Morbid Addiction

Chapter 32


That afternoon, there was a lot of commotion in the always quiet streets of the old city, and the small shop in Chen Yuncheng was smashed.

The three tall and strange young men were obviously smashing them directly. Without a word of extraneousness, they directly overturned the wine and cigarettes in Chen Yuncheng's container to the ground, the glass bottles were shattered, and valuable cigarettes were scattered on the ground. On the ground, the packaging was trampled to pieces.

Chen Yuncheng resisted hard. He grabbed one of the youths and pressed his face hard against the broken glass on the ground. Then another person grabbed his collar from behind and lifted him away. Chen Yuncheng sat on the ground and pressed his palms. into broken glass. At this time, someone even broke into his room, overturned all the goods he stored, and then stomped hard.

These three people ran away after smashing the store, and didn't miss it at all.

Chen Yuncheng chased out with a lame foot. The three people had already run away before long. He stopped, his chest heaving violently with anger, and he couldn't help but curse.

People from several stores next door heard the movement, but no one dared to come out to meddle in their business, only someone secretly called the police.

The police arrived quickly. Long Zhanyu parked the police car on the side of the road, opened the door to get out, and saw Chen Yuncheng sitting in front of his own shop, which was in a mess.

Long Zhanyu walked over, looked down at Chen Yuncheng, and said, "What's wrong with your hand?"

Chen Yuncheng's palm was dripping with blood, and he was using his fingernails to pick out a piece of broken glass that had been inserted into his palm, his brows furrowed tightly.

Long Zhanyu asked him, "Do you want to go to the hospital first?"

Chen Yuncheng raised his head, his face was a little gloomy, he shook his head and said, "No."

So Long Zhanyu didn't ask him any more. He walked past him and went into the store. He was careful not to step on the glass fragments on the ground. Make a record in the office, and I'll find someone to do the current survey."

Chen Yuncheng stood up and said to Long Zhanyu, "Wait for me for a while." After speaking, he walked forward along the street.

Long Zhanyu stood there, looking at his limping back.

Chen Yuncheng went to the pharmacy to buy gauze and alcohol. He used alcohol spray to randomly spray his palms a few times as disinfection, and endured the pain to wrap his palms with gauze.

While doing this, he was following Long Zhanyu to the police station to take notes.

While driving, Long Zhanyu asked him, "Your foot was also lame?"

Chen Yuncheng said, "No, I got it myself."

Long Zhanyu said, "Then you are quite unlucky."

Chen Yuncheng was not in the mood to argue with him, and silently looked out the car window.

When taking the transcript, Chen Yuncheng gave a complete account of what happened, "I don't know those three people, I've never met them," he finally said.

Long Zhanyu asked him, "Who have you offended recently? Or do you suspect that someone might target you?"

Chen Yuncheng spread his hands and saw that the gauze was soaked with blood. He slowly closed his palms, felt the pain, and said, "I don't know."

A young policeman was typing in front of the computer to record, and when he heard the words, he typed in the words "I don't know".

At this time, Long Zhanyu raised his hand to indicate that he did not need to remember the following content for the time being, and said to Chen Yuncheng, "You were beaten on the head today?"

Chen Yuncheng looked at him and said nothing.

Long Zhanyu said, "Zhang Wenyong has harassed you like this, and you still protect him? Did your head break?"

Chen Yuncheng said, "I don't have any evidence, so I don't dare to guess."

Long Zhanyu said: "It's the police's job to find evidence. You only need to provide clues. You can tell us all the names of the people who have recently contradicted, and we will investigate them one by one. Do you understand?"

Chen Yuncheng didn't answer, but asked Long Zhanyu, "Why did you let Zhang Wenyong out?"

Long Zhanyu leaned on the back of the chair, clasped his arms lazily on his chest, and said, "Because of insufficient evidence, the procuratorate will not arrest him even if he is detained. He only admits that he introduced the person who modified the car to the X-ethnic gang who stole the car. , but now the person who modified the car and your brother Zhou Yan have not come to the case, and the evidence cannot kill him, so he can only be released first. So where is Zhou Yan?"

Chen Yuncheng lowered his eyes and said in a low voice, "I don't know."

Long Zhanyu said, "Did you tip off Zhou Yan?"

Chen Yuncheng said softly, "I want to ask him to surrender."

Long Zhanyu said: "Forget it, come back to your case, do you suspect that Zhang Wenyong is looking for someone to smash your shop?"

Chen Yuncheng nodded: "Yes."

After recording the transcript, Chen Yuncheng stood at the door of the police station and saw that it was quite late and the sky was dark.

Long Zhanyu parked the police car in front of him, pressed down the passenger's window, and asked him, "Do you want to go to the hospital?"

Chen Yuncheng replied, "No need."

Long Zhanyu said, "Then I'll take you back."

Chen Yuncheng watched him for a while, then opened the passenger car door and sat in, "Officer Long is so kind today?"

Long Zhanyu turned the steering wheel with a cigarette in his mouth, "The technical brother is still doing a field survey over there to see if he can mention something, and by the way, I will adjust the monitoring."

Chen Yuncheng sat quietly for a while and said, "Thank you."

Long Zhanyu laughed and said in a less serious tone: "It is my job to safeguard the safety and interests of the people, so what is there to thank."

When I returned to the store, the on-site investigation had just ended, several fingerprints and bloodstains were extracted, and the entire scene had been photographed.

People from several nearby stores continued to look towards it, and some passersby stopped to watch because of curiosity.

Chen Yuncheng stood at the door, looked at the cigarette case soaked in wine on the ground, and took a slow breath.

Long Zhanyu handed him a cigarette.

Chen Yuncheng glanced at it and said, "No need."

Long Zhanyu said, "Take it and see how irritable you are." He saw that Chen Yuncheng was wrapped in gauze, and directly put it in his mouth, and then used a lighter to help him light the fire.

There was smoke from the corner of Chen Yuncheng's mouth.

Long Zhanyu ordered one himself and said, "I'll adjust the monitoring later. As long as they don't run far, they will definitely arrest them. However, Zhang Wenyong obviously paid for this group of people. You won't bite Zhang Wenyong, let alone pay for your economic losses, so you should be mentally prepared."

Chen Yuncheng understood in his heart, but when he heard Long Zhanyu say this, he couldn't restrain his emotions, bit his cigarette and said vaguely, "Cao fuck..."

He didn't say a few words completely, and the last sound disappeared from his mouth.

Long Zhanyu gave him a strange look, but saw him turn his head to look at a tall man standing on the side of the road.

When Chen Yuncheng saw Ning Junyan, he remembered that Ning Junyan had said to come to him after work. He suddenly felt a little dazed, wondering if Ning Junyan heard him swearing, he didn't seem to be in front of Ning Junyan yet. cursed.

Then, he took the cigarette from his mouth with his gauze-wrapped hand.

Long Zhanyu looked at him inexplicably, then looked at Ning Junyan in front of him, and said, "Don't watch here."

Chen Yuncheng said quickly, "He is my friend."

Ning Junyan's eyes fell on his hand, and then he turned to look inside the store, and asked calmly, "What's wrong?"

Chen Yuncheng was suddenly a little nervous. He raised his hand to grab Ning Junyan's arm, but found that his fingers still had the cigarette he didn't finish, so he threw it aside and gently squeezed Ning Junyan's sleeve with his fingers. Said, "It's nothing, don't worry."