Morbid Addiction

Chapter 83


When Ning Junyan drove to pick up Chen Yuncheng, he saw Chen Yuncheng squatting in front of the store to feed stray cats with ham sausage.

There are several stray cats in the commercial market. Chen Yuncheng will feed them when he is free. The stray cats recognize him, and they will approach him and act coquettishly when they see him.

When Ning Junyan's car approached, the two cats in front of Chen Yuncheng ran away at once, hid in the distance and saw that there was no threat, and rushed back to continue eating the ham on the ground. Ning Junyan opened the door to get out of the car and walked to Chen Yuncheng.

Chen Yuncheng squatted and didn't get up, just looked up at him.

"Let's go?" he asked Chen Yuncheng.

Chen Yuncheng said with a smile, "Wait for me for two minutes." He patiently continued to feed the cat.

Ning Junyan squatted down beside him and looked at the two stray cats in front of him.

Chen Yuncheng turned his head to look at his smooth profile and asked, "Do you want to feed him."

"No," Ning Junyan rejected him mercilessly.

Hearing his indifferent tone, Chen Yuncheng even thought he was cute, looked at him with a smile, and said, "Forget it."

After feeding the cat, Chen Yuncheng went into the store and greeted Guan Anlin before getting on the bus with Ning Junyan. He sat in the co-pilot, fastened his seatbelt and asked, "How is your dad?"

Ning Junyan started the car and answered him at the same time, "It's recovering well."

At first, Chen Yuncheng didn't know how serious the aortic dissection was. Later, when he returned to the commercial market to chat with the people in the next store, he heard that the disease was very dangerous. Even if the operation was successful, he might not be able to save his life.

Of course, it was one thing to be afraid of Ning Zhanghong's accident. What he was also afraid of was that if Ning Zhanghong really died on Ning Junyan's operating table, it would probably have a big impact on Ning Junyan's psychology. So he couldn't help asking about Ning Zhanghong's recovery, hoping that Ning Zhanghong could recover and be discharged from the hospital soon.

After knowing that Ning Zhanghong was in good condition, Chen Yuncheng asked again, "What about your mother? Is she still angry?"

Ning Junyan replied, "Angry, she didn't want to talk to me when she saw me today."

"I'm sorry," Chen Yuncheng apologized seriously.

Ning Junyan glanced at him, "It's none of your business."

Chen Yuncheng said, "It was Guan Anlin's rudeness to her that made her angry."

Ning Junyan said, "Well, so it's none of your business."

"She's still doing business with Yu Jie?"

"She said she didn't."

Chen Yuncheng nodded, "That's good."

In the evening, Ning Junyan received a call from the hospital and temporarily participated in a remote video consultation. He went to the study, leaving Chen Yuncheng alone in the bedroom.

Chen Yuncheng lay on the bed and played two games, but he didn't pay much attention to it. After a while, he felt bored and put the phone aside, sat cross-legged on the head of the bed and pulled the chain with his hand.

A leather collar hung from the end of the chain, hanging against the wall and over the pillow.

Chen Yuncheng untied the collar from the chain, took a look at it in his hand, got up and walked to the door to look outside. He heard Ning Junyan's voice coming from the study, and it was estimated that the video over there would be a while. It wouldn't end, so he put the collar around his neck, groped for the buckle, and went into the bathroom to look in the mirror.

The short-haired young man in the mirror has a high nose bridge, soft eyebrows, and a black leather collar around his neck. Chen Yuncheng wasn't too interested in Ning Junyan's messy fetishes, but sometimes he thought it was a good adjustment in bed.

After all, when Ning Junyan's interest is particularly high, Chen Yuncheng will be aroused by him, and he feels particularly strong.

He looked left and right in the mirror, and after a while he went back to the bed to take off the collar and put it back on the chain.

It wasn't over yet on Ning Junyan's side. He didn't want to disturb him. He lay on the bed and played games for a while. When he felt tired, he fell asleep and left a lamp by the bed for Ning Junyan.

However, this sleep didn't last long, and Chen Yuncheng was woken up by Ning Junyan.

He opened his eyes, Ning Junyan knelt on one leg beside the bed, his fingers were unbuttoning his shirt, revealing a large sturdy chest, seeing Chen Yuncheng awake, Ning Junyan bent down and continued to kiss him while unbuttoning, After a while, he tossed the shirt he took off.

Chen Yuncheng raised his hand and hugged his neck. After he kissed him for a while, his cheeks and neck felt itchy, so he avoided it with a smile, and reached out to touch the phone, "What time is it?"

Ning Junyan grabbed his hand and fixed it above his head. Instead of answering the question, he said, "Are you playing with my collar?"

Chen Yuncheng was stunned for a moment, then looked up at the collar hanging by the head of the bed, "How do you know?"

Ning Junyan stroked his hair and said in a low and slow voice, "There are surveillance cameras in the room."

Chen Yuncheng felt that he suddenly woke up, and subconsciously looked up the monitor in the room and said, "Are you sick? What kind of monitor is installed in your room?"

Seeing him panic for a while, Ning Junyan grabbed the link of the chain with one hand and took off the collar, a slight smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, but it disappeared quickly, "The link you buckled is the same as the previous one. Different."

Chen Yuncheng looked at his expression and knew that Ning Junyan was teasing him, so he breathed a sigh of relief.

But then, Ning Junyan put the collar on Chen Yuncheng's neck, "Just keep wearing it if you like it."

"Of course not!" Chen Yuncheng twisted his neck and said, "People must think I'm crazy."

Ning Junyan pressed his left hand against his, and the fingers of his right hand hooked up the collar, his fingertips inserted into the narrow gap between Chen Yuncheng's neck and the collar, rubbed the pulp of his fingers, and said, "You can engrave your name here, you say engraved on it. Inside or outside? If you engrave it outside, everyone will know you are mine."

Chen Yuncheng looked at him without speaking, only with a shallow smile in his eyes.

Ning Junyan pulled on the collar: "Speak."

Chen Yuncheng was pulled up and his head was raised, and then fell on the pillow again, he couldn't help saying: "Pain!"

Ning Junyan said coldly, "Squeamish."

Chen Yuncheng struggled to free his hands from Ning Junyan's hands, and then stretched out two hands towards him.

It was a gesture of asking for a kiss. Ning Junyan quickly leaned down and kissed him. After a long kiss, Ning Junyan hugged him and sat on his lap, kissed his Adam's apple through the collar, and said: " Come on your knees."

Chen Yuncheng didn't answer, he was a little awkward and hesitant.

Ning Junyan said: "You promised me, and you coaxed me again." He was obviously coquettish, but his tone was low and serious.

Chen Yuncheng remembered what he said in his office that day to try with him, tried to convince himself to make up his mind, and warned him, "Don't mess around."

Ning Junyan looked up at him, "I love you so much, I can't bear it."

Chen Yuncheng blushed, first hugged him and kissed him, before turning around and reluctantly kneeling on the bed.

For a moment, Chen Yuncheng thought, he really loves Ning Junyan, he couldn't refuse any messy request, and even if he refused, he couldn't help agreeing after a long time. He later thought that the bottom line is something that people constantly break, and in the end he will find that there is no lower limit and no upper limit.

It was already early morning when it was over, Chen Yuncheng couldn't stand it physically and refused to cooperate with Ning Junyan, but Ning Junyan's energy was a bottomless pit, as long as Chen Yuncheng didn't refuse, he would not stop easily.

Chen Yuncheng didn't even have the strength to get up to take a shower. He was held in Ning Junyan's arms and panted slightly, feeling the leather collar was soaked with sweat and stuck to his skin.

He tried to undo it with his fingers, but gave up after several unsuccessful attempts.

Ning Junyan's breathing calmed down very quickly, his palms kept pressing against his lower abdomen, hugging him and leaning against his body.

"My grandfather's birthday next month, do you want to meet him with me?" Ning Junyan asked in Chen Yuncheng's ear.

Chen Yuncheng subconsciously refused: "No way." He had a psychological shadow on seeing Ning Junyan's family.

Ning Junyan said, "My grandpa is different. He wants to see you."

Since the last time Ning Junyan mentioned that there was someone in his family, his grandfather called Ning Junyan several times and asked him to bring his girlfriend back for dinner.

In fact, Chen Yuncheng had no hope for any of Ning Junyan's family to accept him, but he didn't want to disappoint Ning Junyan, so he hesitated and said, "Your grandfather's birthday, your family will go back, I'm afraid of trouble then. It's ugly."

Ning Junyan said, "No, we'll go back alone, we don't need to see other people." Other people are not important to him.

Chen Yuncheng looked at him: "Is it okay?"

Ning Junyan said, "Of course you can."

Chen Yuncheng was still a little hesitant, but Ning Junyan did not urge him to make a decision.

The skin on the neck against the collar began to itch, and Chen Yuncheng reached out to untie it again. This time, Ning Junyan helped him and quickly untie the collar.

Chen Yuncheng's neck was a little red, but it was not serious.

Ning Junyan lowered her head and gently kissed the skin around his Adam's apple.

Chen Yuncheng suddenly remembered something, and asked Ning Junyan half-jokingly, "You don't really install surveillance cameras in your room, do you?"

Ning Junyan's kisses stopped suddenly, he propped up his upper body with his elbows and looked down at him.

Chen Yuncheng observed his expression and saw nothing unusual.

Afterwards, Ning Junyan turned his head to look at the top of the wardrobe. Chen Yuncheng followed his gaze and saw nothing. There was not even a decoration that could accommodate a pinhole camera.

Ning Junyan slowly turned his gaze back, inserted the fingers of his right hand into his hair, supported it to Chen Yuncheng's ear, and hoarsely spit out two words: "No."

The author says:

Maybe I'm old, I want to see sweet love when I read the text, and I want to write about sweet love when I write.