Moonlight Variations

Chapter 80


Hiukawa: "..."

First ceremony: "..."

Hiukawa: "..."

First ceremony: "..."

Hiukawa pointed at Chu Li's face and sneered, "Look, you're still pretending to be calm, I knew you couldn't be so calm, you're pretending to be a ruthless old driver, why don't you find a mirror to take a look at your current state The paper-white little face..."

"Hikawa!!!!!!" Chu Li raised his voice, "Please get to the point, is this the time to say this? I appeared in your room in my pajamas, looking like I just got out of your bed, Your friend, my author, Jiang Yucheng, is standing on the other side of the door—"

Jiang Yucheng's voice came through the door: "I am here, it is indeed not your hallucination."

Chu Li felt that it would be better for him to pass out with his eyes, staring at the man sitting cross-legged on the bed with the quilt in his arms: "Do you think this situation can explain that I did sleep with you last night but we The two were just chatting together, and I watched a horror movie all night, can Teacher Jiang Yucheng believe such a thing?"

Hiukawa: "I don't remember chatting with you."

Jiang Yucheng: "I don't believe it."

Two voices sounded at the same time, Chu Li wiped his neck with his hands, making a suffocating sound...

At this time Jiang Yucheng knocked on the door: "Open the door first, you can't reduce the embarrassment at all by closing the door like this. If you are really afraid of embarrassment, don't ignore the people next door and shout something early in the morning. Tossed all night'…”

The expression on Chu Li's face suddenly became beautiful.

"I got up to go to the bathroom and thought I had run into a ghost." Jiang Yucheng said, "I could only make myself a cup of coffee to suppress my shock, but as soon as I took a sip of coffee, I heard the following sentence-a girl is being tossed by my friend After a whole night, the first thing at dawn is to congratulate him for perfectly preserving his 28-year boy body... "

Chu Li didn't even have time to change the second "I'm dead" expression, Hiukawa had already thrown the quilt and stood directly on the bed: "What the hell do you mean! Who can say no! Banana man, open the door for me! !!"

As he spoke, his hands were already on the edge of his pajama pants.

Afraid that he would do something radical, Chu Li covered his eyes with one hand, and opened the door reflexively with the other hand—Jiang Yucheng leaned against the door with a cup of coffee, glanced at Chu Li, and Hiukawa put his hand Take it away from the underpants, raise your eyebrows and ask: "What are you looking at?"

"I didn't study well in the health and hygiene class, but I learned a lot about possessiveness, right?" Jiang Yucheng said, "Why is Chuli at your house?"

"Last night, "Luohe Divine Book" was pre-sold, and she was worried—" Hiukawa said halfway, his face changed, "None of your business, where is her love, who are you so lenient?"

"Wearing a nightdress in your room early in the morning, you think I'm a fool." Jiang Yucheng put down the cup of hot coffee in his hand, "Think about me, I woke up early in the morning to have a rest, and I heard my editor Jiao Didi next door The voice sounded..."

"What a small explanation, how elegant you are, you can just pee when you pee, last night you sipped 'paper' and 'wipe your butt with your hand' in the toilet, people could hear it clearly." Hiukawa pointed at Chuli, "If you don't believe me, ask her yourself,"

Jiang Yucheng was taken aback for a moment, and looked at Chu Li.

First Ritual: "………………"

Chu Li twisted his head away, rubbed his little feet on the soft floor, then lowered his head and muttered: "If you don't speak, you won't notice me."

Jiang Yucheng looked serious: "Are you two dating?"

Chu Li shook his head frantically.

Jiang Yucheng looked at it and relaxed a little: "What's going on?"

"... There was a problem with the new book every year before. This guy was deducted a lot of wages after lying on the gun, so he could only stay on the street. That period of time was the day when "Luohe Divine Book" was going to be released. Let her come to sleep in the attic of my house." Hiukawa raised the corners of his lips, "Why are you so nervous?"

Ignoring Zhou Chuan's rhetorical question, Jiang Yucheng looked dubious, and stretched his head to look in the direction of the attic: "Then why was she in your room last night?"

"Why don't you ask yourself why you ignored social etiquette and suddenly came to my house?!"

"I'm here to watch your pre-sale."

"Fortunately, you took the first baton of ridicule when you hit the street?"

"It's nothing, I know you can sell it." Jiang Yucheng looked at Chu Li and smiled at her, "Isn't there Chu Li here? Seeing how dedicated she is, you know this book It will definitely sell well, it has nothing to do with you, because it will sell well because of her, then it will sell well—"

Chu Li raised her head abruptly, and the original pale face was immediately stained with traces of blood. She stared at Jiang Yucheng... Jiang Yucheng looked at her with a smile on his face, and patted her on the shoulder.

From the beginning to the end, Hiukawa's eyes were fixed on Jiang Yucheng's hand, and when he saw his hand land on Chu Li's shoulder, his eyebrows trembled; the light bronze color clearly contrasted with the fair skin His big hand touched it, and when he slapped it twice, his eyebrows trembled twice.

Chu Li didn't think anything was wrong.

Hiukawa thought this scene was quite eye-catching—although the Qing Dynasty had been dead for five hundred years, he really shouldn't have opened the door to Jiang Yucheng last night.

Jiang Yucheng: "So last night Chuli hurriedly hid in your room to hide from me?"

Hiukawa: "..."

Chu Li: "Yes."

Jiang Yucheng: "You two are not in the relationship I imagined?"

Hiukawa: "..."

Chu Li: "No."

Jiang Yucheng: "Does that mean I still have a chance now?"

Hiukawa: "Fart!"

Chuli: "???"

Jiang Yucheng: "That's good."

Hiukawa: "What's good?"

"I'm still worried that I'll be late." Jiang Yucheng took a sip of the coffee that had been put aside, with a calm expression, "I'm just thinking about when to talk about this. Since we bumped into it today, let's say it by the way." Alright..."

In the silence of the room, Jiang Yucheng turned to Chu Li, with a slight smile on his face. He looked at her solemnly and said, "Chu Li, in fact, I have liked you since the first official meeting."

Chu Li: "... huh? Huh?"

Hiukawa: "?"

Jiang Yucheng: "I have been writing for more than ten years, and I have followed all kinds of editors. Of course, many of them are my fans. I am used to these... But I always feel that you and the editors I used to follow are not the same. The same—before I got in touch with you, I saw the tenacity of looking at the hut three times when you took Zhou Chuan with you. When Zhou Chuan complained to me, I still thought it was quite interesting. In the era when individuals are willing to go to bookstores to buy books, there are still editors chasing after the author in order to publish a paper book... "

First ceremony: "... ... ..."

Shocked, he opened his mouth slightly, but couldn't make a sound for a while; staring blankly at Jiang Yucheng, Chu Li suspected that he might still be dreaming: What did he say

"So I came up with the idea that I really want to cooperate with you, so I just found a reason for the frontispiece project-you don't know, when I knew that you were my ten-year-old fan, Little Monkey, I really felt in my heart. I'm very happy, what I thought in my heart was, how many years have I been looking forward to, and finally an editor who might understand me?"


"Afterwards, in order to sign "The Vanishing Amusement Park" and let me see your action power, you gave up your vacation and drove all the way to another city the next day, and when you appeared in front of me in a hurry, to be honest, it made you I'm very touched..." Jiang Yucheng's eyes fell on Chu Li's eyes, and seeing her eyelashes tremble slightly because of shock, a smile appeared on the corner of her lips, "The words you said last time in the movie theater are also because of this. And the one who decided to trust you... I know you're still a rookie editor, but I also believe that you'll be full-fledged one day—"

"Teacher, I..."

Jiang Yucheng made a gesture of silence, signaling Chu Li not to say anything, but suddenly, as if remembering something, the smile on his lips retracted slightly, a trace of self-mockery appeared on his face, and said: "They all said, I Jiang Yucheng has written commercial bestsellers for more than ten years, and now they are finally abandoned by the market—but no one has seriously thought about it. In fact, I am also a little tired and tired of facing those editors, sending forms to them day after day. I said: Teacher, statistics, these popular themes are all very popular... "

At this moment, all the emotions on Jiang Yucheng's face suddenly disappeared.

"Sometimes I suddenly wake up from a nightmare in the middle of the night, dreaming that the pyramid under my feet collapsed, and the editors and readers who gathered under the tower scattered away... At that time, I couldn't help thinking, as a writer, what should I leave for myself and readers? What's down?"

Jiang Yucheng held Chuli's hand—

"This is something that I started to seriously consider after I met you: One day, when I opened Weibo, I saw a reader tell me that it was great to see Jiang Yucheng's work in "Moonlight" again, thank you "Moonlight", thank you very much Did not give up."

Chu Li: "That's..."

It's my duty.

Jiang Yucheng: "You probably take it for granted, but at that moment, I suddenly felt as if I had finally found a possible way out in the dark..."

"If you want to talk about the relationship between men and women, I really don't have a deep love or feel the unforgettable lovesickness described in other books. What is certain is that in the movie theater that day, when I saw you swearing and trying to promise us something , Seriously look sideways, I'm really tempted."

As Jiang Yucheng said, he raised his eyelids and glanced at his friend who was standing stiff on the bed at the moment.

"It's the tendency of plants in a dark corner to light. I haven't stepped out of the darkness yet, so, Chu Li, are you willing to reach out and give me a hand?"

In front of him, the man's confession was calm and clear.

The lack of emotion makes people feel more sincere and indifferent without embellishment.

His tone made it sound like he'd been thinking about this for a long time—

Not on impulse.

Chu Li was in a daze, lowering his head, looking at the big hand clasped around his wrist, wrapping his hand in his palm... the whole person seemed to be floating directly: the sense of reality was zero.

What kind of experience is it for an author who has liked for ten years to confess to himself

so drama!

Chu Li blushed, tried a little bit to pull back his hand but failed, his heart beat like a drum in his chest: "Teacher, I..."

"—Jiang Yucheng, I'm afraid you are sick."

An indifferent voice sounded from behind, interrupting Chu Li's answer... She turned around, looked at the man standing on the bed, and now nimbly jumped out of the bed and stood on the floor.

"If you don't get a good night's sleep early in the morning, forget about your cage sleep, and come to my room and talk nonsense to the woman who just climbed out of my bed-eat when you are hungry, sleep when you are sleepy, go out and turn left when your brain is not working. Doctor, why is the person who is dragging me crazy here?"

The man strode over, stretched out his hand and slapped away the tightly held hands of the two—

"Let's go, let's go, it's almost over, you. Go back to sleep." Zhou Chuan said to Chu Li.

"You. Go home." Zhou Chuan said to Jiang Yucheng.

"The meeting is over!" Hikawa announced.

The author has something to say:

This is the most fundamental difference between Jiang Yucheng and Hiukawa

Hiukawa: Let’s have a look first.

Jiang Yucheng: Occupy first and then talk.