Morbid Addiction

Chapter 56


Ning Junyan's cousin, who is two years younger than him, just gave birth to a son with his wife this year. During the meal, the child was carried to the dining table, and the whole family was happily teasing the child.

Shu Rong picked up the child, teased him in her arms for a while, and suddenly put him in Ning Junyan's arms.

Unprepared, Ning Junyan reached out to take the child and looked up at Shu Rong.

Shu Rong stood beside him and asked him, "Is it cute?"

Ning Junyan lowered his head to look at the child in his arms, and replied indifferently, "Cute." Then he got up and returned the child to his mother.

At this time, Ning Junyan's second uncle said, "If you're cute, give birth to one yourself earlier."

Ning Junyan smiled when he heard the words, and did not intend to continue the topic, so he did not speak.

The family ate this reunion dinner for a long time, and when they were full, the men in the family sat around the round table smoking and chatting.

Only Ning Junyan stood up alone, walked out through the living room, put on his coat and walked into the cold yard outside.

When he went out, Shu Rong stopped him from behind: "You're leaving now?"

Ning Junyan said, "Go out and get some air."

After a while, Shu Rong also put on a thick coat and followed.

Shu Rong is in her fifties this year. She is well-maintained, her skin is fair and tight, and she has worked hard to maintain her figure. She looks like she is in her early forties.

About ten years ago, she co-founded a beauty and plastic surgery hospital with a friend, and she was the director. Now more than ten years have passed, the business of the hospital has become more and more prosperous, and she has become more and more beautiful, like a job in the hospital. billboard.

Ning Junyan's father, Ning Zhanghong, is the vice president of another public tertiary hospital in the city. If Shu Rong's character is a typical businessman, Ning Zhanghong is a low-key and dedicated scholar. Part of Ning Junyan's character is inherited from his father, he is quiet and indifferent, and he doesn't talk much. Another part may come from his mother, who has a strong personality and is difficult to control.

He wasn't close to his parents, and even if he didn't have the experience of being abducted by human traffickers twenty years ago, he wasn't close to them either.

The door lamp of the living room door can only illuminate a small area in the yard, and other flowers and trees are hidden in the darkness.

Shu Rong wrapped her long coat tightly and asked Ning Junyan, "Are you on duty during the Spring Festival?"

Ning Junyan said, "On duty."

"How many days is it worth?"

Ning Junyan replied to her, "The second and sixth day of junior high school."

Shu Rong nodded and said, "Then you come back home on the 30th night and we'll spend the New Year together. You also come back on the third day of the third year. There are guests at home that day."

"No," Ning Junyan said, "I have my own arrangements."

Shu Rong frowned, "What arrangements do you have for the New Year alone? What's more important than going home to celebrate with your parents?"

Ning Junyan's tone was calm, "It's not a lot, reading and making money are more important than family reunion?" After speaking, he heard movement in the living room, turned around and saw that it was grandpa coming out of the dining room, so he walked inside. .

He walked over to his grandfather, bent down and said a few words of New Year's greetings to him, and then said, "I have something to do at home, so I'll go back first."

Grandpa is not like his father. He has a kind personality. He grabbed Ning Junyan's hand and asked, "What's going on at home?"

Ning Junyan said softly, "I hid someone and waited for me at home."

When Grandpa heard it, he smiled wrinkled, clapped his hand and said, "Come on, then."

Ning Junyan said again: "Don't tell others."

Grandpa said, "Promise not to tell."

Ning Junyan returned to the dining room to say goodbye to the others. Ning Zhanghong heard that he was leaving so soon, but frowned slightly, but nodded without asking anything.

Only Shu Rong was still dissatisfied, and followed Ning Junyan to where he parked, "It's fine if you don't come back at 30, you'd better come back in the third year of junior high."

Ning Junyan asked, "Is something wrong?"

Shu Rong said, "I told you that there were guests at home that day."

Ning Junyan opened the car door to get in the car and was about to get in the car. He felt that Shu Rong looked very unhappy, probably about to lose his temper, so he said, "Okay, I'll try to come back."

Shu Rong then backed away from the car and stood on the side of the road watching Ning Junyan drive away.

Before the car turned the corner of the community lane, Ning Junyan raised his head and glanced at the rearview mirror. He saw Shu Rong still standing on the side of the road, and then the picture in the rearview mirror changed with the turn of the car, and Shu Rong's figure changed from Inside disappeared.

When Ning Junyan got home, Chen Yuncheng was setting up a ladder to hang the curtains in the living room. He didn't go out today, so he took off the curtains at home, washed them, dried them and hung them back on the window.

"Isn't there an auntie to do the cleaning?" Ning Junyan walked to the ladder and reached out to support Chen Yuncheng's leg.

There is an aunt who comes to clean his house regularly, and a comprehensive cleaning should be done before the new year.

Chen Yuncheng had already hung up the curtains and was about to come down with the help of the ladder, "Auntie can't finish it in a day. I have time today, so I took off the curtains and washed them."

He stepped on the ladder just two steps down, and Ning Junyan reached out and hugged him down, put his forehead over, and rubbed his face attachedly.

Chen Yuncheng was startled, reached out and hugged his shoulder, and asked, "Why did you come back so early?"

Ning Junyan said, "I came back after dinner. What did you eat at night, why didn't you reply to my message?"

Chen Yuncheng touched the pocket of his trousers subconsciously, only to realize that the phone had been left on the bed in the room. He hadn't looked at the phone all night, so he could only say, "I didn't see it. I ate instant noodles at night."

Ning Junyan said, "Don't eat instant noodles."

Chen Yuncheng raised his hand and pinched his ear, and said with a smile, "You are so lenient."

Ning Junyan said in a serious tone, "Don't eat instant noodles."

Chen Yuncheng promised him with a smile: "Okay, next time I order takeout instead of instant noodles."

Ning Junyan went to take a shower, then dragged Chen Yuncheng, who had returned to his room, to his room, lying on the bed and hugging Chen Yuncheng tightly in his arms.

Chen Yuncheng stretched out a hand and groped over his head.

Ning Junyan asked, "What are you touching?"

Chen Yuncheng said, "I feel the wound on your head is still healed." When they first met when they were adults, Chen Yuncheng felt that Ning Junyan had completely changed, but after a long time, he felt that Ning Junyan was completely changed. no change.

Ning Junyan said to him, "It's not good yet, the injury is inside, you can't touch it like this."

Chen Yuncheng smiled. He pinched Ning Junyan's nose and pinched his ears. He used to do this when he was a child. Ning Junyan would only look at him stupidly and never knew he was angry. Now Ning Junyan Not angry, but will kiss him hard.

Until he was out of breath, Chen Yuncheng pushed Ning Junyan away and asked, "Who are there at dinner tonight?" He never heard Ning Junyan mention his family.

Ning Junyan answered his question seriously: "My grandfather, my second uncle's family, my aunt's family, and my parents."

Chen Yuncheng remembered Ning Junyan's parents he met sixteen years ago. He no longer remembered their appearance, but he remembered a tall and handsome middle-aged man and a beautiful and delicate woman, "You don't have a good relationship with them. Is it?" He was a little strange, he remembered that Ning Junyan's parents were very emotional when they found him, and his mother hugged him and cried bitterly.

Ning Junyan said: "It doesn't matter if it's good or not, maybe I haven't met their expectations."

"You're so good, but you still can't meet their expectations?" Chen Yuncheng thought it was incredible, he tried to sit up with his hands.

But Ning Junyan didn't let him move, he must hold him in his arms, and said fiercely: "Don't move."

Chen Yuncheng did not move.

Ning Junyan was satisfied, rubbed his hair with his hand, and said, "I don't remember things clearly when I was a child, but I remember that after they brought me home when I was fourteen, my mother took it like crazy. I made up classes everywhere and insisted that I would not be allowed to repeat a grade, and that I must take the high school entrance examination at the age of fifteen like everyone else.”

At that time, he almost abandoned his studies for four years, and there was a big gap between him and other peers.

Shu Rong is a person who has a plan for her life. Ning Junyan is her only son. She also loves Ning Junyan very much. Because of her love, she has higher expectations. After experiencing the great sadness and joy of losing and finding her son, she calmed down and began to put the same pressure on herself and her son. She believed that her son was the best, so she took Ning Junyan like a madman. Make up for the four-year deficit.

Ning Zhanghong may not agree with her idea, but he never interferes. Most of the time he shuts himself in his study to read literature and research materials, or bury himself in hospitals and laboratories. Occasionally at home, seeing Ning Junyan who stayed up late reading a book, he could only say something indifferently: "Come on, don't let your mother down."

Studying was not too painful for Ning Junyan, so most of the time he watched the parents calmly and endured Shu Rong's hysteria that lasted for a long time.

Until one night, he didn't know what he was thinking, he suddenly threw aside the books and exercises in front of him, opened the door and left alone.

He was taken back by his parents before he could go very far.

Shu Rong asked in horror where he was going.

Ning Junyan said indifferently to her mother, "I'm going to find Chen Yuncheng."

Ning Zhanghong frowned upon hearing this, while Shu Rong grabbed his shoulders and asked him nervously, "What are you doing with him?" They all knew that Chen Yuncheng was a child living with Ning Junyan in a trafficker's house.

Ning Junyan said, "I miss him."

The couple looked at each other, Shu Rong grabbed Ning Junyan's hand and said to him, "What do you want him to do? He has gone home with his parents, you can't find him."

Ning Junyan said, "He has no parents."

Shu Rong said: "Then he will have other relatives, and he will not miss you. You each have your own life, and you will have new friends in the future. After a long time, he will forget you, and you will too. Forget him."

Ning Junyan shook his head, "I won't forget Chen Yuncheng."

Shu Rong's face froze, "If you say that again, mom will be angry. Be good, go back with us and stop thinking about it."

From that day on, in addition to taking Ning Junyan to make up lessons, Shu Rong had one more thing in her life, that is, taking Ning Junyan to see a psychiatrist.

She didn't want Ning Junyan to remember that experience, and she didn't want Ning Junyan to mention it. She felt that it was Ning Junyan's psychological trauma, and it was also her psychological trauma. As long as Ning Junyan mentioned Chen Yuncheng's name, she repeatedly told Ning Junyan that Chen Yuncheng had forgotten him, they were both unimportant existences to each other, and they would meet more important people in the future.

Ning Junyan didn't like Shu Rong's nervous chatter, so she never mentioned Chen Yuncheng again.

The author says:

On the formation of Ning Junyan's character