Morbid Addiction

Chapter 29


Chen Yuncheng didn't bring a change of clothes. He simply took a shower and came out of the bathroom wearing the clothes he wore during the day. However, the temperature in the room was almost 20 degrees Celsius, so he didn't wear a sweater, only the autumn clothes inside.

When he came back and sat beside the bed, Ning Junyan took the medicine and rubbed the medicine on his sprained foot.

Chen Yuncheng said quickly, "I'll do it myself."

Ning Junyan squatted in front of him, just looked up at him silently, didn't say anything, and naturally didn't give him the medicine in his hand.

The beaten medicine is in the form of a paste, so Ning Junyan squeezed some in the palm of his hand before saying, "Pull up some of the trousers."

Chen Yuncheng was still wearing long jeans, and he pulled the trousers up to expose his ankles completely.

Ning Junyan spread the ointment in the palms of both palms, and the warm hands wrapped around Chen Yuncheng's ankles at the same time.

At that moment, Chen Yuncheng could feel that the temperature of his palm was really high, and the sticky ointment seemed to melt in an instant, sticking to his skin and drilling down the pores.

There was no superfluous expression on Ning Junyan's face. He pressed his hands against Chen Yuncheng's ankle for a short time and did not move. After a while, he gradually rubbed the ointment away with very gentle force.

Chen Yuncheng felt a little pain, but it wasn't very painful, because Ning Jun had a good grasp of Yan's strength, and the ointment was too slippery after applying it, like putting a layer of oil on his feet, it was slightly cool at first, and then it started to get hot.

Ning Junyan gently rubbed him for four or five minutes. When he released his hand, he held his ankle and placed his foot on the edge of the bed, then stood up from the edge of the bed.

Chen Yuncheng put one foot on the ground wearing slippers and stepped on the other foot on the edge of the bed, unconsciously leaned back slightly, raised his head and looked at Ning Junyan.

Ning Junyan's hands were full of ointment. He glanced at Chen Yuncheng and said, "Your face is very red."

Chen Yuncheng suddenly felt his cheeks get hot.

Ning Junyan walked towards the bathroom and said as he walked, "Open the window a little later, the room may be too stuffy."

Chen Yuncheng said, "Okay." Then he lay on the bed on his back and took a deep breath.

That night, they opened the window a little, and the heating effect in the room was not so obvious. The temperature was slightly lower, but it made people feel more comfortable to sleep.

Chen Yuncheng felt that he slept too much during the day, so he began to lose sleep at night. He lay in bed for a long time without falling asleep.

On the bed next to him, Ning Junyan didn't make a sound, and Chen Yuncheng didn't know if he fell asleep. Remembering that they hadn't slept in the same room for many years, and had slept in the same bed for four years, why did it feel so strange now

Chen Yuncheng had a lot of thoughts on his mind, which piled up and made him think for a long time in the unfamiliar hotel room, and gradually fell asleep until late at night.

The next morning, Chen Yuncheng woke up when the sky was slightly bright. He took a look at the time on his mobile phone, it was almost eight in the morning.

He put the phone back under the pillow, turned to look at the bed next door, Ning Junyan was still in a quiet sleeping position, his eyes were closed as if he had not woken up.

Chen Yuncheng lifted the quilt and got out of bed. The moment he stepped on the ground, he felt that his left ankle still hurt, but it didn't seem to be as swollen as last night.

He originally wanted to go to the bathroom, but he just looked at Ning Junyan on the opposite bed, and suddenly felt that from this angle, when he slept with his eyes closed, it was very similar to when he was a child. They all slept together at that time. Sometimes when Chen Yuncheng woke up, he and Ning Junyan were face to face.

At that moment, Chen Yuncheng found some childhood warmth from his memory, he squatted down beside Ning Junyan's bed, tilted his head to look at his sleeping face, couldn't help smiling, and called him softly: " words?"

Ning Junyan didn't respond.

Chen Yuncheng felt a little funny, stood up and planned to leave, when the person on the bed suddenly reached out and grabbed his wrist. He lowered his head and saw Ning Junyan lying on the bed, opening his eyes and looking at him.

"What did you call me just now?" Ning Junyan asked him.

Chen Yuncheng said, "Yanyan?" After speaking, he quickly explained, "I just suddenly remembered that I didn't know your name at that time, I always called you that."

"Well," Ning Junyan said, "call again."

Chen Yuncheng looked at him and didn't speak.

Ning Junyan was very persistent, "Call again."

Chen Yuncheng said softly, uncertainly, "Yanyan?"

Ning Junyan said, "Well, I'm here." Then he let go of Chen Yuncheng's hand and pulled up the quilt to cover half of his face.

They eat breakfast directly at the hotel.

Today, no matter if Zhou Yan and his parents can be found or not, Chen Yuncheng doesn't plan to stay, so he checked out of the room after breakfast, and the two of them drove out of the hotel.

It was almost ten o'clock in the morning when I returned to the community where Zhou Yan's parents lived. Chen Yuncheng went upstairs and knocked on the door with a sprained foot. There was still no response from the house, so he and Ning Junyan came out of the community door.

There were a few chairs outside the gatekeeper's room in the community. Chen Yuncheng talked to the gatekeeper and asked him if he could sit for a while.

The uncle nodded generously.

Chen Yuncheng immediately said to Ning Junyan, "Sit down for a while."

Ning Junyan sat down on a chair, while Chen Yuncheng was standing by the doorman's window, chatting with the doorman.

He said they were waiting for the lady Li they were looking for yesterday.

The uncle of the doorman put his head on one hand, lay on the table by the window, and said, "I started to think that you are collecting debts."

Chen Yuncheng smiled and said, "Do I look like a debt collector?"

The uncle of the doorman said, "There is no regulation on what debt collectors must look like. It's hard to say whether you look like it or not. Anyway, I don't think the young man with you is very similar."

Chen Yuncheng glanced at Ning Junyan after hearing the words, and said with a slight smile, "He doesn't look like him, he's a doctor."

The uncle of the guard clapped his hands, "Yes, I said that other people are so good-looking, so they can collect debts and become a star. It's good to be a doctor, and a doctor makes money."

Chen Yuncheng joked with him: "Then you think I'm not good enough?"

The uncle said: "I didn't say it, you are also good-looking, but you don't have his temperament."

"What kind of temperament?" Chen Yuncheng asked.

The uncle thought about it and said, "I can't tell."

Chen Yuncheng understood what Uncle Guard meant in his heart. He was used to everything from being lonely and poor since he was a child. He grew up at the bottom of the society, and naturally he didn't have some of Ning Junyan's temperament. No matter whether his face is good-looking or not, in the eyes of others, he looks like a gangster, and he will be regarded as a debt collector under such circumstances.

He was a little lost.

At this time, the uncle patted his shoulder, pointed to a woman who was walking along the street with a travel bag and said, "That's the sister Li you are looking for."

Chen Yuncheng raised his head and saw that the woman was in her forties or fifties, wearing a long down jacket with broken flowers, and her short hair was curled in small curls. Looking at her from a distance, she could indeed find some traces of Zhou Yan's resemblance to her face. .

"Wait for me," Chen Yuncheng said to Ning Junyan, he walked towards the woman, stopped in front of her, and said as gently as possible: "Hello, Auntie, my name is Chen Yuncheng, from Zhou Yan. friend."

The woman opened her eyes suddenly. The woman's surname was Li and her name was Li Yanping. She was indeed Zhou Yan's mother.

She was very vigilant about the appearance of Chen Yuncheng and Ning Junyan, and kept repeating: "Zhou Yan has not been back for a long time."

Ning Junyan stood by and did not speak, Chen Yuncheng patiently said to her, "Have you been out of contact?"

Li Yanping shook her head, "He ran out when he was in his teens. If there is any connection, he didn't call back."

Chen Yuncheng said, "Has he come back to find you recently?"

"No, no," Li Yanping carried her bag and wanted to bypass them and continue walking towards the community, seemingly not wanting to continue the conversation.

Chen Yuncheng said to her, "Do you know that he has a child? The child is in the hospital now. I think he may come back to ask you for help."

Li Yanping stopped and said subconsciously, "I don't have any money either."

Chen Yuncheng suddenly felt sad, he looked at Li Yanping and didn't speak for a while.

Ning Junyan looked at Chen Yuncheng's profile silently, and then said to Li Yanping: "I don't need you to take the money, I just want to know if he has come back to find you. I know you are not at home recently, you can ask Zhou Yan's father if Haven't you seen him?"

Li Yanping looked embarrassed.

Chen Yuncheng said, "We will leave immediately if asked."

Li Yanping said: "He should be at home now, you come with me."