Morbid Addiction

Chapter 91


After dinner, Guan Anlin saw that it was almost time, and planned to take Guan Anqin back to pack up.

They took the elevator downstairs. Guan Anqin was standing behind Guan Anlin. When the elevator reached the parking lot on the second floor, Guan Anqin saw Ning Junyan walking out of the elevator with his palm on Chen Yuncheng's back.

Ning Junyan's car was not in the same area as the BMW that Guan Anlin and the others drove from. After Guan Anlin found the car, Chen Yuncheng and Ning Junyan left together.

Guan Anlin looked for the car keys in his pocket.

Guan Anqin didn't know what she was thinking, so she subconsciously looked at the direction Ning Junyan and Chen Yuncheng were leaving, and happened to see Ning Junyan lowered her head and kissed Chen Yuncheng's lips, then Chen Yuncheng looked at Ning Junyan and him with a smile on his face. Say something.

Seeing this scene, Guan Anqin instantly showed a surprised expression, her face flushed, and she reached out to pull Guan Anlin's sleeve: "Brother, brother!"

Guan Anlin found the key in the inner pocket, just unlocked the car and asked her, "Why?"

Guan Anqin was a little embarrassed to say it, so she went out to take a look again. This time, she only saw the backs of Ning Junyan and Chen Yuncheng from a distance. She approached Guan Anlin and whispered, "I saw them kissing just now."

Guan Anlin was stunned for a moment and asked, "Who?"

Guan Anqin pointed in the direction where Ning Junyan and Chen Yuncheng left, still unable to hide his surprise, "Is that kind of relationship between them?"

Guan Anlin didn't answer. He just reacted to what Guan Anqin meant, and suddenly felt angry. He clenched his fist and knocked on the roof of the car, scolding: "Shameless!"

Chen Yuncheng received a message from Guan Anlin after taking a shower at night, telling him to restrain himself and not have intimate behavior with men in public. Chen Yuncheng didn't pay any attention to it, he threw the phone aside after seeing it.

After a while, Guan Anlin sent another message: "You will ruin my sister!"

Chen Yuncheng couldn't help but replied three words to him: "Nervous!"

But from that day on, whenever Chen Yuncheng met Guan Anqin in the store, the little girl would look at him secretly, and once she noticed his gaze, she would turn her face away secretly with a blushing face.

Chen Yuncheng didn't know what was going on in the head of this little sister who had just entered college.

Guan Anlin took a leave of absence and drove Guan Anqin around to the city attractions during the day.

Chen Yuncheng got busy and stayed in the store to help most of the time. Moreover, the sales of the liquor brand he represented in the local area were getting better and better recently, and he also had a next-level agent, so he wanted to rent another store in the market. Operating an agency brand can also be separated from Sun Shiliang's business.

In fact, he still has the mind to register a company, but he has no previous experience and doesn't understand anything, so he always asks someone for consultation when he is free.

Perhaps because he was too busy and didn't pay much attention to the changing seasons, Chen Yuncheng caught a small cold.

At noon that day, he didn't have time to eat lunch, so he asked Wu Xiaozhu to leave him a lunch box, and when he was done working in the afternoon, he squatted at the door of the store, opened the lid of the lunch box, and ate two bites of the cold and oily lunch box, and began to feel sick.

It happened that Guan Anlin was driving his car back with his sister from outside. He just parked the car at the door of the store, opened the car door and got out of the car. He saw Chen Yuncheng patted his chest and vomited, and asked, "Are you pregnant?"

Chen Yuncheng raised his head and glared at him.

Guan Anqin followed and got out of the car, and when she heard Guan Anlin's words, she didn't know what to think, and blushed slightly.

Chen Yuncheng didn't want to eat it, so he asked Shi Peng, who was idle in the store in the afternoon, to help him take it and throw it away. He wiped his mouth with a tissue, and asked Guan Anlin, "Why did you come back so early?"

Guan Anlin went to the store to get a bottle of Coke, and handed it to Guan Anqin. Guan Anqin shook his head and didn't pick it up, so he twisted it open and drank it. After he finished speaking, he looked at Chen Yuncheng and said, "Yu Jie invited me to dinner tonight."

"He wants to see you introduce that investment to him?" Chen Yuncheng frowned.

Guan Anlin nodded, took out a cigarette from his pocket, and handed one to Chen Yuncheng.

Chen Yuncheng took it and asked Guan Anlin to use a lighter to help him light the cigarette, put the cigarette between his fingers, and said, "Last time I heard you say that I thought he noticed something, but now it doesn't seem like it."

"Go and see and you'll know."

Chen Yuncheng was a little worried: "Be careful, if there is a problem, forget it."

Guan Anlin's brows were vaguely hostile, "I'm just not reconciled. I wanted to forget about that, but he took the initiative to provoke me. It's too cheap to deal with him this time."

Chen Yuncheng said: "We are not the police. Knowing that he is doing these things, what else can we do except call the police?"

Guan Anlin thought for a while, suddenly approached Chen Yuncheng curiously, and asked in a low voice, "You said last time that Yu Jie has a daughter, Ning Junyan asked her to have a blind date with Ning Junyan before?"

Chen Yuncheng moved the cigarette between his fingers to prevent the falling ash from scalding Guan Anlin, and looked at him: "So what?"

Guan Anlin said, "If I don't seduce his daughter, I can take revenge on him!"

Chen Yuncheng slapped him on the head, "Where did your confidence come from?"

Guan Anlin said unconvincingly: "Why can't I do it? She can like Ning Junyan, why can't she like me?"

Chen Yuncheng was a little angry when he heard it, "If you come back from studying abroad, you can look at your face. What is the point of your education and work that you can look at?"

Guan Anlin's voice became louder: "Then Ning Junyan still likes you, how amazing is he?"

Guan Anqin was chatting with Wu Xiaozhu next to the counter, and when she heard Guan Anlin's voice, she looked outside curiously.

Chen Yuncheng didn't want to continue talking to him, grabbed him by the collar, and said to him, "You don't care what Ning Junyan likes about me, anyway, Yu Jie's affairs have nothing to do with his daughter, you don't have to think about it! Speaking of which, he remembered what Ning Junyan said that day that Yu Jie was also concerned, and couldn't help but say, "None of them are worry-free!"

Guan Anlin said softly, "Just kidding, why are you angry?"

In the afternoon, Ning Junyan drove to the commercial market to pick up Chen Yuncheng.

During this time, they have all become accustomed to it. As long as Ning Junyan doesn't work night shifts or overtime, he will drive to pick up Chen Yuncheng after get off work and go back to dinner together.

Guan Anlin thought that Chen Yuncheng said that he was not as good as Ning Junyan, so he was not happy, so when he saw Ning Junyan, he said to him, "Your wife is pregnant."

Ning Junyan looked at him indifferently.

Guan Anlin said, "I lay down there in the afternoon and vomited."

Ning Junyan's gaze turned to Chen Yuncheng, who came out of the store, and followed him, calmly saying to Guan Anlin, "Really?"

When Chen Yuncheng got into the car and Ning Junyan was about to drive the car out of the commercial market, he suddenly asked Chen Yuncheng, "Guan Anlin said you are pregnant?"

Chen Yuncheng felt that his throat was itchy because of the cold, so he couldn't help wanting to cough twice, but he coughed out of control for more than ten seconds, and even Ning Junyan reached out and patted his back, and he was relieved. Said, "He's crazy!"

Ning Junyan added: "He said you vomited in the afternoon."

"I didn't vomit!" Chen Yuncheng said angrily, "I just have a cold, and my stomach is not feeling well in the afternoon."

Hearing that, Ning Junyan raised his hand and touched his forehead.

Chen Yuncheng said: "I don't have a fever, just a small cold, not serious."

Even though he said so, Ning Junyan parked his car in front of the pharmacy on the roadside on the way back, and got out of the car to buy cold medicine for Chen Yuncheng. He didn't eat dinner outside either. Ning Junyan packed meals at the restaurant downstairs, and then he must go back and make porridge for Chen Yuncheng.

Chen Yuncheng thought Ning Junyan's nervous appearance was a bit funny, when Ning Junyan was cooking porridge in the kitchen, he hugged Ning Junyan's waist from behind and asked him, "It's just a small cold, Dr. Ning has not seen any serious illness. I haven't even shaken my father's hands during the operation, so why are you so nervous?"

Ning Junyan stared intently at the fire and said, "Don't get sick, not even a cold."

Chen Yuncheng rubbed against his shoulder, "It's not a question of whether it's allowed or not."

Ning Junyan gently stirred the pot with a spoon, "Get well soon after taking the medicine."

After dinner, Ning Junyan watched Chen Yuncheng take the medicine, and the two of them didn't go into the bedroom, but turned on the TV and lay on the sofa.

There is a game tonight.

When Chen Yuncheng used to open his own small shop, he liked to watch TV and chase ball games. Later, when he was busy with work, he seldom watched it. And he knew that Ning Junyan didn't like watching TV. After they lived together, they rarely even turned on the TV.

Not only does Ning Junyan dislike watching TV, but Ning Junyan has no hobbies. If he is fine at home, he will usually read professional books or read documents on the computer. This is not a hobby, it is just for work needs.

Chen Yuncheng suspected that if Ning Junyan had to fill in the form with interest, he might fill in the three words Chen Yuncheng.

Just like now, when they turned off the lights in the living room, Ning Junyan sat on the sofa and stubbornly hugged Chen Yuncheng from behind to watch the game with him.

Chen Yuncheng couldn't help but turn his head and saw the light of the TV screen flickering on Ning Junyan's handsome face, and asked him, "Does it look good?"

Ning Junyan also answered him seriously: "Both sides are too conservative, this game is very dull."

Chen Yuncheng smiled: "If you don't want to watch it, just go do other things. You don't have to accompany me to watch it."

Ning Junyan lowered his head, looked at him for a moment, and asked, "What are you going to do?"

Chen Yuncheng said, "Anything is fine, whatever you want to do."

Ning Junyan thought quietly for a while, and approached Chen Yuncheng's lips to kiss.

Chen Yuncheng hurriedly ducked aside and said, "I'm still catching a cold, so don't infect you."

Ning Junyan was suddenly unhappy: "Can't you do anything?"

Chen Yuncheng almost figured out his brain circuit, and immediately said, "Don't include me!"

Ning Junyan's face was cold, and his eyes turned back to the TV: "Then let's continue watching the game."