Morbid Addiction

Chapter 50


When Boss Sun called and asked Chen Yuncheng to visit the shop at the trade market, Ning Junyan happened to be resting at home, and he insisted on driving Chen Yuncheng there.

Chen Yuncheng said, "No need." He didn't really want Ning Junyan to go with him, because Ning Junyan's people and cars were too eye-catching. Boss Sun found something for him to do because of his current difficulties. It was not suitable for him to drive a car with hundreds of thousands of dollars to meet others. But for this reason, Chen Yuncheng couldn't explain it.

Ning Junyan asked him, "Why not?"

Chen Yuncheng said, "You rarely have a holiday, so rest at home."

Ning Junyan shook his head, still insisting: "I'll take you there."

Chen Yuncheng felt that he couldn't refuse, so he said, "Then park your car outside and wait for me in the car."

Ning Junyan frowned, realized something, put down half of the porridge in his hand, "You despise me?"

Chen Yuncheng said quickly: "I don't despise you, I'm just a part-time worker, I'm afraid that you and I will cause misunderstandings."

Ning Junyan asked him, "What's the misunderstanding?"

Chen Yuncheng said, "I misunderstood my sincerity."

Ning Junyan watched him silently for a while, and said, "The car doesn't have to go in, but I want to go in."

Chen Yuncheng nodded: "Okay."

The commercial market in the north of the city was newly built. Chen Yuncheng had only heard of it before, but had never been here.

There is a large parking lot outside the market, and there are not many cars parked at this time. Because it is a wholesale-based commercial market, cars can drive in, but Chen Yuncheng asked Ning Junyan to park the car in the parking lot.

The two of them walked inside and saw that the market was almost all townhouses with about two floors, and both floors were shops. The time from the completion of the market to the delivery is not long. Most of the shops have not yet opened for business. Some are closed, some are being renovated, and only a few have opened for business.

Boss Sun had arrived first, standing outside the store waiting for Chen Yuncheng.

Chen Yuncheng greeted him when he saw him, and briefly introduced Ning Junyan, who was with him, saying that he was a friend who sent him over, and then listened to Boss Sun's introduction to the shop.

Boss Sun's full name is Sun Shiliang. He is in his 40s and is not tall. He is a typical middle-aged man with a big beer belly.

Ning Junyan just looked at him, and then let Chen Yuncheng talk with him, standing a little further away.

Boss Sun's new shop is quite big, and it is still being renovated, but it has already put up a sign.

He told Chen Yuncheng that he was in a hurry to renovate as soon as possible and wanted to start business a year ago, but now it seems a little difficult, and it may be postponed until later in the year.

Chen Yuncheng said, "Years ago was the best time for business."

Tobacco and alcohol business before the New Years is naturally the best, Sun Shiliang glanced around and said, "You see, most of the surrounding areas were not open for business years ago, and the coldness and coldness couldn't drive the business. Forget it, don't be too anxious. Besides, there are more The Chinese New Year is two weeks away, and these renovation workers will stop working soon, and they will not be able to find anyone until the New Year is over. The same is true of you, it is not easy to invite people at this time. Everyone is going back to their hometown for the Chinese New Year, and you have to prepare to go back for the Chinese New Year. Bar?"

When Chen Yuncheng heard him say this, he suddenly realized that it was almost the Lunar New Year. He said, "I'll stay here if I don't go back."

Sun Shiliang said strangely: "Aren't you the only child in the family? You are rushing back to inherit the lineage!"

Chen Yuncheng didn't expect that his perfunctory words would be remembered so firmly by the other party, so he couldn't help but smile and said, "It's okay, it's fine if they come to accompany me for the New Year."

Sun Shiliang didn't think about it carefully, and nodded, "Anyway, it's over a year ago, otherwise we have to arrange someone to guard the goods."

Chen Yuncheng asked, "Is there a place to live in the store?"

Sun Shiliang said, "Yes." He walked inside with Chen Yuncheng, and saw that in addition to the two open shops outside, there was also a small warehouse with some shelves inside, and there was an empty room inside, with a small one on one side of the room. bathroom.

"You can live there if you want, or you can ask someone to guard it," Sun Shiliang pointed to him. "Didn't you live in the store before? If you don't have a place to live, you don't need to rent a house."

Chen Yuncheng subconsciously turned his head and glanced outside. From this angle, Ning Junyan could no longer be seen. He said, "I'll think about it."

Sun Shiliang patted him on the shoulder and said, "I won't be as comfortable as my own boss in the future."

Chen Yuncheng turned around, smiled and said, "I'm at ease. The business over there has been bad, and the nearby supermarket will only be more bleak in the future. I just want to relax and be at ease."

There were also a lot of decoration tools piled up inside, and the ground was in a mess, so the two of them backed out.

Sun Shiliang saw Ning Junyan standing outside from a distance, and asked Chen Yuncheng in a low voice, "What is your friend doing?"

Chen Yuncheng found that many people around him were interested in Ning Junyan's identity, so he joked: "Guess what?"

Sun Shiliang looked at Ning Junyan from head to toe, "Looks like a star in appearance, looks like a big boss in temperament."

Chen Yuncheng couldn't help but smiled slightly, and said to Sun Shiliang, "You're like a big boss, right?"

Sun Shiliang shook his hand holding the cigarette, "I'm like a rich man."

Chen Yuncheng laughed softly: "He's a doctor."

Ning Junyan was wearing a long coat today. He had broad shoulders and a tall stature. He looked very good in a long coat. His clothes were open and his hands were stretched into his pockets, standing tall and straight against the light. As Sun Shiliang said, it looks like an idol star who came out of a TV series.

When Sun Shiliang heard that Ning Junyan was a doctor, he became interested and asked, "Which hospital is it from?"

Chen Yuncheng mentioned the top three hospitals he worked in.

Sun Shiliang said: "The big hospital, is your friend free? I'll invite you to dinner tonight."

"You are too polite," Chen Yuncheng said.

Sun Shiliang said: "You know how difficult it is to see a doctor now. If you don't want to know doctors in big hospitals, you have to give me a good introduction."

Chen Yuncheng looked at Ning Junyan, suddenly hesitant, he wondered if Ning Junyan would not like this kind of socializing, but he couldn't refuse Boss Sun's request, so he could only say: "I asked him if he had any in the evening. Arrange and then give you an answer."

Sun Shiliang responded, "It's done!"

Sun Shiliang had other arrangements at noon, so he separated from them at the commercial market.

Chen Yuncheng got into the car, and when Ning Junyan started the car, he asked him, "Is there anything at night?"

"Huh?" Ning Junyan tilted his head slightly.

Chen Yuncheng said, "Boss Sun just now wanted to invite you to dinner together."

"Invite me?" Ning Junyan was a little strange, "Why did you invite me?"

Chen Yuncheng said: "He likes to make friends. I heard that you work in the hospital and want to get acquainted."

Ning Junyan heard the words and replied, "Yes."

Chen Yuncheng looked at him in surprise: "Is it okay?"

Ning Junyan said "um", "Isn't it your boss?"

Chen Yuncheng didn't expect him to agree so bluntly, and it took a while to react, and he called Sun Shiliang back and asked to have dinner together in the evening.

Sun Shiliang is a straightforward person, and he immediately agreed on a time and place.

In the evening, Chen Yuncheng and Ning Junyan went over, and when they entered the private room of the hotel, they saw that Sun Shiliang had brought two friends over. Sun Shiliang introduced that the two were government civil servants and the other was a university teacher. Two friends came to accompany to drink and chat.

Chen Yuncheng took off his jacket and handed it to the waiter. He sat down and said, "Brother Sun, he will be on duty tomorrow, so he doesn't dare to drink."

As soon as he finished speaking, Ning Junyan, who was sitting next to him, said, "I'm not on duty, you remembered it wrong."

Chen Yuncheng raised his foot and kicked Ning Junyan, right on Ning Junyan's calf, and said with a smile: "That's my memory, but he still drives, why don't I drink for him."

Sun Shiliang said, "It's okay to drive. I'll call Dr. Ning to drive you on your behalf, and promise to send you back safely."

Ning Jun said, "Thank you, Boss Sun."

Chen Yuncheng couldn't help but wanted to kick Ning Junyan again, but this time Ning Junyan grabbed his thigh and squeezed it a little harder, and his whole body trembled.

In this kind of scene, the other party is Sun Shiliang, who likes to socialize and entertain. Chen Yuncheng knows that it is not good enough to end without drinking tonight.

He glanced at Ning Junyan worriedly.

Ning Junyan leaned closer to his ear and whispered, "It's fine." Then, when Sun Shiliang greeted everyone to drink first, he politely stood up with his glass.

Chen Yuncheng used to feel that Ning Junyan was a little inhumane. No matter when he was a child or after the two reunited, the Ning Junyan in his impression was seldom as polite and courteous as he is now.

Ning Junyan is actually two years older than him, but he broke his head when he was a child. Chen Yuncheng has been taking care of him, so he always feels that he is younger than himself and needs to be taken care of by himself. However, today, Chen Yuncheng has a feeling that he is being taken care of by him.

Ning Junyan could not come to this meal at all. The only reason why he accepted the invitation without hesitation was that Sun Shiliang was the boss of Chen Yuncheng, and he came for Chen Yuncheng.

The university teacher sitting opposite and Ning Junyan chatted up. Chen Yuncheng listened to them talking about doctoral dissertations and medical journals. .

Sun Shiliang sat on the chair with a smile and smoked a cigarette. He also didn't understand it, but it didn't prevent him from listening to them chatting with gusto.

Chen Yuncheng understands this mentality a bit. When you feel that you are shallow and ignorant, and the other party is profound and powerful, you will have a worship mentality.

At this moment, he could feel Ning Junyan's excellence, and such an excellent Ning Junyan would fall in love with him, making him throbbing uncontrollably from the bottom of his heart.

The author says:

If I don't update, I will ask for leave on Weibo