Morbid Addiction

Chapter 22


Ning Junyan drove Chen Yuncheng back.

Chen Yuncheng sat in the co-pilot and was a little absent-minded along the way.

Until Ning Junyan parked the car at the entrance of Chen Yuncheng's small shop, he said to Chen Yuncheng before getting off the car, "Take me to see Zhou Yan's child first, and I will talk to his attending physician."

Chen Yuncheng had already unbuckled his seat belt, he nodded and asked, "When is it convenient for you?"

Ning Junyan said: "Tomorrow, I don't have surgery scheduled in the afternoon, give me a call before you come."

Chen Yuncheng replied, "Okay." Then he said, "Thank you."

Ning Junyan did not speak.

After Chen Yuncheng got off the car, he stood on the side of the road and watched Ning Junyan drive the car away. The whole person was still a little nervous, and it took a long time to find the key to the rolling door.

Entering the store, Chen Yuncheng locked the door, but did not rush into the back room, but sat down on the chair at the counter.

He always thought about the few words Ning Junyan said to him.

He is twenty-eight years old this year, and his living environment has been complicated since he was a child. He has been in contact with all kinds of people in the society, but he has never had a girlfriend because he has not met a suitable one. Most of the girls they can meet in this environment are from poor families, and they came out to work and earn money at a young age. Some of them took the initiative to show him, but he just didn’t feel that way, and he didn’t feel that he could afford the family. responsibility.

Although the emotional experience is blank, it does not mean that he does not have social experience to judge the world.

Ning Junyan said that his words were all joking, but Chen Yuncheng felt that the two men were not joking like this. No one would make such ambiguous jokes with his brothers and friends who had a good relationship.

Thinking of this, Chen Yuncheng was suddenly a little irritable. He reached out and picked up the cigarette case that was disassembled on the counter, and shook out a cigarette. He doesn't usually smoke, and he didn't light the cigarette, just held it in his mouth, as if it could relieve his anxiety a little.

He wants to borrow money from Ning Junyan, and it's not a small amount. With money involved, many things became more complicated. It was difficult for him to refuse Ning Junyan's request, and he could never guess what kind of request Ning Junyan would make of him.

Chen Yuncheng didn't hate Ning Junyan, not at all, even in the two years they just separated, he still missed Ning Junyan very much. But he never felt that he liked a man. Today, Ning Junyan held his hand, which made him a little awkward. After tomorrow, how should he continue to face Ning Junyan

However, in the next second, Chen Yuncheng began to wonder if he was thinking too much. Maybe Ning Junyan was really just a joke. He wanted to recall every word and expression of Ning Junyan today, but found that his memories were not very real. Aside from the childhood experience, Chen Yuncheng couldn't even think of the reason why Ning Junyan liked him. They were like people from two worlds. Because of childhood misfortunes, there was an intersection. Now it's a rare thing to be friends. Bar.

Chen Yuncheng threw the cigarette on the counter. After sitting in the store for a long time, he began to feel the cold of the night eroding his body a little bit, so he got up and went into the inner room with the small heater on the counter.

He plugged the heater into the plug, reached out and turned on the switch, the heater instantly emitted a strong orange light, but after less than two seconds, the heater's light suddenly disappeared.

Chen Yuncheng turned off the heater and turned it on again, but this time the heater was completely off. He pulled the plug fretfully and left the broken heater in the corner of the room.

Before going to bed, Chen Yuncheng remembered that Zhou Yan had never called him.

It was already past ten thirty in the evening, Chen Yuncheng was sitting beside the bed, clutching the quilt and dialing Zhou Yan's phone, Zhou Yan didn't answer after a lot of rings.

He was not sure whether Zhou Yan was vigilant in the ward of the hospital, and when it was late, he turned off the sound of his mobile phone, fearing that it would affect other patients and their families in the ward.

After hesitating for a while, Chen Yuncheng didn't call Zhou Yan again, but sent a WeChat message to make it convenient for Zhou Yan to call him back.

As a result, Zhou Yan did not call Chen Yuncheng back until the next morning.

Chen Yuncheng got up, and when he opened the shutters of the store, he put the phone on his shoulder, and called Zhou Yan again. This time, it was not that no one answered, but the call indicated that the other party had turned off.

He was a little inexplicable. He didn't know what Zhou Yan meant by shutting down, or whether his phone was out of power when he woke up in the morning.

Chen Yuncheng stood in front of the store, hesitating whether to go directly to the hospital to find Zhou Yan. He wanted to quickly tell Zhou Yan about Ning Junyan's promise to lend money to children to see a doctor, so that Zhou Yan could draw a clear line with Zhang Wenyong earlier, and the impact on their group could be minimized after the incident.

Later, Chen Yuncheng wanted to call Gu Yaojia first and ask her if Zhou Yan was still in the hospital. Just when he was looking for Gu Yaojia's phone number in the address book, a police car stopped in front of his store.

Chen Yuncheng stopped, locked the screen of his mobile phone and put it on his chest, watching Long Zhanyu and another familiar male policeman get out of the car together.

Long Zhanyu was wearing a crumpled down jacket, and his hair was not well groomed, so he looked a little haggard.

He was smoking a cigarette. After getting out of the car, he took the cigarette in his hand and said to the other policeman, "I want a big bowl, miscellaneous sauce."

The policeman nodded and went directly to the noodle shop next to Chen Yuncheng's store. It seemed that the two had come to have breakfast nearby.

Long Zhanyu walked to Chen Yuncheng and asked, "So early?"

Chen Yuncheng stuffed his phone into his trousers pocket and said, "Officer Long, are you working the night shift?"

Long Zhanyu said: "I worked overtime last night and was busy all night, and now I have time to come out to eat."

Chen Yuncheng smiled, turned to look at the noodle shop over there, and said, "Do you want to eat noodles? Let me treat you."

After he finished speaking, he turned to walk towards the noodle shop, but Long Zhanyu suddenly stopped him, "Hey! What about what I asked you to inquire about?"

Chen Yuncheng stopped, turned his head and said to Long Zhanyu: "Officer Long, you look down on me too much, this area is so large, unless I stare at the two X people every day, otherwise I have no ability to know what they are following. People coming and going?"

Long Zhanyu looked a little serious. He said, "It's not that you don't know, you're just afraid to implicate your friend, so you dare not say it?"

Chen Yuncheng suddenly had a bad feeling in his heart.

Long Zhanyu said, "Where is Zhou Yan?"

Chen Yuncheng asked, "What did he cause?"

Long Zhanyu sneered, "I'll give you a chance to ask Zhou Yan to surrender, it's not too late."

After finishing speaking, Long Zhanyu walked towards the noodle shop next to him. He and his colleagues sat at the table by the roadside.

Chen Yuncheng looked at them, and the two of them were also looking at Chen Yuncheng. The other policeman said something to Long Zhanyu, but his eyes fell on Chen Yuncheng's face. Long Zhanyu nodded, stretched out his hand and took out a pair of chopsticks from the chopstick holder, placed it on the table with a clean chopstick, and waited for his large bowl of miscellaneous sauce noodles to be cooked.

Chen Yuncheng turned around and went back to the store, took out his mobile phone and called Guan Anlin.

The phone rang for a long time before it was connected. Guan Anlin didn't seem to wake up, and his tone was impatient, "What?"

Chen Yuncheng asked, "Did something happen to Zhang Wenyong?"

Guan Anlin was silent for a moment, "How do you know?"

Chen Yuncheng asked, "What happened to Zhang Wenyong?"

Guan Anlin said, "The police came and took him away last night and asked him to assist in the investigation." After speaking, he paused for a while and then asked, "How do you know? You betrayed him too?"

Chen Yuncheng ignored him and just asked, "Where's Zhou Yan? Do you have any news about Zhou Yan?"

Guan Anlin said coldly, "No."

Chen Yuncheng said, "Okay." Then hung up the phone.

Guan Anlin was about to mock him for a few words, but he was suddenly hung up, and he threw the phone on the bed angrily.

The author has something to say: Chen Yuncheng: There is one thing I am embarrassed to say, I am 28 years old and still a virgin...

Ning Junyan: It doesn't matter, I'm still 30 years old.