Moonlight Variations

Chapter 93


Here, Chu Li was in the lounge wishing to make a big disturbance in the Heavenly Palace. Seeing that he couldn't help it, Lao Miao rushed to report the news. After a while, Liang Surf came in jokingly, and said in a peaceful tone, "Oh, why did you make a fuss? Keep your voice down, don't make a fuss so that readers outside can hear it, how bad is the impact?"

Seeing Chuli, Yu Yao was about to poke the disposable chopsticks into the throat of the surfer as a murder weapon, quickly grabbed her by the collar and held her arm, and said first: "Old Liang, why did you suddenly increase the number of events? Shouldn’t the good points be just the few points, we and the author can’t explain it if you do it like this…”

"Isn't Mr. Hiukawa still on the way? I thought about the time, so I added an event—you see, there is nothing we can do about it. There are really too many readers here today, and there are even those who came all the way back to support us. , we can't let people go back disappointed! It's half past twelve and there are a lot of coser fans flocking in, and they can't be stopped, as if no one wants to leave unless they get a ticket number today ..." Liang Surf said, "Just make sure the author clears the site before he arrives, and you don't have to worry too much."

"If you want to participate in the event, come according to the stipulated time, and if you are late, you still look confident and confident. Who gave them the courage? Liang Jingru? After all, you are not used to it..." Chu Li also calmed down now, just with a gloomy face , broke away from Yu Yao's hand a little bit and said coldly, "You are worried that those coser fans won't get the ticket number and won't let you go, why don't you worry about what will happen to Zhou Chuan's fans if they can't buy the book—"

Liang Surf paused.

Then he smiled and said: "Then I can't help it, the crying child has milk... Oh, it's really a big deal, you don't want to die here."

First ceremony: "..."

Yes, there is milk for crying babies, right

Feelings, is this treating Hiukawa's fans as dumb? Just now, so many readers who came outside and asked "Why are you still putting coser fans in there" are you pretending not to exist because you didn't make trouble in front of you, right? Do you really think that people just forget about it...

After all, the Internet is so developed now.

Do you think readers have no place to cry unless they cry with you

Chu Li was silent for a few seconds, and stopped arguing with Liang Surf. He sat back in his seat and opened the lunch box to eat. He was picking up a vegetable in his mouth when his phone vibrated.

Chu Li picked up the phone, pressed the hands-free button, and said "Hello", and the voice of Riu Chuan rang over there: [My Weibo is about to explode, what's the matter with you? It’s one o’clock and I still put the coser fans who participated in the book purchase group photo. Why didn’t the event end at 12:30? Put people in and take a photo with someone, me? —Other people’s fans are fans, my readers are not human, right? You go ask your marketing department what you are thinking, if you don’t want to sell books, don’t sell them, go to the farmer’s market every day to sell old books for ten yuan and three catties, and it will be more lively than it is now.]

Hiukawa's voice was neither high nor low, but Chu Li had already turned on the maximum volume and waited - so at this moment, everyone in the lounge could hear clearly.

The whole lounge was quiet at that time.

Liang Surf, who was sitting there with his legs up and eating lunch, didn't dare to shake his legs: now he finally realized that those readers who didn't come to him to make trouble in front of him had gone to make trouble.

[I'm in the parking lot, I'm looking for a place now, come down and pick me up.]

After the man finished speaking, he picked up the phone, Chu Li put away the phone, stared at the lunch box in front of him and sneered to himself: "Well, there is milk for crying children."

Everyone: "..."

Chu Li ignored Liang Surf, raised his head and said to Yao: "It seems that there is no traffic jam on the road and we arrived early. Boss, I'll go down and pick up Mr. Zhou Chuan. There are people everywhere here, I'm afraid he won't know the way."

"..." Yu Yao was also speechless, "Go, go."

"We coax the author like a father, for fear of getting lost under our noses, but some people just don't know how to cherish it, and they don't want to be smart enough to drive the author away when they can lie down and enjoy the fruits of their labor. "Chu Li stood up and patted the non-existent dust on his buttocks, "If "The Inn of the Underworld" is not signed after today's fuss, you have all seen it, and it has nothing to do with me."

Liang Surf's eyes widened instantly when he heard this: "It's not that you said that Zhouchuan will arrive in fifty minutes..."

"Is it my fault that there is no traffic jam all of a sudden? It's because the Ministry of Communications is too powerful. Why did you let the big devil make an early appearance all of a sudden?"

After Chu Li finished speaking, he didn't want to talk nonsense with this mentally handicapped person, so he walked out.

Just two steps away, Liang Surf also came out—

While walking, I told the horsemen in the marketing department to limit the flow and control the field. Now everyone who wants to enter the queue will tell them that it is normal to not issue tickets for the event, and the event will end at 1:30;

Then use the divider to pull a fast track for buying "Luohe Divine Book", and go to the queue one by one to ask, and those who buy "Luohe Divine Book" will enter the venue first;

Then set up a sign in front of the fast track to guide readers of "Luohe Divine Book" to come and queue up...

"Quick, quick!" Liang Surf said loudly, "I don't care what you do, if you can't do it, you have to. Anyway, within five minutes, I will see the fast lane of "Luohe Shenshu" full of readers! I'll say it again, If you can't do it, you have to do it!"

Chu Li heard it from a distance, and from the corner of his eye, he caught a glimpse of a group of people at the booth, making them burst into flames, and twitched the corners of their lips sarcastically: In the past, Yuanyue Society was a regular publishing company that sold regular books, and everyone acted according to the principle of "regular" Now that the company is about to go public, everyone wants to stand out, and the fields involved are more than before and good and evil are mixed... These people don't understand the new rules and take two steps, so they rush to run. Naturally, they have covered up some shortcomings in the past. are exposed.

Liang Surf wasn't really stupid, he just pretended to be ignorant and pretended to be ignorant. Every day he wanted to play some clever tricks, and then he would lose money by stealing chickens.

Going down the elevator to the underground parking lot, I saw a familiar sports car leaning against a man in a smoke gray sweater and long strips of dark blue jeans. He was wearing a black mask and was half sitting with his head down. Play with your phone on the hood.

The casual swing of the two legs made people resentful.

Chu Li quickened his pace and trotted over. At the same time, Zhou Chuan stood up when he heard footsteps, and glanced at Chu Li: "What's going on upstairs?"

"Old Liang, I heard that you're going to start fucking controlling the field when you arrive." Chu Li grabbed Zhou Chuan's arm and pulled him up, "If you get stuck in the road today and can't get out, I think he can increase the field to five points if he is cruel. Half… "

"I got up at ten o'clock in the morning, and I set off three alarm clocks," the man wearing a mask sounded vague. He bent down and opened the alarm clock interface for the little girl in front of him to see. I went out, and the traffic jam drove me crazy, I didn't even have time to have a bite for breakfast... "

Chu Li stopped striding forward, and let go of the hand holding Hiukawa's sleeve. She turned her head and looked at the calm eyes outside the man's mask: "What are you laying the groundwork for?"


"There is a lunch box on it, I just ate two green vegetables, and I will keep the meat for you."

"..." The man raised his hand and patted her on the head as if caring for the mentally handicapped. "Also, I didn't mean to be late. I can't do anything about the traffic jam during the holidays. I've arrived as soon as possible."

"Why are you telling me this?"

"I'm afraid that I won't be here. You'll fight with the people from the marketing department. When I arrive, your body will be cold, and then the ghost will haunt me and ask me if I agreed to escort you, but there will be no one..."

Hiukawa finished speaking in one breath, and the two of them were already standing at the stairs—Chu Li felt that his words were a bit off point, after all, he was selling books and not her... It seemed that he was standing here today because she left. It's like not letting him go.


This statement.

Chu Li looked back at Zhou Chuan, and suddenly hated the mask on his face, because with this thing, she couldn't see clearly the expression on the man's face at this moment...

"It's great if you can come." Chu Li looked away, raised his hand and pulled the hanging hair behind his ears, "After all, I didn't have to come. Herman's book signing started in the afternoon, and the book fair is everywhere. It's human, I know you hate crowded places, so..."

Chu Li paused for a while, and then emphasized: "It's fine if you can arrive."

Hiukawa said "um", took out his mobile phone and looked at Weibo, and found that the comments at this time began to say, "I'm in the queue", "I won't be so angry as long as I get in the queue", "If it weren't for "Luohe "God Book" I really don't want to sell another book, even if it is a book from Yuanyue Society"...

Hirakawa slid his finger on the phone screen: "So do you regret it now?"

Chuli: "What?"

"The Yuanyue Club was the one you chose?" Zhou Chuan put down the phone, "Actually, Gu Baizhi is right, maybe it's more suitable for you to go to Xindun..."

"Everywhere there will be annoying marketers, artists who can't communicate, and authors who are annoying," Chu Li said with a shrug, "so there is nothing to regret. Who knows what new things will happen to the vibrant New Shield Society?" contradiction… "

During the conversation between the two, they had already arrived near the booth of Yuanyue Society.

I don't know if the readers who were running around on Zhouchuan Weibo got the news or if Liang Surf found the extras. In short, ["Luohe Shenshu" book purchase fast lane] a big sign stands there, and stands in the fast lane. full of people...

On the stage behind the center of the Yuanyue Society booth, two cosplayers are taking a photo with the last lucky reader. In the regular queue, the fans wearing the iconic fan support items have almost disappeared. Those who were watching the "Book of the River God" poster stepped on their feet to see how many people were left in front of the line...

The appearance of Hiukawa made everything seem to be back on track.

Chu Li led Hiukawa, but didn't dare to get too close to him—think about it, in the chaos, a tall mysterious man wearing a mask interacted well with the staff of the Yuanyue Club, and the mysterious man Before and after the appearance, the sales scene of "Luohe Divine Book" quickly returned to normal order...

No matter how you think about it, this thing seems a bit weird.

When he came to the crowd, Chu Li let go of Hiukawa's sleeve early on, pointed the man in the direction of the rest room, told him that there was food in there, hurry up and don't be hungry, and continued to stand outside and watch the scene—— The fans of Zhou Chuan rushed to the booth, and took away one set, two sets, two sets, or even five or six sets of "Luohe Divine Book" on the booth...

The people in the marketing department were so happy from ear to ear that they didn’t even have time to stock up. Most of the stacked books that had been put out before were taken away by someone... Chu Li and A Xiang simply dismantled the stacked slots and took the rest Books are on the shelves.

After the fast track opened at around 1:20 p.m., within an hour, the sales volume of "Luohe Divine Book" broke through 3,500... After getting this rough statistics, Chu Li let out a long breath, and finally relaxed and was beaten by Ah Xiang. Going back to the backstage to drink some water, she opened the backstage door, and saw Emperor Hiukawa sitting in her seat, with an empty can of hot drink and a boxed lunch beside her.

... ... ... I don't know who made the confession.

"...I'll be your cow and horse in front of you. You're here to enjoy yourself, right?"

Chu Li glanced at the garbage pile next to Zhou Chuan, at this moment the man handed over a can of warm Red Bull, Chu Li took it - it was inconvenient to wear gloves to carry books outside, and the frozen fingertips immediately felt the warmth …

Holding the Red Bull, she moved her lips and was about to speak when Liang Surfing opened the door and walked in... This cheeky smile greeted Zhou Chuan like a flower, saying something like "Teacher Zhou Chuan is here" "Dinner Is it?" "It's hard work along the way and there is a traffic jam" and other nonsense—

At this time, Hiukawa is already the author who has been cried by "children who really know how to cry and know where to cry". He knows exactly who the culprit is for what happened in the past two hours. Surfing is just a few words to deal with with a superficial smile...

There is no enthusiasm at all, and even occasionally say a few words: "Coser is so popular, there is no way" "How can we masked men who write articles compare?" "I completely understand your company's thinking. Who doesn't love money? I love it too." Such yin and yang words—

Until Liang Surf took out his phone and asked to add WeChat.

Hiukawa didn't react much, and said "Oh" under Chu Li's nose, he took out his mobile phone and scanned the QR code for Liang Surfing, and Liang Surfing put away the mobile phone happily: "Oh, this time "Luohe Divine Book" Everyone has worked hard for the first launch to go smoothly. Look, teacher, our first ceremony has broken our hearts a lot because of the first launch. We almost quarreled with our marketing department just now. The posture of eating people is so scary—now Teacher, you are here, you have to appease her emotions and persuade her... "

Chu Li sneered loudly, wondering how a person could have such a thick skin.

Hearing this, Hiukawa glanced at Chu Li who was standing behind him like a door god and a little eunuch with a half-smile, stretched out his long legs, and said lazily: "I can't persuade her, you are not wrong You know, it’s like a small firecracker.”

The implication is that you can solve the problems yourself, don't drag me into the water.

In addition, there is also a somewhat inexplicable proud tone of "I am an editor, I am amazing, I am afraid of the future".

Liang Surf couldn't play haha, so he found an excuse and went out again.

As soon as he left, Chu Li kicked Zhou Chuan's toes: "Why did you add him on WeChat?"

"It doesn't matter whether you add it or not." Hiukawa said. "One more person is not much."

Chu Li stopped talking.

Hiukawa sat up a bit: "Why, can't you add it?"

"The reason why the marketing department only dares to play the disgusting edge ball every day, and does not climb the head of our editors thoroughly and openly, is because the editors hold the most critical point of author resources... If one day, they can bypass Editor, communicate directly with the author, then Yuanyue Society will completely become their world." Chu Li stared at Zhou Chuan, "I told the teacher before that the author is the editor's weapon, and the teacher agrees Do you think so?"


"Now my weapon is going into the enemy's scabbard."


Hiukawa sat on the chair and looked at Chu Li for a while, and the atmosphere was a bit dignified for a while—the man didn’t fully understand why he just added a WeChat account and became a little traitor... After a long time, he bent down and took out a new box from behind. The lunch box: "Eat first, eat first, you can hang a soy sauce bottle on your mouth."

Chuli sat down.

He broke off the chopsticks expressionlessly.

Silently opened the half-cold lunch box.

Pick up a green vegetable.

not talking.

"Okay, okay, delete it," Hiukawa couldn't bear it anymore, "delete it, okay, look, it's deleted."

Speaking of raising his mobile phone across the table, Chu Li unceremoniously stretched out his claws to take the man's mobile phone and looked at it, seeing that he had indeed deleted Liang Surfing again, and returned the mobile phone to him.

"Will it offend people?" She asked, thought for a while and then added, "Although I'm doing it for your own good, the people in the marketing department are talking sweet words, I'm afraid you will be cheated."

"You just thought of asking this now, do you dare to be more hypocritical?" Hiukawa rolled her eyes, "I'm afraid of offending someone, isn't he the one who did a series of inappropriate things today? "

Chu Li accidentally laughed when he heard Liang Surf's WeChat name.

This was the first time she showed a clear smile in almost ten hours since she arrived at the book fair today.

The solemn atmosphere in the whole lounge dissipated slightly, Yu Yao pushed open the door, glanced at it and closed it again, and then said to A Xiang who was guarding the door with a frightened face: "It should be all right, there is a lot of laughter inside, I didn't see it, Teacher Hiukawa is good at making little girls happy."

"...Then can I go in and drink some water?" Ah Xiang asked pitifully.

"...wait a little longer, wait a little longer." Yu Yao waved his hand, "Hold it."

The book fair ends at 6:00 pm that day.

At the end, the booth of Yuanyue Society was still overcrowded, and there was still a long line of readers queuing up. The readers who lined up were almost blown away by the security guards who cleared the venue. Naturally, they left with great resentment—

This resentment went straight to the heavens, and the fans took photos to Hiukawa Weibo to reflect the situation... They didn't know that they didn't need to take pictures at all, because their eldest was sitting at the scene at the time, using their own eyes, See the scene clearly—

Including how readers who wanted to buy books were forcibly driven away by security guards.

This probably tops the list of "intolerable events" for the author.

On that day, about 20,300 sets of "Luohe Divine Book" were sold, and the remaining stock was 14,700 sets... Readers couldn't buy it if they wanted to, and the merchant still had stock. That is to say, the root of all sins is: not enough time.

On the way back that day, Hiukawa was driving, and Chu Li was sitting in the co-pilot, looking down at the violent storm that was bombarding the official Weibo... The car drove back to the city, and the eighteen generations of the ancestors of the senior leaders of Yuanyue Club were also greeted Over and over again, the strength staged a wave of what is called a real "crying child is making trouble" for Liang Surf.

In the WeChat group, Liang Surfing is still stubborn—

[Scallion Flavor and Flavor Fairy: Let them make trouble, anyway, as long as our sales reach the target.]

There is nothing wrong with saying this.

At least from the perspective of the leader, there is nothing wrong with it.

Chu Li put down his phone, glanced at Zhou Chuan who was driving beside him, and yawned... From the corner of his eyes, seeing her squinting her eyes and looking extremely tired, the man yawned, revealing a pair of small canine teeth.

He withdrew his gaze and swallowed the words that came to his lips.

"...what do you want to say," Chu Li leaned on the seat, drowsy from the heating, "tell me, don't hold back, I can bear it."

Hiukawa glanced at her unexpectedly, but still didn't speak.

Chu Li smiled, and raised his hand to wipe away the tears from yawning: "You want to say that "The Inn of the Underworld" belongs to the New Shield Society, right?"

"I'm still hesitating," Hiukawa said lightly, "I first promised to give you this book, now apart from this matter, it's a hot topic, and I can't explain it to the readers of Yuanyue Club again, but… "


"But it's not you who did the wrong thing. I think it would be too much to punish you with this."

"...What do you mean by punishment or not?" Chu Li smiled, looking extremely tired, "Everyone was originally on the boat "Yuanyue Society". ... As the editor of Yuanyue Society, I should hug your thigh and beg you not to give up on us, but is it useful? "


Chu Li looked "I knew it", thinking to himself, you know that you love me, but I don't know that you love me

"So I won't embarrass you anymore. If you are so conscientious, why don't you come and start a long series on "Moonlight"?"

The man sneered.

Chu Li raised his eyebrows: "What are you laughing at?"

"Laughing at you doesn't hurt at all. If you lose sesame seeds, you must pick up a watermelon." The man raised his hand and ruffled her hair. "Have you been thinking about this for a long time?"

"No, no, I thought about it on the spur of the moment... Oh, I just thought about it for a little while." Chu Li said with a serious face, "Drive carefully, don't speculate on the girl's mind here."

Hiukawa withdrew his hand and really drove off.

Holding his mobile phone, Chu Li watched for a while the happy WeChat group because "the specified sales volume was reached". No matter how you looked at it, he found it very annoying, so he gave them a pot of ice and water mixture in winter—

[The sailors invited by the monkey: "The Inn of the Underworld" was taken to Xindun, just now. "Candle" "Candle"]