Moonlight Variations

Chapter 87


Chu Li felt that he could not restrain his disdain for Lao Miao more and more—

It's like standing together at the starting point and preparing to set off. At the beginning, I was just surprised that the body orientation of the person next to me was different;

Then I found out that he was running on another track, and I could still see him when I turned around, trying to learn his running posture;

Finally, with the passage of time, I discovered that the entire track was in the shape of a "Y" and the length was infinite. When I looked back, I couldn't see his "heroic appearance", but only knew that the road he ran was overgrown with grass.

He and Lao Miao's concept of "making books" is becoming more and more incompatible.

Finally, as early as today, I can't even hide my disapproval completely—so, I target everything, refute everything, and argue everything.

After another quarrel at this time, facing Lao Miao's ridicule of "you are so powerful, you should shut up those who scold Suo Heng for wasting paper, and she will be the first to chop up articles that no one will read", at first Li took the initiative to end the battle.

Sit back to your seat, go straight to the topic to find Suo Heng: Are you ready to choose the topic you agreed on

Suo Heng "papa" sent three, one is the story of the future interstellar, the girl and the major general of the empire;

The style of Journey to the West is completely different from the previous two, directly jumping out of the romantic, relaxed, and warm and cute routines that "Moonlight" magazine has always insisted on in terms of female authors—

The protagonist is the famous six-eared macaque.

It is said that thousands of years ago, the six-eared macaque was just an ordinary monkey. "The Eight Signs of Shakyamuni" records that before the past immeasurable kalpas, when the Lantern Buddha lived in the world, there was a good and wise celestial being who was a friend of the monkey. The two often listened to the mantra of great wisdom in front of the lamp stand... Over time, they were lucky enough to be enlightened by chance. However, the monkey realized the completely opposite principle. He did not believe in the principle of "reincarnation of the law of heaven" and insisted on his own opinion. (* said by Du Niang)

The two friends separated, and the good and wise immortal was reincarnated, converted to my Buddha, and became the later Sakyamuni; while the monkey insisted on his own opinion, and got the Tathagata "a pair of golden eyes that can recognize the true nature of all things; Ears, the gift of being able to listen to the original mind of all beings, come within the six circles of reincarnation, and in the eons and eons, to verify cause and effect.

Since then, the monkey has become a six-eared macaque, embarked on the road of "Tao Dharma", and set up separate schools with the "Dharma" of Sakyamuni Buddha—

The six-eared macaque turned into the patriarch of Bodhi, taught Sun Wukong seventy-two transformations, cut a thorn in the "Buddha" alive, and pulled out a piece of inverse scales. It is the projection of the six-eared macaque in the "six paths and myriad calamities"...

The outline that Suo Heng brought was just a very rough and brief summary of ideas, and even most of the things belonged to scripture materials, but Chu Li saw something different, and he did not rush to reply to Suo Heng at that time, but put This outline was sent to Yu Yao and the editor-in-chief Mr. Xia.

About half an hour later, Chu Li did not receive Teacher Xia's Q reply, but received his call directly.

"Which author did you send this outline to you?"




"I do not believe."

What the hell do you not believe

Didn't Suo Heng write it? Or I wrote it to make you happy

Chu Li was in a daze, clutching the phone for a while and didn't know what to answer, looked up again and now looked up to his side to see Yu Yao...then continued to call, his tone became cautious He expressed himself as unpredictable: "Mr. Xia, is there anything wrong with the outline? Personally, I think this kind of subject matter is very novel. In addition, since I was a child, I have been playing "Journey to the West" in the summer vacation, so this is a four-year plan. Among the great masterpieces, it is the one with the most audience and the most common... ”

"I also think this is good," Teacher Xia said slowly when Chu Li was stunned to think that there was something wrong with his ears, "I'm very surprised that there are still two spots of ink in the belly of the young author now, and the hidden words in "Journey to the West" Han's "controversy between Buddhism and Taoism" is expressed in a very concrete way. You can mention the author. If the six-eared macaque itself represents non-Buddhism, then later, for the Tathagata's sentence "The Dharma is not passed on to the six ears." 'Should there be a new explanation... ”

First ceremony: "..."

Chu Li was stunned, thinking, teacher, I don’t know what you are talking about. My only memory of the six-eared macaque is the true and false Monkey King and how he was finally slapped to death by Monkey King.

When Teacher Xia was eloquently talking about profound things such as "Buddhism" and "Taoism", Chu Li could only bite the bullet and respond, while secretly prodding Suo Heng with a Q screenshot of the outline document, typing—

[The sailor invited by the monkey: "Screenshot" is selected, and this is it.]

[Suo Heng: . . . . . . .]

[The sailors invited by the monkey: It’s not because of the preference that the protagonists are of the same kind. This outline was sent to our editor-in-chief, who is also the editor-in-chief of Yuanyue Club. He likes it very much—now he dragged me to talk about the Dharma and the Dharma for a long time Yes, and told me that you can consider starting with the law or something.]

[Suo Heng: "The law is not passed on to the six ears"?]

[The sailor invited by the monkey: ... ... Or you are educated, so I will give you Teacher Xia's Q, and you educated people can talk by yourself?]

[Suo Heng: ... I thought you would definitely not choose this subject.]

[Suo Heng: Tell me who wants to watch things that don't show affection or cuteness.]

[Suo Heng: In other words, the readers of "Moonlight" can't understand this kind of subject matter at all.]

[Suo Heng: Or simply suggest that I change the six-eared macaque into a female monkey to give Sun Wukong a relationship... Ah, I feel thundered when I say it.]

[The sailor invited by the monkey: Don't think that documents can't have their own aura. When you send three documents, this document is short of a six-word bold headline: Choose me choose me choose me!]

[The sailor invited by the monkey: I know you just want to write this, don't you?]

[Suo Heng: Yes.]

[Suo Heng: Really very happy! I can hardly type anymore!]

[Suo Heng: Thank you XD!]

[Saijun invited by the monkey: You are welcome, my job is just to help you sell this book well.]

[Saijun invited by the monkey: In my opinion, the marketing model of a book is all auxiliary. For a book to create a miracle sales volume, first of all, the author himself writes it with enthusiasm.]

[The sailor invited by the monkey: Come on, Mr. Suo Heng.]

[Suo Heng: QAQ]

Chu Li glanced at the facial expressions sent by Suo Heng, and said, "You write the sample draft first, and find a chance to meet and discuss in detail", then turned around and made an "OK" gesture to Yu Yao who was looking eagerly at him. He just nodded, lowered his head and went to do his own thing.

On Q, Chu Li asked Yu Yao for a serial slot of A Gui.

Yu Yao readily agreed, and Chu Li hardly tried to convince her.

Chu Li turned around to report the serialization to Ah Gui, and Ah Gui, the optimist elder, happily agreed, and made an appointment with Chu Li to call in the evening to discuss what topics would be better to write about in the "Moonlight" serialization.

-above. After finishing all the things, I looked up again, and at twelve o'clock at noon, I got off work.

Just as Chu Li stood up from his seat, he stretched himself refreshedly, and was walking to Ah Xiang's seat to discuss with her what to eat today, when Jiang Yucheng came and took him to sign The publishing contract of "The Disappearing Amusement Park" and the seafood and freshly fried vegetables packaged from the very famous seafood restaurant in G City are enough for the entire editorial department to have a meal together.

"You didn't say what you wanted to eat last night." Jiang Yucheng put down his food, and Ah Xiang and Xiaoniao cheered and surrounded him and began to unpack the packed things. "You haven't ordered takeaway yet, have you?"

When Jiang Yucheng said this, he looked at Chu Li, and a lot of "no, no" behind him responded instantly. Chu Li stood where he was, the corners of his lips twitching but he didn't know what to say.

While Ah Xiang exclaimed "I rely on a big abalone" and Yu Yao "There is also seafood porridge", Chu Li took over the contract of "The Lost Amusement Park" and put it away properly, and then grabbed Jiang With Cheng's wrist, he dragged him out of the editorial department door—

"Teacher, I'm glad you fell in love with me while you were blind. Logically speaking, I should happily agree and take good care of you. After all, it's unfortunate that you are already blind... But before that, I still have to say that there are people who are more blind than me." You were earlier."

Chu Li stood firm, and almost had no time to buffer, so he uttered the draft that he had already typed up when he went out this morning—

Backbone courage.

one two Three-

"I, I, I have a boyfriend!"

Chu Li stared at Jiang Yucheng's mature and handsome face, and looked at the gentle smile on his face, his whole body was almost suffocated by guilt.

Three seconds of silence.

"Oh," Jiang Yucheng smiled slightly, but the smile didn't reach his eyes, "Who is it?"

It's really scary to be stared at by a mature man who is so big and round.

In the winter season, Chu Li felt that her back was wet with sweat, she lowered her head and stared at her toes.

"... I met a long time ago, a netizen, yes, it originated from the era of the Internet, and online dating is not out of date yet." Chu Li tried to make his voice sound very sincere and natural, "At that time he imitated the day Chuan writes articles, we hang out on forums, chat and so on... It’s a man named Mr. L who disappeared.”

At the beginning of the ceremony, I mustered up the courage to raise my head suddenly, but unexpectedly discovered...

The expression on Jiang Yucheng's face changed.

His smile seemed to become much clearer than before, and there was light in his eyes.

Chuli was stunned—

What's going on

What are you laughing at

Do you know Mr. L who disappeared...


Loves to imitate Hirakawa's writing in a semi-prank way.

At the beginning, there were various hints that she took the initiative to ask Jiang Yucheng to sign the "Disappeared" series of works, as if he already knew that Jiang Yucheng would agree, that—

Disappeared, Mr. l.

Gone, the zoo.

Gone, the amusement park.


In the blink of an eye, Chu Li's eyes widened: No way? it's not good? no