Morbid Addiction

Chapter 37


There were more people waiting outside the operating room than Chen Yuncheng imagined. He saw a vacant seat on the bench in the corridor, and took Gu Yaojia over to sit down. He was so tired that he sat on the ground against the wall.

From time to time, patients could be seen being sent out of the operating room, and the nurse would call the patient's name to greet the family, but Zhou Yuqi did not wait all morning.

Gu Yaojia's face was very ugly. She didn't speak, nor was she in the mood to play with her mobile phone, so she stared at the door of the operating room.

Chen Yuncheng asked her, "Has Zhou Yan been back?"

Gu Yaojia was called back and looked at Chen Yuncheng: "No."

Chen Yuncheng nodded.

Gu Yaojia was a little uneasy, she asked Chen Yuncheng, "Have you seen his parents?"

Chen Yuncheng didn't mention what happened in Zhou Yan's hometown. He felt that it was not the right time, it would only make Gu Yaojia more worried, so he said, "No, I didn't see it."

Gu Yaojia was silent for a while, "I was wondering if he would go back to his hometown to borrow money from his parents, but now I really don't know where he went."

Chen Yuncheng said, "No matter where he goes, if he comes back to you, you must tell me, okay?"

Gu Yaojia said quickly: "Of course I will tell you, if it wasn't for you, the child wouldn't be able to have surgery now, and Zhou Yan must come to see you."

Chen Yuncheng nodded and said nothing.

It was almost noon, Ning Junyan called Chen Yuncheng and asked him to go to lunch. They still went to the hospital's staff canteen, and Chen Yuncheng sat on the seat, waiting for Ning Junyan to bring him the food.

"You can bring her a meal later," Ning Junyan pointed to Gu Yaojia.

Chen Yuncheng nodded.

There were obviously a lot more people in the cafeteria at noon than in the morning, and there were almost no empty seats. There were two middle-aged people sitting next to them, chatting with Ning Junyan, and hearing that Ning Junyan introduced that Chen Yuncheng was just his friend, he was not too impressed. Interested, start talking about other topics.

While eating, Chen Yuncheng felt that he was not an expert and famous doctor, and felt a little sorry for Ning Junyan's identity as a friend.

Halfway through the meal, Chen Yuncheng's cell phone rang, and he saw that Guan Anlin was calling.

He could almost guess what Guan Anlin was going to say, but as soon as he answered the phone, he heard Guan Anlin ask, "Zhang Wenyong found someone to smash your store?"

Chen Yuncheng didn't want Ning Junyan to hear what he was talking about on the phone. He wanted to get up and go out, so he glanced at Ning Junyan, but found that Ning Junyan didn't eat, but was looking at him, hesitating or not standing He got up and said only: "Did you hear what he said?"

Guan Anlin said, "I heard from others that your store is closed. Is it serious?"

Chen Yuncheng asked, "Where are you now?"

Guan Anlin said "um".

Chen Yuncheng said again, "Do you know the identities of those people?"

Guan Anlin said, "How many people?"

Chen Yuncheng said in a low voice, "Smashed those people in my shop."

The two middle-aged men next door stopped talking and glanced at him invariably.

Guan Anlin said: "I don't know, Zhang Wenyong found someone."

Chen Yuncheng felt that it was really inconvenient to speak here, so he said, "Then I know, I'll call you later, I'm fine now."

"Chen Yuncheng!" Guan Anlin's tone was suddenly not very good.

Chen Yuncheng asked him, "What's wrong?"

Guan Anlin hung up his phone directly.

Chen Yuncheng put the phone back in his pocket.

Ning Junyan asked, "Who?"

Chen Yuncheng said, "Friend." After speaking, he stopped talking and lowered his head to eat seriously.

Ning Junyan didn't question him either, and picked up the chopsticks that had just been placed on the edge of the dinner plate.

By the afternoon, the child's operation was successfully completed.

Gu Yaojia was a little excited, her eyes were full of tears, and she followed the bed to send the child back to the ward.

Chen Yuncheng also went to the ward with him, and he felt sad to see such a small child lying on the hospital bed with his eyes closed, looking lifeless.

But a successful operation is always good. He comforted Gu Yaojia a few words, called Ning Junyan, who was still at work, and left the hospital to go back to his store.

Although he was mentally prepared, Chen Yuncheng's mood couldn't help but feel depressed the moment he opened the door.

In winter, the weather is cold and humid, and the water stains on the ground have not dried up until now. With some clumsy movements, he used his injured hand to clean up all the debris and garbage, put it in a garbage bag and took it to a nearby trash can to throw it away.

Afterwards, the remaining intact goods are packed in clean cardboard boxes and placed on high shelves.

After sorting out the things, he called the supplier to negotiate the return, and finally went to a nearby print shop, printed the words Wangpu Transfer on white paper, and added his phone number below.

The things inside are more complicated, except for the undamaged goods, as well as his daily necessities. Fortunately, he didn't have much.

It's just that if the shop is sublet, he has to move out, and where to move is also a problem.

Ning Junyan was reluctant to let him go, but he couldn't stay with Ning Junyan all the time. It was better to rent a house and find a new job.

Standing at the door and hesitated for a while, Chen Yuncheng still didn't rush to pack his things. He withdrew from the store, closed the rolling shutter door, and pasted the white paper that wrote Wangpu's transfer on the door.

The owner of the lottery shop next to him came over to take a look and asked him, "Don't do it anymore?"

Chen Yuncheng stared at those words, as if he was reluctant to leave for a while, he nodded and said, "I'll quit for now."

The owner of the lottery shop said, "Are you afraid that people will retaliate against you?"

Chen Yuncheng turned to look at him and said, "No, I didn't plan to do it at all." Sooner or later, the door will be closed, but I didn't expect to suffer such a huge loss before closing.

The boss asked him, "What are you going to do then?"

Chen Yuncheng didn't answer. He had a vague idea in his mind. A few years ago, he was still working in a car repair shop. Several young people with Guan Anlin and the others took the B license test when they took the driver's license test. At that time, he didn't think about what he wanted to do. Might be useful in the future.

If he doesn't open a store now, he may be able to drive a truck for people to go from one city to another. Although it is very hard and tiring, he can see many different scenery. And he has only one person, no relatives or family, no matter how long he leaves a place, no one will care about him.

Of course, the premise is to deal with Zhou Yan's affairs.

Chen Yuncheng sighed softly, raised his hand and patted the owner of the lottery shop on the shoulder, and said, "Look at it again, take one step at a time."

The owner of the lottery shop suddenly lowered his voice and asked him, "Is that the person you offended over there?"

Chen Yuncheng followed his line of sight and turned to look, and saw Guan Anlin standing across the street looking over here.

"He seems to have been here in the morning." Guan Anlin looked fierce and rebellious, and it was easy to impress people, and it was easy for people to think that he was not a good person.

Chen Yuncheng said, "It's okay, my friend."