Morbid Addiction

Chapter 85


Shu Rong is a person who cares about face very much. She has always been reluctant to let relatives and friends see her disputes with her husband and son. No matter when, she hopes that in the eyes of others, she is a prosperous life and a happy family. woman.

The Ning family is also very kind to her. Ning Zhanghong was the eldest in the family, and her mother died early. In the past, her brothers, sisters, and nephews respected her, and even Grandpa Ning had always treated her very gently.

It was the first time that Shu Rong was so excited in front of the Ning family, because she felt that Ning Junyan was gradually breaking away from her control, she was a little helpless, and she needed more people to stand by her side to help her pull her son. return.

Ning Junyan didn't understand what Shu Rong wanted to hear from him, but he felt that what he said was clear enough. So he frowned slightly and asked Shu Rong, "What else do I need to say?"

Shu Rong looked at her grown-up son and asked, "Is it useless for mom to say anything today? You must be with him?"

Ning Junyan answered her patiently, "I think so."

Shu Rong said, "I ask you, have you ever thought about the consequences when you are with a man?"

Ning Junyan kept holding Chen Yuncheng's hand and asked, "What consequences are you referring to?"

Shu Rong said, "Of course it's your job, your career!"

Ning Junyan thought for a while with a serious expression, "I don't think it will have any impact. The surgery I can do is still only me. Will it change anything?"

When Ning Zhangyu saw Shu Rong's frantic look, she couldn't help but stand up and gently embrace Shu Rong's arm, and said to Ning Junyan, "Junyan, a lot of unpleasant words may be spread in the hospital, and they will inevitably come to you at that time. make an impact.”

Ning Junyan looked at her, "Anything an unimportant person says will not affect me." After speaking, he said to Shu Rong a little annoyed, "What you said is not actually affecting me, but only affecting you. It's just the impact, and that's not something I would care about."

Shu Rong asked him sternly, "So you don't care about your mother at all?"

Ning Junyan stared at her and said, "If you think it has a great impact on your life, I can introduce you to a psychiatrist."

"Jun Yan!" Ning Zhanghong said, his voice was a little sickly hoarse, "You talk too much to your mother like this."

Seeing Shu Rong's eyes turning red, Chen Yuncheng gently pulled Ning Junyan's hand.

Ning Junyan turned to look at him, reached into his pocket, took out the car key, put it in his hand, and said, "If you don't want to stay here, just wait for me in the car, I'll be there soon."

Chen Yuncheng looked down at the car keys and said, "I'll wait for you."

The expression on Ning Junyan's face did not change, but he squeezed Chen Yuncheng firmly in his hand, and Chen Yuncheng felt that he was a little happy.

Shu Rong tried her best to control her emotions, but her voice was still slightly trembling, and she asked Ning Junyan, "What if I asked you to choose between him and his family today?"

Ning Junyan asked her, "Does the family refer to you or everyone in the family today?"

Shu Rong said in a cold voice, "Everyone in the family."

Ning Junyan didn't answer her question immediately, and turned to look at Grandpa.

Grandpa Ning kept stroking his purple clay pot, and then said, "Sister-in-law, it's not necessary."

Shu Rong turned her head to look at him, "Dad! You must stand by my side at this time, and you can't let him come around arbitrarily!"

Grandpa Ning said slowly: "This is not the way to solve the problem."

Ning Zhangyu also persuaded Shu Rong: "Sister-in-law, why are you pushing Jun Yan outside like this?"

Shu Rong's attitude was very firm. She saw that neither the old man nor Ning Zhangyu supported her, so she turned around and asked Ning Zhanghong, "What do you say?"

Ning Zhanghong sighed and said to Ning Jun, "Don't be self-willed."

Ning Junyan still looked calm, he said, "I think my mother's questions are more willful, and I won't make a choice. Originally, there are different feelings, and there is no conflict with each other, just like no child will ask the mother to be between the father and himself. It's the same choice." He looked at Shu Rong, "And in the long run, you and my dad are a family, I will have my own family in the future, I will come back to visit you, we are still relatives, but I can only live with The people I love live forever."

"What a lifetime!" Shu Rong said angrily, "You can't live a lifetime at all!"

Chen Yuncheng didn't want to talk at first, but at this time he couldn't help but say, "We can."

Shu Rong looked at him.

Chen Yuncheng insisted in her extremely unfriendly eyes: "Auntie, it doesn't matter if you look down on me or not, as long as Ning Junyan doesn't let go, I will live with him."

Shu Rong was about to speak when the phone in her bag on the sofa suddenly rang. She glanced at Chen Yuncheng with red eyes, turned around to pull out the phone, hung up and put it on the table.

But just hung up the phone, her cell phone rang again, and the ringing was more rapid.

Ning Zhangyu deliberately asked her to adjust her mood and said, "Sister-in-law, please answer the phone first."

Shu Rong glanced at the caller ID and took a deep breath to answer the call. When she spoke, her voice sounded much calmer: "Hello?"

The person on the other side of the phone didn't know what to say. He sounded impatient and spoke very fast. He spoke for nearly half a minute before stopping.

Shu Rong's face turned paler than before, she said, "Are you sure?"

Ning Zhanghong sat on the sofa and looked up at her: "What's wrong?"

Shu Rong didn't answer, but still listened intently to the person on the other side of the phone. After a few dozen seconds, she said, "I'm coming over now." Then she hung up the phone.

"Sister-in-law?" Ning Zhangyu called her softly.

Shu Rong squeezed the phone tightly in her hand, her expression briefly at a loss, then turned around and picked up her bag, she no longer looked at Ning Junyan and Chen Yuncheng, but said to Grandpa Ning, "Dad, I have something to do. Go first."

Ning Zhanghong asked, "Why are you so anxious?"

Shu Rong said to him, "I will tell you about the opening of the new hospital when I come back later."

Ning Zhangyu asked her, "How did you get there? Would you like Huang Jin to send you?"

"No need," Shu Rong was already walking outside on her high heels, "I'll take a taxi by myself." She walked in a hurry, and soon she disappeared outside the door.

Chen Yuncheng looked at Ning Junyan.

Ning Junyan said, "Let's go."

No one stopped them this time, but when Ning Junyan was about to go out holding Chen Yuncheng's hand, Ning Zhangyu asked him, "Junyan, will you be back tomorrow?"

Ning Junyan stopped, turned around and said, "Of course I will be back."

Ning Zhangyu nodded, and she said, "You can chat with your mother slowly, don't make the relationship so stiff."

Ning Junyan just said, "I see."

When they came out of the house and walked towards the parking space, Ning Junyan kept holding Chen Yuncheng's hand. Chen Yuncheng felt that he was walking briskly. He didn't seem to be unhappy but rather excited.

Chen Yuncheng didn't quite understand what he was excited about.

There were no street lights near the parking space. When they walked to the Land Rover, Ning Junyan suddenly pressed Chen Yuncheng to the door, pinched his chin and kissed him hard.

Chen Yuncheng inexplicably kissed him in the dim light of the community, feeling his intense emotions, until after a period of time, Chen Yuncheng felt that he had no plans to stop, so he raised his hand and pushed him away.

"What's wrong?" Chen Yuncheng's lips were wet and red, panting slightly.

Ning Junyan raised his hand to touch his face, the two of them were getting closer, and Chen Yuncheng saw a smile in Ning Junyan's eyes.

Chen Yuncheng felt strange, "What are you happy about?"

Ning Junyan said, "You just said that you would stay with me for the rest of your life."

These words were originally said by Chen Yuncheng to Shu Rong, but now that Ning Junyan mentioned it seriously, he suddenly became embarrassed, turned his face away and tried to change the subject: "I think you can be a little more euphemistic when you talk to your mother and communicate more. a bit."

"She doesn't really care that much," Ning Junyan said.

Chen Yuncheng was stunned and asked him, "Why do you think so?"

Ning Junyan said: "She has a lot of things she cares about more, like her business."

Chen Yuncheng remembered the figure of Shu Rong who left in a hurry after receiving the call just now. He suddenly felt a little distressed for Ning Junyan and asked him, "Was she like this when you were a child?"

Ning Junyan looked at him, "What?"

Chen Yuncheng thought about it and tried to describe his feeling: "I am very demanding of you, but my real concern is not enough."

Ning Junyan said: "She is very busy every day. She is busy with business and making money outside, but she regularly checks my homework and homework every day, and arranges remedial classes for me. There is actually very little communication between us." Ning Junyan looked at Chen Yuncheng and did not continue talking.

Chen Yuncheng couldn't stand his too focused gaze and asked, "What's wrong?"

Ning Junyan raised his hand and hugged him tightly, "Wife, you can't treat me like this."

Chen Yuncheng said in a panic, "What? Why did I treat you?"

Ning Junyan seemed aggrieved, "You can't be busy doing business and leave me alone."

Chen Yuncheng had no choice but to hug him, "No, I won't leave you alone."

Ning Junyan kissed under his ear and said, "So it's useless to communicate with my mother. The best way is to tell her the truth, I'm living well and I'm very happy."

Chen Yuncheng smiled and patted Ning Junyan's back lightly.