Moonlight Variations

Chapter 97


—January 31, 2014, the first day of the Chinese New Year.

In the morning, 8:00.

[Hikawa: Get up.]

[Hikawa: I'm eating breakfast. My dad suddenly mentioned the "Luohe Divine Book" gift of flowers and branches, with a face written on his face: Didn't you send it to pretend to be something in the end.]

[Hiukawa: Didn't you say that the new year is a new atmosphere? Why did he have to quarrel on the first day of the new year?]

[Hi Chuan: Speaking of which, it's all your fault, you have nothing to do but send "Luohe Divine Book" to participate in that kind of boring award... On the first day of the new year, why did my dad and my editor seem so annoying?]

Noon, 11:48.

[The sailor invited by the monkey: ... I just woke up.]

[Hikawa: You are a pig, so you can sleep.]

[The sailor invited by the monkey: actually replied in seconds... Forget it, I won't tell you, I'm going to have lunch, I'm hungry.]

[Hikawa: It's really a pig.]

[Shui Jun invited by Monkey: Did you quarrel with Mr. Zhou Guxuan again?]

[Hikawa: I want you to take care of it.]

[The sailor invited by the monkey: Don't quarrel, it's Chinese New Year.]

[Hikawa: Don't breathe, it's Chinese New Year.]

[The sailor invited by the monkey: Can you stop acting like a child?]

[Hikawa: I don't.]

Evening, 23:30.

[Hikawa: Sleep.]

[The sailors invited by the monkey: set off fireworks.]

[Hikawa: ... just say goodnight to me.]

[The sailor invited by the monkey: Good night.]

[Hikawa: Yes.]

—February 1, 2014, the second day of the Chinese New Year.

In the morning, 9:00.

[Hikawa: Still sleeping?]

[Sailors invited by the monkey: I didn’t sleep, I got up to celebrate the New Year, the nephew of the cousin of the little aunt in the next village came back from the United States, my mother asked me to watch the fake foreign adults who were infected with the freedom of the American emperor.]

[Hikawa: What do you think?]

[The sailor invited by the monkey: let’s go on a blind date, it should be.]

[Hikawa: Let me make up a self-introduction for you on the spot, "Hello, my name is Chuli, I'm 23 years old, I'm the bottom-level editor of the Yuanyue Society branch, and my monthly salary is less than 3,000... Fortunately, I have an excellent boyfriend , named Hiukawa, this is the only bright spot in my profile.”]

[The sailor invited by the monkey: ... ... I am very touched by your sacrifice, but what if someone is your book fan?]

[Hiu Chuan: Then don't you win a big victory with a lot of face?]

[The sailors invited by the monkey: ... ]

Afternoon, 14:40.

[Hikawa: Report the result of the blind date.]

[Saijun invited by the monkey: It failed as expected. He is not as tall as me. It is said that it is because he only studied and did not play basketball in middle school.]

[Hi Chuan: I was the main force of the school team in high school and won the provincial runner-up.][The sailor invited by the monkey: I haven't said "Please start your show" What screen are you turning on?]

Evening, 23:55.

[Hikawa: Sleep.]

[The sailors invited by the monkey: Watch "The Lost Amusement Park" for a while.]

[Hikawa: You might as well sleep with it.]

[The sailor invited by the monkey: Why are you losing your temper again?]

—February 2, 2014, the third day of the Lunar New Year.

In the morning, 10:20.

[Shui Jun invited by the monkey: Teacher, Teacher Xia called me this morning and asked me if your new serial outline has been finalized? Since the sales volume of "Moonlight" magazine has dropped so much in recent months that he dare not read it, he imagines that "Moonlight" may be revised in the middle of the next year. Whether it is successful or not, he hopes that the teacher can give us a boost and help us...]


[The sailors invited by the monkey: ... ]

[Shui Jun invited by the monkey: Well, I know you haven't prepared the outline yet and you have already replied to Mr. Xia. Actually, I just want to see if you still ignore me.]

[Hikawa: Mentally retarded.]

[Hikawa: I went to play in the morning.]

Noon, 12:00.

[Hikawa: Eat.]

[The sailor invited by the monkey: eat.]

In the evening, 23:10.

[Hikawa: Go to sleep.]

[The sailor invited by the monkey:? ? ? ? ? What time is it, why do you go home and work and rest like a high school student?]

[Hiukawa: My mother made it up, she thinks that if I stay up one more night, I won't live to be thirty years old.]

[The sailor invited by the monkey: ... It's not unreasonable.]

[Hikawa: You women are all like this.]

[The sailor invited by the monkey: Only those who care about you are like this.]

—February 3, 2014, the fourth day of the Lunar New Year.

In the morning, 9:00.

[Hikawa: Get up, go downstairs for breakfast.]

[Hikawa: Breakfast is always porridge, please don't make me porridge for a month when you get home.]

[The sailor invited by the monkey: ... why can't you let you sleep late at home during the holidays?]

[Hikawa: I also want to ask you this question when I'm at home. I celebrate holidays every day, except on weekends, when will you let me sleep in?]

[Hikawa: Why do you get up so early?]

[The sailor invited by the monkey: Because I want to get up and reply to your message.]

[The sailor invited by the monkey: What's going on with you recently, you have to use your hands to report when you eat, drink, sleep, and even pee?]

[Hikawa: Excuse me.]

[The sailor invited by the monkey:? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?]

[The sailors invited by the monkey:]

[The sailor invited by the monkey: No, no, no, I was wrong.]

Then, Hiukawa said, hum.

Three hours later, Chu Li found out the beef with winter bamboo shoots, cured meat rice, fried vegetables and a soup that he ate for lunch. The teacher dared not speak out, but Hirokawa was still self-willed to attack the innocent rice cook: Why are women so unreasonable

Chu Li replied, if you have the ability to do it yourself, you will know what to do when you open your mouth to eat.

At night, Hiukawa went to bed at 11:12, two minutes later than last night.

They said good night to each other, as they had done the other day.

Then a few hours later, it was light again...

This kind of dialogue goes on and on, and no one gets tired of it.

On February 16, 2014, the Lantern Festival just passed.

After eating breakfast early in the morning, Chuli dragged her luggage and brought a chat history of 1 G in her mobile phone (…), and came to the airport. When she handed her ID card to the ground staff on duty and said "G City", she felt a kind of The unreality of dreaming—

A new year has passed like this.

She is about to rejoin the battlefield called "Yuanyue Society". It should also be finalized, and the revision of "Moonlight" has also been confirmed by the high-level WeChat meetings of the Yuanyue Society several times in the next year, and it has begun to be implemented and promoted...

Looking around, this year seems to be full of new tough battles.

After checking in the luggage and getting the boarding pass, when Chu Li was queuing up for the security check, the phone in his hand vibrated again——

[Hikawa: What time do you arrive?]

[Hikawa: Do you want to pick it up?]

First ceremony: "..."

Chu Li picked up the mobile phone, narrowed her eyes slightly, put the mobile phone in front of her eyes seriously, and pulled the distance away. Seeing that it would be more than three hours before she returned to G City, there was a problem in front of her. What she has to face is what she has to face: In the past ten days, if her mobile phone Q and WeChat chat records have increased by almost 1 GB, about 998MB of it comes from the actor teacher.

Counting from the day she came home, the man seemed to have stopped for a few days, and then she received a call from him at thirty o'clock in the year, and after that, everything seemed out of control——

Get up and report.

meal report.

Report a quarrel with Dad.

Go to the game report, and make a report even if there is no water at home after playing the game.

Report what you had for dinner, report when you take a shower before going to bed, forget to take your underwear and continue to report, go to bed, and still report.

Repeat the above behavior the next day, no solution.

Chu Li accepted the tricks one by one, without saying anything on the surface, but her heart was actually blown up into a firework. By the way, she made up more than 300 episodes of TVB TV series - she didn't know what Hiukawa meant, anyway, she had already had serious fantasies I always feel that Hiukawa has actually understood the meaning of what she said to him on the night of the first snow in G City...

[The sailor invited by the monkey: unexpectedly willing to pick up the plane. so nice?]

[Hi Chuan: Thank you on your knees.]

[The sailor invited by the monkey: To be reasonable, why are you being so nice to me all of a sudden, teacher? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?]

[Hikawa: Shouldn't it be?]

First ceremony: "... ... ... ..."


What should be

Chuli was dizzy, and when she passed the security check, she wished she could grab the ground staff at the airport security check to analyze for her what the big brother in the Q chat box meant... Because she was a little upset, she grabbed her phone and didn't rush back to Zhouchuan After going through the security check, put on your shoes, and sat firmly in the departure hall, until the announcement started to announce the boarding, Chu Li turned on the phone and gave Hiukawa the arrival time of the flight.

Find a seat on the plane, sit down, turn on the mobile phone habitually before turning off the phone to check if there are any missed messages, and prepare to tell her that her mother has boarded the plane and is ready to take off, but before she can make a normal report, she sees Ah like knocking her—

[Flying Elephant: Is Mr. Hikawa in love? ? ? ? ?]

Chu Li almost threw the phone out, the iPhone 5S that she regards as her life.

[The sailor invited by the monkey:? ? who said it? ? ! ? !]

[Flying elephant: He himself. "screenshot"]

"Screenshot" content:

If it's fake, replace Hiukawa's own Weibo.

[Hikawa: Am I in love? — Posted 1 minute ago.]

First Ritual: "…………………"

My day is your mother.

For the next three hours, Chuli seemed to have passed through the gate of hell. She had never hated the underdevelopment of human science so much that she couldn’t access the Internet on the plane—for a while, she felt that the plane had been flying for almost a century, and she looked at the watch. Only fifteen minutes later, she was so angry that she fainted. What she thought in her heart was: if you have the ability to drive so slowly, if you have the ability, forget about the plane crash, anyway, you will die anyway!

At that moment, she guessed that her expression probably looked like a terrorist, and the uncle sitting next to her kept sneaking glances at her, as if she would stand up in the next second and he would be able to fight for a plane. Life snapped her neck reflexively in the name of justice—

But he doesn't understand.

Next to him was just a young girl in love who was about to step into the abyss of love and was worrying about gains and losses at this moment.

For the next three hours, Chu Li didn't know how she got there. She only knew that the moment the plane landed, she and the uncle next to her breathed a sigh of relief... The plane stopped and the phone turned on, went straight to Weibo, and then I found out that her family, Dayu Chuan, was on the hot search on Weibo again. The post "Am I in love" was reposted 30,000 times and commented 80,000 times. The reposts and comments were neat and overwhelming, and all of them were from book friends from all over the world. The unified answer: ? ? ?

Chu Li swears again in his heart, not sure whether he should look forward to it or be jealous, and in the midst of entanglement, he receives a text message from Zhou Chuan: I'm outside, you can see me when you get out with your luggage and look up.

So at this time, Chu Li, who was standing in front of the luggage conveyor belt, had the urge to climb out along the luggage exit, climb into the luggage cart, pick up his luggage, and then sprint like a flying Bolt...

... ... ... Or, simply, no more luggage

Chu Li clutched her mobile phone, her palms were covered with sweat, and when she got her luggage and dragged her out, she found that her hands were shaking and her feet were shaking too. When she walked out of the airport gate, she raised her head, and as expected, she saw the standing Among the crowd, a man with his hands in his pockets was wearing a black sweater, jeans, and Martin boots, and he was holding a familiar black down jacket...

Chu Li took a deep breath.

The man seemed to feel something, raised his head, and looked at her across the crowd—

This scene seemed familiar. A year ago, in the corridor at the entrance of the editorial department of the "Moonlight" magazine of Yuan Yue Society, Chu Li remembered that she was also dragging her suitcase that day, and it was still raining lightly.

During the few seconds when she stared at the man, she had a sore nose, and suddenly felt that everything had settled down. It turned out that it wasn't that she didn't miss it for so many days, but these misses had all turned into right or wrong in the past three hours. Identify emotional speculation and unease.


Dragging her luggage, she trotted to the man, who stood up straight, and took her luggage with a "huh"... The two came to the parking lot in silence, Hirukawa threw Chu Li's luggage on the back seat, Chu Li glanced at the back seat, then sat in the co-pilot obediently.


"I saw Weibo."

in unison.

It's just that the man's voice is lazy, and Chu Li is almost desperately tense.


Chuli "Gulu" swallowed a mouthful of saliva, and repeated: "I saw that Weibo post you posted."

The man's hand on the steering wheel paused, then nodded: "Really, I thought you had already boarded the plane and turned it off."

"Oh, it's okay, I'm just a little surprised." Chu Li lowered his head and stared at his fingertips, "It's okay, what did you want to say just now, you can say it... oh, actually there are, I'm a little curious what you said Who is in love with that."

With a natural expression, Hiukawa stretched out his hand, passed her directly, and pulled off the seat belt—when the familiar breath approached, she subconsciously closed her eyelashes and trembled slightly, and then the seat belt clicked and was fastened—

"I told you to put on your seat belt," the man said in a calm voice, "Also, why do you always like to take questions you have asked yourself, and come to me again after a while pretending to be nonchalant?"

"..." Chu Li raised his head, "What?"

"Bullying honest people?"



"What kind of?"

"Then it's up to you. Didn't you say you liked me first that night?"


"Then the next day, he came to tell me about a blind date. Are you sick?"


"Three hours ago, didn't you first ask me why I was nice to you?"

"what… "

"So I answered, probably because I'm in love."


Let's explode.


Explode soon.

Right now, right now, right now—

Don't delay for a second.

Next, Hiukawa didn't listen to what Chu Li said, and his head was full of manly thoughts that seemed to be complaining and conniving: "Why are you so inexplicable?"

She doesn't know either.

Why hasn't the earth exploded yet

[@日川: I never thought that I would be like a normal person, have a normal feeling of dependence on another person.

After all, this is not a familiar way of life. How many years have passed since one person has enough to eat and the whole family is not hungry, and there is nothing wrong with not even needing to take care of other people's emotions. However, as I said before, if you stand in the dark for a long time, you will unconsciously want to follow the light—

Although the mouth said: it is very happy to be a bryophyte, and to bask in the sun.

Until one day, on a snowy night, under the moonlight, she said to me: The moonlight is so beautiful tonight.

I opened the window and looked, um, it really is.

So I replied her with a "." The period represents hesitation, reluctance to speak, and having to reply.

—Hesitation, I know that in fact, as far as I am now, I should not and have no ability to respond to her feelings. Can I take care of her well, can I protect her from wind and rain, and am I really what she thinks? people;

- Reluctance to speak is a habit of avoiding;

—I have to reply, I have to reply, I can't help it, I have to.

—In general, I'm sorry I'm a coward, but even if I don't want to, I still want to tell you: I'm glad there is such a coincidence in the world, and I like you too. —Published 30 minutes ago]

A collection of fan responses:

Category A: I see, they are not together yet, right? Hesitating is sweet, isn't it? Weibo confession through the air, right? I get it, happy new year, roll! ! ! !

Category B: My mother, my mother who is celebrating the New Year has lost her love.

Category C: The teeth are all sour.

Class D: Moonlight: What did I do wrong

Category E: So Japanese people are so annoying, don't ask me why, I think Natsume Soseki made me lose my husband, and also, I don't want to use periods anymore! ! ! ! never! ! ! ! !

Zhou Chuan, who was the first ceremony, doubled up on Weibo's trending search within a day.

The key word this time is: Hiukawa, a love letter.