Morbid Addiction

Chapter 45


Arriving at the address agreed by Zhou Yan, Chen Yuncheng asked Ning Junyan to wait for him in the car: "Don't get out of the car for now."

Ning Junyan nodded, but after Chen Yuncheng got off the car, he still turned on the headlights, illuminating the entire area in front.

This is under a bridge near the river. There is only a small road to drive the car over. Chen Yuncheng took a few steps forward and saw that the surroundings were desolate and there were no residents nearby, so he shouted in a suppressed voice, "Zhou Yan?"

There was no response. He stood there and waited for more than a minute, then took out his mobile phone and found the landline number that Zhou Yan had just called. He hesitated and did not dial back.

At this time, he heard faint footsteps coming from under the bridge.

"Zhou Yan?" Chen Yuncheng walked under the bridge, and by the light of the headlights, saw that Zhou Yan was still wearing yesterday's suit, hat and mask, standing beside the bridge pier.

Zhou Yan kept staring at the direction of the car. He saw Chen Yuncheng approaching and asked, "Why don't you come alone?"

Chen Yuncheng said to him, "Ning Junyan won't do anything, he just sent me here."

Zhou Yan finally retracted his gaze. He looked at Chen Yuncheng and said softly, "Brother Cheng, I'm sorry."

Chen Yuncheng sighed slightly, "You want to see me so late just to say sorry to me?"

Zhou Yan said, "I'm not just sorry, I also want to thank you." After speaking, Zhou Yan knelt down in front of Chen Yuncheng.

Chen Yuncheng didn't expect it, and immediately reached out to pull him, "You get up first!"

Zhou Yan shook his head, he took off his hat, lowered his head, stretched out his hand to zip down his jacket, reached in and took out a stack of money from the inner pocket, he handed the money to Chen Yuncheng and said, "Here is ten thousand yuan. You take the money first, and I will slowly return the other money to you."

Chen Yuncheng didn't take his money, but asked, "Where did you get the money?"

Zhou Yan did not speak.

Chen Yuncheng grabbed his arm and asked, "Where have you been during this time? Did you know that your stepfather was killed?"

Although the surrounding light was dim, Chen Yuncheng still saw the change in Zhou Yan's expression, Zhou Yan turned his eyes away, as if he had heard something terrible, and the hand held by Chen Yuncheng couldn't help shaking slightly.

The thing that Chen Yuncheng was most worried about still appeared. He slowly squatted down in front of Zhou Yan and said, "Please explain to me clearly, what happened?"

Zhou Yan said in a hoarse voice: "Brother Cheng, don't ask, I can't turn myself in now, I have no way out."

Chen Yuncheng almost wanted to kill him at this moment, "You kill for money?"

"It's not for the money!" Zhou Yan finally couldn't hold back his emotions and cried, "It's not for the money! I originally wanted to borrow money from my mother when I went back, that old bastard, he beat me and abused me since he was a child, he was the one who humiliated me. , I did it because I was really angry, and I didn't expect him to die!"

Chen Yuncheng looked at him and asked after a long time, "Has he abused you?"

Zhou Yan lowered his head and focused twice, "When I was a child, I ran away from home because he beat me, tied me, and didn't give me food. My mother knew that she didn't dare to say anything in front of him. This time I went back and just wanted to borrow some money. He scolded me as a begging dog, saying that I was not qualified to have a son, and that I deserved it if I died..." At this point, Zhou Yan was so choked up that he could no longer speak.

Chen Yuncheng's eyes were red, he could feel Zhou Yan's anger, and even became angry with himself, but: "You shouldn't kill people, if you kill him, you will lose yourself for the rest of your life, don't you know?"

Zhou Yan didn't speak, he just knelt on the ground feebly. After a while, he put the 10,000 yuan into Chen Yuncheng's hands, "Take the money, and I will slowly pay you back the rest."

Chen Yuncheng shook his head, "I don't want the money you stole, you surrender with me."

"I can't surrender!" Zhou Yan was a little excited, "I'm in, what about Jiajia and the children? No one really can control them when they're outside!"

Chen Yuncheng grabbed his shoulder, "You can take care of them if you don't go in? You can't even get close to them!"

Zhou Yan said: "There will always be a way. I will find a way to make money and find an opportunity to send it back. It's better than turning myself in!"

At this time, they heard the sound of the door closing with a "bang" at the same time.

Ning Junyan got out of the car. He was wearing leather short boots, and the soles of his shoes made a "whoosh" sound when he stepped on the gravel road.

Seeing him approaching, Zhou Yan tensed up all of a sudden, he stood up and stepped back, hiding in the shadow of the bridge pier, as if Ning Junyan made any move, he would immediately flee into the darkness.

However, Ning Junyan stopped when he approached the bridge. There was light from the headlights behind him. From this angle, he couldn't see his face, only the outline of his tall figure.

"Have you studied law?" he asked Zhou Yan.

Zhou Yan's attitude towards Ning Junyan was never friendly, "What do you want to say?"

Ning Junyan said, "Guess what sentence you will get if you turn yourself in?"

Chen Yuncheng stood up slowly and looked at Zhou Yan without speaking.

Zhou Yan pressed one hand on the damp bridge pier at night, "What do you mean?"

Ning Junyan said: "You can go to the court and tell the judge what you said just now, plus surrender, I guess you are given a suspended death sentence, or life imprisonment. As long as you don't die, you can seek a commutation of your sentence and be released after serving your sentence. It may be more than ten years later, when your son was only in his teens, and he was about the same age as you when you came out to work."

Zhou Yan stared at his figure fiercely.

Ning Junyan continued: "You want your son to be like you. He went out to work without his father in his teens, was bullied, and was scolded by people as a begging dog. He still hopes to come back when he is a teenager. By his side, give each other a chance to take care of each other?"

Zhou Yan's breathing sounded heavy, but it was covered up by the sound of flowing water, so he couldn't hear it. He said, "My business has nothing to do with you!"

Ning Junyan's tone was indifferent: "Of course it doesn't matter, you can leave now, but don't leave your wife and children to Yuncheng. These have nothing to do with him. If you are a man, take your own responsibilities."

Chen Yuncheng took a deep breath and said in a deep voice, "Zhou Yan, turn yourself in with me."

Zhou Yan did not speak.

Ning Junyan walked to Chen Yuncheng's side and took Chen Yuncheng's hand, "Don't worry about him, you've done enough."

Chen Yuncheng was pulled by Ning Junyan in the direction of the parking lot. He was not reconciled, and finally looked at Zhou Yan and said to him: "Jiajia and the children need you, you will be gone today for the rest of your life, the road is in front of you, think clearly for yourself. Bar."

After speaking, Chen Yuncheng turned his head and stopped looking at him.

Ning Junyan and Chen Yuncheng walked to the car, because Zhou Yan was hiding behind the shadow of the bridge pier, and he could no longer be seen from here.

They opened the door and got in the car.

Ning Junyan started the car but did not leave in a hurry, he asked Chen Yuncheng, "Are you still waiting for him?"

Chen Yuncheng said, "Wait five minutes, okay?"

Ning Junyan replied, "You can wait as long as you want."

They looked ahead and said nothing. After waiting for two minutes, Zhou Yan slowly walked out from under the bridge. He walked all the way to the front of the car, reached out and took off the mask, looked up at them, and said, "I'll turn myself in."

Chen Yuncheng nodded and said to him, "Get in the car."

It was half past one in the morning when we got to the police station.

Chen Yuncheng called Long Zhanyu, and Long Zhanyu's tone was very bad: "What's the matter so late?"

"I accompany Zhou Yan to surrender." His voice was also slightly hoarse, like the result of the cool wind blowing at night.

Long Zhanyu was silent for a while, and the whole person was sober, "What did you say?"

Chen Yuncheng repeated: "I accompany Zhou Yan to surrender."

Long Zhanyu asked him, "Do you know what Zhou Yan did besides stealing cars?"

Chen Yuncheng said, "I know, kill people."

His tone was too calm, Long Zhanyu scolded him after hearing it, and said to him, "Come on, I'll be on duty tonight."

The police station in the middle of the night was still open with the lights on. When Ning Junyan parked the car in the parking lot in front of the police station, Long Zhanyu was already waiting for them at the door with a cigarette in his mouth.

Before Chen Yuncheng got off the bus, he turned to look at Zhou Yan.

Zhou Yan originally lowered his head slightly, but at this time, he seemed to have made up his mind suddenly, opened the car door and jumped down.

Chen Yuncheng and Ning Junyan got off after him.

Wearing a crumpled down jacket, Long Zhanyu strode down the steps of the door until he reached Zhou Yan, took off the handcuffs hanging on his trousers and handcuffed his hands.

Two policemen on duty in uniform ran out and took Zhou Yan in.

When Zhou Yan followed them inside, he was still looking back at Chen Yuncheng.

Chen Yuncheng knew that he would rarely have a chance to talk to him in the future, so he shouted: "I will help you take care of them."

Zhou Yan bit his lip to keep himself from crying, and nodded.

Chen Yuncheng said to Long Zhanyu again, "Can you be nicer to him?"

Long Zhanyu said: "If he cooperates with me, he will treat him well, but the case is likely to be transferred to the jurisdiction of the county public security bureau over there. After all, there is a murder case there."

Chen Yuncheng stared at Zhou Yan's back who had disappeared behind the glass door, and nodded.

Long Zhanyu stretched his hands into his jacket pockets, his eyes fell on Ning Junyan, and after sizing up him, he obviously still had an impression of him.

Chen Yuncheng asked, "Is there anything else we need to do?"

Long Zhanyu said, "Although it's a bit late, let's cooperate with us and make a record. Your testimony will also help Zhou Yan in the future."

Chen Yuncheng nodded.

They made separate transcripts. Chen Yuncheng and Zhou Yan had a close relationship, and the transcript should be more detailed. When he came out of the inner room, he saw Ning Junyan wearing a coat sitting on a chair at the door of the police station, with his head against the wall and already asleep.

He walked over, woke Ning Junyan softly, and said, "We're going back."

Ning Junyan drove away from the police station. Chen Yuncheng sat in the co-pilot and said to him, "Thank you."

"Thank you for what?" Ning Junyan's tone was slightly tired.

Chen Yuncheng said, "If you didn't say those words, I might not be able to persuade Zhou Yan."

Ning Junyan said with an "um", still calm and unwavering: "You are soft-hearted, and he knows that you are soft-hearted."

Chen Yuncheng didn't speak until he returned to the community and took the elevator upstairs.

Ning Junyan asked him, "What are you thinking about?"

Chen Yuncheng looked at him and said, "I was thinking about how to thank you." In fact, what Chen Yuncheng thought was much more than this sentence can be summed up. Ning Junyan's feelings are too heavy, and the word thank you is too light, he doesn't know what to do to be able to do it. Worthy of each other's feelings.

Ning Junyan said calmly, "Why don't you give me a kiss."

Chen Yuncheng laughed when he heard the words.

When the elevator reached the floor and the door opened, Ning Junyan said regretfully as he walked outside, "It's fine if you don't want to support me, can't you just kiss me?"

After thinking about it later, Chen Yuncheng felt that he must be too tired and his brain lost the ability to think. At that time, he grabbed Ning Junyan's arm and made him turn around, raised his head and kissed him lightly on the face.

Ning Junyan looked at him and said, "It's not like that."

Chen Yuncheng looked at him blankly.

Ning Junyan put one arm around his waist, the other on the back of his neck, lowered his head and kissed his lips.

The author says:

Ning Junyan: First kiss, please forgive me