Morbid Addiction

Chapter 96


When Chen Yuncheng rushed to the hospital, Guan Anlin had already been sent to the emergency operating room.

Outside the operating room, Long Zhanyu was standing alone against the wall. Chen Yuncheng walked quickly to him, his rapid breathing had not calmed down, and asked, "What's going on?"

Long Zhanyu replied, "It's not clear yet, but he and Yu Jie were pulling on the roadside before the accident. I suspect that Yu Jie pushed him on purpose."

Hearing this, Chen Yuncheng grabbed Long Zhanyu's shirt, "I said there would be danger, so I told him not to go, and you encouraged him to continue the investigation!"

Long Zhanyu glanced down at Chen Yuncheng's hand tightly clutching his front, and said, "Calm down, I didn't encourage Guan Anlin to investigate Yujie."

Chen Yuncheng looked at him fiercely and did not speak. After a while, his eyes gradually eased, and he let go of Long Zhanyu's hand.

"How is he now?" Chen Yuncheng glanced at the closed door of the operating room.

Long Zhanyu said, "For thoracotomy, Dr. Ning went in."

"Ning Junyan went in?" Chen Yuncheng seemed to be exhausted in an instant, and sat down against the chair by the wall, he said blankly, "I have lost my parents since I was a child, and I have always regarded them as my relatives. "

He was talking about not only Guan Anlin, but also Zhou Yan who was in prison.

The feeling of watching his relatives leave, or stepping into a desperate situation step by step is too powerless, he is really afraid.

Long Zhanyu walked up to him and squatted down, looking up at him: "No one thought Yu Jie would be so mad."

"Where's Yu Jie?" Chen Yuncheng asked.

Long Zhanyu took a deep breath, "I've caught it, now I'm making a record at the branch."

"Can you condemn him?"

Long Zhanyu replied this time: "Yes, trust me." He was silent for a while, and then continued: "Although the case has not been formally registered, but now the case is being investigated for intentional homicide."

Chen Yuncheng was very confused. What happened to Yu Jie at this time was far less important to him than Guan Anlin's safe exit from the operating room.

Long Zhanyu sat with him for a while, walked to the corner and made a phone call, then told Chen Yuncheng that he was leaving, "I'll go to the branch to ask my colleagues."

Chen Yuncheng raised his head to look at him and nodded.

When Long Zhanyu left, Chen Yuncheng sat alone outside the operating room and waited, always feeling cold all over his body and wet sweat on his forehead.

After more than half an hour, Guan Anqin came across the corridor carrying a small bag, saw Chen Yuncheng stop, and called out softly, "Brother Cheng?"

Chen Yuncheng stood up, "Xiaoqin, are you here?"

Guan Anqin's eyes were red, and her voice was a little choked, "How is my brother?"

Chen Yuncheng can still be vulnerable when he is alone, but he has to be strong in front of Guan Anqin. He said, "Dr. Ning operates on him inside, and he will be fine."

Guan Anqin nodded.

Chen Yuncheng asked her to sit down, poured her a cup of hot water by himself, and sat next to Guan Anqin after returning, and didn't speak any more.

The white lights in the hallways always look a little bleak.

It was the second time that Chen Yuncheng sat outside this operating room and waited for Ning Junyan. The last time he felt very worried, but this time he was worried and afraid. He was not in the mood to call Long Zhanyu, raised his head and leaned against the wall, trying to make his breathing even and soothing, not wanting Guan Anqin to feel his nervousness.

But this time, Ning Junyan didn't make him wait that long.

More than three hours have passed since the operation, the door of the operating room opened, and Ning Junyan was still wearing the surgical gown that had not been changed. He seemed to know that Chen Yuncheng would be waiting there, so he walked to Chen Yuncheng and smiled and winked at him. blink.

There was no need to say anything at this time, Chen Yuncheng stood up and hugged Ning Junyan.

Ning Junyan's body smelled of sweat, and even his clothes were slightly damp, but Chen Yuncheng didn't care about anything at this time, he only felt that everything about Ning Junyan was beautiful.

"Don't be afraid, I'm here," Ning Junyan said calmly, but hugged Chen Yuncheng's waist tightly with one hand and kissed him in his ear. Then he turned to Guan Anqin, who was also looking at him nervously, and said, "Your brother's surgery was a success, everything will be fine."

Guan Anqin was about to cry, she said, "Thank you, Dr. Ning."

Ning Junyan stretched his slender fingers into Chen Yuncheng's hair and said to him, "He should be observed in the ICU for two days after leaving the operating room. If you won't see him tonight, why don't you go back and rest."

Chen Yuncheng didn't answer, he turned to look at Guan Anqin: "I'll take you back to school, come back tomorrow."

Guan Anqin didn't know what was going on in the ICU, so she only asked in a low voice, "Can I see him through the glass?"

Ning Junyan said to her, "If you can't see it, go back and rest."

Guan Anqin nodded.

Long Zhanyu went to the branch. Because it may involve intentional homicide, the case is now under the jurisdiction of the sub-bureau, and Yu Jie is still in the interrogation room of the sub-bureau.

Zhang Zheng, the deputy captain of the Fourth Squadron in charge of the case investigation, is the senior of the Long Zhanyu Police Academy. Zhang Zheng saw Long Zhanyu while smoking in the corridor and raised his hand to greet him: "Xiaolong, I haven't seen you for a long time."

Long Zhanyu smiled, "You are busy with major cases every day, how can you see me?"

Zhang Zheng smiled and threw him a cigarette.

Long Zhanyu stood beside Zhang Zheng, lit a cigarette and took a slow breath, then asked, "How about that Yu Jie?"

Zhang Zheng looked at him: "I heard that the person was captured by you?"

Long Zhanyu nodded, "I know the victim."

Zhang Zheng said: "This man's mouth was very hard. He insisted that the other party hit him at that time. Then they pushed each other and he fell to the ground. The other party stepped back and was hit by a car."

Long Zhanyu asked people to control Yu Jie at the time, and after calling the command center, he followed Guan Anlin to the hospital. After listening to the general situation on the phone, he asked carefully: "What about the surveillance? The person's car doesn't have a dash cam?"

Zhang Zheng shook his head, "That place is a dead spot for surveillance. The car that hit the person was a very old and broken van without a dash cam. And it was dark at the time. The driver said that he didn't pay attention to the situation on the side of the road, and just looked at it suddenly. Until someone rushes out."

Long Zhanyu asked again, "Where are the witnesses?"

Zhang Zheng replied, "I'm still looking for it." After speaking, he glanced at Long Zhanyu, "So concerned? Would you like to hand it over to you?"

Long Zhanyu laughed, "Okay, you can borrow me for free as a labor force. I will definitely not let Yu Jie go."

Zhang Zheng heard the words and said: "I take it seriously, I will go to apply for a secondment from your office tomorrow."

Long Zhanyu looked at the lighted interrogation room, "Can I ask him a few questions?"

Zhang Zheng said, "Go."

In the interrogation room, Yu Jie sat alone on a cold wooden chair with his hands handcuffed to the small table in front of him.

Long Zhanyu walked in and sat down on the chair opposite him.

Yu Jie looked at him and said nothing.

Long Zhanyu said: "Guan Anlin has completed the operation, and his life is not in danger."

Yu Jie smiled and said, "Really? That's great."

Long Zhanyu said again: "That place is downstairs of your company. You know that there is a blind spot for surveillance, right?"

Yu Jie didn't answer, just asked, "Is this a formal interrogation, officer?"

Long Zhanyu didn't have a pen and paper in front of him, and he didn't use a computer to record, obviously it wasn't a formal interrogation. He didn't answer Yu Jie's question, but continued: "You think that broken van must not have a dash cam, right? You know that the office building nearby doesn't have one? Did anyone see your actions from the window? What you should consider now is how to plead guilty enough to be sincere enough to give you a slightly lighter sentence when sentencing."

Yu Jie looked sincere, "Officer, I really didn't push him on purpose. Look at my face, it's the scratches from when he pushed me to the ground." There were very obvious scratches on his face.

Long Zhanyu nodded, "It doesn't matter, think about it yourself."

He came out of the interrogation room and found Zhang Zheng, "Show me the surveillance."

Zhang Zheng said yes, but then said: "We have looked at the monitoring in detail, but we did not take pictures."

Long Zhanyu said: "I want to find all the vehicles that passed by when the crime happened. There will always be a driving recorder to take pictures of the process."

Zhang Zheng was a little surprised, "Are you going to look for them one by one now?"

Long Zhanyu said to him: "Many dash cams will cover the records. If the car owner doesn't notice it, it will take a long time. I'm afraid I won't be able to find the records at that time. It's better to contact them before going to work tomorrow morning. owner."

Zhang Zheng looked at him for a while, then raised his hand and wrapped his shoulders around him and led him outside, saying, "Come on, I'll find someone to go with you, by the way, let Team Xia call you Wu Suo tomorrow and borrow you for two days. "

The author says:

Some readers hate the role of Long Zhanyu, which is not important, but please don't have any malice towards the author. The author did not smear a certain profession. All characters serve the plot and do not want to convey it through a web article. What point of view, the main purpose of writing the article is to share the cute point

Everyone should never learn about a certain occupation or group through online articles, because the author has little and one-sided understanding. The grassroots police work very hard. If you want to know more about it, you can watch the documentary. There is no saying that the grassroots police do not handle criminal cases. You think that trivial matters that cause certain consequences are criminal cases, and they are all handled by the police at the police station, but they have jurisdiction and jurisdiction.