Morbid Addiction

Chapter 5


Zhou Yan didn't say why he thought Ning Junyan was terrible, and Chen Yuncheng didn't ask. In comparison, Chen Yuncheng and Ning Junyan have been together for a longer time. He knows Ning Junyan better than Zhou Yan, and he also knows why Zhou Yan is afraid of Ning Junyan.

For a while, not only Zhou Yan was afraid of Ning Junyan, but even his godfather and godmother were afraid of him.

After dinner, Zhou Yan had to go to the hospital, and the two separated at the door of the restaurant.

Chen Yuncheng walked back alone for more than ten minutes. Because he had just eaten and drank some wine, his whole body was hot, and he couldn't help but slightly open the front of his down jacket when he got there.

Back in the inner room of his small shop, Chen Yuncheng lowered his head and smelled the down jacket. He took off his clothes and hung them at the window, and then went to the bathroom to take a shower.

It would take a while for the water to get hot. Chen Yuncheng took off his clothes at this time, and when he stood under the shower, the water was completely hot.

He habitually picked up the water and washed his face, suddenly recalling the first time he helped Ning Junyan take a bath.

It was the same day that he first met Ning Junyan. After dinner in the evening, his godfather and godmother went back to the room to watch TV. He boiled a pot of boiling water on a gas stove in the kitchen.

It was early summer, and the weather was hot but not hot enough to take a shower with cold water.

After the water was boiled, Chen Yuncheng came to the yard with the kettle, first took half a bucket of cold water into the bucket, and then mixed it with hot water until he felt that the temperature was just right.

Then Chen Yuncheng took off his clothes and used a small aluminum basin to scoop water on himself.

During this process, Ning Junyan squatted by the wall and looked at him blankly.

But at that time Chen Yuncheng didn't know what Ning Junyan's name was. He rinsed his body with water, wiped it with soap from head to toe, and rubbed the foam all over his body without much care, then rinsed the foam with water, feeling that he It has been washed.

Chen Yuncheng shook the water from his hair, instead of reaching for the towel, he squatted down and lifted the kettle, and found that there was half a kettle of hot water left.

After hesitating for a while, Chen Yuncheng raised his head to look at Ning Junyan and called him: "Hello!"

Ning Junyan did not respond.

Chen Yuncheng said tentatively, "Mute? Are you dumb?"

Ning Junyan looked at him.

Chen Yuncheng didn't care that he was still naked, and waved at him calmly, "Do you want to take a bath?"

Ning Junyan didn't move.

Chen Yuncheng simply walked towards him, grabbed his hand, pulled him up from the wall, and dragged him into the yard.

Ning Junyan's body was still dirty, Chen Yuncheng stretched out his hand to undress him, but he didn't resist, only after taking off his shirt, Chen Yuncheng found that Ning Junyan had a large bruise on his back, and the color was still bright red now.

Chen Yuncheng frowned and didn't ask him how he was hurt. He squatted down and took off his trousers. When he took it off to his feet, he raised his head and said to him, "You lift your feet."

Ning Junyan looked down at him, and raised his feet one after the other, letting Chen Yuncheng strip him completely.

The two of them stood by the drainage ditch in the corner of the yard, because Ning Junyan was a bit taller than Chen Yuncheng, and Chen Yuncheng stood at the edge of the cement pool, raised the basin in his hand and poured the water down from his head.

When the water was pouring down, Chen Yuncheng found that Ning Junyan frowned unconsciously.

At that time, it was not completely dark, and Chen Yuncheng subconsciously patted the hair on the top of Ning Junyan's head, only to find that he also had injuries on his head.

Chen Yuncheng lowered his head and said to Ning Junyan, "You have a wound on your head, does it hurt?"

Ning Junyan just glanced at him.

Chen Yuncheng thought he was very interesting, and asked again: "Does it hurt? If you hurt me, take it easy."

Unexpectedly, Ning Junyan shook his head very lightly at this time.

Chen Yuncheng was a little surprised, and said after a pause: "Then I will continue to wash."

Having said that, Chen Yuncheng carefully avoided the wound on Ning Junyan's head afterward, and when applying soap to him, he gently wiped his back, trying not to hurt him.

After taking a shower, Chen Yuncheng found a set of old clothes for Ning Junyan to put on.

This set of clothes was too big for Chen Yuncheng. It wasn't his clothes at first. It was an old clothes that his godmother got him. After washing it, he kept it in Chen Yuncheng's cabinet.

After that, Chen Yuncheng threw the dirty clothes the two of them had changed into the basin and washed them together. While he was doing the laundry, Ning Junyan sat on the small stool under the eaves and looked at Chen Yuncheng intently.

Chen Yuncheng occasionally raised his head to talk to him, Ning Junyan would not respond to him, but Chen Yuncheng didn't mind talking to himself.

It was completely dark by this time, an incandescent lamp was lit in the yard, and several moths circled constantly around the light.

There are four rooms around the yard, one is the kitchen where they eat, and only one of the other three rooms is lit. It is the room of the godfather and godmother. At this time, they are watching TV.

After Chen Yuncheng finished washing his clothes, he turned off the lights in the yard, and took Ning Junyan's hand to his room.

The room has a worn wooden bed and an old-fashioned wooden wardrobe.

Chen Yuncheng asked him to sit beside the bed, turned on a small table lamp, and then opened the cabinet and rummaged in the drawers below. He found a few Band-Aids, and then went back to the bed and said to Ning Junyan, "I'll help you deal with it. Is the wound on the head okay?" He knew that godfather and godmother wouldn't care about it.

Ning Junyan looked at the Band-Aid in his hand and didn't speak.

Chen Yuncheng took it as his acquiescence, raised his hand and brushed his hair to take a closer look at the wound above. The wound on Ning Junyan's head wasn't very deep, and it didn't look too serious, but there was a big bulge next to the wound. Chen Yuncheng pressed it down with his hand and found that it was soft but not bleeding.

Chen Yuncheng didn't understand what was going on. He held the Band-Aid in his hand for a long time and felt that he was blocked by his hair. He hesitated, and asked Ning Junyan, "Can I cut your hair short?"

Ning Junyan did not answer.

Chen Yuncheng made his own decision, picked up the scissors on the bedside table, and cut the hair on the top of Ning Junyan's head mercilessly. In the end, only a thin layer was left to stick to the scalp, and then put the band-aid on it.

After putting on the Band-Aid, Chen Yuncheng saw that Ning Junyan's hair was messed up as if it had been bitten by a dog, so he cut all the hair around him short.

During this process, Ning Junyan sat motionless by the bed.

Chen Yuncheng didn't care whether the cut was good or not. After the cut, he called him to get up, brushed all the broken hair on the sheets to the ground, and said to Ning Junyan, "Go and bring me the broom."

Ning Junyan didn't respond.

Chen Yuncheng was not angry, he went out and took a broom and cleaned all the hair on the ground. Afterwards, he returned to his room, turned over on the bed, pulled out an old comic from under the pillow, lay down and read it intently.

Ning Junyan stood by the bed and watched him for a while, then quietly climbed onto the bed and lay down beside Chen Yuncheng.

After turning off the hot water, Chen Yuncheng reached out and picked up the towel hanging on the wall to wipe his body, and wiped the mist on the mirror.

In the mirror, it was no longer the thin and thin boy at that time. Twenty-eight-year-old Chen Yuncheng was well-proportioned, with a thin layer of muscles covering his chest and abdomen, and his legs were slender.

He hadn't thought about those things in the past for a long time, maybe it was Ning Junyan's sudden appearance that made him unable to remember.

Putting on his pajamas, Chen Yuncheng left the bathroom and went back to the bed in the room to lie down. Strictly speaking, the conditions here are not very good, but this bed is much softer and warmer than the one he and Ning Junyan slept with before.

Chen Yuncheng pulled the quilt to cover half of his face, the alcohol made his heart beat faster, he was a little irritable, and he was reluctant to recall those pasts.