Morbid Addiction

Chapter 38


When Guan Anlin came over, the owner of the lottery shop made an excuse to walk away. He was a serious businessman. Although he got along well with Chen Yuncheng, he was not at all willing to provoke these gangsters in society.

Chen Yuncheng stood there and waited for him.

Guan Anlin watched the sublease advertisement posted on the rolling shutter door for a while, and said, "You don't do it?"

Chen Yuncheng nodded.

Guan Anlin said again: "Do you think you deserve it?"

Chen Yuncheng didn't get angry when he heard the words, but smiled and asked him, "Want to have a cigarette?"

Guan Anlin did not answer.

Chen Yuncheng opened the door halfway, and got into the dimly lit store. After a while, he got out. He took a box of cigarettes soaked in water, and handed them all directly to Guan Anlin, saying, "It's still good inside, but It's not easy to sell, you take it and smoke it."

Guan Anlin didn't extend his hand, he just looked down and said, "Do you think Zhang Wenyong is me? If you do small things behind his back, he will definitely not let you go easily."

Chen Yuncheng said to Guan Anlin: "Of course Zhang Wenyong is not you, you are my brother, Zhang Wenyong has never been."

"I'm your brother?" Guan Anlin seemed to have heard something sarcastic.

Chen Yuncheng said, "Do you remember why you entered?"

Guan Anlin roared, "Why? Didn't you betray me with the police?"

The two of them stood on the side of the road, and the passers-by heard Guan Anlin's roar and looked at them unknowingly. Even the owner of the lottery shop next door looked out curiously.

Chen Yuncheng raised his hand and pressed it on Guan Anlin's shoulder, "Don't get excited."

Guan Anlin opened his hand, "What right do you have to ask me now?"

Chen Yuncheng lowered his voice, "It's not that I'm going to betray you, it's Zhang Wenyong who want to kill you. Do you still remember Zhang Wenyong introducing that Boss Yu to you?"

Guan Anlin did not speak.

Chen Yuncheng noticed that someone had been looking at them curiously, got close to Guan Anlin, and said, "That Boss Yu really wants to make a fortune with you? Are you still awake?"

At that time, they met Boss Yu when Zhang Wenyong took a group of young people out to play. Guan Anlin helped Zhang Wenyong stop a lot of alcohol that day. Boss Yu praised him for his loyalty, chatted with him for a while, and left his contact information.

Later, Chen Yuncheng knew that Boss Yu often came into contact with Guan Anlin. At that time, the two of them were still living together in the dormitory of the garage. Originally, they were together most of the time every day. Since Guan Anlin met Boss Yu, he often went out alone.

Chen Yuncheng found that Guan Anlin was in a very excited state. One day when Guan Anlin came back late, he had fallen asleep and was awakened by Guan Anlin. Guan Anlin drank a lot of wine, sat beside his bed and pinched his shoulder and told him that he was going to make a fortune. "When I get rich, I will never forget you, you will always be my best brother!" Chen Yuncheng still remembers what Guan Anlin said at that time.

Guan Anlin and Chen Yuncheng didn't study seriously enough to go out to work. They were very young at the time, and they always had some unrealistic and false ideals. They lived the life of the lowest social class, but they were arrogant and arrogant. I feel that one day I will be able to become a superior person.

Chen Yuncheng knew that Guan Anlin wanted to make money. They had been angry with many customers in the garage. Guan Anlin also wanted to one day drive a luxury car and trample those people under his feet, but they couldn't think of how to make money. Now that he is older, Chen Yuncheng sometimes looks back and finds that they have narrow vision and poor imagination. When they were young, they were not able to endure hardships much, and they simply did not have the ability to make a lot of money.

But that Boss Yu gave Guan Anlin hope. Chen Yuncheng didn't know what he said to Guan Anlin, which made Guan Anlin feel complacent, ready to work hard, and didn't even want to work in the garage.

Then Chen Yuncheng heard intermittently that Boss Yu had rented a house for Guan Anlin outside and gave Guan Anlin money to eat, drink and have fun. He had a very bad feeling at that time. Until one time, Zhang Wenyong accidentally revealed that Boss Yu was looking for someone to buy ephedrine.

Chen Yuncheng didn't know what ephedrine was used for. He went online to check, and suddenly realized what Boss Yu and Guan Anlin were planning together.

He looked for Guan Anlin several times and asked Guan Anlin to go back with him. Guan Anlin said it was none of his business and told him to stay out of business. He was frightened all day long, and finally couldn't help finding the police to report the den that Boss Yu and him rented to Guan Anlin. In order not to involve Guan Anlin, he made an excuse that day to make an appointment with Guan Anlin. Still find myself too naive. In the end, only Guan Anlin was imprisoned because of this incident. Boss Yu spent money to find Guan Anlin's purpose, which is to find someone to take all the responsibilities if something goes wrong one day.

Chen Yuncheng's whole person fell into depression. He stayed away from Zhang Wenyong's group and opened a small store with his savings. When Guan Anlin was in prison, he tried to visit him twice, but Guan Anlin refused to see him, and then gave up.

After Guan Anlin was released from prison, Chen Yuncheng always wanted to find a chance to sit down and chat with him, but these days he was always running around for Zhou Yan's affairs, and he didn't have time to take care of Guan Anlin.

Up to now, Chen Yuncheng can only say to Guan Anlin: "Those people are just using you, haven't you seen it clearly?"

Guan Anlin said: "Who is not using who? They want to use me to make money, wouldn't I use them to make money? I must not be able to play with them?"

"We just can't beat them because we don't have the money," Chen Yuncheng said.

Guan Anlin said, "No, I was stupid at first, and you were stupid."

Chen Yuncheng looked at him for a while and nodded, "I'm stupid, but don't do stupid things again. It doesn't matter whether you recognize me as a brother or not, I just hope you can stay away from Zhang Wenyong." He opened and closed the pocket of An Lin's coat, and threw the distorted cigarettes in the box just now.

When he let go, Chen Yuncheng said again: "I have no money, but as long as you really need it, I will give you a thousand if you have one. You must do those things, and even if you really get rich, don't come to me again. I don't want any of that dirty money."

When he finished speaking, there was the sound of a car horn from the roadside.

Chen Yuncheng turned his head and saw that Ning Junyan's car was parked on the side of the road, the passenger's window was down, and Ning Junyan was looking at him from inside.

The moment he saw Ning Junyan, Chen Yuncheng was a little flustered. He hurriedly said to Guan Anlin, "I'll go first." Then he walked towards Ning Junyan, took two steps, and hurried back to close the shutter door and locked it. , and then walked over again and sat in the co-pilot.

Ning Junyan didn't speak, just started the car, just when the car was about to start, he pressed a hand on the open passenger window.

Guan Anlin stood by the car door and said to Chen Yuncheng, "You come down first, I have something to tell you."

Chen Yuncheng glanced at Ning Junyan subconsciously.

Ning Junyan looked at Guan Anlin.

Guan Anlin recognized him and immediately showed a provocative look.