Morbid Addiction

Chapter 98


When Guan Anlin was transferred from the ICU to the general ward, Chen Yuncheng met Long Zhanyu in the hospital.

Long Zhanyu did not come alone. He and two colleagues were in the ward taking notes for Guan Anlin.

So Chen Yuncheng didn't go into the ward either, and sat down with Long Zhanyu in the corridor outside. He looked at Long Zhanyu and said, "You look like you've lost weight."

"Which is so exaggerated?" Long Zhanyu leaned back in the chair, playing with a lighter in his hand, "We haven't seen each other for a few days."

Chen Yuncheng observed him carefully: "But he looks pretty good. What's going on with Yu Jie?"

The lighter in Long Zhanyu's hand ignited with a "click", and the flame had just ignited, but he quickly released his hand and said, "It's not convenient for me to tell you more about the investigation phase of the case, but Yu Jie will definitely not be able to escape, you can rest assured. Let's do it." He said it lightly now, and didn't say a word that he had stayed up for almost two overnights to find the driving records of the crime scene.

Having said this, Long Zhanyu remembered one thing: "You know Wang Yongcheng, right?"

Chen Yuncheng shook his head blankly.

Long Zhanyu said, "It's the man who cheated on Dr. Ning's mother's rent and then ran away. He also came to the case."

"Really?" Chen Yuncheng was only slightly surprised.

Looking at his expression, Long Zhanyu asked, "You still don't know how Guan Anlin fell out with Yu Jie, right?"

Chen Yuncheng said: "He just came out of ICU, how can I have the heart to ask him."

Long Zhanyu said, "It's because he found out that Wang Yongcheng and Yu Jie had contacts and followed and photographed Wang Yongcheng secretly, which angered Yu Jie."

Chen Yuncheng was a little stunned: "Did Yu Jie kill people just for this?"

Long Zhanyu raised his head: "There is no surveillance, the surroundings are very dark, and the old van doesn't have a dash cam, so Guan Anlin is going to hit someone first."

Chen Yuncheng looked at him.

Long Zhanyu's attitude was laziness, "At least some witnesses who stood far away saw Guan Anlin raising his hand to hit someone, who pushed who, whether it was intentional murder, accidental or justifiable defense, who can tell clearly." Here, he paused, "But surveillance doesn't lie."

"You said there was no surveillance."

Long Zhanyu smiled, "As long as you work hard enough, there is no unsolvable case."

Chen Yuncheng did not continue to ask questions. Long Zhanyu said that Yu Jie couldn't escape and he was relieved. More Long Zhanyu was inconvenient to reveal that he didn't want to force it. He just said, "Guan Anlin is too careless."

Long Zhanyu turned his head to look at him, "Actually, part of him is probably for you."


"Maybe she wants Yu Jie to withdraw Shu Rong's money."

Chen Yuncheng stared at the door of the ward in front, "But there is no evidence to prove that Yu Jie and Wang Yongcheng colluded, right?"

Long Zhanyu said with a smile, "But that doesn't prevent him from thinking that way. He has his simple intuition, and it's quite accurate."

When the police all left, Chen Yuncheng pushed open the door of the ward and entered, and sat down beside Guan Anlin's bed.

Guan Anlin had just finished writing the transcript, and he was a little tired. He was lying on the bed and looked up at the infusion bottle. He asked Chen Yuncheng, "Can it be finished in half an hour?"

Chen Yuncheng replied, "The nurse said there is another set of medicines."

Guan Anlin sighed.

Chen Yuncheng looked at him without speaking.

After a long time, Guan Anlin was seen as uncomfortable and asked him, "Why are you looking at me?"

Chen Yuncheng did not answer.

Guan Anlin then took the initiative to find a topic to chat with him, and said, "Is it Dr. Ning's night shift again tonight?"

Chen Yuncheng nodded.

After Guan Anlin came out of the ICU, he needed a family member to accompany him to take care of him. At the beginning, Guan Anqin insisted on coming to accompany her brother by herself, but Chen Yuncheng thought she was a young girl, even if she was a real brother and sister, it was still inconvenient for Guan Anlin to go to the toilet at night, so he asked Guan Anqin to go back at night, and he stayed here to watch for Guan Anlin.

"Then you can go to sleep with him, you don't need to guard me here," Guan Anlin said.

Chen Yuncheng folded his arms around his chest and said to him, "Stop talking."

"Ah—" Guan Anlin sighed again, looking up at the infusion bottle, and said, "When is this kind of life going to end?"

Chen Yuncheng said: "Now I know I regret it? Why didn't you listen when I told you not to provoke Yu Jie?"

Guan Anlin couldn't help but want to raise his hand to cover his ears, but when he moved his hand, it would pull on the wound, and as soon as he lifted it up and put it down, he just said with a painful expression, "Let me go, I'm like this, so don't miss me. ."

Chen Yuncheng looked at him and stopped talking.

After a while, Guan Anlin looked up at him and found that his eyes were actually red, and immediately panicked: "What's wrong with you? Are you crying?"

The ward is a double ward with a curtain in the middle, but the people in the next hospital bed can still be heard talking.

Chen Yuncheng's voice was rustling: "I didn't."

Guan Anlin said to him, "I'm not dead yet? You can cry when I'm dead."

Chen Yuncheng stomped on the edge of the hospital bed, the bed shook slightly, his face was cold, and his tone was stern: "Nonsense!"

Guan Anlin said, "Then don't cry."

Although Chen Yuncheng's eyes were still slightly red, he did not shed any tears. He only looked at Guan Anlin and repeated: "I didn't cry." After saying these words, he whispered again: "You are my brother, it is me. The most important people around you, others are not so important. Zhou Yan is still in prison, I just want you to live a good life. "

Guan Anlin sneered: "Don't compare me to Zhou Yan. Besides, why is Ning Junyan important to me in your heart? Stop coaxing me, just go and live a good life by yourself."

Perhaps it was because he talked too much in the afternoon and spent a lot of energy on Guan Anlin. By the evening, before it was completely dark, Guan Anlin fell asleep on the hospital bed.

Chen Yuncheng said hello to the patient and family members in the next bed, turned off the headlights in the ward, sat alone by the bed, and looked at Guan Anlin quietly through the bedside lamp of the next bed through the middle curtain.

Hospital wards are always filled with the smell of disinfectant, and there are other things, such as the smell of unfinished dinner, and the smell of long-term bedridden patients.

Chen Yuncheng looked at Guan Anlin, in fact, the whole person was in a daze. He thought that since Zhou Yan's son was hospitalized and he met Ning Junyan again, he began to go in and out of the hospital frequently, and he was almost familiar with these flavors.

He hoped that the people around him would not be hospitalized again, but he himself should still come often, because Ning Junyan will always be here.

After an unknown amount of time, the door of the ward was gently pushed open, Chen Yuncheng turned to look, and saw that Ning Junyan walked in.

Ning Junyan moved very lightly, pulled a chair and sat down beside Chen Yuncheng, reached out to hold Chen Yuncheng's hand, and put it on his lap.

Neither of them spoke.

The patient in the next hospital bed with a pair of curtains was chatting in a low voice with his mother who was taking care of him. They should not have noticed that there was one more person in the ward at this time.

Chen Yuncheng gently rested his head on Ning Junyan's shoulder.

Ning Junyan lowered his head, first kissed Chen Yuncheng's forehead, and then kissed his lips.

Chen Yuncheng suddenly panicked. He subconsciously went to see Guan Anlin, who was sleeping on the hospital bed, and then looked at the shadows of the two people in the next hospital bed on the curtain.

Ning Junyan was dissatisfied with his inattentiveness, raised his hand and pinched his chin, so that he could only look at himself.

This sneaky kiss lasted for more than a minute before Ning Junyan released him and kissed him on the cheek again with satisfaction.

Chen Yuncheng breathed a sigh of relief and squeezed Ning Junyan's hand.

After a while, Chen Yuncheng said softly to Ning Junyan, "Long Zhanyu came over today and told me that Guan Anlin must go to check on Yujie, but he actually wanted to help your mother get the money back."

When he opened his mouth to speak, the hospital bed next door was quiet for a while, and soon the chatter continued.

They spoke softly to each other, and it was almost impossible to hear what the other was saying.

Ning Junyan's expression was very light, obviously he didn't care much about this matter, he said, "It's not necessary."

Chen Yuncheng held his hand, "For me and Guan Anlin, it's a lot of money."

"It's not about more money and less money," Ning Junyan said. "It's not worth risking your life for this money."

Chen Yuncheng's eyes fell on Guan Anlin's sleeping face: "He is for me."

Ning Junyan was a little unhappy. After a while, he asked Chen Yuncheng, "Do you think my mother's attitude towards you is important?"

Chen Yuncheng didn't answer directly, but said, "Maybe I care more about family relationships. The more I lack, the more people care about something. It doesn't matter how she treats me, it's a pity she broke up this family relationship. Why did I push you back, it would have been nice to have pulled you and walked with me at that time."

"That person," Ning Junyan said slowly, "it's difficult."

Chen Yuncheng understood in his heart: "I don't matter, what matters is between you and her."

Ning Junyan put her lips on his forehead: "No, you are important. I will do it if you think it is important."

Chen Yuncheng raised his head to look at him, suddenly his emotions surged, he raised his arms around the back of his neck and wanted to kiss him. At this time, the chair under him also moved slightly, making a slight noise on the ground.

He was startled, and immediately raised his head to look at the curtain. Seeing no movement of the figure across the curtain, he breathed a sigh of relief when he realized that Guan Anlin, who was lying on the hospital bed, did not know when he woke up.

Chen Yuncheng immediately released the hand that hugged Ning Junyan.

Ning Junyan looked at Guan Anlin calmly.

With a look of disgust, Guan Anlin moved his body with difficulty and said, "Are you bothered? Get out of my ward!"