Moonlight Variations

Chapter 84


Hiukawa didn't even care about the pain, he just looked at Chu Li with tears in his eyes while covering his reddened nose, wanting to say whether you are crazy or stupid, so he agreed to buy you a bed quilt and a bath towel as well, As for being so moved

The man turned over and sat up looking for a paper towel to wipe away his tears. In the dim eyes of tears, he saw Chu Li conveniently placed the two plates of steak on the table. He reached out and groped on the table like a blind man. He didn't even remind him that the meat was placed at that height. I just told Er Gouzi: I'll give you an extra meal tonight.

"Tissue, paper..."

Hiukawa clutched his nose, almost wondering if he had a nosebleed—he vaguely saw Chuli put down the plate and dragged two paper towels from the dining table and walked towards him, the sound of slippers getting closer and closer, She came in front of him, stretched out her hand, and pressed two tissues directly on his eyes—

Before she left the kitchen, she used hand sanitizer to wash off the smell of oily smoke from her hands. At this moment, the unique sweet smell of hand sanitizer passed over the tip of his nose, and his vision suddenly fell into darkness. Hirakawa didn't even have time to realize what happened...

The hand with the tissue on his eyes intensified.

Pressing him down on the sofa, she leaned over, and the familiar breath approached her body. In the next second, the slightly cold softness with the smell of blueberry and yogurt fell on the man's cheeks, quickly and gently—

The man who was still struggling to move her hand away suddenly froze, as if someone had cast a holding spell on him, and he was stunned on the sofa on the spot.

She let go of her hand and took a few steps back...

"I think I always accumulate negative emotions at work like this. It's not good to come back and lose my temper with you." In fact, at this moment, Chu Li's brain was completely blank. She just stared at the man who was stunned on the sofa. "I'm sorry, and I'm very grateful. Teacher, you are not a particularly good-tempered, patient and caring person, but you are able to bear with me again and again and even give me righteousness, reminding me what to do next... "

How to do.

He stopped talking.

He didn't move.

Will he be very angry

Would you feel offended

Ahhhhhhhhhhhh am I fucking crazy and actually pounced on—

God, he doesn't think I'm easy because of that, does he

Why doesn't he speak? So should I keep talking or keep my mouth shut...

How to do

How to do

How to do

I don't know what to do at all, and I don't know what to say, should I say "playing with you" with a hippie smile


I don't want this.

Because there is no regret.

Chu Li touched her heart, which was beating so wildly that it was about to break through her chest, she didn't regret it.

Standing not far from the man, she grasped the hem of her clothes awkwardly with her hands, rubbed it, and seriously thought about whether her skin was really thicker than the city wall: under this situation, she I found that I didn't even have the slightest regret for the impulsive action just now.

The air at the scene was so quiet that water could drip. Standing by the tea table, Chu Li watched the man slowly take off the tissue covering his face and wiped away the tears from his eyes just now. Because the phone was smashed, it glowed a lovely red color...

He raised his eyelids and looked at Chu Li silently - there was no emotion at all in those brown pupils, neither anger nor surprise, he just gave her a deep look.

"So, what is this?" The man's calm voice sounded slightly hoarse, "Expressing gratitude?"

His voice is like a cello bass prelude suddenly played in the quiet and cold seabed—

Forgive Chu Li for subconsciously popping up such a non-elegant and particularly strange metaphor in her mind at this time, she stared at Zhou Chuan in a daze, her mind was full of his specious questions at the end, and the ending sound raised.

She looked at his face.

She made an action that she guessed might make her regret for the rest of her life, and also seriously violated the "Thirty Tenant Regulations"—

Unable to argue, she chose to stretch out her hand and put it on the man's shoulder. When he fell backwards, one of her legs sat on the sofa and half straddled him. She lowered her head and lightly touched the back of his head. When she hit the back of the sofa lightly, she kissed him on the lips.


No way out.

She covered his trembling eyes with trembling hands, and carefully stretched out the tip of her tongue to trace the man's lips half tentatively... Her movements were jerky and gentle, with the temptation of a baby toddling, but because of abnormal Seriously, as if every detail of the action has been magnified—

Hiukawa pursed his thin lips lightly, and she clumsily tried to lick the gap between his lips with the tip of her tongue... The hotter breath sprayed on the tip of his nose, making his slightly cold nose also warm.

before being pushed away—

Chu Li closed his eyes abruptly, his mind was so messed up that he didn’t even want to face what he should do or say after being pushed away. It would be better if the earth exploded in the next second. The end of the world was agreed in 1999 Thirteen years late, I should have climbed too...

Next to Er's ear is his frantically beating heart.

At the beginning, she almost suffocated herself, and the voice of "or forget it, it seems a bit inexperienced" sounded in her mind. She hesitated for a while, and was about to pull her body away and perform the standard version of running away—

at this time.

She covered her eyes, and the person who didn't move from the beginning to the end suddenly moved, as if she easily noticed her intention to retreat, and raised her big hand with well-defined bones, directly inserted into her hair, and pressed the back of her head——


At that moment, the hairs all over his body stood on end, Chu Li's eyes that were tightly closed opened suddenly, and the hand covering the man's eyes trembled and he took it away suddenly—the next second, the whole person suddenly spun. The posture of half straddling him was suddenly pressed into the sofa!


The exclamation was directly blocked back into the throat, the jaws that had not set up defenses because of the shock were easily broken, and the predatory tip of the tongue penetrated into her mouth, instantly invading every corner of her mouth, as if... All oxygen and sanity robbed!

His knee was stuck between her legs, and the long nightgown was piled up in a mess, revealing a large section of clean calf...

In December, the beginning of winter, the surrounding air became scorching hot.

Breathing clumsily, the sound of "wheezing and wheezing", the nasal airway alone is not enough to supply enough oxygen, and the blood all over the body seems to rush to the head in an instant—

The sound of her breathing hard was heard in his ears, but it was like a stimulant, making his movements even more unscrupulous!

Saliva that was too late to swallow flowed down the corners of the lips...

Until the whole person began to tremble due to the suffocation, and his eyes turned black—before he suspected that he was about to die, Chu Li finally struggled, regained his reason limply, and waited for the man to withdraw slightly When her lips flapped, she pushed him away!

The suffocating domineering aura was instantly withdrawn.

Chu Li seemed to have regained his sanity in an instant. He got up from the sofa, clumsily flipped to the back of the sofa, landed on the ground with a "slap", and then climbed up with his hands and feet together to reveal his head behind the armrest of the sofa. Breathing in the fresh air, his cheeks were flushed, as if he had just had a fight with someone—

"… … … … … … what are you doing?!"

Chu Li was like a cat whose tail had been trampled on, and its fur exploded, completely forgetting that it was he who did it first.


Hikawa was silent.

In Chu Li's gaze, he only saw the man raise the back of his hand, and wipe the crystals on his lips in a somewhat rude manner. Chu Li instantly blushed from his face to the base of his neck, and then heard the man use a cloud that didn't match his hoarse voice full of desire. Danfeng said in a soft tone: "I don't think you can't, I kindly teach you..."


Fart! ! ! ! !

Teach me a fart! ! ! ! ! !

"I want you to teach me a ghost, so I like to teach you to teach you to write novels - don't you know how to write novels!!!!"

"What book to teach, physiology class? I don't know how to operate without actual combat? What kind of book do you write if you don't understand this?" Hiukawa glanced at the little girl not far away, and her slightly confused Her red lips paused for a moment, and her eyes suddenly sank.

Chu Li immediately raised his hand to cover his lips, and took many steps back with his whole body...

Seeing her appearance as if facing a formidable enemy, Hiukawa couldn't help but laugh: ", what was that just now?"

"Nothing counts!!!!!!"

Priest immediately roared—

"The atmosphere is just right, I'm just temporarily obsessed with—"

The atmosphere was just right.

She's just momentarily obsessed.

Even if Hiukawa is a book writer, and his brain often needs to be opened up to the current Milky Way, he can't think of such a scumbag reason for "stopping responsibility afterwards".

However, Chu Li didn't give Hiukawa another chance to speak again, she turned around and ran away after she finished her words, and rushed back to her room while holding the stairs like her feet were limp, slamming the door and locking it——

"Bang" sound.

Then everything went dead still.

Hirokawa was left alone in the living room.


After a long time, she bent down from under the sofa and picked up the mobile phone she dropped on the ground in a hurry. On the screen of the mobile phone, it was displayed that [Jiang Yucheng] sent a message three minutes ago asking [Chu Li, what time will you leave work at noon tomorrow] ... The man stared at the phone screen for a long time, then locked the phone expressionlessly, and threw it on the coffee table uncomfortably.

In the empty living room, waiting quietly when the blood that had just boiled on his body gradually cooled down—

As a stupid lower body that cannot violate the biological nature of nature, the lower body first thinks about male creatures. When he calms down at this moment, the man suddenly feels like he has survived a catastrophe... Think about when the other party's tongue with the sweet smell of yogurt and blueberries clumsily hooks him It was probably at that time, without warning, that something was easily awakened—

At that time, he really wanted to...

I did her right there.


Raising his head and looking at the attic, Hiukawa felt that he might really be going crazy—

What is this

Does it belong to "adolescence"

Why does it feel like it belongs to the category of "estrous period"—

... super-outline questions.
