Morbid Addiction

Chapter 49


After eating the noodles, Chen Yuncheng was in no hurry to leave. He was still a little excited about the sudden job. He took out his mobile phone and had the urge to make a call to Ning Junyan. He had already found the other party's name in the address book and was ready to dial. When he hesitated again, he was considering whether it was suitable or not.

In the past few days, he has been running around for Zhou Yan's affairs, and has been occupied with too much energy, and he has no time to deal with his Ning Junyan's problems.

It was clear what Ning Junyan's attitude was now, Chen Yuncheng felt that he couldn't drag it, otherwise he would accept it, or else he would reject it.

He reached out and picked up the remaining half of the bottle of mineral water, twisted it open, drank it in large gulps, put the empty bottle back on the table, and raised his hand to rub his forehead in pain.

He couldn't refuse Ning Junyan, he had already understood in his heart that he would not feel rejected whether it was those intimate hugs or even kisses, but he was afraid to accept Ning Junyan, because Ning Junyan was the most important part of his life. Important people, if they are together but can't get to the end, he may even lose this friend.

The reason why Chen Yuncheng couldn't make up his mind to accept it was that he didn't think they had a way to go to the end.

He is a person who attaches great importance to feelings. Whether it is making friends or falling in love, once he is determined, he will give wholeheartedly. He has given too much, but in the end he can't catch anything. The feeling is too painful, he can't help but be afraid and endure Keep shrinking.

In the evening, Chen Yuncheng took a shower, and dressed in thin pajamas to organize his suitcase in the room. In addition to the daily necessities, most of his things were still in the suitcase, as if he was ready to leave at any time.

Ning Junyan knocked on the door lightly and came in, asking him, "What are you doing?"

Chen Yuncheng said, "I'll pack my things."

Ning Junyan walked over to him and squatted down, seeing the contents in his suitcase. Chen Yuncheng was hurriedly hiding two old underwear under his clothes, Ning Jun extended his hand and took it out for him, saying, "It's all torn."

Chen Yuncheng snatched it back, "Give it back to me."

Ning Junyan asked, "Can I buy you a new one?"

Chen Yuncheng said, "No need."

Ning Junyan changed his words: "Can I accompany you to buy a new one?"

Chen Yuncheng said, "It can still be worn, so there is no need to buy a new one." He closed the box, zipped up the zipper, and asked Ning Junyan, "What's the matter?"

Ning Junyan asked him, "Aren't you going to sleep at my place tonight?"

Chen Yuncheng lowered his head weakly and said, "I drank too much last night, sorry."

Ning Junyan looked at his profile and said softly, "So you don't need me when you wake up?"

He obviously didn't have a special tone, but Chen Yuncheng heard a little grievance, and looked up at him helplessly: "Stop talking nonsense."

Ning Junyan didn't speak, just looked at him intently.

Chen Yuncheng didn't know what to say, so he stood up and stretched out his hand in front of Ning Junyan, pulling him up too.

Ning Junyan stood face to face with him, suddenly leaned into his ear, and said softly, "I bought a bottle of wine—"

"I don't drink it!" Chen Yuncheng interrupted him loudly.

Ning Junyan was quite calm and said, "If you don't drink, don't drink, don't be so excited."

Chen Yuncheng walked to the bed and lay down on his back. He knew that Ning Junyan was sitting beside his bed, but he was too lazy to get up. He folded his arms under his head and said, "I have a friend who contacted me today and told me to go. Help him manage the shop."

"What shop?" Ning Junyan asked him.

Chen Yuncheng said: "He used to be in the wholesale tobacco, alcohol and non-staple food business. Now he wants to open a new store in the commercial market in the north of the city. He wants me to help him take care of it."

Ning Junyan asked, "What do you think?"

Chen Yuncheng said, "I think it's pretty good."

Ning Junyan said, "Let's go then."

Chen Yuncheng hesitated for a while, then said tentatively, "It's a bit far over there, it's not convenient for me to continue living here..."

Ning Junyan turned his head to look at him.

Chen Yuncheng met his gaze, and briefly felt guilty for two seconds, but continued: "I want to go out and rent a house."

Ning Junyan said blankly, "No."

Although the idea has long been there, Chen Yuncheng suddenly thought about saying this sentence. He felt that the distance between him and Ning Junyan was too close, and he always asked him to be moved by Ning Junyan with emotions. If the two are separated by a distance, can he see his thoughts more clearly

Chen Yuncheng sighed, "I'm not a child, you can't do this." He actually wanted to say that Ning Junyan was not qualified to force him, but if it was too serious, he would never say it to Ning Junyan.

Ning Jun stretched out a hand, caressing Chen Yuncheng's face with a rough and warm palm, and said in a low and slightly cold voice, "I said no."

Chen Yuncheng didn't want to argue with him, so he turned away from him.

Ning Junyan pinched Chen Yuncheng's jaw with slender and powerful fingers, and forcefully turned his face over to look at him, "I said I won't let you go."

Chen Yuncheng was a little angry and pushed his hand hard, "Even if you are in a relationship, you have no right to imprison my freedom."

Ning Junyan said, "Then go get married."

Chen Yuncheng was angry and funny for a moment, "Let's not talk about whether we can get married, did you get the consent of your parents to get married?"

"Why do you want them to agree?" Ning Junyan said indifferently, "Did they get married with my consent?"

Chen Yuncheng was speechless for a while, and was speechless by his nonsense, so he just looked at Ning Junyan silently.

After more than ten seconds, Ning Junyan released the hand that was pinching his jaw.

Chen Yuncheng tried to sit up from the bed with his hands.

At this moment, Ning Junyan bent down and hugged him, pressing his entire body on him, and whispering with his lips to his ear, "Don't go."

Chen Yuncheng pushed him: "Get up."

Ning Jun extended his hand to hug him tightly and said, "What should I do if you leave?"

Chen Yuncheng was not as strong as him, so he couldn't get up when he was pressed down, so he had to say, "Have you come here for so many years? Besides, we are still in the same city, and we can meet at any time."

Ning Junyan asked, "Then why do you have to leave?"

Chen Yuncheng said, "I said, it's too far from where I work."

Ning Junyan was quiet for two seconds and said, "Then I'll move in with you?"

Chen Yuncheng collapsed a little, raised his hand to cover his eyes, lay in silence for a while, and decided to tell the truth: "I just think I still need some space now to see our previous relationship clearly."

Ning Junyan asked him, "Is this room not big enough?"

Chen Yuncheng did not answer.

Ning Junyan got up from him, supporting his body with his arms and looking down at him from above.

Chen Yuncheng looked at him and could feel the strong sense of oppression in his eyes.

After a while, Ning Junyan reached out to Chen Yuncheng. Chen Yuncheng was afraid that he would hold onto his jaw again, so he reached out to block it.

However, this time, Ning Junyan's hand obviously lacked strength, and was easily blocked by Chen Yuncheng. His eyelashes fell, and with a slight blink, he left in front of Chen Yuncheng, then stood up and said, "Go to sleep first."

Chen Yuncheng turned his head and saw Ning Junyan leave the room.

There was a soft "click" sound when the door closed, Chen Yuncheng maintained his position on the bed, thinking about Ning Junyan's last expression in his head.

He was so annoyed that he tossed and turned on the bed for a while, unable to fall asleep at all, so he got up and got out of bed.

Chen Yuncheng came out of the room and found that the living room was lit. He walked over slowly and saw Ning Junyan sitting by the floor-to-ceiling window in the living room, drinking with a can of beer in his hand.

He walked up to Ning Junyan, squatted down, looked at him and asked, "Why do you drink alone?"

Ning Junyan looked out the window and said, "You won't drink with me."

Chen Yuncheng felt uncomfortable, he said, "Stop drinking, how can I go to work tomorrow when I'm drunk."

Ning Junyan turned around to look at him, "I don't have to be on duty tomorrow weekend, and I won't get drunk."

Chen Yuncheng said: "If you drink too much, you will get drunk."

The beer in Ning Junyan's hand was taken out of the refrigerator, and there was still a cold mist on the can. He raised his hand and put the beer can on Chen Yuncheng's face and said, "I will stop before I get drunk, I do not want to hurt you."

Chen Yuncheng was clearly worried that Ning Junyan would do something to him just now, but now he said, "You won't hurt me."

Ning Junyan's hand holding the beer slowly slid down, and pressed the cold can body to Chen Yuncheng's neck.

Chen Yuncheng shuddered, reached out and grabbed Ning Junyan's hand, ducking his head back.

Ning Junyan shook the wine in his hand, "I have a little more, do you want to drink?"

Chen Yuncheng heard that the sound of the water inside was very shallow, he nodded and wanted to take the beer can, but Ning Junyan didn't let go, he directly handed it to his lips, tilted the can of beer and fed the remaining wine to Chen Yuncheng.

Forced to drink the rest of the wine, Chen Yuncheng coughed twice and raised his hand to wipe the beer overflowing from the corner of his mouth.

Ning Junyan suddenly leaned over, kissed his lips, and sucked the drop of wine from the corner of his mouth before backing away from him, with a very shallow smile, and said to him, "Good night."

The author says:

I never get bored of fighting, feeding, drinking and drinking!