Morbid Addiction

Chapter 19


From then on, the group of gangsters who lived nearby never came to provoke Chen Yuncheng again. Chen Yuncheng knew that they were talking in private, and they all said that the boy with Chen Yuncheng was a lunatic, and no one wanted to provoke a lunatic who was dying.

Chen Yuncheng lay on the bed and did not fall asleep. He put his arms under his head and looked at the scarf hanging in the room. The light in the room was quite dim, but it was not impossible to see anything, at least the outline of the scarf was barely discernible.

He remembered what happened when he was a child, and the way Ning Junyan was holding Guan Anlin's neck tonight. He felt that Ning Junyan was still a little crazy. It was paranoia and madness in his bones, but Ning Junyan didn't become a lunatic after all. There is a bottom line, it is no longer the unlucky look of the head when I was a child.

The next morning, Chen Yuncheng didn't open the store, and he planned to go out.

When going out, Chen Yuncheng took off the scarf hanging in the room and put it on his neck. The moment he got out of the half-opened shutter door, he felt a little awkward and was not used to it, so he got back and hung the scarf back to the original one. s position.

Chen Yuncheng went to the second-hand car dealer Zhou Yandang sold.

When he first entered, the sales staff in the store thought he was a customer who bought a car and took the initiative to come over to receive him.

He turned around and didn't see Zhou Yan, so he asked the salesperson if there was a staff member named Zhou Yan here.

The salesperson asked, "Are you his customer?"

Chen Yuncheng said "um", "He contacted me before."

The salesman continued, "He's not here anymore."

Chen Yuncheng seemed surprised, "Why didn't he tell me."

"He hasn't been here very long," the salesperson said.

Chen Yuncheng heard the disdain in the other party's tone, and continued: "Then he also asked me to see the car when he was free?"

The salesperson said: "He may ask you to go to other places to see the car. He has been dishonest from the beginning, stealing our customers."

Chen Yuncheng said in surprise: "Really? It's all a commission anyway. It doesn't make sense to steal customers to other stores, right?"

The salesman shook his head, "I don't know." He didn't seem to want to continue talking about Zhou Yan, so he raised his hand and patted the second-hand Audi in front of him, "How about this car? The performance is really good, I can Let me introduce you in detail."

Chen Yuncheng listened to him for a few minutes, then made an excuse to leave.

After leaving the second-hand car dealership, Chen Yuncheng called Zhou Yan immediately, but the phone rang a lot and the other party didn't answer.

Chen Yuncheng then sent a WeChat message to Zhou Yan: "Return my call."

But until the afternoon, Zhou Yan neither called Chen Yuncheng nor even replied to his WeChat.

Chen Yuncheng contacted Gu Yaojia in the hospital and asked her when Zhou Yan usually went to the hospital to see her children every day.

Gu Yaojia said to Chen Yuncheng: "He will come every night when he's done working. Except for the entertainment, it's too late. Usually, he comes to the hospital at seven or eight." After speaking, Gu Yaojia asked nervously, "Brother Cheng, yes Is there a problem?"

Chen Yuncheng said, "It's okay, don't worry."

Zhou Yan arrived at the hospital after seven o'clock in the evening that day. When he got out of the elevator, he saw Chen Yuncheng waiting for him in the elevator room. He stopped immediately, and his whole body became stiff.

Chen Yuncheng said to him, "Let's go, talk to another place, don't disturb your wife and children."

Zhou Yan didn't move, he said with a pleading tone, "Brother Cheng."

Chen Yuncheng walked in front of him, raised his hand to wrap his arms around his back, and at the same time reached out to press the elevator.

Zhou Yan frowned tightly, but in the end he gave up resistance and followed Chen Yuncheng downstairs obediently.

The two of them came to the garden downstairs of the inpatient building. Because the weather is too cold in winter, there are not many people walking in the garden after dinner, and the benches in the garden are even more empty and no one is there.

Chen Yuncheng and Zhou Yan sat down on the bench.

Chen Yuncheng said, "I went to the second-hand car dealership where you work today. They said you didn't work for a long time, and when you were working there, you ate all the food and took the customers who came to the dealership to other places." He finished in one breath, "Then you don't answer my calls or text messages."

Zhou Yan raised his hand and pushed back the hair that fell on his forehead, showing a restless look.

Chen Yuncheng put one hand on the back of the bench, facing him sideways, "I'll ask again, what are you doing with Zhang Wenyong and those two X people?"

Zhou Yan didn't speak, and didn't look at Chen Yuncheng.

Chen Yuncheng said, "If you don't tell me, I have a way to check."

Zhou Yan bit his lip, and after a while as if he had made up his mind, he raised his head and looked around, saw no one nearby, lowered his voice and said to Chen Yuncheng: "Those X people are a car-stealing gang, they When I stepped on a stolen car in the city, I originally drove directly to the autonomous county to sell the stolen goods. Later, Zhang Wenyong did not know how to connect with them, so he asked someone to modify the frame number and engine number of the stolen cars, and use someone else in the autonomous county. name registration, and then sell it back as a used car.”

Chen Yuncheng was silent for a while and asked, "Are you introducing them to clients?"

Zhou Yan said: "It was Zhang Wenyong who introduced me to the job of second-hand car sales. He asked me to choose some greedy and careless customers and introduce them to cheaper second-hand cars. As a result, the boss noticed it after a while, so he asked me to pack up and go. Man, I'm at work at a used car dealership."

"How many cars have you sold?" Chen Yuncheng asked.

Zhou Yan stretched out two fingers, he saw Chen Yuncheng looking at him, and whispered anxiously: "The business is not easy to do, people don't trust me, Zhang Wenyong's commission for me is not high, but he is willing to lend me money Treat the child."

Chen Yuncheng said: "Of course he is willing to lend it to you, but he doesn't give you a high percentage, because the money is all in his pocket."

Zhou Yan grabbed Chen Yuncheng's arm and said, "Brother Cheng, you shouldn't know about this matter, otherwise the police will investigate it later, and I'm afraid that I will implicate you."

Chen Yuncheng took his arm out of his hand, "Don't wait, the police are already investigating."

Zhou Yan's face suddenly turned pale, and he looked at Chen Yuncheng in a panic: "What?"

Chen Yuncheng said: "If you don't want to go to jail now, just go to the police station and report it yourself, maybe there is a chance to get a suspended sentence."

Zhou Yan said, "No, Zhang Wenyong won't let me go."

Chen Yuncheng's voice was a little cold, "Then go to jail with Zhang Wenyong."

Zhou Yan's face was pale, he suddenly grabbed Chen Yuncheng's hand and asked, "How did you know? Did the policeman named Long tell you?"

Just as he finished speaking, before Chen Yuncheng could answer, the two of them heard footsteps approaching from the front at the same time.

Chen Yuncheng looked up and saw Ning Junyan wearing a dark coat with his hands in his coat pockets, walking towards them along the garden path until he stopped in front of them.

Zhou Yan also looked over, he didn't recognize Ning Junyan, and for a moment thought that the police that Chen Yuncheng said had been eyeing them, he immediately thought that Chen Yuncheng had led the police to arrest him, so frightened, he suddenly jumped off the bench. stand up.

Chen Yuncheng got up slowly. He grabbed Zhou Yan's arm and found that his muscles were so tight that he was inexplicable. He said, "Zhou Yan, this is Ning Junyan, do you still recognize him?"

Zhou Yan was stunned, looked blankly at the tall and handsome man in front of him, and repeated, "Are you Ning Junyan?"

Ning Junyan's eyes fell on Zhou Yan's face, cold and emotionless, he just said, "Zhou Yan, I haven't seen you for many years."