Morbid Addiction

Chapter 64


Guan Anlin returned before the end of the year.

After negotiating with Chen Yuncheng, in order to save the cost of renting a house, he simply installed a bunk bed in the room in the store. Although the room was not big, the two of them didn't care. living environment at the time.

Before the official opening, Chen Yuncheng followed Sun Shiliang to pick up the goods, and boxes of tobacco, alcohol and beverages gradually filled the shelves, and hired a young girl in her twenties named Wu Xiaozhu to watch the store and keep accounts.

Sun Shiliang wanted to completely hand over the store to Chen Yuncheng. He was in the wholesale tobacco and alcohol business, and many of them bought goods directly from local distributors. He took Chen Yuncheng around and ate a lot of meals. People know Chen Yuncheng. At the beginning, I introduced a few customers to come here, saying that they are all his stores, and both sides get the same discount.

When the store began to stockpile goods, Chen Yuncheng moved out of the daily rental house and lived with Guan Anlin in the interior of the store.

Chen Yuncheng slept on the bottom bunk, and Guan Anlin slept on the top bed.

The environment here is not as humid as Chen Yuncheng's previous small shop, and there are two people living in the room, so it is not so cold. The beds and quilts were all newly bought, and they were soft and soft to lie on, but they were more comfortable than the day-rented beds.

The best thing is that the store is equipped with air conditioners, and there is a large cabinet outside. I plan to put a plastic curtain on the door of the store in summer to ensure the coolness inside; there is a small hanging machine inside, which has not been opened for the time being. Chen Yuncheng felt that the winter was almost over, and the house was not so cold, so there was no need to drive.

Guan Anlin didn't care about anything, lying on the upper bunk watching videos on his mobile phone.

The two of them sorted out the goods for the day, moving the container up and down, and now they don't want to do anything except lie down and rest.

Chen Yuncheng put his hands behind his head and stared at the depressed bed above, thinking that Ning Junyan had not contacted him for a week.

The wound on his wrist has faded away, and it might disappear completely in two days, so Ning Junyan's violent and extreme behavior disappeared with the wound, and was gradually forgotten by Chen Yuncheng, and he remembered that Ning Junyan treated him well. place.

He actually wanted to call Ning Junyan again, but he was afraid that Ning Junyan would not answer, so he hesitated. He didn't know what Ning Junyan was thinking. If Ning Junyan didn't want to see him, he was afraid that his phone calls would become harassment to the other party.

When he was thinking wildly, Guan Anlin came out from the upper bunk to look at him. Chen Yuncheng frowned before he could let go. Seeing his expression, Guan Anlin asked him, "What's wrong?"

Chen Yuncheng replied, "It will officially open tomorrow."

Guan Anlin said "um", "Isn't it good?"

"Yeah, it's pretty good," Chen Yuncheng's tone sounded like he was sighing.

Guan Anlin shrank his head back and said after a while, "My sister is going to college in June this year."

Chen Yuncheng knew that his sister's grades were very good, and she was top-notch in the local middle school, so she asked, "Which university do you want to go to?"

Guan Anlin said: "She wants to take the exam, and I want her to take the exam too."

Chen Yuncheng chatted with him absentmindedly: "Come here, you brothers and sisters can take care of each other."

Guan Anlin was silent for a while, and said to Chen Yuncheng, "You can meet her then."

Chen Yuncheng sighed, turned over and lay on his side, "Even if you don't talk about age, do you think your sister, a college student, can look up to me, who is almost thirty without a car and a house, and is still working for others to see a shop. A man?" Speaking of which, Chen Yuncheng was a little stunned, he thought that Ning Junyan was not just a college student, but also a doctoral student who had studied abroad, but because his head was not quite right, he also fell in love with him.

Guan Anlin said: "I think she will be furious when she is dating other men in the future."

Chen Yuncheng said, "Your mentality is abnormal." After speaking, he was not in the mood to chat with Guan Anlin anymore, closed his eyes and said, "I'm sleeping."

The next morning, the smoke hotel officially opened for business. The flower baskets made by Chen Yuncheng were delivered early in the morning and placed on both sides of the store gate. Although firecrackers could not be set off, the atmosphere seemed lively.

Customers who have ordered tobacco, alcohol and beverages through Boss Sun before will start official delivery today.

There was an old van parked in front of the store, which Sun Shiliang gave them specifically for delivery. In the morning, Chen Yuncheng and Guan Anlin counted the goods and moved them to the car one by one, ready to deliver the goods to customers.

For the rest of the time, Chen Yuncheng and the newly recruited Wu Xiaozhu continued to count the goods in the store, and constantly adjusted the goods on the shelves.

Tonight, Sun Shiliang invited Chen Yuncheng and the others to have dinner together, saying that it was to celebrate the opening of the new store and asked Chen Yuncheng to call both Guan Anlin and Wu Xiaozhu together.

Before hanging up the phone, Sun Shiliang said to Chen Yuncheng again, "Xiao Chen, can you call Dr. Ning together?"

Chen Yuncheng was stunned for a moment and said, "I don't know if he is free today."

Sun Shiliang said: "It's okay, you can ask me. If it doesn't work today, I'll invite him to dinner another day. There is an elderly person in the family who is going to have an operation. I want to consult Dr. Ning."

During this period of time, Sun Shiliang helped Chen Yuncheng too much. Chen Yuncheng had no way to refuse him, nor was he willing to perfunctory him, so he had to say, "I'll ask him."

Hanging up the phone, Guan Anlin had already opened the van and got into the driver's seat. He honked the horn and said to Chen Yuncheng, "Get in the car."

Chen Yuncheng nodded, turned around and asked Wu Xiaozhu a few words, opened the co-pilot door of the van and got on the bus, and went to deliver the goods with Guan Anlin.

The delivery address was unfamiliar to both of them. Chen Yuncheng held the delivery note in his hand and entered the address into his mobile phone to start the navigation.

Guan Anlin was driving the car, and occasionally turned his head to see Chen Yuncheng's expression not very good, and asked, "What's wrong?"

Chen Yuncheng said, "It's nothing."

Guan Anlin found some topics to chat with him, "Boss Sun has introduced the dealers and customers to you. When we have accumulated enough capital, we will dig his customers to do it ourselves."

Chen Yuncheng glanced at him.

Guan Anlin said, "It's better than working for someone else."

Chen Yuncheng had been busy all morning, but he still didn't feel relieved till now. He leaned back in his chair and said, "Brother Sun has helped me so much. As long as he needs, I will continue to help him."

Guan Anlin gave a soft "hum" and did not speak.

Chen Yuncheng remembered that he once had a drink and chatted with Sun Shiliang, saying that Sun Shiliang trusted him too much and he did not dare to let him down.

At that time, Sun Shiliang was quite indifferent, and told Chen Yuncheng to broaden his horizons, and he didn't need to take a little profit too seriously, and he didn't care too much about gains and losses. He also drank a lot of wine, patted Chen Yuncheng on the shoulder, and said, "As a person, I don't care about the reward for making friends. When you need it for a while, you will find that all your friends are there, and they are willing to take the initiative to reward you. "

Chen Yuncheng could feel that Sun Shiliang did not belong to the Jianghu spirit of this era. He said, "It's not like that for people nowadays."

Sun Shiliang put his arms around his shoulders at that time, "Isn't that what you are? You said why I pulled you, you think you are like me, and it is worth making friends sincerely. Whether you can make money, how much money can be made, it doesn't matter now, this If the business is not good, we will replace it with another one, as long as we have friends, there will be a way."

Chen Yuncheng felt that he was yearning for the Jianghu gas in Sun Shiliang.

They delivered the goods to the customer, and after unloading the goods from the car, only the middle-aged eldest sister was in the store, and Chen Yuncheng took the trouble to help her move the goods in and put them on the shelves.

The eldest sister repeatedly thanked them, and after signing the list, gave them two bottles of mineral water and sent them out.

Chen Yuncheng's coat took off when he was carrying the goods, and he sat in the car and unscrewed the water bottle and gulps water.

Guan Anlin said: "After we unload the goods, the work is over. We need to help move the goods and ask for more money next time."

Chen Yuncheng raised his hand to wipe the water stains around his mouth, "Just do me a favor, don't worry about it so much."

Guan Anlin muttered a few words in a low voice, then started the car and left.

After a while, Chen Yuncheng felt that the sweat on his body was gone, and he cooled down. He stretched out his hand to take his jacket and put it on, and said, "After delivering the goods, take me to the hospital, you can go back first, and take Xiaozhu to Sun's place for dinner at night. "

"What are you doing in the hospital?"

Chen Yuncheng looked ahead and sat quietly for a while before saying, "Brother Sun asked me to invite a friend to come with me, and I'll go to the hospital to have a look."

"Which friend?" Guan Anlin couldn't help but ask curiously.

Chen Yuncheng said, "You've seen it before, the friend I borrowed from his house before."

"Oh," Guan Anlin understood, his tone was not very friendly, "The one with the Land Rover."

Although not very happy, Guan Anlin left Chen Yuncheng at the door of the hospital and drove away by himself.

Chen Yuncheng stood at the door and looked at the gate of the hospital where people came and went. He took out his mobile phone and hesitated for a while, but instead of calling Ning Junyan, he walked directly into the hospital.

According to the frequency of Ning Junyan's night shift, he should be on the day shift today.

Chen Yuncheng went to the floor of Ning Junyan's department in the inpatient building. Just after the new year, the hospital was already full of patients, and there was almost no room for extra beds in the corridor.

All the nurses were busy, no one noticed him, he looked like an ordinary patient's family member, walked along the corridor to the door of Ning Junyan's office, raised his hand and knocked on the door, but there was no response.

He returned, went to the resident doctor's office, and asked a doctor who was walking outside, "Is Director Ning here today?"

The doctor said, "Yes, there are ward rounds in the morning."

Chen Yuncheng asked again, "Is he undergoing surgery now?"

The doctor turned around to ask someone, and told Chen Yuncheng, "It should be still in the operation."

Chen Yuncheng thanked him, walked to the bench in the corridor closest to Ning Junyan's office and sat down, waiting for Ning Junyan.

A nurse stopped as he passed by and looked at him curiously.

Chen Yuncheng nodded at her.

The nurse smiled and said, "I've seen you before. Are you a friend of Director Ning? Are you looking for him?"

Chen Yuncheng stood up and said, "Yes, when will he be back?"

The nurse said, "The operation is over. But it seems to have been a long time. I guess it will be soon. Just wait a little longer." The nurse left after saying that.

Chen Yuncheng sat down again and waited against the back of the chair. He took out his mobile phone and glanced at it, thinking that if he could not wait for Ning Junyan by six o'clock, he would have to go to Sun Shiliang's side first, and then try to contact Ning later. Jun Yan.

As a result, he waited for about half an hour and saw Ning Junyan's figure appear in the corridor.

Ning Junyan was wearing a white coat, her hair was slightly wet, and a tall and straight figure slowly approached from a distance. When Chen Yuncheng saw him, he obviously saw Chen Yuncheng, but there was no expression on his face.

Chen Yuncheng stood up, just when he was about to speak, a young doctor blocked Ning Junyan's way with a medical record book, opened the medical record book in his hand and said something to Ning Junyan.

Ning Junyan retracted his gaze on Chen Yuncheng, looked at the medical record book in front of him, turned two pages with his hands, turned and left with the young doctor.