Morbid Addiction

Chapter 51


Sun Shiliang did what he said, and when the banquet was over, he hired a driver for them.

Ning Junyan drank a lot tonight, but Chen Yuncheng didn't drink much in comparison, and he was still very awake.

When leaving the private room, Chen Yuncheng took Ning Junyan's coat from the waiter and asked Ning Junyan if he wanted to put it on. Ning Jun extended his hand to the back of his hand and said nothing. He clearly invited Sun Shiliang to come. The two guests said their goodbyes.

When they came out of the restaurant, Ning Junyan gave the car keys to the driver who was waiting outside.

Chen Yuncheng felt a cool wind blowing on his face, and said to Ning Junyan, "Put on your clothes."

Ning Junyan glanced at him and stretched out a hand towards him. Chen Yuncheng had no choice but to help him put on his coat and carefully tidied up his collar.

After getting in the car, Chen Yuncheng and Ning Junyan sat side by side in the back.

Chen Yuncheng still doesn't know if Ning Junyan is drunk, or how drunk he is. Ning Junyan's face has hardly changed, and his expression doesn't seem to be special. He hasn't spoken since he got in the car.

The driver followed the navigation and drove quietly.

After a few minutes, Ning Junyan, who had straightened his back and sat on the seat, leaned towards Chen Yuncheng and rested his head on his shoulder.

The light inside the car was dim, and only the lights of the street lamps were constantly changing on and off to shine on the faces of the two people. Chen Yuncheng felt that Ning Junyan's short hair was poking at his cheek. He turned his head slightly and asked, "Are you uncomfortable?"

Ning Junyan made a "hmm" sound.

Chen Yuncheng raised his hand and touched his head, "I wanted to stop the wine for you."

Ning Junyan said, "Isn't it your boss?"

"Brother Sun is very familiar with me. He just likes to be lively and makes friends, and he won't force people to drink," Chen Yuncheng said.

Ning Junyan whispered in his ear, "I have to give face to my wife's friends."

Chen Yuncheng moved to the side instantly, and he looked at Ning Junyan.

There was no expression on Ning Junyan's face, but his head suddenly lost his support and said, "I'm drunk, come here quickly." After speaking, he reached out and pulled Chen Yuncheng's arm to pull him back, and put his head on it again.

Chen Yuncheng felt suspicious, "Are you really drunk?"

Ning Junyan didn't answer him and closed his eyes.

When he got home, it was Chen Yuncheng who took out the key from Ning Junyan's clothes pocket to open the door. Ning Junyan seemed to be really drunk, at least his reaction was a little slow, and he rarely answered when he talked to him.

After closing the door, Chen Yuncheng squatted down and put on his slippers. Then he saw Ning Junyan leaning against the door and couldn't help but ask, "Are you okay?"

Ning Junyan looked down at him.

Chen Yuncheng had to take his slippers off the shoe rack, untied the shoelaces for him again, and said, "lift your feet," and then took off the leather shoes on his feet and put them on for him.

After changing shoes, Chen Yuncheng asked Ning Junyan, "Can I find where your room is?"

Ning Junyan said "um", took Chen Yuncheng's hand and walked inside. When he returned to his room, he said to Chen Yuncheng, "Help me take a bath."

Chen Yuncheng's eyes widened instantly, "Are you crazy?"

Ning Junyan didn't seem to understand what he was excited about and said, "I'm drunk."

"You are drunk!" Chen Yuncheng felt that Ning Junyan was playing with him, and turned around to go outside, "Don't make trouble, wash yourself."

Ning Jun stretched his hand to hold him, and at the same time pressed the other hand on the door, slammed the door shut, and then said, "Don't go."

Chen Yuncheng looked up at him.

Ning Junyan said, "You can't do this to me."

Chen Yuncheng looked at him for a while, but then he softened up and said helplessly, "You have to learn to take a bath when you grow up."

Ning Junyan kept one hand on the closed door, and did not give Chen Yuncheng a chance to leave. He said, "You don't want to care about me when I grow up?"

For a moment, Chen Yuncheng wanted to seriously justify whether he should take care of him taking a bath. He opened his mouth and felt that what he said was all nonsense. In the end, he just said: "Anyway, you have to take a bath yourself."

Ning Junyan looked at him for a long time, then let go of his hand and walked towards the bed, saying, "Then I'm going to take a bath."

Chen Yuncheng stretched out his hand to open the door, took two steps outside, but still worried, he turned around and leaned against the door to look at Ning Junyan.

Ning Junyan stood by the bed and took off his clothes. He took off the soft cashmere sweater and the shirt inside, and threw it on the bed. Then he took off his trousers. When only one pair of underwear was left, he went directly to the bathroom in the room. go.

Chen Yuncheng turned his eyes away when he took off his trousers, and when he went into the bathroom, he went into the room to help him close the curtains, and packed up the clothes he had thrown on the bed and folded them aside.

The sound of water soon came from the bathroom, but the door remained open.

Chen Yuncheng didn't look in that direction, but just went back to the door and said loudly to Ning Junyan, "I'm outside, call me if you need anything." He didn't know what would happen to an adult man taking a bath alone, maybe he was too drunk You might slip and fall in the bathtub.

After a while, Ning Junyan called him and said to him, "Bring me in a pair of clean underwear."

Chen Yuncheng glanced over there and could only see the white light coming from the door. He asked, "Where are your underwear?"

Ning Junyan said, "The drawer in the middle cabinet."

Chen Yuncheng opened the middle wardrobe, opened the drawer, and saw the neatly stacked underwear. This kind of thing was too private. He took one out in embarrassment and walked towards the bathroom.

The sound of water continued inside, and the white mist filled the air. Ning Junyan stood in the bathtub, his tall and sturdy body shining brightly.

Chen Yuncheng tried his best not to look at it, but there was only a vague silhouette in his sight. He asked, "Where is it?"

Ning Junyan stretched out a wet hand towards him, "Give it to me."

Chen Yuncheng should actually be surprised what Ning Junyan was doing with a pair of clean underwear at the water, but at that moment his brain stopped thinking, all he used to control his stiff body, he only focused on the beautiful man hands, trying to hand him the panties.

When the fingers touched each other, Ning Junyan gave up his underwear, grabbed Chen Yuncheng's hand and pulled him forward.

The floor tiles are non-slip, Chen Yuncheng was pulled by him, and his upper body leaned forward. In panic, Ning Junyan supported his armpit with his hands and easily carried him into the bathtub.

Chen Yuncheng lost a slipper, so he was wearing slippers on one foot and socks on the other. He felt the fine mist from the shower hitting his face, and he could only close his eyes and hold his breath for a moment.

The next moment, Ning Junyan kissed his lips.

The kiss didn't last long, Chen Yuncheng pushed him away, turned his head to avoid the hot water rushing down from his head, took a breath and shouted angrily, "Ning Junyan!"

Ning Junyan replied gently, "I'm here." The slender fingers caught in his hair and pulled his head back slightly, forcing him to lift his head and kiss his lips again.

Soon Chen Yuncheng was soaked wet, his mouth was blocked by Ning Junyan, and the breath at the end of his nose was drowned by hot water. Ning Junyan was pulling his hair with a lot of force, as long as he exerted a little force, his scalp would tug. Pain, the feeling of suffocation completely surrounded him.

He began to feel frightened and struggled hard, pushing Ning Junyan with one hand, while the other hand reflexively grabbed Ning Junyan's underwear.

At this moment, Ning Junyan's lips moved away from his, and at the same time he reached out to turn off the shower.

Without Ning Junyan's support, Chen Yuncheng couldn't stop his body from sliding down. He put one hand on the edge of the bathtub so he didn't let himself kneel down. Hot water kept dripping from his hair and clothes.

Ning Junyan wrapped his arms around his waist and helped him up.

Chen Yuncheng was a little angry, and patted Ning Jun's hand extending towards his face, scolding: "Go away!"

Ning Junyan hugged him and sat down on the edge of the bathtub, pressed him firmly on his lap, and said, "Angry?"

Chen Yuncheng was still panting.

Ning Jun extended his hand to take the clean towel next to the bathtub, and gently wiped Chen Yuncheng's face.

When Chen Yuncheng wanted to grab his hand, he noticed that there was still a wet cloth in his hand, and when he looked closely, it was Ning Junyan's underwear, and immediately raised his hand and threw it in the bathtub.

Ning Junyan took advantage of this time to wipe the water off his face.

Chen Yuncheng's chest heaved violently and said, "Are you trying to suffocate me?"

Ning Junyan said calmly, "I won't suffocate you, I just want to kill you."

Chen Yuncheng was ashamed and angry, and wanted to grab Ning Junyan's clothes, but the tentacles were only wet skin, he said angrily: "Ning Junyan!"

Ning Junyan lowered his head, pressed his forehead lightly against Chen Yuncheng's neckline, and said, "I just think about it."

Chen Yuncheng suddenly realized that Ning Junyan was not wearing anything, and the state of his body could not be more obvious and calm at this moment.

So his anger suddenly faded a lot, leaving only shame and anger, struggling to get up.

Ning Junyan refused to let go and said, "Don't go."

Chen Yuncheng's wet hair stuck to his cheeks, covering the reddish blood. He said, "Why are you staying here if you don't leave?"

Ning Junyan said calmly, "Then you can touch it."

Chen Yuncheng refused without thinking: "No."

Ning Junyan said in an indifferent tone in his ear: "Then leave it alone."

The author says:

Chen Yuncheng may be a little awkward, but if he wasn't awkward and conservative in this regard, he wouldn't have been in a relationship at the age of 28. Forgive an older single young man