Morbid Addiction

Chapter 78


Chen Yuncheng couldn't help but want to get up after sitting on Ning Junyan's lap for a long time, but Ning Junyan hugged him and refused to let go.

"Isn't it heavy?" Chen Yuncheng asked, after all, he was tall and not too light.

Ning Junyan said, "I can hold it, and I want to hold it all the time."

Chen Yuncheng asked him with a smile, "Why are you so clingy?"

Ning Junyan said, "Because you ignored me for a long time."

Chen Yuncheng lightly combed his hair with his fingers, "I was really busy some time ago, and the fair just ended today." Having said that, Chen Yuncheng was a little excited again, and told Ning Junyan what he had encountered at the fair these days. People, how many orders have been signed.

Ning Junyan's expression was calm, but he kept watching Chen Yuncheng without moving his eyes, as if he was listening to him seriously.

After a while, Ning Junyan asked him, "So have you made enough money?"

Chen Yuncheng said, "Give me a few more months, and I'll pay you back 100,000 yuan first."

Ning Junyan shook his head slowly, "I don't want you to pay back the money. You said you would move back, and the contract is still with me."

Chen Yuncheng's tone was a little hesitant, "Are you moving back?"

Ning Junyan asked him, "Don't you like my house? Let's sell it and buy it again. Write our names."

Chen Yuncheng was stunned for a moment, looked at him and said, "It's not necessary, I have to spend money to renovate it."

Ning Junyan said, "It's good, you can dress it up however you want."

Chen Yuncheng remembered the chains in Ning Junyan's room, and suddenly had many bad associations, he said, "No need, this house is pretty good now."

"It's too far from your work," Ning Junyan said.

Chen Yuncheng said: "Actually, I'm considering taking out a loan to buy a car."


Chen Yuncheng hugged Ning Junyan's shoulder, he felt a little tired after the time was late, leaned on Ning Junyan, and said, "Brother Sun gave me advice, he said that people who do business must get swollen in the face even if they have no money. Be a fat man, otherwise people will think that you can't make money, and they will be more reluctant to talk to you about business. So I consider buying a second-hand BMW, which can be paid for by mortgage."

Ning Junyan said, "Just tell me if you need money."

Chen Yuncheng smiled and said, "Where can I use your money?"

Ning Junyan said, "You are all mine, who else do you want to spend if you don't spend my money? Boss Sun?"

"How can you even eat Boss Sun's vinegar?"

Ning Junyan's words were unreasonable: "No one can do it, it can only be me."

Chen Yuncheng held his face and kissed, "Okay, it can only be you."

It was too late, and Chen Yuncheng planned to leave.

Ning Junyan was reluctant to let him go.

Chen Yuncheng said: "You are on duty in the hospital, and I am messing with you here. Are you considered dereliction of duty? What if there are emergency patients in half?"

Ning Junyan frowned slightly, as if thinking about this issue seriously.

Chen Yuncheng coaxed him: "Can I come over tomorrow night?"

Ning Junyan glanced at him and said, "Move back."

Chen Yuncheng thought for a while, "Okay, let's discuss it slowly tomorrow night, okay?"

Only then did Ning Junyan let Chen Yuncheng get up from his arms.

Chen Yuncheng stood up and saw that Ning Junyan also got up, so he turned around and walked towards the door. At this moment, Ning Junyan's cell phone that had been on the desk rang.

At this time, I don't know who will call Ning Junyan.

Ning Junyan glanced at the incoming call, answered the call, and said in a slightly cold tone, "What's the matter so late?"

There was a faint voice over the phone, and Chen Yuncheng couldn't hear it clearly. It sounded like a woman's voice and was a little excited.

Ning Junyan's expression didn't change. He just stood up straight and his eyes became serious. He said, "Don't be nervous, I'll go to the emergency room now, you just follow the car."

The person on the other side of the phone said a few more words and ended the call.

Chen Yuncheng looked at him and asked, "What's wrong?"

Ning Junyan tucked the phone into the pocket of the white coat, stretched out his arms and grabbed Chen Yuncheng's belt and led him outside, saying as he walked, "It's nothing, my dad is not feeling well, my mom called an ambulance to take him now. come over."

Chen Yuncheng said in surprise: "Is it serious?"

Ning Junyan said, "It's okay, you go back first, I'll take you downstairs and call you a taxi." After speaking, he lowered his head and kissed Chen Yuncheng's lips, then reached out and opened the door of the office.

Chen Yuncheng didn't stop, but said, "I'll stay with you."

Ning Junyan shook his head, "I'll handle it, you don't have to stay to face my mother."

Chen Yuncheng knew that he called an ambulance to be taken to the hospital, and that Ning Junyan's father's illness was definitely not as light as Ning Junyan's tone. He has no feelings for Ning Junyan's parents, but he cares about Ning Junyan, no matter what their family relationship is, they are his blood relatives after all, and Chen Yuncheng wants to stay with him.

They took the elevator downstairs.

Ning Junyan's expression was very calm.

Chen Yuncheng couldn't help holding his hand.

Ning Junyan turned his head, rubbed his forehead against the top of Chen Yuncheng's head, and said, "It's alright, wife."

Chen Yuncheng felt that this sentence was more like Ning Junyan comforting himself, so he nodded and repeated, "It's alright."

He insisted that he would not leave, so Ning Junyan took him to the emergency hall with him. Shortly after arriving, he heard the sound of an ambulance.

Chen Yuncheng knew that he couldn't help, so he just followed Ning Junyan far behind and watched him trot towards the ambulance. When Ning Zhanghong was carried off the ambulance and placed on the movable bed, Ning Junyan ordered the emergency department. The doctor on duty immediately arranged for an examination.

"ECG and echocardiogram," Ning Junyan's tone was fast and steady, as he followed the pushed hospital bed forward, while sticking the stethoscope on Ning Zhanghong's left chest for auscultation.

Chen Yuncheng saw the middle-aged man on the hospital bed with a pale and painful face. Immediately after, he saw Shu Rong hurriedly running behind the hospital bed. Shu Rong was wearing no makeup and was wearing a sleeveless dress with a tense expression.

Shu Rong also saw Chen Yuncheng, she slowed down briefly, and then quickly followed up without talking to Chen Yuncheng.

Chen Yuncheng didn't care. He followed behind them and saw Ning Zhanghong being sent for an examination. Ning Junyan followed the examination room. He could only wait outside, and Shu Rong was also waiting outside.

"Auntie," Chen Yuncheng greeted Shu Rong proactively.

I don't know if it was because she didn't make up, Shu Rong's whole face looked very dull. She sat on a chair in the waiting area, looked up at Chen Yuncheng, still maintained her well-bred attitude, and asked, "Why are you here? here?"

Chen Yuncheng said, "I'm here to find Junyan."

"Oh," Shu Rong didn't ask any further, just nodded, stood up again, and walked back and forth restlessly. The hospital was full of air-conditioning. She was wearing thin clothes and hugged her arms unconsciously.

Seeing this, Chen Yuncheng took off his jacket and helped her put it on.

Shu Rong turned her head to look at him, then lowered her head to look at the suit jacket draped over her shoulders, took it off and handed it back to Chen Yuncheng: "Thank you, no need."

Chen Yuncheng said, "It's too cold here, auntie, you should put it on."

Shu Rong showed a reluctant smile, "I'm not used to the smell of tobacco and alcohol."

Chen Yuncheng was stunned for a moment. He realized that he was eating out tonight, and his coat smelled a lot of tobacco and alcohol, but he didn't mention it when he was close to Ning Junyan just now. Chen Yuncheng took back his jacket and said, "Sorry."

Ning Junyan was busy all night, accompany Ning Zhanghong to do various examinations, until it was almost dawn, Ning Junyan came out of the examination room.

Shu Rong stood up suddenly and asked, "How is it?"

Ning Junyan didn't answer. He walked up to Chen Yuncheng and said to him, "You should go back to rest soon. I'm going to prepare for surgery."

Chen Yuncheng couldn't help grabbing his arm, "You still need surgery? You haven't slept all night."

Ning Junyan raised his hand and touched his hair, and said, "No problem."

Shu Rong kept looking at them.

After Ning Junyan and Chen Yuncheng finished talking, they turned to Shu Rong and said, "Acute aortic dissection requires surgery as soon as possible. I will do it myself."

The author says:

I came back late from overtime this afternoon