Morbid Addiction

Chapter 30


Li Yanping asked Chen Yuncheng and Ning Junyan to follow her home. When walking in the community garden, she said, "My husband is not Zhou Yan's biological father."

Chen Yuncheng was not very surprised. From the first time he heard that the male owner's surname was Qi, he began to feel strange. Thinking that Zhou Yan ran away from home at a very young age, and was later sent back by the police to leave home alone again, probably because he never felt that this home was his own.

Li Yanping walked into the unit building, and the steps of climbing the stairs showed her age. She said, "So don't mention any children or medical treatment. My husband won't give money, and he has no money."

"Then what about you?" Ning Junyan, who was walking behind Chen Yuncheng, suddenly spoke in an emotionless tone, "Isn't Zhou Yan your biological son?"

Li Yanping stopped, she looked back at them, "I worked outside a shop as a handyman a few years ago. I haven't had a job for the past two years. Where will I get the money?" Her tone was full of sorrow, and after speaking, Turn around and continue walking upstairs slowly.

For the next two flights of stairs, Li Yanping kept talking, "It's not that I didn't give him enough food and didn't read to him, it's because he didn't study and went out to work, I also think he can make money and come back to me. Follow the enjoyment, instead of me having to worry about getting money to see a doctor for his child when I get old..."

Chen Yuncheng and Ning Junyan didn't speak, and Li Yanping didn't know whether to tell them or herself.

On the third floor, Li Yanping took the key from her trouser pocket and opened the door.

Chen Yuncheng stood behind her and saw the door open, it was very quiet inside, it didn't look like someone at home.

Li Yanping put down the travel bag she was carrying, stood at the door with one hand on the shoe cabinet to change her shoes, and called at the same time, "Lao Qi?"

No one responded.

Chen Yuncheng was not invited and did not follow up immediately, while Ning Junyan was standing outside the door waiting, seemingly not wanting to enter her house.

Li Yanping changed her slippers, put the boots she wore home on the shoe rack, walked inside, and shouted again, "Lao Qi?"

Still no response.

Then Chen Yuncheng saw Li Yanping's back suddenly froze, and at the same time heard her let out a shrill and ear-piercing scream, and then Li Yanping's whole body slid to the ground. Chen Yuncheng didn't care whether he could change his shoes, so he rushed up and supported Li Yanping from behind.

Li Yanping was originally a plump middle-aged woman. The whole figure lost her strength and fell to the ground as if she fainted. Chen Yuncheng used a lot of strength to fully support her, and he also squatted and kneeled on the ground. Completely blocked by the sofa, still don't know what's going on.

Ning Junyan, who was originally standing behind Chen Yuncheng, walked in and stopped when he saw the scene in the living room.

Chen Yuncheng looked up at him, "What's wrong?" At the same time, he helped Li Yanping to get up with difficulty, trying to help him to lie down on the sofa.

Ning Junyan suddenly stretched out his hand to cover Chen Yuncheng's eyes, and asked in his ear, "Are you afraid?"

Chen Yuncheng was in shock, "What?"

Ning Junyan said, "In the living room there is a person upside down, it looks like he is dead."

Chen Yuncheng felt a chill behind him for a moment, but he said, "I'm not afraid, you help me get her to the sofa."

Ning Junyan said softly, "Well, don't be afraid." Then he let go of the hand covering his eyes and walked over to him and lifted Li Yanping up with him.

Chen Yuncheng held Li Yanping's arm, and when he and Ning Junyan lifted people onto the sofa one after another, he couldn't help turning his head to look at the middle of the living room. There was a man lying there, motionless, with bloodstains spreading from the back of his head, which seemed to have almost solidified.

Li Yanping was put on the sofa and still did not wake up.

Ning Junyan stood up and walked towards the middle of the living room.

Chen Yuncheng grabbed his hand subconsciously, his face turned pale with panic, and said, "Don't go."

Ning Junyan said, "I'll take a look. If you don't touch him, you should call the police immediately."

Only then did Chen Yuncheng react. He hurriedly took out his mobile phone and called the police.

Ning Junyan was obviously much calmer than Chen Yuncheng. He walked over to the person lying on his stomach in the living room, squatted down as usual, didn't make a move, just calmly looked at the side of his face turned to one side, and then looked at the wound on the back of his head. , and then said to Chen Yuncheng: "This person may be Zhou Yan's stepfather."

Chen Yuncheng looked at him.

Ning Junyan raised her head and gestured to a photo frame placed on the TV cabinet. Inside was a photo of Li Yanping and her husband, Mr. Qi.

Chen Yuncheng looked at the photo, and a very bad and terrifying thought came to his mind.

Ning Junyan stood up and returned to Chen Yuncheng, "We'd better go out and wait, don't touch anything in the house."

Chen Yuncheng glanced at Li Yanping who fainted on the sofa, "What should she do?"

Ning Junyan said, "Go knock on the door next door and see if you can settle her temporarily. We will wait for the police to come."

Chen Yuncheng nodded.

They knocked on the door of the eldest sister next door, and settled Li Yanping who had fainted. During this period, Li Yanping woke up, and she was sobbing and crying, lying on the sofa of the eldest sister's house next door, and she didn't even have the strength to stand up. .

And the eldest sister heard that something had happened here, so she was too scared to come out to take a look, so she hid the door ajar and accompany Li Yanping.

Chen Yuncheng and Ning Junyan didn't leave, they just waited in the stairwell.

Ning Junyan stood against the wall, while Chen Yuncheng said with a pale face, "I want to sit for a while." After speaking, he sat down on the steps of the stairs.

"You said, where will Zhou Yan go?" Chen Yuncheng raised his head and looked at Ning Junyan.

Ning Junyan didn't answer. He was silent for a while, then bent down and put his palm on Chen Yuncheng's head, and said, "Don't think about things that are not confirmed."

Chen Yuncheng nodded, "Maybe it was a thief."

They waited less than ten minutes before the police arrived.

Neither Chen Yuncheng nor Ning Junyan ever entered the house again. Because of Li Yanping's emotional breakdown, the two of them were first invited to the police station to take notes.

The two stayed in two rooms, answering the police's questions separately.

Chen Yuncheng explained their identities, the purpose of coming here, and the specific process of discovering the bodies.

The police were obviously concerned about Zhou Yan's existence, "You said Zhou Yan came back to find his parents?"

Chen Yuncheng shook his head, "I don't know, I'm looking for him too."

The policeman asked, "Then why did you come so far? Are you sure he will come back? Or did someone say he was coming back?"

Chen Yuncheng said: "I'm not sure, but I'm very anxious to find him. His son is about to have an operation, and his wife is also very worried about him. Even if it might be a waste of time, I have to run this time."

The police asked again, "Does he have a conflict with his stepfather?"

Chen Yuncheng said: "I don't know, he never mentioned his family. This is the first time I see his parents."

The transcript was very detailed. It was almost half an hour after Chen Yuncheng came out, and he saw that Ning Junyan was already waiting for him outside.

Ning Junyan is not like Chen Yuncheng. He knows less about Zhou Yan. This trip is purely to accompany Chen Yuncheng. The police asked some simple questions, mainly about how to find the scene of the crime, and then read his ID card and Work permit, let him leave.

The police handling the case sent them out of the gate of the county public security bureau.

Ning Junyan didn't urge him to leave, but just reached out and held his hand, feeling his fingers cold.

Chen Yuncheng glanced at him with a slow response.

Ning Junyan suddenly unzipped his down jacket, took off the down jacket and hung it on his arm, and then went to take off Chen Yuncheng's down jacket.

Chen Yuncheng lowered his head at his mercy, and asked in a trance, "What's wrong?"

Ning Junyan took off Chen Yuncheng's down jacket, then put on his own, and carefully pulled the zipper up.

The warmth came instantly, Ning Junyan's down jacket was obviously much thicker, and it also took Ning Junyan's body temperature and wrapped Chen Yuncheng tightly, which made Chen Yuncheng come back to his senses, and he said, "I don't need it."

Ning Junyan had already put on Chen Yuncheng's thin down clothes, then reached into the pocket of Chen Yuncheng's clothes, took out the car keys, and said, "Let's go."