Morbid Addiction

Chapter 15


Chen Yuncheng walked all the way to the elevator, stopped and did not rush to press the elevator. He sent Ning Junyan a WeChat message: "Are you still at work?"

Ning Junyan quickly replied, "Yes."

Chen Yuncheng typed: "Where is your office? I'll pick you up from get off work." Then he raised his head and couldn't help but smile.

This is Chen Yuncheng's first visit to Ning Junyan's office.

Ning Junyan was not here now, so he only left him the password to open the door and asked him to rest in his office.

Before he came, Chen Yuncheng was still a little nervous, afraid that someone would stop him, and he couldn't explain it well. As a result, it was easier than expected to find Ning Junyan's office number along the way. Perhaps the hospital was too complicated, and the doctors or nurses who passed by didn't care who he was.

Ning Junyan's office is not big, with a desk, a sofa, wardrobe and bookcase, and a small refrigerator.

Chen Yuncheng didn't touch anything of his, just walked to the front of the bookcase and looked at it, and saw that there were all medical books inside, and many of them were in English.

At that moment, Chen Yuncheng really felt the gap between the two people after being separated from Ning Junyan for more than ten years.

In fact, if you think about it carefully, there has been a gap between the two since childhood, but at that time Ning Junyan's head was broken, and Chen Yuncheng couldn't feel it. He ran around outside with Ning Junyan every day, only to feel that he was an extra fool Silly attendant.

The godfather didn't like Ning Junyan very much, and Chen Yuncheng took Ning Junyan out, and he would not bring back more money to the family than he did alone.

Maybe the godfather thought about sending Ning Junyan away at that time, but Ning Junyan was still there. Chen Yuncheng would think later that maybe because Ning Junyan was a fool, no one wanted to buy a fool to raise him back, so the godfather had no choice but to keep him. Anyway, Chen Yuncheng felt very happy, because there was one more person around him to play with.

Xiaoning Junyan is very obedient, although he only listens to Chen Yuncheng's words. He should be a pampered child. He usually doesn't know how to do anything in life. Chen Yuncheng does the laundry for him.

When Chen Yuncheng took a large basin to wash clothes in the yard, Ning Junyan squatted beside him and watched him. When Chen Yuncheng finished washing, Ning Junyan would run water to help him clean his clothes together.

At this time, they are often scolded. If the godmother hears the sound of water for too long in the room, she will stand at the door and scold them.

Ning Junyan has always been ignorant, and Chen Yuncheng will quickly turn off the water at this time, scribble washing twice and hang his clothes. They were wearing old clothes that looked dirty no matter how clean they were.

When he returned to his room at night and closed the door, Chen Yuncheng felt the most relaxed.

He would turn on a lamp and read comic books on the bed. He rented the comic books outside, secretly put a ten yuan deposit with the boss, and after reading one, he went to change the next one.

At that time, Chen Yuncheng didn't even go to elementary school, so he didn't know many characters. He liked to read comic books because he could read pictures even if he couldn't read. But Ning Junyan was different. Although he couldn't even figure out his own name, he knew a lot of words, at least those in comic books.

So when Chen Yuncheng was reading comics, Ning Junyan lay beside him and read with him, and taught him the characters he didn't know, and taught him pinyin and stroke order.

Once, Chen Yuncheng borrowed a comic back, and when he opened it at night, he found out that it was not a juvenile fighting comic but a love comic read by girls. Well, so I lied on the bed with Ning Junyan and read page by page.

As a result, there were many scenes of the heroine and the heroine making out in the comic.

Chen Yuncheng was still at an unfamiliar age. He only knew that they were making out, but he didn't know what was going on. The cartoons were rather obscure. He was very curious and turned to ask Ning Junyan, "Can I have a baby in this way? ?"

Ning Junyan had almost no expression on his face. He stared at the cartoon and said, "I don't know."

Chen Yuncheng is very strange, "If a man and a woman lie on the same bed and kiss and hug, they will have children, why don't godfather and godmother?"

Ning Junyan folded his arms under his chin and said, "I don't know."

Chen Yuncheng thought it was boring, he closed the comic and said, "It's not good, so don't read it."

Ning Junyan said, "Oh."

Chen Yuncheng turned over and lay on his back on the bed, quietly listening to the sound of the TV coming from the next door's godfather's room. After a while, he felt the itch in his heart was still thinking about the pictures in the comics, he turned his head to look at Ning Junyan, " Did you choose today's comic?"

Ning Junyan also lay on his back at this time and replied, "No."

Chen Yuncheng thought to tease him and said, "It's you."

Ning Junyan turned his dark eyes to look at him, and said softly, "That's me."

Chen Yuncheng sat up with a smile, stretched out his hand and pulled out the comic book under the pillow, opened it and put it on Ning Junyan's face.

Ning Jun extended his hand to open it.

Chen Yuncheng grabbed his hand and didn't let him touch the comic book, so Ning Junyan didn't move, and kept lying on his back with the book covering his face.

After a long time, Chen Yuncheng still remembered some of the pictures in the comic, but he and Ning Junyan never rented a girl's comic to read.

After waiting in Ning Junyan's office for more than ten minutes, he still hasn't come back.

Chen Yuncheng didn't urge him, just sat on the sofa and played with his mobile phone quietly. The heating in the office was sufficient, and it didn't take long for Chen Yuncheng to feel a little sleepy, put the phone aside, raised his head and closed his eyes.

He didn't expect that he would fall asleep, and he slept for a long time. When he woke up again, he had a brief blank, unable to remember where he was.

Until he opened his eyes and saw Ning Junyan sitting opposite.

Ning Junyan took off his coat, sat behind his desk, kept looking at Chen Yuncheng, saw him open his eyes, and said, "Are you awake?"

Chen Yuncheng slept in a daze. He had been in one position on the sofa for a long time, and his arms were a little numb. He sat up, yawned first, and then asked, "When did you come back?"

Ning Junyan said, "I just came back not long ago."

Chen Yuncheng couldn't help rubbing his eyes and asked him, "Why didn't you wake me up?"

Ning Junyan didn't answer, he just asked, "Are you still sleeping?"

Chen Yuncheng smiled, "How long will you sleep?"

Ning Junyan said, "It's okay, I can wait for you."

Chen Yuncheng glanced at him.

Ning Junyan's expression is very calm, and his tone of speech is also very flat, so that people can't feel emotions, and sometimes they can't understand what he wants to express.

Chen Yuncheng stood up, pulled his wrinkled jacket, and said, "No, I'm already hungry, let's go have dinner."

Ning Junyan nodded and stood up too. He reached for the coat hanging on the hanger.

Chen Yuncheng suddenly said, "Do you remember when we rented the wrong comic book and rented a girl's comic book when we were young?"

Ning Junyan said, "Well, a collection of obsessions."

"What?" Chen Yuncheng was stunned for a moment.

Ning Junyan said indifferently, "The name of that comic."

Chen Yuncheng stood there a little dazed, "Really?" He can't remember the name of the comic anymore. If it was the name, why did he get it wrong at the time

When he was still in a daze, Ning Junyan suddenly approached, raised his hand and hung a soft scarf around his neck.

Chen Yuncheng looked at him in surprise.

Ning Junyan just said: "Let's go, let's eat."