Morbid Addiction

Chapter 52


This awkward atmosphere continued under the stalemate between the two.

Chen Yuncheng wanted to leave, but Ning Junyan refused to let go. Chen Yuncheng's clothes were all soaked through, and even though the room was well heated, he still felt cold all over his body after a while, he said to Ning Junyan, "It's too cold."

Ning Junyan asked, "Is it cold to hold you too?"

Chen Yuncheng said, "You asked me to go back and change my clothes."

Ning Junyan seemed to be hesitating, and after a while he finally let go, "Go ahead."

Chen Yuncheng hurriedly climbed out of the bathtub and found his other slipper on the ground. He walked outside despite the dripping water all over his body, went back to his room to find a change of clothes, went to the public bathroom, and put in hot water to take a shower.

After taking a shower and changing his clothes, almost half an hour had passed before Chen Yuncheng felt his whole body warmed up. He looked in the mirror and saw that his cheeks were still red. He didn't know if it was because of the steaming heat of the bath or just a little bit. The alcohol has not dissipated.

When he wanted to go back to the room, he suddenly worried about Ning Junyan again. He didn't know if Ning Junyan was asleep now, or if Ning Junyan had just put in hot water to take a shower. After all, Chen Yuncheng was soaked and cold. While sitting there, Ning Junyan was also wet without clothes on.

He walked gently to the door of Ning Junyan's room. This time, he didn't knock on the door. He just twisted the door open a crack. He saw that it was already dark inside. Ning Junyan should have turned off the lights and went to sleep.

Chen Yuncheng closed the door and wanted to leave. He just turned around and turned around to open the door again. He walked in lightly. After his eyes adjusted to the darkness in the room, he saw Ning Junyan lying on the bed, covering him with a quilt. Wrap yourself up.

He walked to the bed and squatted down, approached Ning Junyan's face, and asked softly, "Are you asleep?"

Ning Junyan just replied: "Well."

Chen Yuncheng reached out and touched his forehead, and asked at the same time, "Did you take a hot shower by yourself later?"

Ning Junyan did not answer.

Chen Yuncheng worriedly reached into the quilt to find Ning Junyan's hand, "Is it cold?" He felt that Ning Junyan was not even wearing pajamas.

Ning Junyan suddenly grabbed Chen Yuncheng's hand, Chen Yuncheng was startled, and subconsciously wanted to withdraw his hand, but Ning Junyan held it too tightly, and he failed. Ning Junyan's palm was hot, but not too hot. Ning Junyan held his hand on his chest, and his skin was warm.

Chen Yuncheng was a little relieved, "Aren't you cold?"

Ning Junyan said, "Cold, come up and hug."

His tone was still flat, but in Chen Yuncheng's ears it was like acting like a spoiled child. Chen Yuncheng pinched his nose with his hand and said, "You are thirty years old, and you are like this in the hospital?"

Ning Junyan said, "No, only for you."

Chen Yuncheng didn't speak. He could already see Ning Junyan's facial features in the dark. He knew that the other party had been looking at him with his eyes open. It is not full of affection, but it is full of attention, as if only himself in the world is worthy of his attention.

For a moment, Chen Yuncheng felt guilty about his rejection of Ning Junyan, and he said, "Do you really think our relationship can be maintained?"

Ning Junyan asked him back, "Why not?"

Chen Yuncheng touched Ning Junyan's eyebrows with his fingers, "We are all men."

Ning Junyan asked him, "Do you hate me?"

Chen Yuncheng shook his head, "How could I hate you?"

Ning Junyan said to him, "Come up and I'll talk to you."

Chen Yuncheng didn't move.

Ning Junyan said again: "I won't do anything. After so long, have I forced you to do anything?"

Chen Yuncheng finally got up and sat beside the bed.

Ning Junyan moved to the middle of the bed, let Chen Yuncheng lie down beside him, and covered both of them with the quilt.

Chen Yuncheng moved a little, his body a little stiff, "Why don't you even wear underwear?"

Ning Junyan said, "I don't want to wear it, this is my bed."

Chen Yuncheng also felt that his accusations were a bit unreasonable. He moved to the bedside uncomfortably, thinking that he had just lied down, but he couldn't regret it and left immediately, so he could only say, "What do you want to say?"

Ning Junyan lay on his side facing him, still holding his hand, "Do you like me?"

Chen Yuncheng was taken aback by his question. This question was a bit difficult to answer. Naturally, he liked it, but it was hard for Chen Yuncheng to say which one he liked and to what extent. Up to now, his feelings for Ning Junyan must not be said to be in love with death, otherwise he would not want to keep a distance from Ning Junyan as soon as possible, but if you ask him if he has any heart, he does not want to lie to himself, then there must be. Yes, and more than once.

But heartbeats don't necessarily turn into love, and it's not because of one or two heartbeats that two people must come together. After all, people are not just animals manipulated by emotions, they can also be rational.

Chen Yuncheng didn't answer his question, and Ning Junyan wasn't impatient, and asked another question: "Have you ever liked someone else? Whether it's a man or a woman?"

"No," Chen Yuncheng answered succinctly this time.

Ning Junyan leaned in and kissed his temple, and asked him, "If it weren't for me, what kind of person would you be with?"

Chen Yuncheng said, "I don't know." After speaking, he added, "Maybe it's an ordinary woman."

"What kind of woman?" Ning Junyan asked him.

Chen Yuncheng still said: "I don't know, I haven't thought about it carefully, just be ordinary, don't need to be too outstanding, and don't need to be too good."

"Why?" Ning Junyan's voice was very soft, with a rare soft tone. Although the breath is full of alcohol, the coherence of each sentence is very clear.

Chen Yuncheng felt that he inserted his fingers one by one into his own fingers and then clasped them firmly, and said, "No reason, I think it suits me."

"Have you ever met such a woman?" Ning Junyan asked.

Chen Yuncheng was silent, he was thinking seriously, in fact, he had met, and there was more than one. Someone had expressed interest to him, a vague hint that he understood, but no further action was taken. It's obviously the girl he thinks is suitable for him, but he has never been moved.

Ning Junyan seemed to know his answer, "Why didn't we get together, wasn't it your choice?"

Chen Yuncheng could no longer answer with three inappropriate words. He felt a little embarrassed and wanted to get up and leave, but Ning Junyan hugged him with his arms and said to him, "Yuncheng, I am the most suitable in the world. Your people, you can't leave me, and you can't leave me. You dare not answer my question, you know you're in love with me."

"I don't," Chen Yuncheng subconsciously denied.

Ning Junyan put one palm in front of the beating heart on his chest, and said firmly, "I asked it, and it said you have it."

Chen Yuncheng couldn't help laughing, "Ning Junyan, you're drunk."

Ning Junyan said: "It's okay, you will love me more and more, just like I love you, we will be together forever."

Chen Yuncheng was suddenly curious, and he asked Ning Junyan, "If you hadn't met me, what would have happened to you now?"

Ning Junyan said: "I just fell asleep on this bed alone, working, eating, sleeping every day, and dying alone without emotion."

Chen Yuncheng was a little stunned, and he asked, "Does it have to be me?"

Ning Junyan nodded, "Only you."

They hadn't seen each other for 16 years, how did they come here in 16 years, and where did Ning Junyan's strong feelings come from, Chen Yuncheng didn't ask, and didn't dare to ask. He is always soft-hearted. Once the other person expresses too much feelings, he will feel unbearable, and when he feels that he cannot give back the same feelings, he can't help but want to run away.

There are heartbeats, debts, and many other things. When they were young, they depended on each other for life. When they were separated, they were reluctant to part. His feelings for Ning Junyan were too complicated. Unlike the girls who had shown him good-natured before, for the first time he felt that he could not escape.

Ning Junyan hugged him, rubbing his forehead lightly on his side face, Chen Yuncheng's heart beat violently, he reached out and groped under the quilt, and held Ning Junyan. Ning Junyan stopped abruptly, staring at him with wide eyes in the dark.

Chen Yuncheng was too nervous, his throat was so dry, he said, "Didn't you tell me to touch it?"

Ning Junyan lowered his head and kissed him fiercely on his neck, and said unsteadily, "Well, it likes it very much, do you feel it?"

Chen Yuncheng was really not used to talking to him like this, so he closed his mouth and eyes. When Ning Junyan's hand touched his lower abdomen, he immediately bent his legs together and said, "No." He didn't let Ning Junyan touch him.

Ning Junyan didn't force it, and said softly, "Okay."

Chen Yuncheng felt that Ning Junyan's kisses kept falling on his side face and neck, his breathing became more and more unsteady, even in the dark, he still felt unspeakably shy, so he raised his other arm and put it on him. on the eyes.

He couldn't see anything, he could only listen with his ears. The sound of Ning Junyan's breathing was too obvious to ignore. It spread in all directions in the spacious bedroom, hit the wall and returned to his ears.

The kisses also became intense and incoherent.

It was the emotional voice of an adult man, and Chen Yuncheng suddenly heard his own breathing in it, which was equally emotional, hot and strong.

He was so frightened that he held his breath for a moment, unwilling to let Ning Junyan hear his breathing like that.

Ning Junyan's voice was hoarse and called his name in his ear: "Yuncheng."

Chen Yuncheng's whole body was covered with a thin layer of sweat, his heartbeat became more and more violent, and he almost couldn't take it anymore. Until the moment when he felt his palms wet, he lifted the quilt and got out of bed, and left Ning Junyan's room with a brisk pace as if running away.