Moonlight Variations

Chapter 90


That night, Chuli tossed and turned in bed, unable to sleep. The next day, without incident, he went out with dark circles under his eyes, holding in his arms the signed contract of "The Lost Amusement Park" that had already been stamped—the debut of "The Lost Amusement Park". The print run was finally decided to be 85,000 copies, which was a response from the Yuanyue Club to the huge sales of 350,000 copies of "Luohe Divine Book".

…Although at this time, the overwhelming advertisements on Weibo are bragging, the first print of "Luohe Divine Book" is in the hot pre-sale, and the most influential work of 2013 turned out at the end of the year... oh oh oh oh .

In December, I heard that the first snow of the year has long been ushered in the Northeast, and winter has finally arrived in G City, and the weather has become very cold.

Holding the contract, Chu Li was wearing a thick scarf to catch the subway in the morning, and found Jiang Yucheng's home according to the previously agreed address. It was a high-rise apartment not far from Yuanyue Society, and the neighborhood looked very luxurious. Visitors must register, and the elevator needs to be swiped by the security guard to go upstairs.

Why are authors so rich

Even Ah Gui, who writes danmei and sells illegal publications (*personal journals) every day, is rich, and spends every three days buying all kinds of luxury goods, and travels abroad without saying a word.

—Why didn’t you learn the skill of writing well? Forget it, even if you write most of it, it belongs to the one who was starved to death after relying solely on publishing royalties.

With the contract in hand, Chu Li rang the doorbell of Jiang Yucheng's house on time at 9:30 in the morning - this was the second time she visited the author in person, the first time was Zhou Chuan, when the man said "two dogs see off"" Who do you want to insult at this point is still vivid in my memory... Thinking of this, Chu Li lowered his head and stared at his toes and smiled idiotically. The smile was hidden behind the scarf, and only a pair of full Smiling black eyes.

With a "click", the door in front of me opened.

Chu Li paused slightly, and raised his head—it was not as noisy as he remembered last time. The man who came to open the door was wearing jeans and a black turtleneck sweater, with a half-burned tobacco in his slender fingertips, accompanied by blowing The coming heating heat wave, which is mixed with tobacco smell and orange aromatherapy... This is probably the smell that a mature man should have.

The room was surprisingly quiet, a white Persian cat rubbed against the man's leg and popped out, narrowing its eyes slightly at Chu Li and making a "meow".

"Teacher..." Standing outside the door with the contract in his arms, Chu Li restrained his smile and stammered, "Wake up so early, I was careful that you were still asleep. They all said that you can only find someone after one or two o'clock in the afternoon..."

"I have not slept yet."


"Karvin, it's been all night."

Jiang Yucheng stepped aside with a smile and let Chu Li enter the room. Chu Li walked into the room and took a quick look at the room—quite delicate and elegant Nordic style, which is different from the "expensive at first glance" decoration style of Hiukawa's house, thick creamy white carpet and light-colored sofa, gray With accented chandeliers and cold marble background walls, this kind of house is more reminiscent of the image of the owner: a handsome mature man with gold-rimmed glasses.

Just like Jiang Yucheng himself.

Not knowing that there were many associations in Chu Li's mind, Jiang Yucheng took the folder in her hand and looked down at her reaching out to take off the scarf in circles—half of her palm was hidden behind the loose sweater, Only half of the white and small fingertips were exposed, and he grabbed the scarf and lowered his head to take it off, because the whole person was wrapped up like a bear, and he looked clumsy, but he also looked cute...

Probably because it was a little dry outside, after taking off the scarf, Chu Li pursed his lips and moistened his lower lip with the tip of his tongue.

Then grabbed the scarf and looked at Jiang Yucheng: "Teacher, don't stay up late, it's not good for your health."

Jiang Yucheng was unexpectedly silent for a few seconds, as if his mind was wandering.

"My jet lag has long been reversed into the American system..." When Li turned around and tiptoed slightly to hang his scarf on the coat rack in the entrance, he heard Jiang Yucheng standing behind her slowly. Added, "The last time I delivered breakfast to you, it was the only time I got up early in the ten years after graduating from college."

The movement of hanging the scarf for the first ceremony paused.

Turning around, looking at Jiang Yucheng, he was silent for a while: "Teacher, let me ask you one last time, are you really Mr. L?"

"Is this important?"

"It's very important," Chu Li nodded, "If you are Mr. L, Mr. L will be my boyfriend... I have already said that, and I have to be responsible... No. Not responsible. At least I have to think about it The solution."

"Your words seem to be tempting me to admit that I am Mr. L."


"But alas, I'm not—surprised I used the word 'a pity', I never thought there was anything to be pity about at least a second before you stepped in the door, and now I do It would be fine if I were Mr. L..." The man raised his hand and patted her on the head, "But I can't lie to you, you will know who Mr. L is sooner or later."

If he didn't tell me, how could I know

Chu Li shrank his neck: "Uh uh, teacher, what you said about me that day, is it true?"

Chu Li vaguely asked what he most wanted to ask.

As the words fell, she saw Jiang Yucheng looking at her seriously, her obsequious image was reflected in those black and white eyes, he nodded: "At first, I admired the spirit in you, just like I said, The tendency of dark creatures to light... I later found that this kind of liking is more inclined to the relationship between men and women, such as—"

"for example?"

"For example, just now, when you walked into my house from the corridor and took off your scarf at the porch, I found that I liked you a little more than yesterday..."


"Would you like more details?"


"The moment you grabbed the scarf and took it off, you made a small lip licking movement. At that time, I wanted to bend down and kiss you."


It took Chu Li's brain ten seconds to realize what the man in front of her was saying... By the time she realized it, the latter had lowered his head as if nothing had happened and tore open the portfolio to carefully check the contract documents of "The Lost Amusement Park" Chu Li was left sitting beside him blushing and dazed, in a daze.

… ... ... ... ... I suggested at the morning meeting next Monday that in order to avoid unnecessary wiping guns and get angry, I will visit the author to send the same sex editing as much as possible in the future.

After all, the writers who stayed up late in the morning and stayed up all night are confused, and it seems too easy to have unnecessary associations—although everyone has a pure author-editor relationship—but from another perspective, first of all, they are men and women, single (emphasis drawn).

The sound of clattering folders.

"First ceremony."


"How's Christmas going?"

"... until the end of the New Year's Day holiday, the book fair will last for seven days. New Year's Day is the jihad day for the limited release of "Luohe Divine Book" at the National Book Fair."

"That said, it's full of work."


"it's a pity."


"I still want to ask you out for Christmas. Christmas is not an option, and New Year's Day is fine... Now it's fine, so there's no need to ask." Jiang Yucheng smiled helplessly, "I wonder if you did it on purpose."


Chu Li shook her head sincerely, and she still breathed a sigh of relief in her heart. She has never been so grateful for the stinky problem of Yuanyue Club who loves to work overtime like she is now—otherwise, in the current state, she would not be able to find a tenable one at all. Reasons to reject Jiang Yucheng.

Christmas, New Year's Eve

... The work alone was enough for her to drink a pot. It wasn't Jiang Yucheng who said it, she hadn't thought of it at all.

A warm room, with a warm white Persian cat in his arms, and a man on the sofa next to him with his legs half bent and his head down, looking at the documents seriously... Chu Li strokes the cat, his head is muddled, and his breath is full of orange aromatherapy essential oil until the aroma diffuser beeped to stop spray humidification, Jiang Yucheng raised his head and told her that the contract was signed and there was no problem.

Chu Li stood up "Oh" and returned the cat to Jiang Yucheng, then walked to the porch to say goodbye to him.

It was peaceful all the way.

Jiang Yucheng didn't bring up any embarrassing topics anymore, as if he existed only to make people feel "comfortable".

After closing the door and taking the elevator downstairs, Chuli was still immersed in a dreamy atmosphere. When she got downstairs, a gust of cold wind blew, and she became a little more awake. She took a deep breath, put on a scarf, held her mobile phone, and left the heater. Before my fingertips stiffened as the room cooled rapidly, I typed—

[The sailor invited by the monkey: Teacher, how do you spend Christmas?]

There was a quick response from the phone.

[Hikawa: You are not working overtime at the book fair, so why spend Christmas? This kind of festival for foreigners has never been celebrated by our old-fashioned hats.]

[The sailors invited by the monkey: What about New Year's Eve? New Year's Day?]

[Hi Chuan: What is the difference between the New Year's Day for the unemployed and ushering in the new year in code words?]

[Hikawa: Why did you suddenly think of this?]

[Hi Chuan: Jiang Yucheng has an appointment with you?]

[Hikawa: Are you still at his house?]

[Ri Chuan: What time is it? It takes so long to see a contract... Sue Yu Yao for delaying work on purpose.]

[Saijun invited by the monkey: Let me just ask casually, where do you talk so much, do you have to be so annoying to breathe smoothly!]

[Hi Chuan: I hate people, but Jiang Yucheng likes people.]

[Hikawa: You like him to go.]

Chu Li's cell phone almost fell to the ground.

Shameless, don't let me say "I want to spend the holidays with you" to you personally, what a beautiful idea! Chu Li yelled at the screen of the phone, put the phone in his pocket, and accelerated his pace of leaving Jiang Yucheng's house.

In the next few days, Chuli was busy preparing for the next book fair. Yuanyue Society attached great importance to this book fair, and specially put the national premiere of "Luohe Divine Book" on January 1st. "First printing of one million" is not enough, I want to make big news.

Chu Li has never participated in a book fair before, nor has he watched a large-scale comic exhibition. I only know that this time not only Yuanyue Society, but also Xindun and several other large publishing companies participated. The booth of Yuanyue Society and the New Shield is right across the door, three steps out of the booth and they'll successfully meet in the aisle and have a fight...

I heard that the New Shield Society has also invited a terrific big shot to sign the sale. According to internal information, this big shot is Herman, the international god who squeezed out Hiukawa’s stacking slot in Jiuhua Bookstore—I heard that Herman In addition to "Farewell to the Frightened Magpie", there are two films of the same name series to be published in 16 different languages around the world this year and next year, one of which has already been won by New Shield...

The New Shield Club will bring Herman to the large-scale New Year's Eve book fair on January 1, the day when Hiukawa's new book is released nationwide. At that time, Herman himself will appear, except for the limited half-hour signing and sale of "Farewell to the Shocked Magpie". "Besides, I will also directly sign a new work with Xindun Publishing House on the stage...

At the meeting, Chu Li told Hiukawa the terrible news on the spot.

After Hiukawa gave her a ".", he said in a painful tone—

[Hikawa: I am still his number one fan of Herman. There are two movies in the world that I can recite by heart. The first is "The Lion King", and the second is Herman's "Slum High Society".]

[The sailor invited by the monkey: ... Coincidentally, I am also his fan.]

[The sailor invited by the monkey: It seems that he is really popular.]

[Hikawa: You are talking nonsense.]

When Chuli and Hirukawa tipped off the unfortunate news, the leaders were still yelling the battle sirens in her ears—

"Think about the huge crowds of people at the booth of the New Shield Society, and we don't have two or three kittens here. You are not embarrassed," said Liang Surf, the head of the marketing department. "In any case, you have to come up with something, even if you go to Just ask the sailors to pretend to buy books for me!"

First ceremony: "..."

[The sailors invited by the monkey: The boss of the marketing department suggested that we invite hundreds of sailors to buy your book enthusiastically waving their hands to support the scene... that is, the teachers may need to pay part of the money for the sailors.]

[Hikawa: Can you please shut up?]

Chu Li was making fun of Hiukawa, while listening to Liang Surfing talking crazy, thinking that I really want to see what kind of gimmick you guys can come up with...

And then it was Christmas.

On the day of the book fair, Chu Li followed the past to watch the fun, and helped arrange books, put up posters, etc. before the guests entered the venue... When it was close to the venue to open the room, Lao Miao rushed to it with his "gimmick"—

A few months ago, Lao Miao didn't care much about writing articles for "Moonlight" magazine. As mentioned before, he joined forces with the marketing department to organize a second-dimensional link about cosplay. I just invited a bunch of cosers to cosplay the protagonists of the most popular articles in "Moonlight" in previous years... When the section was launched, it was quite well received. There were a few votes that were almost as good as Jiang Yucheng's "The Disappearing Game" Paradise was flat—

However, Chu Li didn't pay much attention to it, all his heart was devoted to Fu Jian Yibo.

I didn't expect Lao Miao to bring two very popular cosplayers here today. The two cosplayers don't have to do anything, just wait in the backstage lounge, and then wait for every hour, and they will be sold in front of the January month A lucky reader is randomly selected from the publications published by the agency, and a photo is taken with them, and a signature is presented.

This move was ruthless enough. On the first day of the event, the booth of Yuanyue Society was very lively, and the queue was almost always full of primary and secondary school students, watching the primary and secondary school students pick up copies of "Red Eagle" with enthusiastic smiles

, "Battlefield Sunset", "Douglas' Goodnight Diary"...

The booth of Yuanyue Society was crowded with people, and it was very lively. Chu Li, who came to help and had no business to do for the time being, didn't even have a place to set foot.

"Anyone contact the reporter of "G City Chaobao"?" Standing outside the booth, Chu Li sighed, "This scene is so touching. On the first day of the book fair, the booth of Yuanyue Society, which focuses on traditional literature, was full of people. Literature lovers of primary and middle school students, in line with the study of history and humanities, they gave up the good weekend to sleep in, and came early in the morning to buy positive energy books."

"...Don't laugh at Lao Miao," Ah Xiang stood beside Chu Li, "Yuanyue Society Book Fair has never been this lively in the past few years, and Lao Liang's mouth must be twisted with joy now."

At this time, a little girl who looked at most thirteen years old was holding a thick stack of "Cooking Snow and Cooking Wine" and floated past Chu Li. Chu Li thought for a while and thought that the last time I read this book was because it had a good-looking cover. , I opened it and found that it was full of diet therapy recorded in ancient texts. After reading two pages, I was so bored that I was forced to put it down...

Chu Li was speechless for a while: "... This kid wants to buy books and cook a New Year's Eve meal for grandpa to treat his diabetes that has not recovered for many years? Ah Xiang, you said, is this selling books?"

"Oh," Ah Xiang patted Chu Li on the shoulder, "Don't worry about it, it's about making money, who doesn't love it."

The two of them were chattering about each other. At this time, at the New Shield Club, there was a woman wearing a Mori girl-style dress, a neat bun, and wearing black-rimmed glasses, who almost wrote "I am an editor" on her face. The young girl came out, stretched her neck and glanced at the crowds at Yuanyue Society, smiled, turned and left.

Across the crowded aisle, Chu Li could see the sneer in her eyes—it wasn't because Chu Li's eyesight was so good,... mainly because of that proper expression, she thought she saw herself.

The way out dragged Ah Xiang: "Who is that girl?"

Ah Xiang stood on tiptoe and glanced at the direction where Chu Li's chin was pointing: "... the gold medal editor of the New Shield Society, the future editor-in-chief, Gu Baizhi."

Oh, the enemy.

Tama wants to stand on the enemy's side in his lifetime.

Chu Li gritted his teeth: "Can I go to Xindun to submit my resume now?"

Ah Xiang: "Anyway, take the year-end bonus issued by the Yuanyue Society before leaving."

"..." Chu Li thought for a while, "Yes."

Although in the afternoon, he showed no hesitation in bowing down for five buckets of rice and surrendering to the RMB—

However, that night, Chuli still called Editor-in-Chief Xia under the nose of Hiukawa, asking him to come forward to stop the "book selling" behavior of the boss of the marketing department and his lackeys, at least on January 1st. End this broken activity of "buying books and taking photos with coser"—

"There are elementary school students all over the place! There is no place to walk. It's not that I look down on elementary school students. I don't even read "Cooking Snow and Cooking Wine" in "Teacher's Watch"! Holding "Red Cliff", does he know what Zhuge Liang is doing!" Chu Li Shouting into the phone, "This event must be canceled on January 1st, "Luohe Divine Book" will be released nationwide on January 1st, the Jihad Day that Herman can't destroy, and how many people will come out when there are no fans?" Recognized or A Xiang took the lead in shouting out his stage name before the cosplayer who caused a sensation in the audience was ruined?!"

Hiukawa was talking about the spoon, propping his head with one hand, watching his editor jump up and down on the sofa like a monkey king, arguing with the leader of the Yuanyue Club—

"Teacher Xia!"

"The marketing department wants to sell books, but selling "Luohe Divine Book" is not selling?"

"It's not the annual clearance sale! What kind of coser is invited for a good book fair? It's not a comic exhibition. It's a joke to sell books like this—I saw Gu Baizhi from the New Shield Club today. You didn't see the look in other people's eyes. I don’t know where to put my old face!!!”

"I do not care!!!"

"Mr. Xia, I don't care - the sky is falling, my teacher Zhou Chuan wants to sell books!!!!"

The words "My Teacher Hiukawa" successfully made the man who was sitting at the dining table digging ice cream to watch the fun put down his spoon.

When Chu Li was standing barefoot on the sofa, waving his fists into the sky angrily while speaking, the man stood up, strode to the sofa, and hugged the person standing on the sofa—

Chu Li was caught off guard and soared into the air, screaming "Ah", lowered her head and the tip of her nose lightly brushed against the man's nose... She wasn't sure if her lips touched him.

In the next second, the phone in his hand was pulled away by the man. The latter held the phone with his shoulder, put Chuli on her slipper, pushed her towards the ice cream, and pointed at the phone "Hello"...

"Mr. Xia? I, Zhou Chuan-ang, I didn't go to the book fair. Affect the normal sales of "Luohe Divine Book"... "

Chu Li jumped up and wanted to grab the phone, but the man pinned her head down.

Chu Li struggled again and waved his hands to push him away, but the man squeezed her chin, pressed her thumbs on her lips, rubbed and pressed her lips with deep meaning... At the same time, he took her lips seriously. He was talking on his cell phone, looking at her intently.

The effect is immediate—

Chu Li seemed to have been struck by lightning, and immediately dared not move.

"Yes, it's true that Lao Liang did this. Originally, there was Herman, and I couldn't sleep all night. If you are troubled, please ask me to talk to the marketing department, and say that I said it: I don't care how I usually play. Don't mess with me on New Year's Day, or you won't cooperate in the future."

After Hiukawa finished speaking, he exchanged some pleasantries and hung up the phone.

Pass the phone under Chu Li's nose.

"It's done, you won't see any cosplayers on New Year's Day."

Chuli took the phone.

"just in case… "

"There's no chance. You tell Liang Surf tomorrow that I will go to the book fair and watch it myself."

"Aren't you not coming?"

"Changed your mind, let's set off firecrackers, don't you want to celebrate New Year's Day with me?" The man walked back to the table, picked up the ice cream scoop again, and said casually, "Sell your book with peace of mind, I'm here, I can't mess it up."