitely brothers, one cousin and one cousin;

Look at this girl's embarrassing face, why are you acquainted with the little brother, and you slipped two at a time;

I would rather believe that these two men are a couple;

When Chu Li held two movie ticket exchange coupons and RMB 18 yuan to show the three tickets to the ticketing staff, everyone around looked at them eagerly... until Chu Li took the three tickets and looked at the three tickets seriously. Pick out the seat number of each ticket, pick the one in the middle and put it in your pocket, and pass the two tickets on the side to the two great gods who look like gatekeepers behind you—

It was only then that everyone was willing to accept the setting of "these three people really belong together", shaking their heads and sighing, they all dispersed.

At this time, there were still more than 20 minutes before the opening of the movie. Chu Li held the movie ticket and found a corner to sit firmly. As soon as his buttocks landed, his eyes suddenly darkened. When he looked up, he saw Jiang Yucheng standing in front of him half bent. , smiled and asked: "Do you want some snacks? Or a drink? Ice cream?"

Chu Li naturally waved his hands quickly and said, "No need, teacher."

Hiukawa stood behind the two of them and said coolly, "What kind of snacks did you eat just now? Is your stomach a bottomless pit? Then the boss has a pizza, and he almost vomited..."

"So you eat too much?"

Jiang Yucheng straightened up, brushed past Hiukawa, ran to the snack counter in front of him, picked out some popcorn, chocolate and mineral water, took them back and stuffed them into Chuli's arms— Chu Li hurriedly took it and thanked her. At this time, a big hand stretched out and grabbed a bag of marshmallows from her arms: "...It's all sweet, you treat her like a three-year-old?"

"Can you shut up, people who don't even bring their wallets talk so much, there is no girl who doesn't like sweets."

Jiang Yucheng watched coldly as Zhou Chuan tore open the marshmallow packaging bag, took out a marshmallow and squeezed it in his hand, until all the messy stuffing was squeezed out—with a stretch of his hand, the shi-like thing was squeezed out. Handed it to his mouth, he said confidently: "I don't eat sweets."

Jiang Yucheng rolled his eyes and patted his hand away.

Hiukawa had no choice but to eat it by himself, and said vaguely while eating it: "I don't eat sweets, and she won't like them either. It's a waste for you to buy these things—"

Before he finished speaking, he saw Jiang Yucheng looking at him with mocking eyes, Hiukawa paused, and subconsciously looked down, and saw the little girl who had already torn off the tin foil wrapping the chocolate with a big bag in her mouth. A piece of chocolate looked at himself blankly.

Hiukawa: "..."

Hiu Chuan hated iron and steel for education: "I just had a full meal! I also ate chocolate! You are a goldfish, don't you know what to do?"

Chu Li flinched, feeling a little guilty when he was stared at by Hiukawa's "collaborator and treason" eyes: "I just ate a small piece..."

Hiukawa: "You are already heavy enough."

It's so heavy that I can't even lift it up, I can only watch the tragedy of you lying on the table in my study all night, have you forgotten

Chu Li's face changed drastically when he heard the words, Jiang Yucheng stood up in time and grabbed Zhou Chuan's windbreaker tie and pulled him away: "You deserve to be single, who is to blame? What I said was not human - if Ergou was a bitch, he would have to run away from home... "

During the waiting time of more than ten minutes, Hiukawa kept staring at Chu Li with the eyes of a little traitor. Chu Li was apprehensive at first, but then she got used to it. Finally, under the sight of the man, she looked calm. After eating a whole piece of chocolate, he stood up holding a large bucket of popcorn: "You can enter."

Hiukawa stood up with a long leg: "If I fall asleep later, remember to wake me up, lest I sleep too soundly."

Jiang Yucheng: "Then what are you doing here?"

Chu Li forcibly walked between the two, and pulled the two away who couldn't stop when they got together.

Entering the movie hall, because the general theme of this movie is not as attractive as other blockbuster movies that are being released at the same time, so even if it is a weekend, there are only two or three people in this movie, which is pitifully small. There are only a dozen of them in total... Chu Li was between the two authors according to the seat number of the movie ticket. At this time, the ears of the noisy morning finally got clean—Hi Chuan was playing with her mobile phone on her left hand; Jiang Yucheng took advantage of the fact that the movie hadn't started yet, and took a look on Weibo... about ten minutes ago, he posted three ticket stubs with the words: Watch the movie with the editor in charge, Yuanyue Society weekend benefits.

At this moment, he was actively guessing who the three ticket stubs belonged to under his Weibo. Someone sharp-eyed found out that it was a movie theater in City G, so he began to ask Hirokawa... Hirokawa played with his mobile phone and made an impatient voice: " You reader, old Aite, what am I doing, you have to be with me when you come to G City?"

"Is there something wrong?" Jiang Yucheng said calmly, "When you come to city B, you come to my house to eat and drink. It's called 'Mr. Jiang Yucheng's hospitality', so shouldn't you be 'entertaining' when I come to G city? I?"

Hirakawa raised his fist: "Use this 'entertainment'?"

Before Jiang Yucheng could answer with a sneer, the lights in the cinema hall dimmed—at the same time, Chu Li quickly stuffed the popcorn into Zhou Chuan's arms, and said in a low voice, "It's started. "

Hiukawa moved his lips, but in the end he didn't say anything, he just hugged the popcorn bucket silently, thought for a while, and stuffed a handful of popcorn into his mouth.

At the very beginning of the movie, the editor Perkins received the submission from the author Thomas. Before that, the book "Angel, Looking Homeward" had been rejected by many publishers, and the manuscript was sent to Perkins, the most famous editor at the time. In the hands of Perkins, he was holding the manuscript, sitting on the train home and couldn't stop reading it... A few days later, Thomas came to Perkins' office, ready to be rejected again. Perkins told him that he would publish his book, and paid half of his royalties down—

Seeing Thomas go from disbelief to ecstasy, screaming and jumping in Perkins' office, Hatsune raised the corners of his lips, stretched out his hand and tugged on Hiukawa's sleeve beside him: "Your first publication Will it be the same when the draft is finished?"

Because the man's sleeves were pulled, the man's body conditioned to tilt slightly, but his eyes were still fixed on the movie screen, and he said expressionlessly: "No, no one has returned my manuscript except my dad."

"..." Chu Li let go of him, and leaned towards Jiang Yucheng, "Teacher, then you—"

"My father was my first publishing editor. Ten or three years ago, he dug out the manuscript of "The Lost Zoo" from my waste cardboard, then sold it, and then became popular."

When Jiang Yucheng said this, he was smiling, and Zhou Chuan, who was on the other side of the ceremony, obviously heard it, and snorted softly.

First ceremony: "..."

It was her fault that she went to watch a sentimental film with two authors who had no feelings.

After that, it should be in a movie about the editor and the author. During the proofreading process, the editor and the author had a dispute.

This reminded Chu Li of the early days when proofreading the "Luohe Divine Book", he had quarreled with Zhou Chuan on the phone seven or eight times a day... Once Yu Yao felt that it was fortunate that electronic communication technology was developed at this time. In the past, authors and editors had to In the era when they had to sit face to face and revise the manuscript together, the two of them would probably be able to tear off the roof of the Yuanyue Club.

In the movie, with the hero’s first book selling well and his second book selling well, the author gradually becomes close friends with his editor. There is a scene in the movie where Perkins is holding "Angel, Looking Hometown" with a gratified smile. "Repeatedly read and read... Chu Li said that this is a bit beautified: "Actually, editors dare not read the books they have made, even if it is indeed their trophy, but—once they accidentally read the missed typos or It's a sick sentence, and that kind of fear and embarrassment can be unmanageable."

"This is the difference between a small editor and Nightingale in the editorial world." Hiukawa pointed to the tip of Chuli's nose, "I have seen you lying on my manuscript and drooling, how can I be too high?" Hope?"

First ceremony: "..."

As the editor and author of that era, when working on the next few books, Perkins and Thomas ate, drank and slept together, which aroused great dissatisfaction from the author's wife, and even rushed to the editorial office with a gun...

Chu Li: "It's really hard work being the author's girlfriend. After all, the editor has a hundred reasons to call, send WeChat, send emails regardless of time and place, and harass the author at any time—for example, even if you are exercising in bed. Stop and explain exactly what the dash is for."

At this time, Hiukawa had already started to lose his mind and didn't say a word.

Chu Li grabbed his arm and shook it: "Teacher, wake up."

Hiukawa woke up from the empty state, looked at the screen holding a gun to his head and insisted that Thomas choose between himself or Perkins' heroine: "The situation you mentioned is actually very easy to solve, the answer is , married her."

Chuli: "Huh?"

Hiukawa: "How many editors ended up with the author, because at least when she was exercising on the bed, she would only think about crying instead of thinking about the problem with the manuscript written by the person pressing on her..."

First ceremony: "..."

Hatsuri raised his hands to cover his ears expressionlessly.

Jiang Yucheng turned his head speechlessly: "Watching a literary film carefully, what kind of obscenity did you suddenly say?"

Hiukawa glanced at Chuli, the cinema was too dark and he couldn't see her face clearly. He could only guess that it was flushed, and said expressionlessly, "She started first."

At the beginning of the ceremony, there is no way to argue.

At this time, when the film was being played, a certain best-selling author who Perkins had brought suddenly stopped writing for one reason or another, and the things he tried to write were not satisfactory, and his career went to the bottom... Hirakawa, changed A pose, with a faint smile on the corner of his lips: "It looks familiar."

Jiang Yucheng glanced at him expressionlessly.

In the movie, Thomas, who is in full swing, meets the author who is in trouble, and mocks him because of drunkenness, which arouses the dissatisfaction of editor Perkins, and the two have a big fight in the gut of a sheep late at night. The frame... almost parted ways.

Jiang Yucheng: "Hiukawa, why are you on the screen, Hiukawa!"

Hiukawa: "..."

At the end of the movie, Thomas and Perkins fell into a cold war period, and Thomas' new book was almost about to be signed to another publishing house... But he finally took the book and came to Perkins and told him that this book is still to be delivered. offered him, and would thank his editor Perkins on the title page, but Perkins refused.

Hiukawa also proposed to play the whole movie all the way down, the first and only question from the beginning to the end: "Why did you refuse? People are afraid of being famous and pigs are afraid of being strong?"

"By the time the book was selling well, the editing work had already been done—from initial selection, finalization, proofreading, to printing, publicity, and release—the editor was always there during the whole process of the book's birth. , like a shadow..." Chu Li thought for a while, "The author is the soul of a book, and the editor is just the shadow of the book, because a book does not need two souls."

Hiukawa sat up straighter and looked at Chuli silently.

"I suddenly understand why Yuanyue Society wants the author and editor to watch this movie together—teacher, as you said that day, in this era of fast information and almost no face-to-face communication between people, the editor is very important to the author. It is no longer such an important existence..." Chu Li said, "The former editor, like Perkins, needs to have a keen eye and a love for the publishing industry to dig out and affirm a book. Presenting it to readers in the best state, the whole process is like an editor silently saying to thousands of passers-by who did not know the book and the author before: I have a book here , very beautiful, please take a look..."

— While saying such words, Chu Li thought of a lot.

Thinking of Suo Heng struggling in the bottleneck;

Thinking of Jiang Yucheng, who was poked at the spine and laughed at, "I'm going to pass away." On the surface, he was still being flattered and flattered by yin and yang;

Thinking of Yu Yao who once had enthusiasm in his heart, but finally lost his way because he had to face reality;

Thinking of abandoning the old author if there is a disagreement, the old Miao who completely treats book making as a product...

I also thought of myself.

Jiang Yucheng's sneer sounded in his ears: "On the other hand, in today's era, everything is digitized—the main reason why a book is born is not necessarily because its content is good, but can be sold."

There was a hint of mockery in Jiang Yucheng's words.

Hiukawa raised his head and glanced at him, but said nothing.

"When a book is written, it has its own popularity - the click-through rate of collections on the Internet platform, the number of comments, and the popularity of the author... Almost as soon as a famous author writes, countless publishing houses rush to compete for quotations; However, no one cares about the author, and it is very difficult to publish a book..." Chu Li thought for a while, "The essence of the editor has also changed from a 'bole' to a 'businessman', which is probably the biggest difference between the paper book and the current one. .”

"Yes, yes, I have seen with my own eyes an old-fashioned physical book editor tell him that this subject is not easy to sell, so don't write about it. What's popular now is blah blah blah blah. Write that..." Hiukawa Looking at Jiang Yucheng with a half-smile, "At that time, the old-fashioned author almost got angry and said a classic line."

Jiang Yucheng took over the conversation lightly: ""What a guts.""

Hiukawa: "I almost thought that Jiang Yucheng was upper bodyed by Hiukawa's ghost series."

Hiukawa raised his head and patted his thigh, laughing silently.

But Chu Li couldn't laugh...

Seeing Jiang Yucheng's silent face and Hiukawa's mocking face, he recalled that day when Suo Heng was sitting in the Yuanyue Society's office with his head bowed and crying... Chu Li felt as if his stomach had fallen to the ground, Dusty.

This is probably the most straightforward and unabashed direct expression of current authors to their editors—

Authors who are not popular seek perfection;

Authors in the bottleneck period and trough have to face reality;

When a popular author compares the current treatment with the injustice he has encountered and seen, he will inevitably be full of ridicule and disdain...

No author ever becomes an easy friend with his editor again.

The work itself is no longer the only bridge between the author and the editor, replaced by sales, royalties, popularity evaluation and endless bargaining.

— Just like the movie that is playing at this moment, today, in such an impetuous environment, it is difficult for an editor to appear again, like Perkins, who in the name of "editing" digs out the dusty pearl, The "genius catcher" who appeared in front of the world.

At this time, on the big screen, with the last words left by the author Thomas to Perkins before he died of serious illness, there were gratitude, emotion and regret for his best friend. Perkins finished reading it, silently collected it, and finally. The movie ends in such a lonely gray tone.

Finally the movie ended and the lights went on.

"That's why the teacher always feels that he no longer needs to edit." Chu Li looked at Zhou Chuan, "I understand you."

Hiukawa sneered, grabbed a handful of popcorn, and said lazily, "I watched a movie, but I didn't expect you to be educated instead."

As he spoke, he raised his hand and patted her on the head: "Okay, reflect on yourself, reflect on yourself and face reality, and stop bothering me with your inspirational drama girl..."

"But the appearance of this movie at least explains something and proves something." Chu Li grabbed the big hand that was still on his head, "If someone could do it before, then I can do it now." .”

Hikawa was taken aback.

Chu Li stood up: "If there must be one person to end the disappointment of the editors, it is up to me-it may seem a bit arrogant to say such a thing now, after all, I have just entered the industry not long ago... But I really hope I can do it, teacher, please give me a chance to engrave such a determination on my forehead, engrave it in my heart, and deliver your books to readers with such a mood—"

She took the man's hand with both hands.

Accompanied by the words of some serious oath, the strength of both hands increased slightly.

"Please give me a chance."

Hiukawa didn't answer in a hurry, didn't laugh, and didn't immediately agree, he just looked at the little girl holding his hands with flickering eyes in silence, and frowned slightly.

Until behind them, a mocking voice sounded—

"If you don't force me to write about various themes that are popular now," Jiang Yucheng said, "then I'm looking forward to it."

Chu Li was stunned for a moment, let go of Zhou Chuan and turned around - standing behind the two of them at this moment, the mature and handsome man always had an unchanging smile on his lips, he and Chu Li looked at each other, shrugged: " Anyway, it can't be worse, and it doesn't hurt to try."

The people in the movie theater have almost left.

The cleaning lady walked in holding a broom and a trash can.

Hiukawa lowered his head and stared at his hand, silent, noncommittal—when Jiang Yucheng first chose to surrender his trust, he heard that his teasing tone had actually been tainted with seriousness and anticipation...

However, the man just turned his eyes away, stood up from his seat after a moment of silence, and said lightly: "Don't shout slogans, let's see your performance—after a few years, who will remember the so-called original intention, don't talk about you, I will almost forget what I was back then What are you writing for?"

As the man said, he stuffed the little popcorn bucket that he had caught in his arms into Chu Li's arms, stepped over Chu Li and Jiang Yucheng with his long legs, and walked out without looking back.

Jiang Yucheng patted the shoulder of the little editor who was staring blankly at the man's leaving back, a little disappointed: "Translate, Mr. Hiukawa said, I'll give you a chance.

Chu Li turned his head and looked at Jiang Yucheng like a pitiful puppy.

His smile became clearer: "You have to work hard."